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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11705217 No.11705217 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did you also admit you belong to the 99% of the people that lost everything in crypto?

I joined in May 2017 and lost 95% on Factom and Counterparty, lost 5K XRP trading but made some profit on XVG so I'm at break even somehow.

Just cashed out everything today, crypto is not coming back boys. Enjoy your eternal hope&cope for something that will not return in your lifetime.

Pic not related.

>> No.11705248

> Enjoy your eternal hope&cope

Good enough for me. Worth paying money for and getting all the insane entertainment AND knowledge I get for being in crypto.

You on the other hand get nothing because your skull is utterly thicc

>> No.11705266

At least it is not 95% loss like normies have

>> No.11705268

Lmao, he lost money in the biggest bull market of the decade.

>> No.11705285

Thanks OP, very good buy signal you gave today. When retards like you are selling in huge loses its time to go all in.

>> No.11705290
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>> No.11705300

>I joined in May 2017 and lost 95%
How did he do it

>> No.11705341

>btc is still a x20 from 300$
You just got in too late and went for meme coins, you're a retard with poor risk management.
9 months bear market and you call crypto dead even though there was a 1.5 year bear market right before that, and this one is likely to last longer given the exponential magnitude of moves and innovation cycles

in short kys sub 90 IQ

>> No.11705445

Its called buying high and selling low. Also good job selling right now OP.

>> No.11705473

I joined in May 2017 as well and turned $6k into currently $100k, having cashed out about $30k.

>> No.11705486

I joined in December/January and I've doubled my initial.

>> No.11705620

Crypto is just a playground so I know how to use different financial instruments for when I have real money (maybe but not necessarily through crypto)

>> No.11705636

This sounds suspiciously like cope

>> No.11705668

Nah, I'm 300% in profit from my initial and cashed out the initial already, still down 30% from ath though.
I just don't think that the 8k that my portfolio is worth right now will make it to a lifechanging amount of money, like multiple millions, but I think the majority of people has absolutely no idea of trading whatsoever, so using my knowledge later when investing higher amounts could give me some edge in accumulating wealth faster.
Also I never thought that trading would be so much fun and a couple hundred bucks here and there are quite nice so I'll continue being in crypto.

>> No.11705737

but i'm 3x up anon
plus who cares about money lmao
magic internet tokens make me feel warm and fuzzy inside

>> No.11705749

So you bought a coin that was clearly going to be killed by Core, two overpriced shitcoins, and made even from a meme dogecoin fork that translates to "penis".
No shit, retard, people like you will never make money from crypto

>> No.11705869

u NEETs aren't really committing more than 5% of your portfolio to crypto, are you?

>> No.11705915

not only did i not lose everything but i also made money during the crash