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11712143 No.11712143 [Reply] [Original]

I trade full time mostly on Mex and Oanda
Full time since 2016

I don't even hold that many link, just around 30k for fun, but im telling you to buy right now
It is hitting an inverse level, meaning resistance becomes support.
You have around 24 hours before moon
>I wish i was larping
god speed anons, take this advice

>> No.11712153

Im not even a tripfag, but i go by cryptogoober
I shilled you guys walton at 50 cents, amongst others
Good friends with cryptolain.
he is doing well

>> No.11712228
File: 230 KB, 1018x619, 4D69D25D-0349-479E-9A3E-F9F54753D90E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 8 linkies from a trade yesterday, felt pretty good even though its not much at all. Just curious, how did you come to that conclusion. Also, whats your opinion on link? Do you hold or just trade it?

>> No.11712261

gg anon
Ive been trading fulltime for 2 years so you can just see when a level is about to break
link is a good hold, just as any other alt is now.
I trade my stack to increase it, as everyone should. sell rallies buy the dips.
you want to buy in mass fear and sell in mass euphoria in the alt market. link along with every other alt will 10x in the next big run. just remember to take profits desu

>> No.11712307
File: 1.32 MB, 4550x2079, 2AA65B57-C9A3-43C8-B628-09A16AAD42EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks crytogoober...one last question relating to buying the dip, you think its going to go below 50 cents before mainnet? I have a feeling these are the last chances to get link on sale...

>> No.11712331
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it all depends on btc, Btc is nearing the end of monthly consolidation, so if it breaks and holds above $6800 alts should rally... all depends on the global market cap, we wanna see a break above 300-400 mill for the next alt bullrun.
alts are like the little bitch behind btc.
they will always follow

>> No.11712396

you can buy down to 77, take some profits when we break .0009 tomorrow

>> No.11712404

>around 30k for fun
I hold 30k hoping to make it

>> No.11712409


How sure are you anon, you've got me fomoing from missing rhis pump. How much will it be? 20, 30, 40 % pump?

>> No.11712410
File: 60 KB, 604x610, disbeleif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even hold that many link, just around 30k for fun

>> No.11712430
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>I don't even hold that many link, just around 30k for fun

>> No.11712433

you motherfucker...i think you shilled me stox a while back. kinda high though, maybe i'm thinking of someone else. thinking it's you though...

>> No.11712480
File: 17 KB, 819x827, 618b84c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around 8100-8200 sats is a very strong resistance which has been denied now for 6 weekly candles (4 times earlier this year and two times now) when this breaks shouldn't it fly with a megapump?

>> No.11712612

No, why?

>> No.11712651

By "cryptolain" you mean "lain"?
Also I agree. Unbelievably, stinkies are still in an uptrend.

>> No.11712681


>It is hitting an inverse level, meaning resistance becomes support.

can you explain this in a little more depth, please? what signifies that this is happening?

>> No.11712723

Don't you think though to a certain degree atleast that LINK is doing its own thing. Fundamentals are so strong and it is a true game changer, and for those reasons it is in a sustained rally and will be into the bull run?

>> No.11712757

nah stox was shit.
i shilled antshares, omg, walton, icx, a few other all under a dollar.

yes, the more a resistance is tested, the more orders get eaten up, the weaker the level a becomes. like butter.

yes, lain. he still lurks /biz/ every once in a while

Banks/bots use the same levels to buy and sell. This level which was used to sell, become resistance for buyers. now it is support for buyers, meaning it is resistance to sellers.

Sure, fundamentals are good. but learning proper TA to sell rallies and buy dips is a great way to increase your stack

>> No.11712772

Thoughts on HOT? We seems to be in a long accumulation phase but never break under 15.

>> No.11712779

>8 linkies
Nigger that's literally $4

>> No.11712786

Idk, i dont keep up with meme coins desu.
Only actual products, like link.
lurk more

>> No.11712811

I remember you goober. Curious, whats your overall TA strategy. Ive been swing trading link with a bit of success but it could be better.

>> No.11712814

OMG actual product? Icon actual product? I like all those calls if you did make them under a dollar but they don't have actual products. Clearly biz has a strong interest in HOT too so likely you are accumulating since you don't seem like a dumbfag

>> No.11712898

playing 1 hr timeframes using SFP (youtube trader dante) and playing breaker retests (youtube "if i miss the high or low of the day" -trader sz
Just play retests on inverse levels or play sfps. all you need is 1 or 2 trades a day that are perfect, it adds up compounding.

go back

>> No.11712932

Thanks man. Any other alts on your radar besides link.

>> No.11712979

>it adds up compounding
until the day you get a mega pump and lose all your compounded gains and then some, all in 1 trade. This is a "good" strategy if you have a trading stack that you don't mind losing. Playing these games with your whole stack is tantamount to foolishness.

>> No.11712987

Ok. what happens when your TA is wrong because the crypto space is nonsensical and fulled 100% by hype?

>> No.11713010

>implying anyone should trade their whole stack
/biz/ at its finest
you should only trade what you literally dont mind losing

keep thinking TA doesnt work
this is all just "voodoo"

>> No.11713058

You had something going until you proved that you lack basic reading comprehension skills. I specifically said the opposite of what you are saying...

>> No.11713526
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I Will Make It With 30k Link

>> No.11713637

Thoughts on bat right now? I think it has bottomed out, RSI on the 4 hour under 30, should have a Nice bounce back right?

>> No.11713672

>buy the highs guys it's worth it for the chance of 18% gains!
if only you knew how chaotic these markets really were.