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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11696501 No.11696501 [Reply] [Original]

Got credit card debt of about $1100, got an introductory rate on a balance transfer for 3 years 0% interest, should I just let the direct debit chip down on it or should I just pay it all off in one go?

>> No.11696510

will you post this shit again for the whole day you stinking pajeet

>> No.11696515

I have 5k in cc debt refinanced at 15% :/

>> No.11696521
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Not if you give me a serious answer I won't, dumb nigger.
That's a yikes from me. How does it feel paying the credit card Jew?

>> No.11696536

only answer you will ever need
kys, solves all your problems at once

>> No.11696557
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>> No.11696912
File: 35 KB, 614x532, A5FD00EA-5C3C-4D6F-9B33-AEEF1D8BDE7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another amerishart debt cuck

>> No.11696964


Same here. Never paying.

>> No.11696986
File: 12 KB, 199x192, 14734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also over 30k in medical debt which will also literally unironically never get paid. I will continue to pay my bills and save for my future, these kikes ain't seeing ONE dollar towards my debts. Feels good man, literally legit.

>> No.11697045
File: 333 KB, 759x477, (((debt))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11697243


How does that work in the united states of debtistan? How can you default on 30k in debt but simultaneously be allowed to have a savings account? Won't the jews come knocking for your last dime eventually?

>> No.11697244

There is never a reason to pay off a zero interest loan early. Unless you want to increase cash flow.

>> No.11697356

Holy fuck dude, at least get a 0 percent credit card for 2 years somewhere to balance transfer some of that on to and pay it down with less interest

>> No.11697442

they'll send it to collections and your score will tank a lot ensuring you can't ever get another line of credit for years. i think they might also garnish your wages if they take you to court, but not sure.

>> No.11698048

are you stupid or what. there is clearly no distinction between the two options if there is no interest. so this question is the equivalent of asking whether you should have eggs or cereal for breakfast. nobody cares. kys