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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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117024 No.117024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>115968

MintShills out in full force Edition.

>> No.117025

put doge in op or fuck off op

>> No.117026

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 205 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:
Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.117028

We need more plans for PND. I know it's still early, but we need to be having more tentative plans.

Any word on a gambling site yet?

>> No.117031

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.117033

What's with /cgl/'s obsession with lolita?

Someone male a lolita coin. Male sure it have tons of frills. It'll be a hit.

>> No.117036
File: 46 KB, 593x300, 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i-it's not daad r-right?

>> No.117040

The more active you are in the community the likelier you will profit.

>> No.117043

I never got into DOGE coins, so I'm not in the mood to get into them now really. I'll maybe try later when I'm bored or something.

Anyway how is DOGE going? Is the future looking bright? Also how much money have ya'll made off them? And I mean money in the bank account.

>> No.117050

something about www.coin-horse.com or net

sned them an email of why PND shoul be there

>> No.117053


It's pretty stable. The price double in anticipation of the halving.

Community growth is slowing on plebbit and it's turning into just another coin, albeit one with a more positive community.

Today hasn't been a great day for the coin though. It usually hovers around 210 +/- 3 satoshi; today it touched 200.

>> No.117058


>> No.117059

today it breaks 200.

>> No.117056

I have been weary on what to do for a while now because this is babby's first coin.

Do people *actually* think this coin is going to do well? I was one of them. Now I am getting discouraged since we dropped from 11sat back to 7. I know that isn't a big change but it still bummed me out...

>> No.117063

Put in $75 and now im up to ~$240

Plus I bought cards and am mining other coins so Im at around a gain on a couple hundred bucks

>> No.117064

>buying at 200 now

>> No.117066

Next week you'll be glad if you get a few litetoshi for them.

>> No.117068

It's a troll coin. Why would it do well?

>> No.117072

>all these clueless people unaware of PND's potential

>> No.117078

should i get into mining?

>> No.117074

I have a hard time believing that we will drop below 1 sat any time soon. We have been hovering at 7 consistantly for a few days now and amDOGE has yet to dump.

I'm not expecting 400sat well, but I was anticipating the day it hits 100sat. Now I am having a hard time believing that day is coming.

>> No.117076

it's just jacob shitposting

>> No.117081

>all this trying to turn PND into PANDA

>> No.117084

who the fuck is jacob

>> No.117085

>not realizing that's impossible because PND has 0% premine unlike PANDA's 3% premine

>> No.117087


Jesus dude. Seriously, jesus.

The coin is going on it's 4th day on its first exchange and already up over 300 percent off its initial 1-2 satoshi price point.

People these days have absolutely ZERO patience with alts and expect moon after only 100 hours.

You should probably sell now and get out of alts altogether if you're this short sighted.

Seriously, jesus.

>> No.117088


go nerdrage on btc talk more about ur dead coin jacob

>> No.117096

>All these people talking in serious mode

>> No.117097

I am not being impatient with this. I was just seeing decrease in popularity and hype today coupled with the drop from 11sat. I was getting worried that people were giving up on PND and I didn't want to be left a bagholder...

>> No.117098

It's because people are taking pnd seriously. No reason to.

>> No.117099

Yup. I think PND hasn't finished its ruse cruise yet. Now it is out to crush the souls of wolong anons.

>> No.117100


Post a PND online wallet with API and I'll write a lottery.

>> No.117103


You're completely being impatient. You probably would have pulled out your hair waiting on Doge when it first came out as it hovered below 10 sat for weeks. And you would have an hero'd if you waited on Mint as it collected dust hovering in the 3-5 satoshi range for weeks.

Initial 'after day hype' happens for every damn coin. The fact that PND has even remained stable@7 sats is amazing in itself. If you don't have the time to possibly wait another few weeks to see things start to really materialize, then get out now. There will be plenty of people with btc eager to take your place.

>> No.117107

Started with this only yesterday. Finished two games. Am now manually scriptkiddying the wallet with Autoit in lieu of an API.

Ironing out some legal kinks first and making it secure. Monday and tuesday I start beta-testing.

If it is successful a PND marketplace and a PND cam site is next.

>> No.117108

I'm really curious as to how much crypto experience you guys have.
I have 4 months experience. Started December 2013.
How about you guys?

>> No.117110

Oh yes, and I attracted one designer and one developer to the project. So its going to go places.

>> No.117115

5 days. PND is the only thing I am slightly familiar with. I somehow got 100 DOGE too now though.

>> No.117114


>> PND cam site is next

Elaboration please.

200 tokenz 4 prvt squirt show bb? -type cam site?

>> No.117120

Yeah, basically /b/-level PND threads without bans and with nicer looking women and men.

>> No.117116

Not him but I'm just wondering if there's still interest in it. I don't see threads posted on /b/ anymore so I guess that's over?

>> No.117122

That's pretty cool. Post your PND address you babby, I'll help make your first days nice.

>> No.117128

Also whoever paid that girl to put "don't trust wolong" on her boobs, you probably had one of the biggest trolls. Imagine being wolong and a follower shows you that picture out of the blue. And then your battlestation chatroom starts talking about /b/ tits for half an hour, commenting on the shape of the nipples and stuff.

I laugh because I wouldnt know how to handle that. You simply cant ignore and now you got tit marketing in the back of your head forever.

>> No.117129

Thank you for telling me that. That is what I needed to hear. Like I said, I am new to this so I don't have any experience and dont know what to expect with coins.
And the reason I thought us hovering at 7 was a bad thing is because every other coin was rising with BTC but we weren't. In my mind that made me think it was losing value but wasn't showing because BTC's rise hid the fact that it was dying... Now that I type that out I realize how stupid that thought was...

>> No.117125


3 years now got into bitcoin mining from an ocn thread back before it got banned on there. Mined at 2$ right before it skyrocketed to 30$. Mined around 90 btc sold all at 20$ ish after the crash leave bitcoin scene for a few years, realize it skyrockets to 100$ then 200$ feel like shit. Then it goes to 1000$ and I just laugh no more feels were given. Then around 3-4 months ago got like 7 r9 290's and 2 280x's and mining to this day.

>> No.117126
File: 14 KB, 285x214, 320858_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>completely unaware he's posting in PNDoge thread

>> No.117133


Babby's first crypto

>> No.117134

>on /b/

>> No.117136


That was me, leetguy. I also paid her for the vagoo shot that says "PND goes here" or something, as well as a tit pic that says "FUCK WOLONG"

>> No.117139

Fuck it. Sold out my 2.2 mill doge now, this ship is sinking and Im happy with my 4 btc

>> No.117140


No worries, it's natural. 7 satoshis is very good for a coin only days old with this many coins produced.

To put it to you simply: the network hash rate and current mining difficulty proves that a LOT of people still want this coin, and price will only rise because it's taking them a lot more time and energy to get it.

HODL strong, brother.

>> No.117137

UltraCoin just overtook us at 47k votes.what do

>> No.117138


put in another bitcoin and call it quits

>> No.117141


Donate .2 BTC

>> No.117142

Thank you man! Also that insert PND here picture was amazing!

>> No.117144

Thank you, made my day!

>> No.117146

HODLing strong m8. Thanks for the encouragement!

>> No.117147

paid votes

Not too worried though, worse case is we'll be in 1st place again if they beat us out. Mintpal has been adding coins like crazy lately.

>> No.117151
File: 48 KB, 720x540, toojitterytothink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how is today looking to everyone else?
I was far to erratic yesterday

I think i just want to take it easy and get things back to normal again.

>> No.117152
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Looking at PANDA graphs make me so happy

>> No.117153
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>> No.117154
File: 2 KB, 252x30, oh boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.117158

but... but... we can still restart it.

This 4chan thing gave us a lot of marketing. We should exploit that.

>> No.117159

PANDA (Woloshit) Developer

He mad we told him to FUCK PULL OUT and he dint listen.

>> No.117155

redbull a shit
so are energy drinks

even if they didnt give me the shits i wouldnt drink them

>> No.117156

same here anon, same here :^)

>> No.117163

Someone link me 2 working PNDcoin wallet website

>> No.117160

yeah redbull sucks.

I prefer britfag energy drinks that none of you amerifats have probably heard of.

>> No.117162

sorong pls.

>> No.117165

I'll pay you 1337 PND to drink a can of Red Bull.

>> No.117169

my favourite drinks are vimto and irn-bru :^)

>> No.117167


>Drinking the jewish cocktail

Anon if you are in such need of a buzz you cant try an infusion of guarana .

>> No.117168

don't put in more money, 1 btc to be on that shitty exchange is enough.

>> No.117173

shouldn't you be asking the one it gives the shits to

>> No.117172

Too many newfags here who don't know the difference between PANDA, PAND, and PND
Please educate yourself and read this

>> No.117180

Goes for him too. In fact, I used to work in marketing for Red Bull, I'll give them a call and maybe we can do something bigger.

>> No.117176


No thanks I'd prefer something more...minty.


vimto ... pls no

>> No.117183

Should I hold or sell?
I ended up buying at around 200.

>> No.117184


I'll pay you cryptosheckels for you to drink your own piss?

>> No.117185

c-can i at least buy some immodium first

>> No.117191

My goal is to get enough rigs and fans going that I cause a neighborhood blackout and the tornado sirens go off.

>> No.117193


>> No.117197

Your electricity bill is going to go to the moon

>> No.117198


>> No.117201

always hold
buy more, even
price is low at 200

>> No.117202
File: 72 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is ultracoin and why is it annoying?

>> No.117203

Anyone here actually capable of developing software?
We need an android wallet and gambling sites.
The bounty for android wallet is 1.5million PND

>> No.117207

shall we take them down with hypermegacoin
let's do it

>> No.117205

Good, then I won't have to pay it.

>> No.117209

megacoin, ultracoin, maxcoin,
when will it end amDOGE?

>> No.117210
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Bought at 260 weeks back.

>> No.117212
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>> No.117213
File: 42 KB, 500x332, shibainus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when there are 2.5 donated and were #2 who only has 1.5 donataed

>> No.117218

I write Android apps, but I don't know the first thing about crypto wallets.

I could just draw pictures all day for 1.5m though.

>> No.117216

We're still going to the moon, bro.

>> No.117219

Can anyone spare any PND? my hashrate is at 0.55khs and im only at 20k. It kinda sucks, i wanna be on the train.


>> No.117220

The last transaction is still unconfirmed.

>> No.117221

bought at 0 an sold at 270
too bad its all in my bank now

>> No.117222

Another shitcoin. Looks like they're pumping tons of BTC into it:


Let them waste their cash. We can wait a day or two to get on another shitty exchange.

>> No.117223

hey amdoge. how are you today?

>> No.117224

hey amDOGE, wtf dood. why does Mintpal have 2.5 BTC and were not on the exchange?

>> No.117225
File: 60 KB, 500x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many satoshis do you think PND will hit eventually?
I'm wondering where I should set my target and want to get my hopes up.

>> No.117226

I'll pay you 5k for pictures :^)
I'll pay anyone 5k for drawings pertaining to PND
Sorry anon, I don't like beggars. Draw something in ms paint and you'll be tipped handsomely.

>> No.117230


Thanks Doge

>> No.117227

anyone's doge balance on crapsty go to 0?

>> No.117232

80 sat in four weeks if we manage to shill it enough and get reddit on board (we owe dogecoins success to them)

>> No.117233

They seem out of funds seeing as they are already asking for ultracoin donations.

Somewhat tired.

>> No.117234


PND need to form alliance with Ð.

>> No.117237

Ok ill draw something in gimp

>> No.117243

>pretending to be me.

Don't pay this fag in anything but dickcoins and semenbux.

>> No.117242

>Somewhat tired.

Well don't work too hard :)

>> No.117246


>> No.117244
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1392825992230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnight guys

>> No.117245

well then just include your address on your drawing post then. Or be a tripfag

>> No.117249


>> No.117251

amDoge... Im worried about the doge price dropping, please tell me it's going to be okay and I shouldn't sell all my shit now

>> No.117252

Backup wallet.dat before attempting sleep

>> No.117253

We've seen many price drops with doge. Why do you think this one, with more popularity than ever, will somehow render the coin dead?

>> No.117254

it will eventually go back up.

>> No.117255

You are such a fucking pussy. Hold steady.

>> No.117256


>> No.117257

General advice.

Never think your the dumbest person in the room
Never think your the smartest person in the room.
Don't take risks.
Have patience.
The lines all come together if you wait.

>> No.117260

Any particular reason why mtgox is recovering?

>> No.117259

It's only dropping because BTC is recovering and the DOGE trading volume hasn't caught up yet. It'll start rising again soon.

>> No.117261
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1392968010930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to /r/ultracoin
>mfw it's a private subreddit
the fuck?

>> No.117262

We counted to 5 :^)

Sounds like a nursery rhyme, you wiener.

>don't take risks
You know this is /biz/ right?

>> No.117265

...yeah sadly this seems to be the path /biz/ is on right now.

>> No.117266


Why is arbitrage between btc exchanges not being exploited more?

>> No.117267

/biz/ must be really dead except for this thread

>> No.117269



>> No.117273

exchange fees
confirm times

>> No.117274

Am I in your way?

>> No.117270

Excuse me?

>> No.117271

>Why do you think this one, with more popularity than ever

It maybe more popular on 4chan but not outside

also there is not much trading going on hence prices are not too lucrative to anyone

kinda a catch 22

>> No.117272

Because most are trading very similar prices except gox which doesn't let you withdraw

>> No.117279

Oh. I get it now.

>> No.117280

how to mine scrypt with cpu without shitty shit like GUIminer or cgminer

>> No.117275

>9 (This is where he fucked up)

>> No.117276

big risk with confirm times

>> No.117277

>It maybe more popular on 4chan but not outside

Is there a world outside 4chan?
All seems far too linked to be a coincidence?


>> No.117284


>> No.117281

What do fees look like... and how long does it take for a transaction to confirm?

I think there is massive opportunity to act as a market maker in an otherwise extremely inefficent market

>> No.117287

A diamond pickaxe

>> No.117288

Parallel lines don't come together if you wait

>> No.117289

try it with small amounts to just see how it works. Never hurts to try and you'll soon learn when it's safe and when it's really risky.

>> No.117285

>It maybe more popular on 4chan but not outside
I disagree. Have you ever looked at the /r/dogecoin?

>> No.117286
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>> No.117293

minerd is all i've ever bothered to use for gpus.

In fact I'm only using my q6600 nowadays.

The prebuilt i bought for mining just gathers dust.


Nope but who's to say you can't walk down to roads at the same time ;)

but yeah people need to pick which side they want on 4chan.

anon or tripfag.

>> No.117291


>> No.117292

PND online wallet where?

I know the perfect place to whore out a bot

>> No.117297
File: 93 KB, 1408x737, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over guys, doge is finish

>> No.117299


Because transfer fees and time makes it counterproductive

>> No.117300

nobody cares

>> No.117294

>doge heading for 180
welp, I'm balls deep in PND so I guess I'm unphased.

>> No.117295

My main concern is giving silly amounts of info to unknown people in sketchy parts of this planet like Sarajevo.

>> No.117296

fees vary by exchange, some are flat rate, some are percentage based.

as for confirmation times, that depends on the block speed of a coin.

reminds me of my idea for a coin that, upon the vast majority of coins being mined, the difficulty drops extremely low so that confirmation times are super fast. only need a few machines grinding away at .0001 difficulty blocks to keep confirms really quick, just need to sort out rewards... maybe just have a little private net of confirmation miners...

>> No.117303

>but yeah people need to pick which side they want on 4chan.
>anon or tripfag.
>only two options

>> No.117301

>k7x32 (engineered for this gpu) and 112x2 (something random)
>both yield an extremely similar hashrate
>but why

>> No.117302

>drinking plebergy drinks
>not being coffee master race

>> No.117306

There's none.

>> No.117307

>not being part of the espresso making master race.

>> No.117308

>I never understood why we green text
>can anyone answer
>where did it originate?

>> No.117309

>i haven't been posting in this thread as anon and several trips

>> No.117305

What the hell?
Who is this?

>> No.117311

wolong would ddos the shit out of our online wallet.

>> No.117312

>one sip of drink
The only reason why you'd make a drink be gone in one sip is because it tastes like shit and you want it to be over fast.

>> No.117315
File: 89 KB, 527x585, joogle glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh headquarter's stash

>> No.117322

you do know that cappuccino is made out of espresso?

>> No.117323

>not understanding the benefits of the energy you get from that '1 sip'
(which it is not)

>> No.117316


>Not being Water God race

>> No.117317


>> No.117319

There needs to be a way of efficiently and rapidly confirming the transactions, and a better centralized exchange with algorithms to add liquidity.

I have noticed that the exchanges are extremely vulnerable to huge price swings due to large 500+ coin buys or sells. The market is far too deep in infancy for any major player to get involved.

The question is, what prevents me from making this exchange and confirming transactions quickly to enable higher freq. trading

>> No.117320

>a type of coffee
pick both

>> No.117328

Yeah, and is it gone in one sip?

>> No.117329
File: 44 KB, 235x236, youwentthere6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to the wrong post

>> No.117324


It is used for pointing that is an implication.

You understand what is an implication?

>> No.117334


>It is used for pointing that is an implication.

You understand what is an implication?
lol sorry i couldn't help it.

>> No.117330

>The question is, what prevents me from making this exchange and confirming transactions quickly to enable higher freq. trading

the coin's design.

>> No.117331
File: 106 KB, 500x375, Red-Pill-Blue-Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it's a /g/ perspective that helps me see the whole picture clearly.

You can pick whatever sides you want.

But for me i think it's time to go knock on some doors.

>pic related, found it on business insider.

Remember that nobody is ever as smart as they think they are.

>> No.117332

What if this downtrend that is currently experiencing doge is the last hit of the despair chink?

>> No.117336

And what alternative would exist to allow for better transaction time

>> No.117340

idk anyone else in pooles closed currently mining away?
havnt gotten confirmed in like 3 hours? unconfirmed stacking up like woah

>> No.117341

You are heading into my territory.

>> No.117339

>Is there a world outside 4chan?

apparanntly ther is

i only found out because of >>>/out/ board

>> No.117347
File: 13 KB, 1191x263, unconfirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait

>> No.117344

come join bamboohouse if you wan't quicker blocks

>> No.117345


>> No.117350


Project Reward
PND-Dice 55,000 PND
Android wallet 1,505,000 PND
PND Roulette 50,000 PND
Youtube video explaining PND vs Wolong 50,000 PND
PND Roulette 50,000 PND
PND published article 25,000 PND per

>> No.117351

>Why do you think this one,


when you said this one i assumed you were talking about PND and its popularity

>> No.117352

Don't do this. We don't want to have everyone in one pool, that isn't good for PND

>> No.117354

go on..

>> No.117349
File: 62 KB, 900x900, PNDOGE2theMoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't pretending to be you....
>How's this?


>> No.117356

i could try to get us on hackernews with an article, but... do we really want that?

>> No.117357

sent ;)

>> No.117355

I think that there was a lot of people pulling out that only invested because they thought there would be an immediate price doubling after the halving, but now that it hasn't really materialized, they are pulling out and dumping, which pushes the price even further. If we can pull through the year and maintain the community and things keep getting done, the price should be over 1000 when all the coins are mined.

All I've got to say is keep buying. Its obvious that investment companies already have their eye on dogecoin.

>> No.117360

>PND-Dice 55,000 PND
Illegal gambling and money laundering site for that cheap? Try a million, that may be worth risking getting v& over.

>> No.117361

as long as we're the good guys

>> No.117358
File: 55 KB, 500x669, 1388164361193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best cards for mining at the moment?

>> No.117365

What are you talking about

>> No.117368

Please don't tell me there are people that don't know what a cappuccino is. Also please don't tell me there are people that drink it in one sip.

>> No.117369

thats the spin any journalist will put on this story. 250BTC vs. 250/b/

>> No.117370

why when we can just ask https://coin-horse.com/ to add us?

>> No.117363

Cool thanks

>> No.117371

Sapphire 280x if they arent too expensive

>> No.117374


Your mom.

>> No.117378

If you're electricity rates are autistmal like mine (35 cents per kw/h) look into the 750ti.
It consumes 60 watts and gives 250-300 kh/s
I bought 3 on ebay some hours ago.

>> No.117380

>MONA next difficulty 10.

>> No.117376

This guys still here? Because i can draw shit all night.

>> No.117377

What a dice site is. Have you ever checked the whois of doge-dice? Have you tried to get into contact witht he owner? It's all smoke and mirrors and hosted over proxies behind proxies.

>> No.117383

Can anyone tell me why a casino is a problem EXACTLY.

I am not an American business. BTC is taxed, but alt coins are not.

I accept PND and pay out in PND. Where is the laundering? Why would you need to launder PND (or BTC for that matter) in the first place? No one can tell where you got your money. Maybe its from tips, maybe its from selling dope.

What gives with the v& thing?

All this scary talk makes me want to up the rake.

>> No.117384

Yes, you wan't payday?
Gotta work for me.
Draw PND propaganda.

>> No.117382

Volt coin on cryptorush is getting pumped back up to 10 satoshi tomorrow

>> No.117388
File: 52 KB, 343x400, 1366561433318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how i understand it, unless my trip applies to me too well.

transactions are sent to nodes immediately, which are then broadcast to other nodes and everyone else.

these transactions become `confirmed` when the next block is mined. after a number of blocks are mined, the transactions are considered safe and irreversible. you can see this in pools before payout, you can see it in the wallet when you send/receive, and when you mine.

these amounts are arbitrary and up to the coin's designer. block times can be made super fast by having low difficulty, however when you have too much hash power on too little difficulty you run into forking issues.

>> No.117389

same reason why only indians can open casinos

>> No.117390

So? Guy wants to stay anon. Could be for other reasons than to avoid police. If the police or agency wants you, theyll find you behind 9 proxies anyway.

Maybe they just have thick vault doors?

>> No.117385

There are more and more services for dogecoin and dogecoin is dropping, what does that mean?

>> No.117386

when I was just going to buy at 4

>> No.117392

I'm sorry but I don't see how gambling with funny money is illegal. If it were USD then sure.

>Have you ever checked the whois of doge-dice?
Almost everyone uses whois masking these days.

>It's all smoke and mirrors and hosted over proxies behind proxies
No it's not, it's hosted on a server in LA

>> No.117391

damage control

>> No.117395

already cashed several hundred thousand out at 20 satoshi. volt is old news, quit tryin to get people to buy to dump what you've been sitting on.

>> No.117396

wolong pls

>> No.117393

Get behind 4 gentoos.

>> No.117394


Shaking weak hands.

>> No.117397

Just donated 0.01 btc, now we back on top

Quit being cheap goyim and tip tiny amounts, it's cheap as fuck and my 6 dollar donation jumped us 10k votes. Support PND and it will support you back.

> pic related

>> No.117398

>No it's not, it's hosted on a server in LA
Try this here.
Now enter doge-dice.com. Then hit F5 a few times. See how the IP switches between and That's not a server in LA, that's the start of a proxy chain.

>> No.117402

how much you pay for 750ti
got link?
much want.

>> No.117403

It took one bitcoin to get back up. I advice not to spend any more money on this.

>> No.117400

>pic related

>> No.117401
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, MINTPAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowfag, forgot to upload pic

>> No.117406


Fuck you bitch, im not that fucking chink son of a bitch.

>> No.117407

This is the real Pandacoin. It was made just to confuse YOU.

>> No.117405

I'm confused... wolong just released a pandacoin right? Is this any different from PND? Why are there TWO pandacoins?

>> No.117411

Daily reminder that wolongs ability to move markets is caused by the dumb goys who go "wolong is pumping xxx I better buy a shitload."

He doesn't have enough btc or know how to create pumps on his own.

>> No.117409

It never hit 20 satoshi nice lie

>> No.117410


Odd, the count still said 37k when I refreshed before I donated. Just saw the previous donation though. Awesome.

>never regret

>> No.117415

He had >10k btc at one point.

>> No.117414

do i buy at 4 or wait to buy at 3?

>> No.117419

Someone just pumped it to 8 satoshi randomly that's usually a sign of a pump coming

>> No.117420
File: 476 KB, 1024x768, 1393149938143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do it smooth criminal.

>> No.117421


>B-but he p-pump doge

The community raise doge in value. The chink just recognized the trend and he reclaim like he did it, fucking fraudulent son of a bitch,

>> No.117416


>> No.117417

he never showed proof of any kind

>> No.117418

No one buys when he's pumping you fucking idiot

>> No.117425

volt coin pump when

>> No.117424

All his irc club members do.

>> No.117430

I'll watch it

>> No.117426
File: 22 KB, 1068x376, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultracoin == rekd

>> No.117427


>> No.117428

>57491 votes on mintpal

>> No.117429

Or so he says. Never actually proved it.

PANDA at its peak only had a volume of 500 BTC. Which is what he would received from the IPO and from other investors. But still, despite Wolongs best efforts, the price continued slowly downward because of miners immediately dumping. Wolong wasn't able to combat this, which leads me to believe that he is full of shit

>> No.117434

That isn't proof, It's posturing. I could write the same thing on any forum, doesn't mean I have them.

>> No.117431

Isn't this a small version of the real world? People who want to invest, but don't have the guts or insights to pick. So they follow a guru very closely and try to make a few pennies getting in early. Wolong makes a lot of money with such followers.

>> No.117433

definintely not proof.
I want to see a bitcoin wallet screen shot with 10k btc.

>> No.117437

Dude probably has access to 10k BTC. Like how some investment bankers have a budget of 10 million $.

>> No.117438

As do the gurus but a lot of the time people lose out and the gurus just respond with "not my problem"

>> No.117439

A cryptorush dev made the coin there is always random pumps. Thank you for reminding me though I didn't know it was at 3 satoshi will buy

>> No.117435
File: 29 KB, 837x624, 2moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In mspaint.

Yes. Doge is lost.

Here is my whore address: PAipefi5tMJE6jYSEjdeVwG2TdRuocEBCN

>> No.117436
File: 3 KB, 790x37, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a taste of what you missed. just a taste.

>> No.117440

sent ;)

>> No.117441

Wolong does this to make people have confidence in him.

He has less than 1000 btc for sure. Just look at his failed eac and elephant pumps.

>> No.117442

floor where

>> No.117445

again, all word of mouth. I was personally in the IRC when he said that. There was even someone who met with him in person. That person said wolong showed pictures of the investors but they just looked like people standing next to eachother.

Anon, you are the person wolong takes advantage of.

>> No.117446

What a tasty $5 salad

Call me when you grow your first pube, kid.

>> No.117447

that just fucking reminded me. Wolong is asian probably based in singapore right? (heard from sources pls confirm). I'm burmese and wolong just occured me to me to be the word for bamboo in my language (I used to get beat with a bamboo stick back in singapore and i hated the word wolong). anyways just a thought that occured carry on :P

>> No.117444

He was buying his coins for a week before it all went to shit, that's at least 100btc/day.
Imagine pumping PND to 100 satoshi and sustaining it.

>> No.117448

Is this Wolong?

>> No.117449
File: 9 KB, 441x480, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon!

>> No.117450


>> No.117451


>> No.117452


Buying? Dafux u talkin bout negro. He already had over 2 billion from the IPO. He didn't need any out of pocket expense. He just dumped as he pleased.

>> No.117456

Where the fuck did all you new fags come from?
I welcome you but holy shit, seems like 20 of you all joined at the same time.

>> No.117457

Yes. He has pumped Volt in the past

>> No.117458

what's the channel?

>> No.117459

You don't even know what P&D is.

>> No.117461

No, come on, I am realistic. This dude gets to launch his own coin for 250BTC. Thats not his money, but he has ACCESS to it.

Maybe I live a few years back, but I can easily see how wolong could have access to 10k BTC.

I also think the triad investments have some portion of truth to them, and a large part of those BTC budget may come from less legal practices.

>> No.117455

why the hell is doge dropping so much?

>> No.117464

I was wondering what that buy up to 8 satoshi was about yesterday....
They will probably pump it passed 10 then

>> No.117465

you're a clueless moron, he even fucking admitted it. Check his twitter feed

>> No.117462

Give 10000btc to wolong and amdoge. After one year who has more btc?

No scamming or outside help allowed.

>> No.117473

-fedora tip-
nobody has any btc cause doge and PND are king and queen in the cryptoworld

>> No.117474

Obviously you don't. He had over 2 BILLION confirmed coins in his wallet that he sold off during all intervals of the rise and fall.

He didn't need buys to hype up his coin. The entire hype was the guise created by his name itself and sheeplefags buying in hoping it would be insta-moon. Just like max keiser's coin.


>> No.117466

way back when he was pumping doge it was
then he went private to
I don't remember exactly but they are long gone now. We have suppressed wolongs tyranny for a bit.

>> No.117468

>No scamming

Wolong loses

>> No.117470

amDOGE because Wolong will be killed by triads soon

>> No.117472
File: 98 KB, 556x313, Shlomo-Ettlinger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this guy, tbh

>> No.117477


>> No.117478

This. Be aware that mintpal would be stupid to add any coin as long as they are fighting each other throwing btc at mintpal.

>> No.117480

Yes, goy. Spend your hard earned money on cryptoshekels. We promise that you will profit.

>> No.117481

you moron think for yourself.

>> No.117483

I have a week before the monthly bill is due; should I sell my dogecoins to pay rent or should I hold till the end of the week?

>> No.117486

>not 18
>72 000
Dont waste my time

>> No.117487

He needed to beg the investors for 250 BTC in order to get this thing off the ground and bribe people into accepting it. People called him a benefactor of the coin but it's quite obvious that he never put any of his own funds into the project, probably because he doesn't have very much.

Somebody with 10k BTC wouldn't have had a mental breakdown like he did.

Somebody with 10k BTC would be more interested in developing a good coin over the long term and building up interest rather than scamming a few lowly plebs for a small profit.

>> No.117492

Maybe you are right. I kinda forgot how much BTC are worth. I do think its possible Wolong has access to such sums, or had, at some point in time.

>> No.117494

Ask your electricity company if they accept dogecoins as payment

>> No.117491

Please tell us when. I dont want to have to sit at my computer refreshing.

>> No.117495

>10k BTC
#why would I even post on 4chan or need followers?

>> No.117498

Doesn't really matter.
Point in case, he is a scum bag and takes advantage of people. He is immoral and needs to get hit by more cars.

>> No.117496

What should I mine?

>> No.117503

Always mine PND, get on the train.

And give up mint. I know nothing about it, so its obvious some big holders of that coin are trying to raise popularity by shilling mint stuff in PNDOGE threads.

>> No.117504

nyan or mona maybe?

cats are cool.

or try for something noble.

or just find something that you like

>> No.117505

Mint will crash soon so if you mine it, you should dump ASAP.

PND is a good long-term investment.

You decide. Personally I think you'll get more from PND in the long run.

>> No.117500

Pretty sure they don't accept it ):
or trust.

>> No.117501

Volt coin pumps are common and it is at its floor right now

>> No.117509

That's roughly ten million USD. No fucken way he ever had that much. All his pictures he uploads show him living in a dirty shithouse.

>> No.117506
File: 1008 KB, 202x284, jHav1er.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woshort once he finds out the triads are forcing him into gay sex slavery to pay off his debts

>> No.117508

PokerCoin is going to explode soon

>> No.117513

>All his pictures he uploads

lel where?

>> No.117514

this isn't december 2013 anon
bitcoins are 1,200 bucks anymore ;)

>> No.117511

My vote is on gamercoin.

>> No.117519

Have fun losing .2 BTC.

Buy PND instead

>> No.117515

So when is this volt coin pump happening?
I'm about to throw a BTC into it

>> No.117517

Access to a sum (deciding on how to spend it, where to spend it) is totally different from owning a sum.

You won't believe the marketing budgets I had access to at Heineken and RB.

>> No.117518
File: 53 KB, 1235x212, 1393151063704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek and coin

>> No.117520

Mint is nearing the peak of its pump, and if you get in now you will most likely regret. Tiny ass community, just hyped the fuck up because of the hybrid pow/pos system (which doesn't matter because it's still a shitty coin with zero community).

Got on PND before it blows up.

>> No.117524

holy shit TIPS more than doubled in value while I was asleep

>> No.117525

No thanks PND isnt going passed 10 satoshi but volt was trading at 12 commonly.
It is free money.

>> No.117526

We need a hype video. I thought the dogecoin.avi guy posted here?

>> No.117521
File: 110 KB, 872x900, PND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another

>> No.117522

The ones with stacks of GPUs. Check bitcointalk.

>> No.117523

WTF, I live in Rotterdam. What is this shit?

>> No.117528

SHIT forgot my address


>> No.117529

He paid someone to make that photo.

>> No.117530

Rotjeknor is een schijtplek maat

>> No.117535

fedoracoin? I can't keep up with all these fucking abbreviations

>> No.117536

double nothing is still nothing. They weren't even being traded in satoshi

>> No.117532

PND has already blown up.
>thinking it is going to see 12 satoshi again

>> No.117537

My Intuos is in my car.

My eyes are red, swollen and are stuck in at 3 foot focus distance.

I will buy beer tomorrow and draw all day.

>> No.117538

why are so many shills trying to come into a pndoge thread thinking to convert us to the non-train no moon landing schedule currencies?

>Houston we do not have a problem, countdown a go.

Sorry your shitty currencies have not been cleared for orbital launch but do not bring your nonsense here. we have our tickets already kthx.

>> No.117539

That 12 satoshi was like 1 hour after being on the exchange. You can't even say it has blown up.

PND, for me, started at 1 satoshi and is now around 7.

>> No.117541

The hashrate keeps going up. The price will follow.

>> No.117545

What is the floor? 3 or 4 satoshi?

>> No.117546

Click Vote next to PND 3 times. Repeat after 1 hour:

>> No.117542

>thinking we reached our peak when we only have less than 500 subscribers

>> No.117544

Withdrew all coins from swisscex, waiting for mintpal. This shit is worse than cryptsy.

>> No.117547

Probably just "get rich quick" faggots who know that their plan isn't working trying to salvage it.

Newsflash: that shit never works unless you have a crystal ball.

>> No.117548

ANK, wrong.
Hash follows price, never the other way around.
Debate me if you want to or just think about it to yourself for a minute. I use to think like you once.

>> No.117549


>comparing 7 week old shitcoin averaging about 3 to 4 satoshi during its lifespan to 5 day old coin already at 6 to 7 satoshis

>> No.117553

>price goes up
>more people mine because it now becomes profitable
>hash goes up

the causality is fairly clear, why would it be reversed?

>> No.117557

More hash more diff less coins higher price debate me I'm athiest

>> No.117555

Hashrate has to go up first for higher difficulty because a multipool picked us up


>> No.117558

Holy shit we gained 20k votes since the last time I looked 1 hour ago. Is somebody buying votes or using a proxy?

>> No.117560

Yes, altcoin prices are never overpriced as soon as they hit an exchange
PND will fall to 2-5 satoshi like all other shit coins in a few days
Probably even faster considering the name/logo were stolen.

>> No.117566

Someone paid 2.5btc.

>> No.117567

2.5BTC worth of votes have been bought. Click on the wallet address next to PND.

>> No.117569


>> No.117562


>> No.117563

Can I get some pnd? I can't mine with laptop.

>> No.117564

high hash = more multipool = more dumping

>> No.117571

git gud or git rekt