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File: 10 KB, 480x301, ponzi_1237344i_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwZwVSIA7rSIkPn18jgFKEo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11721174 No.11721174 [Reply] [Original]

How are they any worse than casinos? Ponzis are investments that are low-risk, high reward in bull markets, but become worthless when the recession hits. At their core, they are assets that only go up until their respective economic cycle comes to an end. Seems more like highly efficient gambling than a scam. At least with Ponzis you have better odds of actually coming out rich than you do at a casino.

When the next economic recession comes, online reselling will likely be one of the big things that will be outed as a Ponzi scheme. Still, you have way better odds getting rich reselling things online than you would at a casino or by playing the lottery. Just as many people did get rich off Madoff.

TL;DR: Ponzi schemes shouldn't be illegal, as they are no worse than any other gamble.

>> No.11721228
File: 49 KB, 960x540, bitcoin bitconnect master investor tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not gambling, it's fraud and scamming. They are very different things, but low-IQ anons on this board have a hard time telling the difference, which is why they get involved in ponzis, MLMs, 'lending services,' and pyramid schemes all day, every day.

The reason these things are illegal is specifically because low-IQ people have a habit of losing lots of money and resources to them.

>> No.11721401

Most of our economy is based on trust.
You have to trust that the information provided to you is by a company is factually true. This blind trust is why burgerfags get hustled by every chink scammer.
The problem with ponzis is that they always masquerade themselves as something else. If it would be openly called a pyramid scheme, not even the 80 IQ brainlets would enter. But they claim to be super-successful investment funds or revolutionary distributed database systems with 1000s of partnerships...

>> No.11721410

Because it's fraud

>> No.11721433

It's not fraud if it's transparent. P3D and etc games were pretty clear on the tin that if you got in early enough you'd make money, and if not you'd lose money, and it was up to the participant to decide if they were 'too early' or not.

So long as all parties are informed and there's no guarantee of profit, I don't really get what the problem with pyramid schemes is, honestly.

>> No.11721910


How are pyramid schemes any worse than "legitimate" MLM industries like insurance, real estate, and car sales?

How are Ponzis any worse than "legitimate" forms of gambling like casinos, speculation, or lottery?

>> No.11721924

They're not illegal, you're just required to call them a pension system.

>> No.11721952


>> No.11721957


Because insurance doesn't inevitably collapse. Ponzis and pyramids do.

You guys should maybe try asking google these basic bitch low-IQ questions.

>> No.11722000

If it's transparent, I think that makes it more of a gambling game than a genuine ponzi/pyramid scheme. The honesty makes all the difference.

>> No.11722053


An honest ponzi is still a ponzi, and ponzis are illegal everywhere-


He had an honest ponzi, but shut it down because low-IQ people are truly too retarded and greedy for their own good, and he also probably realized it's not worth paying huge sums of money in fines, getting barred from running companies, and possibly spending time in jail.

>> No.11722239

Certain insurance industries could collapse.

For example, if cars ever became obsolete, there would be no need for car insurance, thus causing Geico to collapse. If cops and firefighters are ever replaced by robots, there would be no need for accident insurance, causing Aflac to collapse.

>> No.11722285
File: 3 KB, 201x251, shitcoin pyramidhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A collapsing insurance company, or any company, has protections built in so the people holding it don't get JUSTed.

When a ponzi collapses, everybody losses everything, and there are no protections. Anyone caught operating a ponzi gets sentenced to a billion years in prison. Even ultra-rich motherfuckers like Madoff, who got 150 years.

What you describe isn't even a fucking collapse, by the way. You're as low-IQ as the rest of this board.

I recommend you all head over to behindmlm and 'invest' heavily in all the 'honest' pyramids and ponzis there. See how that works out for you.

>> No.11722293

We don't a society full of schemers. If it happens organically it's totally fine.