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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11693482 No.11693482 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here /locked/ and /comfy/?

>> No.11693507
File: 523 KB, 1400x1483, 50dolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.gov disagrees with your comfy level.

Crypto dreams have turned into nightmare.

Have you seen what is coming next?


>> No.11693522
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>locked my ETH @ $726
>missed the peak
feels bad bros

>> No.11693523

Well, personally locked mine at 18,450. I'll keep em that way untill the next bullrun begins. Maybe will unlock 2% of them for a new car if bitcoin is still < 18k next month

>> No.11693561

How exactly does it lock the price?

>> No.11693567

is that real

>> No.11693570

Magic internet beans

>> No.11693571

Bitcoin has a coding language called Script in the protocol; Trezors can code your Bitcoins to hold a USD peg. Pretty neat right?

>> No.11693587

wtf aesthetic as fuck

>> No.11693591


>> No.11693595

sounds like something that could be exploited
what's the point of 'locking' a price if no one is willing to pay it? just a way to remember how high it once was?

>> No.11693602

The realist thing you ever saw on /biz/. That I can assure you.

Have cash and metals on hand. That is the only thing they will be accepting during the transition.

>> No.11693606

it automatically exchanges ur frozen bitcoins to the amount they're currently worth after a complex algorithm that takes days to resolve

>> No.11693630
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>the absolute state of boomers

Holy fucking KEK. This isn't even fucking real you retarded cunts, holy shit. Some graphic design whizz just made this. If the US designed some new notes they'd be global fucking news. This board is so fucking retarded.


>> No.11693649

>This isn't even fucking real you retarded cunts

Welcome to the ground floor. Consider yourself one of the first to know. Don't dismiss things just because you don't understand. It's going to get real cold outside and there is room in this house for all who can clearly see the future.

>> No.11693652
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This is aesthetic as fuck

plz gibs Mr Mnuchin

>> No.11693656

lmao retard is down 66%

>> No.11693658


Link to an actual article?

This doesn't explain how you can sell btc at 20k when the market is asking 6k.

>> No.11693743
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>> No.11693764

omg brainlet, your BTC have a fiat value associated to it that you can "release" after you block it, that's the entire point of the blockchain ffs

>> No.11693784

wow OP you've really attracted some tardfags

>> No.11693808

this is a good thread

>> No.11693809

Dude, you might want to head over to reddit and ask there how the locking function of the trezor works.
These people here on /biz/ will just try to mess with you.

>> No.11693830
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>> No.11693842
File: 73 KB, 559x448, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trezor doesn't "lock" anything you dumb fucks. It just indicates the price at which you bought your shitcoin.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.11693846

next great scamcoin

>> No.11693855

Then why am I able to access the blocks in which I bought it and recover my money right fucking now you dumb semen slurper?

>> No.11693868

No scam fren. This is the real thing. Only two points of entry though.


Everything digital will not be allowed to entered.

>> No.11693872
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>he doesn't know about price locking

>> No.11693880
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>> No.11693889


Jesus christ you fucking retard, how fucking new are you to crypto

Did you seriously not fucking lock your BTC in January?

Wait wait wait...do you mean to tell me there's actually someone that just let the price crash? Holy fucking shit, haha

How fucking justed are you right now??! HahahaHAHA

>> No.11693897

Look at this guy, wishing he locked his BTC at a higher price. I might not have gotten mine locked at the top but I’m damn glad I got them locked at $13k.

>> No.11693911

I bet you didn't even know that you could use hardware wallets that way to avoid losses until this thread. Fucking newfags I swear...

>> No.11693971

By leveraging blockchain technologies.

>> No.11694223
File: 171 KB, 640x871, 1487113489620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

locked and ready to unlock when market hits ath again. there's an app that lets you earn interest during the locked period - compatible with trezor and ledger

>> No.11694381

Fucking Kek. People still fall for this meme?

>> No.11694424

I injected custom firmware to my Trezor. It's circuitry is specially designed to handle blockchain instructions and happens to be highly optimized for mining Chainlink. Currently mining 400 LINK per day with my cute little Trezor. I am constantly dumping them on you stinkies.

>> No.11694647
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Sounds like you've finally solved the oracle problem

>> No.11695317

there's a good reason why people buy hardware wallets u fucking mong

>> No.11695338

You guys are all dumb. Ive programmed my trezor so i can give btc any value i want. The trezor then talks to the exchange and the buyer THINKS they're paying market value then bam, i fleece them with overvalued coins.

>> No.11695532

>not knowing you can block the value of your Bitcoin at a price.
Imagine being this new in 2018.
I bet you are a "trader" who is shutting money since February while I'm comfy with my BTC locked at 14k.

>> No.11695539


>> No.11695686
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locked up my beans so that they'll
stay fresh for a very long time

>> No.11695753


been wanting to do this but do they sprout while it’s locked?

>> No.11695771
File: 142 KB, 1024x663, 18772490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I also interest you in a finger box sir?

>> No.11695789

kek I'm stealing this one

>> No.11695806

very low effort and iq, i am disappoint

>> No.11695814

this might not be a meme in the coming months
you can store USDT on an electrum now I believe

>> No.11696453

it locks the price with memes to bait newfags like you in order to gauge if a bullrun is close