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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1168051 No.1168051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 21 and no kids

Swear it is becoming very rare to see a true red pilled men like myself see through the tricks of women to but a ball and chain on you in the form of a kid.

>> No.1168057

yeah dude, all my highschool acquaintances are cucks to their bitch whore girlfriends cause they decided to fuck like rabbits and think their virgin asses had enough control to pull out on time.

i was at least smart enough to have a few plan-b pills laying around, and my current girl has that implant shit in her arm.

i dont ever want kids as of now. maybe when im 40 and have nothing better to do than to download all my fucked up ideologies onto a fresh hard drive.

>> No.1168058

good gojim. stop breading. soon we get rid of your kind.

>> No.1168064

There are 21 year olds with kids...?

>> No.1168069

Yeah... I'm sure it's voluntary... Let's just go with that... Y-yeah... It's a personal choice!

>> No.1168070

You sure showed those semen demons by not giving up your virginity

>> No.1168071
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nice goin, retard.

>> No.1168074
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>tfw 19 and my gf is pregnant with our 3rd kid

I mcfucked up

>> No.1168076

it is, lmao.
a. wear a rubber
b. birth control
c. anal

it's an easy thing to avoid if youre not a dumbass

>> No.1168083

>tfw sixteen and mom is pregnant with your second son

>> No.1168089

>C'mon little Johnny! Time to visit your uncle dad in prison.

>> No.1168099

I meant the choice not to be married or have children. I-it's definitely voluntary!

I-im a virgin by choice... I swear!

>> No.1168103

>tfw uncledad snitches on the aryan brotherhood so they killed him and now you have no one to turn to for lady advice

>> No.1168107

Hell no. If you look at the boomer generation practically everyone was having kids at 21. Nowadays, it is actually the norm to see more people waiting to have kids until they are older. Most of my friends are in their 30s with no kids. You don't know wtf you are talking about. No, you didn't figure out some super secret about how to be successful in life. Turns out you are not a special snowflake after all and that your "keen" awareness is actually basic common sense. Sorry, bud.

>> No.1168108

Dude I have already fucked over 25 sluts pull out game strong, even had one that tried to rip the condom. Only cucks like you let women trap you.

>> No.1168885


>> No.1168897

Generation x (people 30-40) didnt breed while millenials (late teens to mid 20s) are breeding like rabbits on steroids. Im 20 and everyone i went to hs with has a kid or two

>> No.1168911
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>mfw having a housewife with 7 kids and a stable income

>> No.1168912

This isn't true though, millenials have less sex than gen x, probably due to easy access pron

>> No.1168914

Its probably cause i live in a working class area but everyone i know is on their 2nd or 3rd kid

>> No.1168915

there are 14-year-olds with kids

>> No.1168948

I'm a poor NEET so women do me a favor and overlook me.
Then again they do the same when I'm working...

>> No.1168967


Gee, I wonder who's behind this post.


>> No.1168971


Can retarded stormfags fuck off once and for all?

>> No.1168982

I want to be like you senpai.

I want kids, I can't think of anything more personally fulfilling. Of course I'm not a materialist and I haven't been deluded into insane anti-natalist "philosophy" so YMMV.

>> No.1168984

>a kid
It really only makes sense if you both want to do it. Even then, I'd have a bunch of money ready.
Makes it much easier.

>> No.1168993

>tfw we finally figured out how to win a war against people we disagree with
>tfw our kids will be successful just for being born and having no competition
It was already piss easy growing up with half my generation falling to obesity and most of the others killing themselves with computer games or shopping sprees. I can just imagine how little my kids will need to do to maintain wealth and quality lives.

>> No.1169039

anal is my preference
but for some reason if you ruin a girls anus she thinks you owe her or something
it gets awkward

>> No.1169046

Do most men have children in their early 20s? Maybe I'm just from a richer area, but I dont see this often.

>> No.1169050

Good job OP.

I am 21 too, plan on having kids when I am 28 with a cute Christian virgin around 19 yo. while having 1a house and some savings.

Living the life. Hoping for around five kids.

>> No.1169053

What will your projected income be?

>> No.1169059

I'm hoping businesses will work out and that I'll be working for myself making some serious bank and investing in stocks.

If it doesn't, I'll be an IT manager somewhere and I'd make about $3200 a month before taxes.

I've got good hopes and good motivation tho.

We're all going to get there.

>> No.1169063

Yeah, good call waiting on more funds.
Otherwise, all you'll do is fucking yell at each other.

>> No.1169066

Yeah, thing is, I want my wife to stay at home and take care of our children.

So in order to do that, I'll need serious income.

>> No.1169074

You'll have to see how that goes.
Mine said she wanted to keep working, but chucked that shit once we had one.

>> No.1169075

Good for you bro, keep that bitch where she belongs.

All the best.

>> No.1169082

I never plan on having kids but don't want a vasectomy hopefully male birth control hits the market soon

>> No.1169083

Are you a white male?

>> No.1169087


>> No.1169090

In that case it is your devine duty to have atleast 3 children to help the white race spread.

Sincerely, /pol/.

>> No.1169115
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It all depends on what you want to spread

>> No.1169118
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>tfw gay degenerate
>tfw accidental pregnancy is impossible
>tfw I don't want kids and I will never be fucked over and get one gainst my will
>tfw even if I ever get HIV, the medicine is cheaper than kids

>> No.1169137

Nokids life is best life

You can buy cigars, whiskey, sports cars and motorcycles and still have tons of cash

>inb4 toys

>> No.1169146

>You can buy cigars, whiskey, sports cars and motorcycles and still have tons of cash
Yeah. I can buy all of those things.
Still have two kids.
They're not mutually exclusive, you just have to be smart about it.

>> No.1169149

And your wife isn't mad about that?

as a nokids I can take a week-long hike on the AT anytime I want

can you say the same breedcuck?

>> No.1169150
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>He has Stockholm syndrome from having children
>He let biological processes that rationalize having children affect him

I wish you the best.

>> No.1169152

>week long hike
Sounds... great, bro... congrats...

>> No.1169155

You've never gone camping senpai? It's very relaxing

>> No.1169160
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Somebody get this hothead outta here!

>> No.1169166

>your wife isn't mad
Why would she be mad?
As you said, still plenty of cash left over.

>can you say the same
Yes, I can.
I'm leaving for a week next month.

Everyone doesn't have the same situation, you know.

>> No.1169176

Holy shit

That's pretty deepz

>> No.1169187
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>> No.1169195

Germany has this things that you can discount your kids from taxes so having kids there is probably the best place to have kids but they don't have kids because they are cucks

>> No.1169204

Nice "everyone with kids is miserable" meme.
Trust me. If you have the right amount of money, they're really not too much trouble.
You can just hire people to watch them.

>> No.1169225

>ruin a girls anus
have you heard about sustainability
people like you cause global warming and melting of the ice caps

>> No.1169376

>You can just hire people to watch them.

Great parenting there chap

>> No.1169399

It's a whole industry here.
They call it "baby-sitting".

>> No.1169408

I agree. Best buddy had a kid and was pressuring me to knock up my ex. Was starting to feel like I should and even felt like a beta for not having done it but seeing him now makes me so glad I didn't. He's stuck at a shit job because he can't go back to school, his baby mama left him after 8 years of marriage and he never has money to do fun shit with me and my friends. He can't even leave the state he's in or he won't be able to see his kid as often. To top it off, we aren't even in our 30s yet. I wouldn't say he's miserable or anything like that but I wouldn't trade places with him. I want kids but not anytime soon.

>> No.1169415

Go back to /r9k/ with all the other neets who use virginity as a shaming tactic. The world is full of sluts, getting laid isn't a challenge anymore to people who aren't like you.

>> No.1169420

Where I live, most don't go to college. Those that don't usually were slackers in secondary. It's extremely common to see these slackers with children during or right after school.

>> No.1169425

>It's extremely common to see these slackers with children during or right after school.
Yep, same here.
It's like they never figured out that providing for yourself is a prerequisite.

>> No.1169437

I sometimes get conflicted with /pol/ on the sexual revolution because of this. Sure, I get to score some pussy, but young people generally disregard the consequences and don't take the necessary steps to avoid illness or pregnancy, with the new way sex is viewed in our culture.

Or maybe this is how it's supposed to be. Darwinian society and whatnot.

>> No.1169449


>> No.1169501

>the new way sex is viewed
Maybe I was just more careful because we all thought AIDS was lurking around every corner.

>> No.1169595
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I'm 29 and have 4 kids plan on having 1 more.

I've never been happier. I do however see many families that are fucked up and have kids that make their shit worse.

My wife stays home where she belongs taking care of everyone. I work and have some eBay stuff on the side making total about 85K a year.

My main long term financial goal is to have a house big enough to have all my children and grandchildren home in for the holidays when they move out and then have families of their own. Currently I think I need about 1.5 million to put toward the house; for a nice 6+ bedroom house in the area I live in.

If you think you may not want kids, then don't. The worst act short of violent criminal behavior is to crap out a kid you can't handle.

To the guy who's backpacking for a week: I hike and backpack with my son. You're missing out.

>> No.1169698

>hedonistic w+m1 life
Boring as fuck

If i didnt have kids id have to make a large global impact or id go insane

>> No.1169722

Life is meaningless. Engaging in debauchery and going out in a hedonistic blaze is all there is to life.

>> No.1169844
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>true red pilled men like myself

>> No.1170032

HOW do you "ruin" an anus?

>> No.1170055

Out of my friends, I'd say 10% are in symbiotic relationships, 15% are cucked and paying for kids, the rest are single or just in shorter term relationships, that will end in a couple of months.

>> No.1170098

No, the point of living is to pass on your genetics. The point of your life is no different than the point of all life on this planet. To compete and test for the best iteration of your species.

That said, fuck it.

>> No.1170103
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>>true red pilled men like myself

>> No.1170105

abstinence is the only true birth control

and boy am i ever abstinent

>> No.1170106

>what is donating sperm

>> No.1170123

is it possible to travel to different places around the world donating sperm?

>> No.1170127
File: 107 KB, 959x959, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to donate my sperm

>> No.1170221

>tfw a short black guy

I might go donate in Sweden or something lol.

Well, you know.

>> No.1170233

I think it's cruel to bring a child into the world, the way it is going (feminazism)