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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 185 KB, 1440x1946, 20181113_002554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11717318 No.11717318 [Reply] [Original]

Guys i think it might be happening for real this time..

>> No.11717410

I am fucked !
I am tired of losing !!!

>> No.11717430

hi, you have been blessed by the fairy whale anon.. fairy whale anons says buy and hold chx for 100x

>> No.11717459

it's too big to fail.
seriously, the government going to step in a buy up all the stocks.

>> No.11717471
File: 146 KB, 588x823, 1520561758651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to maga

>> No.11717492

Bigger they are, harder they fall

>> No.11717519

This, even though you're probably a retard.

Share buyback programs will continuously prop the bubble up. The bubble won't truly pop until the buying power of consumers finally runs dry after being squeezed by student debt, home loans, car loans, credit card bills, and healthcare costs. And that squeezing won't happen until rates go higher. The ride will last for a few more years so long as the Fed raises rates slowly.

>> No.11717536
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>> No.11717563

>Implying Republicans won't deliver on their promise to default
>Implying Democrats would let a stimulus package pass under the Trump administration
>Implying we won't burn together
It is the World You Chose, Anon.

>> No.11717585

>Implying Republicans deliver on any promises except gibs to the upper class
>Implying Democrats aren't ultimately there for the same purpose
You better believe there is about to be some unity in Washington

>> No.11717602


>> No.11717634
File: 152 KB, 1562x743, absolute_state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing ever happens. shorts are just cheap fuel to keep the party going. the WG on FM aka the PPT will solve this.

>> No.11717677

>Implying the US of A can afford another stimulus package with the current budget
>Implying the Govt could and should intervene
>Implying the Feds could get away with another printing frenzy

>> No.11717704

>implying that Republicans can afford to not bailout pension funds
>implying that the precedent hasn't already been set that the federal government will bail out pensions
>implying the Fed couldn't get away with even more printing and even more rate hikes

>> No.11717735

>Implying the Republicans can reduce military budget and presence to focus on the economy like their campaign promises
>Implying the USD value won't be obliterated along with US stocks and more importantly treasury bonds if the FEDs continue on that path
>Implying a possible shutdown and a more optimistic outcome has not already been priced in

>> No.11717745
File: 78 KB, 300x225, i-see-dead-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some sweet Facebook, GE, Google, EA and Oracle stocks.
Tfw am getting justed so fucking hard rn.

>> No.11717753

>implying Republicans wouldn't readily jack up the deficit to both pay their cuck military and bailout pensions
>implying USD being obliterated isn't an inevitability
>implying that the market is sophisticated enough to price anything in other than pure emotion

>> No.11717917
File: 493 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181112-122216_Trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we stay above 270 we have a good chance at recovery

>> No.11718339

>a few more years so long as the Fed raises rates slowly
fuck you people told me it was likely to crash 11/11 (gateway)
i sold 1/36 of my stinkies to 5x my silver stack last week

>> No.11718445

based and redpilled.
Buy food, water, gas and ammo anon.
Also, buy some cigs, pills, weed for bartering when SHTF

>> No.11718461

Yes it is, Paco

>> No.11718518

i told my mom we should stockpile water and canned food a week ago and she bought 2 gallon jugs of water :)

>> No.11718549

this 100%. we all boutta get fukt

>> No.11719339
File: 1.84 MB, 560x646, 05077076-886A-411D-A6E1-69DF239F5488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this fucking retarded in life by actually believing Republicans only give the rich the gibs.

>> No.11719416

>Standard Deduction doubled ($1k cash off of everyone's taxes)
>Lower/Middle class taxes lowered by 3.1%
>Top class taxes lowered y 2.7%
Who keeps spreading the meme of "tax cuts for the rich"? The poor got a much bigger tax break. Not only a by getting their taxes cut by more than the rich, but the standard deduction increase adds a HUGE percentage to most people.

>make 40k
>pay 10k in taxes
>suddenly paying 9k in taxes
>also 3.1% of that 9k not being taxed.
For the middle class and poor it's effectively a TEN PERCENT TAX CUT.

>> No.11719430

My brainlet math was off, it's closer to paying 20% less in taxes for the poor. Check here:
