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File: 101 KB, 235x338, 1541276573671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11706423 No.11706423 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the BAT bois?
Why are you faggots so quiet now?

>> No.11706437
File: 83 KB, 960x540, 414F8FF3-9B18-407B-AF2D-159B00F02710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a stupid faggot.

I’ve been in since ICO my gains in BAT outpace your entire net worth.

The coin is up 50% this month, it drops after the coinbase pump and you stupid faggots act like it’s over.

You guys are literally insufferable, worse than plebbit tier nano fags.

>> No.11706446

Brave mobile browser doesen't support pornhub.

>> No.11706457

That’s because real chads are out getting pussy not looking at porn on their phone.

Wow you’re a pathetic faggot.

>> No.11706478

they took a bat to the face.

>> No.11706490
File: 28 KB, 229x221, 6AC5B9EE-2D5E-410C-8C00-907A7582F274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.11706492

(((porn))) is degenerate you fucking untermensch. Based Eich is trying to save you from depravity. He can't help you unless you help yourself though.

>> No.11706506
File: 61 KB, 524x479, 32CE2027-4343-4F47-B381-473C2CFC6DE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not a millionaire
>laughs at one of the few coins that will make it
>uses pepe memes
>holds nano and icx

>> No.11706517

Your pictures are appropriate.
BAT is only good for pump n dumps.

>> No.11706532

So why you so self loathing and hate yourself?

Too stupid to pump and dump it properly. You’re a fucking normie

>> No.11706542
File: 192 KB, 841x750, 1541709682419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 cent BAT buyer here.

I've accepted that all altcoins are just pump and dump scams, no matter how legit they seem—the whales don't care.

I saw what happened to BCH and ETC but thought BAT would be different because it's the cheapest coin. Even with the useless 0x token you had several days to get out after the coinbase pump. I just want to break even.

>> No.11706592

I know you're a dirty pajeet because of the pathetic images you post
you like bobs and vagene don't you, rajesh?

>> No.11706618
File: 454 KB, 1280x1200, 15904A40-AE50-40BF-83E8-F67D40DC8CB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by pajeet you mean god tier white then sure.

Nice boomer cope faggot. Who hurt you you buy nano or baghold dogshit neo or something?

>> No.11706651

>designed to not go above $1

The shilling and fomo for this shitcoin was made by pajeets

>> No.11706662

Fucking deluded sissyboys.

Nobody is gonna use your chrome ripoff nerd browser fucktards. People are happy with fucking Safari.

Next time try finding another coin which will change the world.

Hint: Ch.n.ink

>> No.11706669

Actually it doesn’t work unless the coin is at least $1000 - it’s in the white paper.

It’s below that number because ads haven’t been rolled out.

The coin is designed to be $1000 per coin, unlike chainlink which isn’t supposed to exceed $1.

Good work pajeet.

>> No.11706673
File: 25 KB, 367x451, 505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought BAT would be different

>> No.11706696
File: 72 KB, 750x500, 79AE37E6-F5CA-4729-A227-DF64474D59A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because betting on a fat autistic, non-programmer, russian scammer over the guy that invented javascript has a team of 80 all star developers, internet marketers, and is partnered with the Dow Media Group.

Whew lad you’re just not gonna fucking make it with your 50k chinklink

>> No.11706709

Retards implying I watch porn. I saw that info on reddit.

>> No.11706723

You implied it yourself you stupid fuck when you brought up the “malfunction”

Yeah “my friend” saw it on reddit too. Lmao you cuck bitch.

>> No.11706724

Why is it dumping straight to zero then?

>> No.11706732

> up 50% in a month
> up 80% in 3 months

“dumping straight to zero”

>> No.11706739

*Bag holding cope intensifies*

>> No.11706747
File: 233 KB, 1080x1505, IMG_20181111_154443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still there fuckface. It was meant to be a joke.

>> No.11706749

>up 11x ICO
>main feature isn’t even out yet
>winnning intensifies
>pajeet fudder suicide rate increases
>brave indirectly rids the world of pajeet losers

>> No.11706755

“No i don’t want porn on my phone I swear my friend does not me”

>> No.11706761

I give up

>> No.11706773
File: 89 KB, 512x505, E031565D-CE42-45F4-908B-4AB3599CDB4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still watches porn on his phone instead of going outside and getting laid

whew lad

>> No.11706782

sitting comfy. Word is advertisers are throwing money at Eich for the 1.0 rollout during Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. This will become a huge annual surge for BAT in the coming years btw. But keep thinking short term mongrels

>> No.11706788
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, sayori crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought BAT would be different because it's the cheapest coin
LTC buyer logic

>> No.11706796

Sorry I can‘t be you

>> No.11706816
File: 114 KB, 1600x800, 7DC1A8CA-2825-4963-AF05-7FBEF6AB6CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a link mega general
>not the OG BATman
>not a chad
>a pajeet
>owns nano

Hey not everyone can be winners

>> No.11706975

Brendan "Enable the Reich" Eich stands against (((porn))) and you should yoo.

>> No.11706986

BAT is plebbit tier though

>> No.11707026

says the faggot who has a reddit account.

b o o m e r
c o p e

>> No.11707097
File: 100 KB, 860x507, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually it's up 57.42% in the past 3 months
...unlike Chainlink which is up 81% in the past 3 months

>> No.11707156

stop typing it in every thread retard

>> No.11707328

What site is that?

>> No.11707401
File: 47 KB, 405x523, disgustingaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.11707441

People don't want to engage in ads, they don't want to pay to not view them, they don't want to be paid to view them, they don't want to manage different websites and manage a crypto wallet for a crypto that's unnecessary. If you're not using uBlock Origin + Privacy Badger, you're not gonna make it. Why the fuck would I want to deal with ads at all or use a custom browser when I can avoid it all to begin with? BAT is only going to resonate with 1) people who hold bags of it, and 2) super tech users who're interested in niche technology (aka a demographic that isn't going to send your shitty crypto to the moon, also most of these guys just use uBlock Origin). Sorry, normies aren't going be using the Brave browser any time soon. BAT is a pipedream, and I'm truly sorry for anyone who actually bought into it.

>> No.11707454


>> No.11707475


Kinda agree. Anyone who's "tech savvy" enough to use brave+bat would probably just use an ad blocker instead so what exactly is the target audience here?

>> No.11707493

so if you can't withdraw BAT from wallet in the brave browser WTF is the point of it having value anyway?

>> No.11707508

Other big hurdles; most people don't seem to realize the extent to which traditional paid advertising revenue powers the internet powers that be. If BAT, or anything else posed a legitimate threat they would be doing everything in their power to stop it.

Also I have yet to hear how BAT will combat the problem of exploiting the system, which is a big problem that every system faces that pays users to view ads or videos or whatever.

>> No.11707586

>unironically being this stupid

>> No.11707603

you are some of the biggest brainlets I've ever seen in here. BAT is a great hold. Imgur is about to implement BAT into their site. you guys have no imagination about ways the future of the internet will unfold and that's why you will stay poor

>> No.11707626

>Also I have yet to hear how BAT will combat the problem of exploiting the system, which is a big problem that every system faces that pays users to view ads or videos or whatever
From my understanding of reading through their subreddit on this topic, there is a "promise" of anti-bot features that will be added to the Brave browser, so they will somehow be able to detect legitimate clicks from fraudulent clicks (I could not find any details on how they intend to do this). The other "safeguard" is that, apparently, users will be capped at earning around $20 a month, as well as the browser requiring you to submit legal identification in order to withdraw your BAT earned from viewing ads. Which, again, indicates to me that this project will not appeal to any normies in any meaningful way. Also, only $20 a month? That comes out to, let's see, $0.67 a day on average. With the pervasiveness of ads, there is no way that amount is anywhere close to being worth my time. Sorry, I'll be sticking to uBlock Origin, and so should anyone else if they actually value themselves at anything worth more than absolute shit.

>> No.11707639

Bubby's first correction

>> No.11707640

You are a complete fucking idiot and the epitome of norman tier normans.

Normies like your bitch ass will watch 1 ad a day and use it pay for a built in VPN in the browser, or use it for a subscription to their normie news sites like the Wall Street Journal.

God damn you are so fucking stupid. You will 100% not fucking make it. Screen shot this bitch.

>> No.11707651

Lmao you are more retarded than I thought.

>Normies won't watch 1 ad a day to get $20 a month.
>Proceeds to calculate $20 a month pro-rata for each day
>Legit autistic.

>> No.11707655

See >>11707626
My time is way more valuable than that, sorry. I'll happily pay for any subscriptions I'm interested in (including my VPN) with money that I earn elsewhere.

>> No.11707661

This is why you are stupid as fuck.

Millions of normans do not value their time more. They will gladly opt into the system and get their $20 a month. Major advertisers will be spending millions catering to the normies.

You're a complete dumbass.

>> No.11707664

>Normies won't watch 1 ad a day to get $20 a month
You're right, they won't.

>> No.11707674

>Quotes the anon making fun of himself
>Doesn't understand biz posting
>Plebbit normie

>> No.11707708

They're not getting anywhere near $20 a month. $20 a month is a hard cap for bots who watch millions of ads a day. An averagr user will make $1 a month at MOST. You won't get shit for viewing ads.

>> No.11707724

Its been confirmed many times that users will get $20 a month. Quit with your pajeet level fud bullshit you faggot fuck.

No one on this board gives a flying fuck about you. You don't want to make it with BAT fine what the fuck are you doing here - white knighting on biz?

>> No.11707729
File: 92 KB, 638x1000, 1537227101374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims plebbit normie
>says the plebbit normie who makes every post with Reddit spacing
It's okay, I know the bags must be heavy. If you can't comprehend that normies actually will not ever touch BAT in any meaningful way for your bags to moon, then there's no hope for you. Not gonna make it.

>> No.11707744

>Didn't buy the BAT ICO
>Didn't buy the Link ICO
>Didn't buy the ICX ICO and dump on normies

"You won't make it"


>> No.11707775

Actually retarded

>> No.11707791
File: 215 KB, 800x900, npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>users will make $20 a month watching ads
Think for yourself you fucking retard. That would make advertising too expensive for advertisers.

>> No.11707810

>Doesn't want to make it
>Lies to himself that he will
>Didn't buy BAT
>bought nano

>> No.11707834

Great, another "sell the news" event. Look at verge and pornhub.

>> No.11708030

Yep verge was created by the inventor of Javascript, has 80 top class developers in SF, is partnered with the biggest media firm in the world about to roll out the key feature of their platform.

You guys are literally retarded.

>> No.11708172

>this thread
goddamn BAT bagholders are fucking stupid

>> No.11708583
File: 49 KB, 600x583, 562EC327-C900-4572-BFDF-4C75CA218241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how YouTube tipping did fuckall for the price. Any other coin would have skyrocketed over that. Fuck goybase.

>> No.11708616

BAT and Brave are fucking awesome, every other coin is vaporware.

>> No.11708655

absolutely SEETHING

Where did the funny triangle touch you?

>> No.11709620

I sold early Wednesday morning before the announcement hit... so now I'm quietly buying back in.

I'll be loud again once my bags are filled.

>> No.11709739

Good thing BAT isn't a fucking copy/paste scam coin like LTC.

>> No.11710218


> reddit tier token
> reddit has 1.6 billion MAU

That's fine actually, even with assuming that 1/3 of that number are either dead/bot/spam accounts. So even if an 1/8 of those people adopt brave just for reddit tipping, that means Brave now has 125 million new MAU's.

>> No.11710261

how heavy are your bags, mad enough already?

>> No.11710351

>thinking something is going to be better just because it's "cheap"
Price doesn't represent value.