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11712051 No.11712051 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up and have traveled back in time to become your 6 year old self. You have all the knowledge that you currently have today. What do you do to ensure you become rich as fuck?

>> No.11712056

buy link

>> No.11712063

Unironically buy Bitcoin. I used to get $600 a month as an allowance when I was a kid. I regret spending all that money on Pokemon cards, junk food, and vidyas.

>> No.11712074

>600 a month allowance
Rich faggot. I woulda hated you as a kid.

>> No.11712077

Legit just buy some of the now-rarer Pokemon box things.

That shit goes for hundreds if not thousands, nowadays, so at least you'll have something.

>> No.11712081


I was 6 in 1999. What should I have done before bitcoin was created in 2009? Bought Amazon stock? The problem would be, how to get a brokerage account and your parents probably wouldn’t trust you enough to help you create one.

>> No.11712083

Well, first thing I'd do is convince my parents that I'm actually a 22 year old from the future in a 6 year old body.

>> No.11712084

Buy Apple stock and never come here.

>> No.11712096

i could have gotten rich on msft, nintendo, amazon, pretty much anything.

>> No.11712102

i remember when i was learning about computers in 2010 (was 13 yrs old) and discovered btc mining program i remeber it mined few houndred btc a day on a single cpu. and also these btc faucets that gave you 0.1-100 btc for reedeming addrr. all lost forever..

>> No.11712107

just looked. by far the best investment over the 90s would have been alpha mtg boosters

>> No.11712109

If it makes you feel better today I'm a poor college fag living with an Asian roommate.

>> No.11712111


I mined btc for 1 day using some pool in 2011. I think I may have gotten a bitcoin or two from that, but I believe I was below the payout threshold. I logged in to the pool in 2017 and it said my balance was 0. Feels bad mayne

>> No.11712113


>> No.11712115

Save my autistic crush of school and save my mother from my assassin professor.

>> No.11712118

The real question is: would you try to prevent 9/11?

>> No.11712124


I always remember the slightly ghetto trashy kids bragging about their parents spoiling them. I got like $15 a month allowance in elementary school and these kids were talking about how their parents gave them $100 a week or some shit. Now a lot of them are poor

>> No.11712125

I would predict major world events starting a cult of followers becoming a messiah and use their funds to invest in bitcoin and companies like apple/microsoft/amazon. Use those profits to start a new world order under me GG EZ

>> No.11712126

remember to put money into apple before falling into that coma

>> No.11712129

How to do that?

>> No.11712144


In my situation my parents would have fucked up my get rich by stock attempts by selling as soon as it did a 2x

>> No.11712151

same here anon. I actually created a bitcoin wallet at the same age to receive free btc from some promotion but its all lost forever :( My friends and I would also joke around in school if they accepted bitcoin for Hot Cheetos. Totally forgot about btc until last year

>> No.11712157

>convince mum to all-in aapl/amzn
>talk to more girls
>get fit
>hustle lemonade stands
>mine bitcoin when it comes out
>buy more bitcoin OTC
>buy more bitcoin OTC
>like, buy a shitload of bit OTC i mean im not 18 yet.
>be 18, all in btc on a proper exchange
>avoid first gf, or optionally redpill her from the beginning as to not get swept away by a nigger
>never attend college
>change my car oil every 3 months like im supposed to god fucking damnit im so lazy
>retire at 19 years old

it could've been this easy... but I know I'll still make it bros I'm just set back by at least another 4 years at minimum.

>> No.11712158


often thought about this too

>> No.11712207

i dont remember much . only the endless btc wallet syncing and the faucets also namecoin and litecoin popping up next year . Only what have left is that when opskins.com added btc cashout , i have been scamming in csgo that time and i flipped thousands dollars there every week and if i cashouted in btc i could have millions now. Ijust missed this opportunity so many times it feels sad

>> No.11712214

>avoid first gf, or optionally redpill her from the beginning as to not get swept away by a nigger

this one hits home

>> No.11712232

i-it's ok anon... we'll get over it... maybe...

>> No.11712247

my family was poor as hell at the time, and I was really ignorant about the world, so there was no way I would even think about anything regarding money
anyway, I'd tell myself to write "bitcoin" on a paper
also, to start working as soon as possible, because I'm not stupid, but will believe what stupid people tell me

>> No.11712269

>I used to get $600 a month as an allowance when I was a kid
is this bait?

it does make me happy, though you are still much more advantaged than me, simply because your daddy's money will probably be yours

>> No.11712284

Pajeets just got their shit rocked that some 6 yo kid makes more in a month than they do in a year

>> No.11712286
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I know right, only $600?!

>> No.11712290

born '82

*6-10 convince dad to buy stocks, microsoft, etc
*12-14, never watch porn again; lose virginity. Buy more stocks since its the tech boom, buy Google and Amazon shares until i own more than 50% of the company
*17- start using rogaine
*19- stop 9/11

the rest of my life, buy multiple wives, and become the next genghis kahn, ensuring my DNA lives on until the solar system gets eaten by the sun.

>> No.11712303

Become a god of bets with my knowledge of the results or various events to raise capital to invest in bitcoin before it moons

>> No.11712310

>Short stocks in 2000-2001. Do it again and short the mortgage markets in 2007-2009.
>Buy Bitcoin for pennies. Sell it all at $10k.
>Use some of the money to open a business, but live off the rest.
It's science.

>> No.11712319
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Probably just this with more video games

>> No.11712347

trying to stop 911 will probably get your entire family dissappear

>> No.11712373

>tfw zoomer so id be literally a babby
>implying i would prevent 9\11 though

>> No.11712383

just display college or hs tier mathematical abilities and a keen interest for financial markets by saying stuff they don’t understand
they’ll support it (i think)

>> No.11712412

my allowance was 1.50 a week, euro. even less desu. pre-euro times.

>> No.11712483

>stopping 9/11
>not buying a penthouse overlooking the towers and watching it happen in luxurious safety first hand
never making it

>> No.11712502

It'd be 1988 so..I guess convince my dad to buy and hold Apple for like 30 years.

Also visit Trump (live in NYC still back then) and engage in bants with him and suggest he run for Pres in 2016.

>> No.11712532


>Buy and hold Apple/FB/Twitter
>Short CDOs in 05
>Mine and hold Bitcoin
>Buy all Bitcoin
>Buy all Eth
>Buy all Real Estate in Vancouver Canada after making it from CDOS and Bitcoin

>> No.11712544

How? Call the police and explain what's about to happen? Good luck getting yourself out of that one.

>> No.11712560

This is why you all are autistic.

If you change anything or does anything different you will change the past and that will imply in a different future, that means what you expected to happen wouldnt happen normally.

Retard tier of thinking

>> No.11712567

I'd short the Twin Towers

>> No.11712571

holy fuck how cucked are you people
>imma buy stock in a company to get rich
>not starting your own and doing it all years before our timeline and having 100,000 employees

>> No.11712607

buying stock and doing literally nothing is a billion times easier than starting a business and having 100k employees

>> No.11712623

You have to be charismatic and passionate to run a company. I'd rather have someone else do it and feed off their success like a parasite.

>> No.11712660

zuckerberg isnt exactly the life of the party, nor is facebook any sort of technical leap forward but it was a case of being in the right place and time.
amazon would be too much work granted but apple didnt reinvent the wheel, nor did google (at first), it wouldnt be unthinkable you could just buy these companies outright in their early days and own every single patent.

>> No.11712702

As a programmer, I feel like I'm late to the party....same as I do crypto. The app store was an absolute gold mine for a few years, same with building cloud based SaaS services. seems like everything's been done by now and there's a hell of a lot more competition.

>> No.11712731

Literally this lol

>> No.11712781
File: 888 KB, 632x632, 1528517567471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet a million on Trump to win presidency
Short the Twin Towers

>> No.11712783

No use to think about the past Anon. Don't mourne what could have been.

>> No.11713237