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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11700866 No.11700866 [Reply] [Original]

Hello! As I understand it you are an investment community focused on cryptocurrencies.

Do any of you hold the “Request Network” token? I’d queried about it on their official subreddit, and much to my surprise, I discovered earlier today the post has resulted in me being banned! Strange!

Is this normal behavior for them? It seems very unprofessional!

Anyway, I’m very new to cryptocurrencies and as you can see from the image I posted, I’m trying to move some of my portfolio into them, so any insight as to why there was such hostility toward me would be much appreciated! Thank you gentlemen!

>> No.11700874

Based and redpilled
First for our top Frenchie cocksucker AbstractTornado

>> No.11700873

go back

>> No.11700875
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>> No.11700882

Go back where?

>> No.11700890

AbstractTornado is a fascist

>> No.11700919

everywhere but here
or stop posting and lurk for 2 years faggot
Stop making threads like a low life pajeet
for your shit another thread died

>> No.11700941

shit tier bait

>> No.11700969

Based REQ mods not allowing retards fuck up their wonderful reddit community.

>> No.11701024

Jesus man you're even more pathetic than the guy spaming "there will be two unexpected updates"

>> No.11701050

Bullying shitty projects is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.11701788

go the fuck back

>> No.11701801

Because stupid FUD should stay on /biz and not extend to the more serious financial discussion platforms. The monetized trolling needs to stop.

>> No.11702228
File: 29 KB, 600x484, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You ever think about what you're doing with your life? The time and resources you've spent could of gone to something more productive, yet you choose to do shit like this. You ever consider there is something seriously mentally wrong with you and there's no fixing it? You obviously give nothing of value to society, I doubt your family loves you and it's clear that you're a degenerate so I can assume you don't believe in God. Let's say you managed to acquire a low grade girlfriend or spouse, you most likely will or have failed to provide them with any sense of fulfillment. Do you get this gut feeling that you're worthless and undeserving of life and that you will never accomplish anything worthy of the slightest praise?
Look at yourself in the mirror after posting shit like this and ask yourself "why, when, and how"?
(You: Why do I write this shit, when should I kill myself, how should I kill myself)

>> No.11702243

You spent more time writing that than most of us did our own posts

>> No.11702342

i dont use reddit because i think its shit and its people are shit but i love to see them have their shitcoins failings rubbed in their faces. ... makes me feel warm inside

>> No.11702531

M8 there's multiple pastas and FUD threads being spammed DAILY. That's a lot of dedication.

>> No.11702748

>team takes moneytis investor money, investors lose money
>team “pivots” to request network while in YC
>worst, most incompetent YC team in winter batch and everyone knows it
>cashes in on ico craze
>steals logo from other company
>tricks investors with muh fiat muh mainnet muh partnerships
>squats in kyber’s office to steal their code, since the req team can hardly code for themselves
>accomplishes no tasks
>req team exposed by wiki france for being lazy, uncommunicative. turns out to be true all along
>suspicious eth and req token transfers from team wallets, coinciding with major dumps
>pushing roadmap goals further and further out until they can dump all their vested tokens in Oct. 2019
>sudden silence on pwc france development (there’s nothing even remotely completed)
>they call it v2...when it really is just starting from scratch because they still haven’t put in enough effort to integrate btc
>plan for pivot after vesting period and dumping of req tokens

Get out of this scam investment while you can.