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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11690138 No.11690138 [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of circulating Chainlink tokens are owned by /biz/ and how much of a problem does this pose?

>> No.11690167

10MM I guess. Barely.
Hodlers will dump from $1 to $10.
That's peanuts.
/biz/ will be flooded with the blood of ICO buyers who sodl cheap in the next year after Link will pass $100 and make rich the redditors.

>> No.11690177

Its not a problem, most of us are going to set up a node to earn even more stinks fucking newfag....oh wait let me guess its dumping right now target 3000 sats

>> No.11690191

LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA.

>> No.11690196

Basically there is a price oracle built into the smart contract. It checks the LINK price every ETH block (about 15 seconds). If the price of LINK is trading over $0.50, the smart contract automatically releases LINK tokens to dump on the market until the price is driven below $0.50. Through this mechanism, a stable LINK price is kept at $0.50 or below. For this reason the token price going over $0.50 makes no sense - it's literally not possible. It's all in the whitepaper, you should check it out.

>> No.11690198

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11690267

>the biggest cock on /biz
>tfw biggest LINK stack on /biz
>the highest IQ on /biz
You're like ants to me

>> No.11690407


it doesnt pose a problem. autistic Neets will be running thier Neet nodes, exactly like sergey wants.

my guess would be biz owns 1/4 of the 350,000,000 circulating supply.

>> No.11690943

We did the math the other day with that autist who thought there were over a million individual holders which is a proposterous number even if you don't know there's only 23k wallets.

I came in and said that out of the 5 billion spics, Muslims and niggers in the world you might have like 600 chainlink holders. About 2 million whites.... I said a city like Chicago that has 7 million people probably have at most 50 holders.... that's before some of them telling friends family which probably adds up to .5 additional people for every chainlink holder on average.

So the autist figured that 15k people total own chainlink individually

So 15k multiples by 23k Link gives you a rough idea of what is owned by biz

>> No.11690951

Convinced most of /biz/ doesn’t even have the cash flow to purchase ETH/LINK. How “unironic” is that? Poor fuckers waste it all on Doritos, Slim Jim’s, and Mountain Dew. In 2018 you can spot a troll from 100 miles away.

>> No.11690954

Because after the updated math he said it's roughly 23k per link holder

>> No.11691569

That’s 345 million..

>> No.11691577

Basically there is a price oracle built into the smart contract. It checks the LINK price every ETH block (about 15 seconds). If the price of LINK is trading over $0.50, the smart contract automatically releases LINK tokens to dump on the market until the price is driven below $0.50. Through this mechanism, a stable LINK price is kept at $0.50 or below. For this reason the token price going over $0.50 makes no sense - it's literally not possible. It's all in the whitepaper, you should check it out.

>> No.11691618



only 35k people can hold 10k link

keep in mind that some autists own way more than that. the scarcity of this token is underated, when you consider something like 80% of link owners havent sold a single stinky linky.

>> No.11691627


screenshot a photo of this meme from the whitepaper

>> No.11691646

just read the fucking whiteaper you retard

>> No.11691984

>the scarcity of this token is underated
Absolutely this. I love you guys. We have this cool social contract going

>> No.11692279

Cant wait until we go our ways in the business world and signal and network with each other by dropping words like BigMac and Toilet.

>> No.11692325

>business world
lol i'm invested in Chainlink in the hopes i never have to go within 100 yards of faggots in suits and the "business world", fuck that shit.

>> No.11692636

woah nice photoshop, it looks like it's really pewdiepie smoking weed and not elon musk

>> No.11693211

doing some shitty guestimation, I figure that biz owns 40 to 80 million LINK
I divided 350mm by 23k wallets, giving an average of 15k per wallet, which i think is probably a pretty goood estimate of the average stack of the average biztard. There are quite a few anons with 50k+ stacks but for each one of those there are several with <5k stacks. Then i'll just guess that there are like 3k people on biz who r in link. total guesswork but that's probably a pretty close ballpark

>> No.11693243

How many all ins you think?

>> No.11693251

So cut this number in half? Biz didn't buy all the ICO?

>> No.11693262

Lol what? Go into the business world? Im doing nothing the rest of my life except buy Instagram thots

>> No.11693266
File: 41 KB, 740x669, skullo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11693270

I'd guess about 20% are all in on Link

>> No.11693274

As someone with 31k I'm still trying to figure out if this makes me twice as smart or twice as retarded as the average linkhodler.

>> No.11693276

>80m link
>15k average stack
That comes out to 5300 bisraels...
I'm thinking that there can't be more than 800 or so biz link holders, and only a fraction of those holding more than 5k link

>> No.11693280

Actually I'd go less maybe 12-15% are all ins

>> No.11693286

>implying we aren’t all literally in a cult like state and not selling
And you call us deluded

>> No.11693289

Hmmm.... yeah that sounds about right. And then add maybe another 1,000 normies or so of people who bought in because a marine shilled them... friends and family

>> No.11693299

I'll sell... in 2025

>> No.11693478

most people just lurk. I'm in a group with 30 people who all own link and afaik only like 4 of them regularly post on here. I think that like 8 of us are all in or almost all in. hi gems

>> No.11693487
File: 50 KB, 597x393, 1539788081062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real linkies bought into linkpool

>> No.11693514

Yeah, i figured that into my 800 biz link holder number. The ratio of posters/lurkers i'd guess is around 4 or 5 to 1

>> No.11693558

I'm interested in how much link has been burnt. There's been a bunch of anons who posted about it.

>> No.11693584

I purposely deleted my wallet holding 25k link to take it out of circulation. Now I only hold 10k.

>> No.11693610

I’m going to make a Delphi oracle pin or something so we can spot each other on the street. I was also thinking a clover but that’s not specific to /biz/

>> No.11693620

same anon

>> No.11693753


*flush sound*

>> No.11694580

>make rich the redditors

>> No.11694589

Fucking KEK.

>> No.11694616
File: 1.28 MB, 1220x1652, LINK_2 godd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it and the order will sue your pants off quicker than a pajeet shits in the street

t. OG delphi

>> No.11694642
File: 320 KB, 1341x1252, link1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can drop those words when you want to join one of my fully funded right wing death squads

>> No.11694691

I was all in, but then i got fucked swingtrading,

Now i have 50k link and 280k tron, i’m Betting on sunnyboy the normiefriendly ghost to give me some cash while i wait on singularity

>> No.11694703

Anyone remember squirleanon

haha still fucking funny when i think about it

>> No.11694717
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1517348075340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy at $0.16
>Sell at $10

>Redditor buys at $10
>Sells at $10

>Le redditor made more money guize hehe xd
pic related you

>> No.11694747

Lowballing Biz owns over 50mil LINKs, realistically Biz owns over 150mil+ LINKs if you include the insiders. Never forget how biz drained out Binance's hot wallet of LINKs late 2017 with the mass withdrawal, and there's only been more stinkies that bought in since then.

>> No.11694866

Good times that

>> No.11695103

Those who will make it will be those who bought a small stack and forgot about it. Traders will chase short term profits and get btfo on the long run.

>> No.11695525

I have exactly 15,672 LINK

>> No.11696012

I know there were 2 or 3 guys with 200k or 300k LINK. Maybe there's even a few others with more than that. I wouldn't think there's more than 10 people with stacks bigger than 200k. I also think these estimations are way to optimistic. I think we're not that many bizraelis out there...2000 sounds like a stretch. The board is very slow nowadays. Anyway, we're few and we will make it.

>> No.11696016


>> No.11696022

800 sounds like a fair estimation. Honestly, sometimes I feel like there's only 50 people posting in this board. Most are just lurkers. I'm in the 100k wagon though. Not all in but might be in the near future. Hold me.

>> No.11696075

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11696094

Not any /biz/tard is so stupid that sells lower than $1000.

>> No.11696331

can I get a quick rundown on this delphi guy /biz/ keeps talking about

>> No.11696376

Aside from obvious use cases that appeal to crypto traders, pumps are largely psychological.
4chan is (and has been) a massive source of internet OC.
I dont believe in meme magic but Ive been posting here long enough to see what brigading can accomplish.

>> No.11696425

no one gives a fuck about them. They were a stupid pump and dump discord group and the leader was a drunk cuck who is paranoid about the government. I exposed them and took them down.

>> No.11697294

>I exposed them and took them down.
please elaborate

>> No.11697390

Sergeys Ocean Protocl video has 2.8k views.
Im guessing 80% of these were from /biz and most autists have watches it 2 times. Also the main chainlink telegram has 2600 members.

I calculate there are make 1.5k holders of LINK that browse /biz/. Lets put the average stack at 15k link and you have 22.5 million links.