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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11714894 No.11714894 [Reply] [Original]

whats up

>> No.11714907

You're not drunk

>> No.11714914
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Hey fren. We gonna make it. Don't drink and drive BTW.

>> No.11714918

we will have great holidays.

>> No.11714921

drunk driving is a meme, anyone who cant drive drunk shouldnt be allowed to drive in the first place

>> No.11714933

some news for the LINK Christmas Party?

>> No.11714941

It isn't you that's the problem. If you drink and drive other's on the road are drunk too and you reaction time is slowed.
It is the other retards you have to worry about.

>> No.11714945
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Aw hell yeah. What are you sipping on?

>> No.11714946

when does chain link?

>> No.11714951

christmas will be good. Main net will be purring away and we will be able to see some of the large data providers Sergey has been speaking about for over 2 years. The team plans to purchase a constant stream of these data feeds to incentivize the network as usage grows.

The smart contract audits were completed by Trial of Bits and look good. I expect you will be able to review this week.

>> No.11714963

>Trial of Bits
yeah source

>> No.11714977

not so fast. I will tell you this. Chainlink will implement slither, a real time vulnerability monitoring solution through trial of bits. This should be in pivotal. Take a look at the naming convention of all trial of bits security reports.

>> No.11714978

is now the time to go all in?

>> No.11714994

Chainlink is the safest bet in crypto.

>> No.11714997

That was months ago but sure

>> No.11715001

I should stop drinking before i say what i really want to tell you

>> No.11715009
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>> No.11715014

just tell us please i need to have some kind of a future to look forward to drunkanon

>> No.11715015

Can't remember if drunkanon is a fun larp or a fun + honest larp?
Or what?

Can we believe this guy?

When moon?

>> No.11715018

Go on, have another drink. It's nearly Christmas

>> No.11715021

“Good?” Does that mean it won’t be “holly jolly?”

Oh by golly, I was hoping for a holly jolly Christmas this year :(.

>> No.11715025

no keep drinking and spill the beans drunkanon.

have some fun, we are going to make it anyway so why not crack open another one

>> No.11715026

Where is your $3 prediction ? You preditced $3 in October and guaranteed $1.

Also, where is CNBC news ?

Prove yourself with some real info or you are a fagging LARP seeking for attention because nothing what you told was true (except announcements from Sergey but it was fucking obvious he will announce something at 6 conferences in one month after 1 year long silence).


>> No.11715028

why do you do this? People here don't deserve this much

>> No.11715030

Oh golly another larp

>> No.11715036

There a few small projects that I know announcing in November. Some appear to be shitcoins but a few have real legitimate use cases and potential to multiply by quite a bit due to such a low market cap. Right now there is no chainlink effect but I expect we will see this soon.

>> No.11715040

Why don’t you...go fuck yourself? You have nothing more important to do than eat this bread.

>> No.11715048

Another public “insider info” availble for everyone to see on pivotal... He know nothing...

This. Its about time to start to meme Death to larpers

>> No.11715052

Chainlink acquiring Town Crier did not pump the price. The implications of this acquisition will be realized and when it is...$3.

>> No.11715055

origami bags reporting in

>> No.11715068

the way the market is at the moment i would be very surprised to see any huge pumps

>> No.11715077

you fucking moonboy, no news is better than fucking fake news and hopes you idiot, drunkanon told us nothing, just basic hyping informations and then $3 in October, Chainlink on CNBC in November, and now its stupid fucking slither thats in pivotal since July and another "seems like shitcoins" partnerships...

Assblaster was legit enought to at least defend his previous claims, this idiot will ignore $3 in October and CNBC claims he made because he is a LARPING FAGGOT

>> No.11715078

Why do you try to predict market behavior? That’s where you larps fuck up. Link could announce a partnership with Sasha Grey’s asshole and it might not move the price. You should just stick to ambiguous facts like a fortune teller and be like “See! When I said BIG NEWS was coming, this is what I meant! You just do not yet realize how big it is!”

>> No.11715089

are you the 16 november larp?

>> No.11715090

Larps are a part of ChainLink. This all just adds to the story. Better than schlop threads and “is 13k enough” threads.

>> No.11715093

So you have expected Towncrier news to pump LINK 6x and make CNBC appearance ?in this fucking bear market ? Wake up larping kido

>> No.11715100

13k is enough

>> No.11715109

I could care less if ive proven right or wrong about price. I am more concerned with chainlink spearheading cyber liability insurance through AXA. You may recall the Sony Axa contract on smartcontract.com back in the day. AXA insuring Sony for cyber, but if that firewall goes down for any reason...boom insurance is automatically canceled. This is a trillion dollar industry and chainlink is the only project capable to perform this in a trustless manner

>> No.11715115

>Larps are a part of ChainLink
Agree, but quality ones like Mr. Assblaster, Sherlock, RiddleAnon and LandlordLink and not this faggot expecting bullshit like 3 in October and CNBC in November and coming back to claim another stupid claims that will never come true just like previous ones

At least be creative and make a new larp name...

>> No.11715119

Honestly I knew about the town crier acquisition and was surprised the price didn't pump more than it did.

>> No.11715122

>is $13mil enough

>> No.11715126

This is not the real drunkanon. This anon just looked at pivotal, saw the slither task, googled it and is now spinning shit about old poc shit like the sony Axa contracts

>> No.11715134

Why’s your long term price prediction?
Is $1000 a meme?
What about $100?

Thanks for not being a cryptic faggot larger.
What are you drinking?

>> No.11715135

I can give a fuck about a larp or trip. For all you know im just a drunk anon. What i do know is you will look back at this thread after you read the trail of bits security assessment.

>> No.11715136

wee woo wee woo this is the larp police, I'm afraid I'll need to see some ID sir

>> No.11715140


This is an effort though. He’s trying to talk about something specific to establish “expertise” so people go “whoah! TRILLION DOLLARS?” Then they go to their mom and say “well another reason you should buy ChainLink is because of the trillion dollar Sony insurance axiom. It’s very complex but ChainLink is the only crypto that can sonify the axiom for trillions of dollars. Are you proud of me?”

Just go along with it.

>> No.11715143
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>Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It runs a suite of vulnerability detectors, prints visual information about contract details, and provides an API to easily write custom analyses. Slither enables developers to find vulnerabilities, enhance their code comphrehension [sic], and quickly prototype custom analyses.

>> No.11715147

All of chainlink's pumps are just building up to happen at the same time.

The town crier pump will happen at the same time as the openlaw and accord pumps, even though the actual partnerships happened at different times. That's what we mean when we talk about the singularity - the rest of the world suddenly having an epiphany and realising everything that we've known for years.

>> No.11715151

You do know that literally Sergey himself can’t accurately predict the price, right? You should just stick with asking larps about dates and such.

>> No.11715155

Ask this larp... he is pretending to know more than we do

>> No.11715157

If he really does know shit, more than he can say, he can assess whether price predictions are just dreams or not.
By providing a price prediction he can also let us know what he thinks then potential of the project is WITHOUT giving away sensitive information about WHY he thinks that.
So, drunk anon, please answer me. Is 10k enough to make it?

>> No.11715161

They literally had a forbes article about it though. I mean how the fuck doesn't it pump past $1? seriously?

>> No.11715162

Easier to just say what position will it be. Being conservative top 20 eoy even though i expect top 10. By 2019 eoy top 5.

>> No.11715172

Same since day one. Normies don't understand smart contracts and the implication. If they can't dream of buying their onions latte with the token in 5 years time then they don't see the value

>> No.11715176

>a good larp
Really nigga? Also
>not this faggot expecting bullshit like 3 in October
>assblaster said $3 in May

>> No.11715178

Do you expect overall market cap to rise in the next 2 months?

>> No.11715179

We dont need normies for this project.

>> No.11715186

I get that, but who did you expect to read the Forbes article to pump the price to 1$

>> No.11715190

etf approved, bakkt online, and sec guidance - full bull
none above then we continue down. All hanging in the balance.

>> No.11715195

Psychologists will probably write journal articles on it one day, about how everything can be laid out clearly for people and they can just completely glance over it. They'll call it "The Chainlink Effect", named after the cryptocurrency that reached $10,000 per token but still nobody can quite remember. It's a bit like the spaceships in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, if you've read it. They're just so big and obvious that you don't notice them because you're instinctively looking for something smaller and less obvious. Chainlink is just so massive and all-encompassing that the natural response to reading an article or hearing about a partnership is to just mentally block it out and ignore it. I assure you anon, chainlink is bigger than any of us could have ever imagined. We all know it'll be big, but our own subconscious minds are stopping us from realising the true scale of it. This shit will reach $10,000 easily, mark my words.

>> No.11715198

yea thanks for making a thread at this time fucking asshole right when I have to go to sleep

>> No.11715204

where are you from drunk anon?

>> No.11715205

Sherlock predicted artifical lawyer articles with openlaw and accord, kira systems and many more which came true, you nigger.

Assblaster predicted that during a full bullmarket and it would be more than $3 in May not being this bearmarket since Feb. NIGGER

>> No.11715207

Sorry anon 100k stinkies is minimum to make it

>> No.11715211


I don't think is DrunkAnon.

Top 5 end of year 2019? Nice FUD.

>> No.11715215

You realize that it was a third party contribution on a very low traffic part of Forbes.com, right? It’s not like they were on the magazine cover (or even in the magazine) like other cryptos were last year...

>> No.11715251

faggot. your liver can’t fail soon enough

>> No.11715256

Why is Sergey or the rest of chainlink not acknowledging Kaleido? They actually have a real collaboration with AWS, not just as users, which is what most AWS "partnerships" entail, so it seems significant and odd that no one on Chainlink wants to say anything about it.

>> No.11715261

So my dreams to be Frank Sinatra of my life will be true, classy and rich?

>> No.11715265

Adelyn is trying to come up with a tweet that doesn't have any typos or grammar mistakes. It'll take a while.

>> No.11715269

Maybe steve can correct her homework

>> No.11715281

they will. first project you can interact with the gui through third party. They hoped they were on main by this kaleido release.

>> No.11715298

bout to sleep here in +13GMT real LINKer hours

I will remember you <3

>> No.11715314

Yup this makes total sense. Everyone is an idiot.... we bought into this for the network usage to make us rich not for a bunch of faggots on Reddit to help pump the price. But the faggots on Reddit don't know or understand smart contracts so the announced partnerships don't mean shit for the price going up.

>> No.11715318

ok. hopping out for day.

>> No.11715319

What will happen in 2 days ?

Is kaleido using private ethereum on private chainlink network or will they use public chainlink network ? Can you refute this fud ?

>> No.11715322


All that remains is security audits and box ticking. It has to be right first time, no excuses.

MVP before q1 2019 end, maybe sooner, that's all I know.

If Bakkt goes live when promised, you will see links MVP. They are hand in hand.

Price, well.. that's supply and demand.

Personally I'm due a new boat.


>> No.11715325

Because sergey realized Holo will make aws obsolete. So chainlink is facked

>> No.11715332
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>> No.11715334

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams (2nd president of the United States)

>> No.11715335

A blockchain project will make aws obselete.kek. Walk me through this one

>> No.11715339

Hard questions starting to pop up for you to answer and make som relevant responces ? I get it, make some new larps and bullshit sentences and see you in a week.

>> No.11715343

Not drunkanon. Just a copycat larp

>> No.11715345

It's not fud, it's literally a fact, but also good because it means there will be more companies interested and spending resources contributing to the code. It's not fud because this doesn't take away traffic from the main net, i.e., anyone using kaleido was never going to use the public chain at least in the short term. Ripple's non XRP business drives a shit ton of hype that benefits the price of the token, chainlink will likely be the same way.

What do you think kaleido is if not a tool for deploying private blockchains? This is just what doesn't make sense to people saying this is fud. There's really no debating this fact.

>> No.11715352

Yeah, we fucking expelled him with his bullshits AHAHAHA. Such a faggot

>> No.11715353

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11715365

Sean Rutledge strikes again

>> No.11715380

>tfw have my ducks in a row

>> No.11715392

that guy better hire bodyguards if link moons

i dont want anyone to know i own it

makes you an instantb urglary target

>> No.11715403

>tfw have my ducks in a circle along with one randomly placed goose

>> No.11715432

Top keks boys

>> No.11715465

Can we get that shiny R8 as a proof ?

>> No.11715496

Yes, in the middle of something though.
Hang fire sir.

>> No.11715531


I fucking LOVE Biz memes.

Biz is soooo fucking based lol. Sergey
= le god.

We need to meme him into emperor status lol, how frickin based would that be guys?

It's like... he's just as based as Trump and MoonMan. I think its because he's so sassy and non-sequitorious.

This is TOTALLY the next, most epic and righteous BASED meme.... get this:

He's on the internet...

He's contrarian to what seems reasonable and admirable...


Quite silly and ironic...

But actually a super fun and great guy.

>> No.11715680
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>> No.11715737

The only Larper I have confidence in is the one that predicted the announcement at Devcon. He has only posted a couple times and stated when others were saying no news November was whacked, he said he "knew" much more was coming out in November and all should sit back and be comfy. Pretty sure he originally gave the November 16 date. Also think he may be related to a member of the team. Has only posted a few times, isn't an attention Larper.

>> No.11715742


>> No.11715785
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mfw no face in a tfw post

>> No.11715789
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I unironically created the No News November meme. I only did it because I was autistically worried about what material we'd talk about this month because the conferences were all done. Also I realized I might be able to accumulate cheap in December as well which is cool. Also I wanted others to prove me wrong and show me November would be comfy.

No foolin.

>> No.11715791

what an ugly model, the station cars and Q series are much cooler imo

looks like an overgrown TT

>> No.11715810

*schlop* *schlop*

>> No.11715849


>> No.11715966
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>This shit will reach $10,000 easily, mark my words.
The fuck is the FUD? we're going to 100k a coin EASY

>> No.11715997

8250 cracked. pump inc.

>> No.11716002
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Checked we gonna make it

>> No.11716026
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what if you are fudding aswell and we will easily get to $1m/link soon?

>> No.11716038

it's happening

>> No.11716061

Nice Fud, you are not who I referred to. Prove it, what did the Larper say at the end of his post and when did he last post? Timing of it?

>> No.11716076


>> No.11716254

Audi estates – acceptable
Audi Q-series – naff

>> No.11716288

Untill you ride that baby!
I can only wish for a car like that,
Hope my 50k link stack will get me there

>> No.11716307
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Suppose Link really does go $1000 - how could the economy even support such a transfer of wealth that thousands of people overnight have net worths of $50+ million?

>> No.11716328

As I thought, lieing fuck.

>> No.11716468

I think a Karlee Grey braphole partnership would pump the price more

>> No.11716481


>> No.11716507

How did the economy support the thousands who got rich with bitcoin

>> No.11716536
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Invest in android waifus, bodypillows and AE86s the market is going to explode.

>> No.11716659

>How much institutional money will Chainlink see?

>> No.11716724

Anyone see that green candle? Moved from 8200-8500

>> No.11716728

tron cryptocurrency will be worth 100k a coin

>> No.11717355


>> No.11717714
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.11717720

Why do you keep doing this?

>> No.11717730

Nice ! Any new breadcrumbs for us ?

>> No.11717732

checked, what is interesting?

>> No.11717738

What's your Link price prediction

>> No.11717751

What do you mean bakkt and link are hand in hand ? You must to be kidding right ?

>> No.11717774

most valuable player? I don't understand this acronym or reference.

>> No.11717783

Bakkt to partner with chainlink. You’ve heard Sergey say they are talking to major big time market providers, exchanges, etc. haven’t you?

>> No.11717784
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All that matters is if they will give a higher roi than chainlink. The answer is likely no

>> No.11717838

I wish he didn’t leave. I’m debaiting to put every dollar I own into link right now. If mainnet is around the corner I will feel more confident about my decision

>> No.11717852

maybe just put the amount you can afford to lose?

>> No.11717938

Thing is man,Like everyone else I need this. I hear you for telling me not to be stupid. It’s even more stupid to believe in anon but there is a feeling in the air. Like the whole trump thing. If it hits and I didn’t go balls deep I’m going to regret it.

>> No.11717980

i feel you on this dude. i just bought another 20k worth with my cc. 15 month 0%APR

>> No.11718009

Thanks, bakkt is actually in soft launch mode doors should open in december right?

>> No.11718104

Didn’t age well

>> No.11718118

It won't be overnight. Many People will sell on the way up to $1000

>> No.11718299

absolute fucking kek, this is very likely spot on accurate.
I think drunkanon is legit, but there are definitely a lot of lucky tards on here who probably do exactly that

>> No.11718366

that must be an asshole puckering feeling. Best of luck, I don't have the balls to pull a move like that. I hope it works out

>> No.11718714

If you’re under 30 100% easy call. You got time to make 1 massive financial mistake

>> No.11718889

are you retarded? there's literal millions of millionaires on earth a couple hundred nobodies suddenly having a couple million does absolutely nothing to the economy

>> No.11718890

is larping more fun when drunk? asking for a friend