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11700612 No.11700612 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11700614


>> No.11700620


>> No.11700629

bear trap

>> No.11700634

Stuck in outer space totally decoupled from the people on Earth. You're not gonna make it OP. You need real tangible things to make it all work. You never tricked the boomers. You are fleecing yourself and you don't even know it yet.

>> No.11700635

Rape dog

>> No.11700637

Bear Trap

>> No.11700642
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>6000 is the bottomest bottom
>muh coinbase
does nothing
>but BAKKT will introduce 30 trillion in institutional money!
already priced in and waiting to dump on fomo'ing newcomers
>dpl tech is the future!
it is, but it's being privately developed by every major corporation and not a single shitcoin will be a part of it.

>muh kaliedo

>> No.11700646

Robots are coming. Your 'work' is nothing but people wasting their lives trying to find meaning.
It will be obvious soon.

>> No.11700651

Stealth phase.

>> No.11700666
File: 125 KB, 340x604, CDFADEFB-88D1-4120-B167-48825E4DFB5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we might be here

>> No.11700681

We are in the death/dying phase.

>> No.11700986

right before "return to 'normal'"

>> No.11701001

when will you retards stop posting this irrelevant chart

>> No.11701011

Bear trap
>best case scenario
Between despair and return to the mean
>worst case scenario
Between that grey line and the bottom of despair

>> No.11701016

Boomers are rather easy to trick. Watch and you will see a wave of boomers delay retirement because they left too much in stocks, just like 2008. Then they will still vote for (((conservatives))) who keep supporting the elites' game. The zionist elites unironically perform little to no work. For instance, Soros

>> No.11701052

Capitulation. The mean value is zero. Internet money is not worth anything

>> No.11701064


>> No.11701073

New paradigm

>> No.11701079


>> No.11701080

Nowhere and lost - get over it.

>> No.11701092

we're at return to the meme

>> No.11701532


>> No.11701541
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return to normal

>> No.11701572
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Smart money was Roger Ver and Charlie Shrem. Instiutional money is still ongoing. The public doesn't use blockchain and bitcoin as much as people think. It doesn't even scale and the bull run to 20k was the first sell off and bear trap.

>> No.11701679

you wish bag holder. we are about to enter fear and will be in full blown capitulation by 2019

>> No.11701685

bull trap

>> No.11701686

based and red pilled

>> No.11702445
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, ItAintEasyBeingGreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are unironically still in the stealth phase. one day we will look back on the early days such as these with amazement. we will, each and all of us, make it.

>> No.11702462

btc never fell back to the previous mean after a bull your chart is off it should bottom out near 12-20k

>> No.11702476

It's an awkward stealth phase, as most people know about it, but they identify it as a ponzi scam and shouldn't touch it with an 80 meter pole because crazy uncle roger lost 50k in two weeks in January.

>> No.11702489

Nobody cares anymore phase?

>> No.11702491
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exactly. if people knew that the gold standard would be replaced by the oil standard before it happened invested in oil they would have made a lot of money. world fuel reserves are rapidly declining though. I wonder what the new standard will be?

>> No.11702505

>I wonder what the new standard will be?
how about human lives? they fuel all economic systems despite big words and ideals.

>> No.11702516

and how will we trade in said currency?

>> No.11702548


>> No.11702554

how will that put milk in my fridge?

>> No.11702560
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>tfw buy in the top of stealth phase and sell in bottom of blow off phase
its the biz way

>> No.11702677

We have returned to mean
The chart will repeat in 2 years

>> No.11702685
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>> No.11703643

Return to normal, we havent even reached fear or capitulation
You neckbeard NEET losers are gonna get blown the fuck out, shit pushed in so hard itll be comin out of your ears.

>> No.11704844

Return to normal definitely. BTC still worth more than 6000 USD, and doing "normal" lately: Everyone expecting next bull run, but what will really happen is huge red dildo straight in to the ass, then we see fear to 3k over 48h. Capitulation from 3k all the way down to 1k in a week till we fall down in deep dark Despair Pit where we see BTC as low as 300-500 USD, and 95 of all other cryptocurrencies would be worth absolute zero.

>> No.11704871

He right you know. Dear probably. Extended, painful fear. If this went to 3500 tomorrow you'd see massive capitulation and utter despair. Any rally would be disbelief, but it would be the start of a new bull run for sure.

>> No.11704875

my trips say you are correct

>> No.11704914
File: 26 KB, 1449x498, df6c9ys2a5x11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return to normal

bitcoin is about to collapse and you know it.

>> No.11705171

Capitulation. It's just that the blow off phase is massively shortened on that graph, in reality it will last years.

>> No.11705195

so whats the 10 year MA? what would the real mean be? $800? $2000? $5000?

>> No.11705221

The only solution to this is to fuck off to another country. Is Iceland alright?

>> No.11705274

Return to the mean, unironically.

>> No.11705282
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Like they did in 18th century.

>> No.11705291
File: 243 KB, 964x623, AdobePhotoshopExpress_90af093b97474f4b8e2fec3bbc62c5b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it this way, everybody suggesting that we are due a second leg to the bear market is downvoted to hell on bitcoinmarkets. If you ask me people are still exuberant from the last bull market and feel like they are owed a new bull market. That is not capitulation. Capitulation must actually lead to people having doubt that it is ever coming back.

The last bull market took a lot longer than previous ones due to the higher capitalization. It therefore makes sense that our bear markets will reflect this and be more drawn out. This bear market could last another year, maybe until the next halving. Then the next bull run will be huge and last for a number of years.

>> No.11705305

>credit is not worth anything hurr

>> No.11705310

take off
either capitulation or despair

>> No.11705337

People who post on crypto forums are different from John Q. Public, though.

Most people at this point regard Bitcoin and crypto in general as a scam/pyramid scheme. The sentiment is "that was never going to work, you were delusional".

We're well past despair with the current stability, I'd say.

>> No.11705381

Fuck off, we are full. Don't want 4chan subhumans here.

>> No.11705404

They ain't different. You trying to tell me most of them make a profit trading? They are plebs and the true pleb money i.e. Pension funds have no exposure yet so their emotions are not reflected in the market yet

>> No.11705425

Fuck that cycle pic

here's where we are. Everyone is waiting for this mythical christmas pump.. and if it doesn't happen.. we're going to see everyone sell off in January.

down 85%. Im shorting when that sell off starts.

>> No.11705435
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Healthy attitude, chap.

>> No.11705437

They're a subset. But the days when Grandma would ask about how to buy some of them interner monies are gone for now (and did exist). The amount of attention crypto gets is far lower than in December, the news don't write about it nearly as much and normies don't talk about it anymore.

>> No.11705618

we're at the first sell off

>> No.11705783

This. Bullrun is still happening once that ETF gets approved.

>> No.11706807


>> No.11706850

No we're not

>> No.11706851

Take off. Sell off is going to be next moon after correction. Then a 2 year phase until next moon run. With the presidential elections. #TeamMcafee

>> No.11707029

That is a silver chart.
Crypto doesn’t follow that.
Hold your bag and buy

>> No.11707285
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right before take off

>> No.11707494

return to normal

>> No.11707676

All I know is I bought 100k link at 25 cents and I’m ready to hop into the codeship and launch

>> No.11707692

I don't want to believe it because it's unbelievable but I'm betting this is true