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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11724360 No.11724360 [Reply] [Original]

It's gonna be a red Friday.

>> No.11724463

for coins or stocks?
maybe both

>> No.11724486

Both. There will be no Santa Claus rally.

>> No.11724509

Ohh yea. I hear you sir.
Liquidate and go for Gold and Silver.
Mostly Gold.

>> No.11724522

Crab-17 is about to go into hyper-drive

>> No.11724530

Don't liquidate. Hold for the next 5-10 years. Buy more assets while they go on sale as the market crashes.

>> No.11724562

Dont liquidate assets but liquidate stocks and coins. Assets and precious metals are going to be what counts going into 2019/2020.
I wouldnt be surprised if TPTB go for a full globalist push next year.

>> No.11724565
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>tfw bought a fuckton of silver like 10 years ago and was too retarded/lazy to sell it when it went to $50

This helps me cope, thanks good sir.

>> No.11724589

Gold and Silver are gonna take off like a fucking rocket as soon as the petrodollar tanks

>> No.11724616

The last few major crashes were:
soon to be

>> No.11724784

>liquidate stocks while they're in the red
That's the absolute worst thing you can do. Hold them for 5-10 years for when the market recovers. Buy more at deeply discounted prices. You should be buying some gold and silver though as a hedge.

>> No.11724848

You really think that they are gonna be able to patch the bubble again and keep pumping it even more?
You realize they set up us for whats about to happen from the bailouts in 08 right?
When this thing pops its going to be so bad the markets arent going to recover for a long time and the governments may make a push away from capitalism as a way to "correct" the problem.
Shit is about to get deep.
I dont see 5-10 years reversing things this time.

>> No.11724881

Its not just that stocks are going to tank its going to be the dollar itself thats going to tank.
When the dollar loses its value we are going to be really far up shits creek.
The entire economy has been artificially sustained and inflated for decades and the whole thing came to a major pop in 2008.
After that the FEDs answer to the problem was simply "ok lets just patch the hole and flood the economy with low interest rate loans and keep printing more and more money that holds less and less value!"

>> No.11724891
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>> No.11724902

>ize they set up us for whats about to happen from the bailouts in 08 right?
>When this thing pops its going to be so ba
I'll just use my memecoins to buy a ticket to lamboland

later fgts

>> No.11724915

That graph is not showing what would have happened if the FED did NOT patch and pump the way they did. They are artificially sustaining the economy and it cant go on forever. I pray im wrong but I really believe next year is the year its going to come crashing down and I believe its already starting to now.

>> No.11724926

I've been hearing all of this since 2008. I even believed it at one point. The fact is, while the dollar is inflated, as the worlds reserve currency it's so spread so far across the globe that the inflation doesn't effect the U.S. much and the petrodollar doesn't even matter anymore since the U.S. has essentially become oil independent. Not to mention, Gold and Silver will be great investments for a long time but 50-100 years from now when asteroid mining takes off they will become worthless. As long as the United States is the worlds sole superpower the dollar will be relatively safe. I'm not saying that total collapse isn't possible (i.e. full on anarchy for decades to come), because it certainly is but I don't think it's likely at all.

>> No.11724994

do you not see the rationale behind why the FED and the rest of TPTB would want to instigate a full blown crash?
it benefits them in order to do so as far as I am concerned.
i believe the reason they did NOT let it pop in 2008 was because even though that would have been bad it was not bad ENOUGH to cause the whole country to collapse, so they decided to kick the can down another decade and milk society a bit more, but I think finally now we are in a position where if this thing pops and they bail us out yet again we are gonna spiral us out into SEVERE hyperinflation and we will be running around with wheelbarrows full of paper like its the Germanic great depression.

>> No.11725045

For the record though I want nothing more than to be wrong.
Maybe it will just be a recession that we will come back from.
Or maybe it will be a ploy to instigate a one world government or some form of modern communism.
Well find out soon enough!

>> No.11725066

Yeah, I figured I'd just hold like a motherfucker for the next fiat crash.

>> No.11725095

>dubz of truth
get ready
>its happening

>> No.11725112
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>> No.11725230
