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11689561 No.11689561 [Reply] [Original]

>"The description of the 'proof session' that involved me is accurate."
they STILL dont believe CSW is satoshi. brainwashed idiots lmao

>> No.11689565


>> No.11689641

Whats ur point? I cant help brainwashed sheep who eill lose their money lmao

>> No.11690077


>> No.11690101


>> No.11690139




>> No.11690176



>> No.11690188

It appears proof of social media is always 10x more effective in a purely speculative dogshit market.

>> No.11690190


Take your bets on what faketoshi does after the failure of SV

>Delete twitter
>Go on a 50 post long rant where he accuses ABC of being run by communists
>Commit suicide
>Literally no change, just keep raving about how SV will conquer all of bitcoin's space in 3 years
>Dead from cocaine binge

>> No.11690210
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>unironically believes craig is satoshi
>calls other people brainwashed

>> No.11690217

why would anyone believe him? he doesn't fit the profile he is bad at imitating satoshis mannerism and writing and he is a gigantic faggot liar cunt.

>> No.11690242

Did u even click the link? Gavin says the proof session was accurate. This was two years ago he posted that. Yet even with all the social media attacks him and matonis have yet to take back what they said

>> No.11690244


>> No.11690306

Instead of proving he is satoshi by just moving some btc, he continues to publish gay little stories like this that are supposed to convince people. And when you point out how retarded all this is, CSW shills claim he is playing 4d chess lmao. There is no 4d chess, there is no proof, this man is not satoshi. You are actually the brainwashed here.

>> No.11690325

I was referring to gavins comment u fucking retard lmao

>> No.11690331

>Did u even click the link?
no why would i do that? craig can't say anything that would make me believe he is satoshi if he produces satoshis private key i would be convinced he killed the man and impersonating him.

>> No.11690332

He fooled many people, including you. He also fooled very intelligent people, and they're just now starting to wake up. You should too.

>> No.11690386

This, /thread. Use the private key and move any amount of BTC and BOOM, he is satoshi.

Otherwise, this is a waste of discussion

>> No.11690410


He has nothing to gain from doing that. He has much to gain from private key singing and public signalling.

>> No.11690434

>they STILL dont believe CSW is satoshi. brainwashed idiots lmao
go suck his dick then you faggot
>muh csw
some fucking boomer irrelevant faggot
get fucked oth of you

>> No.11690444

dave holds the keys and csw wont get access till 2020

>> No.11690453

He's gonna pull a 51% soon

>> No.11690467

no it doesn't make sense at all.
satoshi created a world where you don't believe anything except cryptographic truth. you think that very same man who did everything in his power to remain unknown and did not show a need for personal worship, suddenly becomes a narcissistic faggot craving attention publicly ranting in social media and threatening people with obscure threats and most of all refuses to prove his identity the only way the crypto world accepts it? man...

>> No.11690486
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Very little in Bitcoin is trustless. You're just a noob who listened to some Andreas talk about "don't trust, verify" and didn't figure out that that isn't a thing in real crypto

The goal of crypto is not trustlessness. It is about creating a social protocol where trust can be leveraged and made concrete by mathematically reasonable systems.

Don't trust, verify is the crypto equivalent of guilty until proven innocence.

>> No.11690497
File: 69 KB, 691x1024, 1536280388417-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the article thoroughly. CSW is Satoshi in the basic sense, but I gathered that Satoshi is the walletholder of the first successfully mined genesis block moreso. The private keys are held by members of the inaugural team that developed bitcoin as well as other actors, but they are also the only ones keeping the network alive. Bitcoin is backed by mutually assured destruction of the network among parties that have the power to use these keys for all possible intentions an actor on the network can have. Bitcoin is backed by humanity, the intelligence that lives on the blockchain (mentioned in the often seen pasta) is human. See his comments about Dune. It was human I should say.
>This is why CSW makes importance of the original contributors to bitcoin when discussing Satoshi. In the sense of Satoshi form this new perspective, not every component of Satoshi is 'human' anymore. CSW wanted Satoshi to not just be a pseudonym for himself, but for the few like him, to enable trustless adoption of future innovations. This is why the original BCH fork was created, not as the end all solution but to reinstate the true concept of Satoshi in adopters; otherwise he would have never revealed himself. But BCH was not the end all. Now it is time to move forward in the plan because CSW remains the only component of Satoshi that wishes to do so.
>The article made little effort to delve into CSWs proof session paranoia (and the CSW at the end of the pk) for specific reasons that can be explained by this theory with some intentful larping
From Aeneid, an epic also quoted in the article:
>Fléctere si néqueo súperos Acheronta movebo- If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell.
>Interestingly, The Aeneid was not complete when Virgil died. Alleged imperfections are debated by scholars to date...
CSW will win the hashwar. I may be wrong about everything else here, but of this I am certain.

>> No.11690523


I think Craig was the team monkey for Bitcoin. He's so fucking stupid that if they can explain it to him they knew they can explain it to the general public

>> No.11690534


You get it. Great post.


>> No.11690543

What makes you say he is stupid? Honestly asking

>> No.11690578

Great video thanks. Is this you?

>> No.11690608
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Nah, just a fan. I really admire Daniel's ability to see things on a bigger level.

Also look up Andrew DeSantis, there are like three videos of him on YouTube and they are all gold. They both have similar ideas about Bitcoin's time-space properties.

>> No.11690618


Also, you should join us on IRC sometime (#greenpill on freenode)

>> No.11690620

>that isn't a thing in real crypto
it's the only real thing in crypto the rest is just neckbeards playing kardashians
lol and you call other people noob kek

>> No.11690659


>Building real-world cryptographic systems is vastly different from the abstract world of most books on cryptography, which discuss a pure mathematical ideal that magically solves your security problems. Designers and implementors live in a very different world, where nothing is perfect and where experience shows that most cryptographic systems are broken due to problems that have nothing to do with mathematics. This book is about how to apply the cryptographic functions in a real-world setting in such a way that you actually get a secure system.


Get fucked, read more.

>> No.11690666

>Don't trust, verify is the crypto equivalent of guilty until proven innocence.
no it's the equivalent of show proof if you make a claim you faggot, or it's just fart in the wind!

>> No.11690672


Checked, nice demonic trips


>> No.11690714

I'll check it out

>> No.11690715

scheiner says: "you need to think about how you apply proper cryptography to real world scenarios because humans will fail the system"

you say: "... hurr durr i'm a fucking retard"