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11686793 No.11686793 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11686814

This is the shit that gets me hard.
>Click Services
>Click add Chainlink
>Bam your node is communicating trustlessly off-chain
User friendly interfaces like these existing before main net is even out are awesome. My only concern with Chainlink is honestly that it has too much volume at launch.

>> No.11686815

delete this thread

>> No.11686905

Thanks OP gonna watch now.

>> No.11686913
File: 340 KB, 1857x939, kaleido walkthrough chainlink consensys AWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 seconds in, and already ok this is epic.

>> No.11686964
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>> No.11687016

So when they use OpenLaw are they also using LINK oracle? In this example are they not using off-chain data?
Or would you create a smart contract with OpenLaw and add Chainlink to the workspace to integrate the offchain triggers?

This is really cool. We really are at the start of something totally new. Hopefully smart contracts save so much money like they promise to. Then they will be adopted en masse for sure.

>> No.11687040

See https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahhansen/2018/11/08/consensys-kaleido-launches-full-stack-marketplace-platform-for-enterprise-blockchains/#309fd7e32ad8

Chainlink will be offered within Kaleido for general smart contracts, and OpenLaw will be used for legal contracts.

Funny thing: OpenLaw legal contracts also use Chainlink lol.

Kaleido is a low-threshold portal offered via AWS that will offer normies easy access to a suite of blockchain solutions, btw.
And Chainlink is the smart contract solution.

>> No.11687064
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>Funny thing: OpenLaw legal contracts also use Chainlink lol.
That’s what I thought since they announced a partnership a while ago.

There’s a reason they aren’t offering Oraclize as part of Kaleido lol.

Also don’t forget that Clovyr.io (Amber Bladet of JP morgan) is offering something similar with TownCrier, pic related. Clovyr will be similar to Kaleido, as far as I understand it. It’s also a normie friendly plug and play tool

>> No.11687086

Chainlink is also partnered with Polkadot, next to the Town Crier box, lol.

>> No.11687116

>My only concern with Chainlink is honestly that it has too much volume at launch.
This would be great new fud

>> No.11687129

TownCrier = Chainlink since they bought it

>> No.11687133

Fuck, I'm gonna need to drop another $10k on this aren't I.

>> No.11687138

I know.
And Polkadot (the box next to the Town Crier box in that image) is also partnered with Chainlink.

>> No.11687223

I can’t believe how easy this is! That’s really like the early stages of the Internet! It’s getting easier and easier until every idiot can use Blockchain Services. Holy shit, the future is bright marines!

>> No.11687274

Very cool seeing this in action. Seems poised to be very powerful. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.11687283

>reinvent json parser

>> No.11687295

Bitcoin is also "just" a json parser.

>> No.11687318

Adoption will be the DOWNFALL of Chainlink. Once the amount of collateral needed in USD value exceeds that available across all nodes, the network won’t fucking work anymore.
>Chainlink mcap is $500 million
>smart contract asks for node with $550 million in collateral
>oh shit! The node can’t provide sufficient collateral, EVEN IF they buy 100% of the supply
>mainnet screeches to a halt
>unironically ogre

>> No.11687331

is this new FUD? It's great

>> No.11687345

New pasta, very delicious.

>> No.11687353

Doesn't work as fud, since he's explaining why Link tokens have to have very high prices for the system to work.

On the other hand, it does work as hype through reverse psychology.

>> No.11687359

If a company needs to put up $550million in collateral to buy link then the mcap of Chainlink is going to obviously be far greater than $500 million
>How do markets work?

This is dumbest fucking pasta FUD ever.

>> No.11687361

More visibility for Link that will drive favorable speculation. As this continues, so will demand and increased price. Seriously comfy here, this beast is going to pop significantly in the weeks and months ahead.

>> No.11687398

Clause and Viant will also use CL

>> No.11687430

Thanks anon, I wrote it just for you. enjoy.

>> No.11687443

>If a company needs to put up $550million in collateral to buy link then the mcap of Chainlink is going to obviously be far greater than $500 million
The mcap limits the amount of collateral available, it’s not gonna magically rise to provision actual use

>> No.11687492

kek ofc it will, if a company needs that amount of collateral then they need to buy LINK on the open market
> markets, how do they work?

>> No.11687570


>> No.11687601

I feel this will be another epic thread.

>> No.11687623

There won’t be enough LINK to cover it so they can’t buy enough

>> No.11687661

Does this mean mainnet is this month

>> No.11687695

Is there another chance of staking? I missed LinkPool and dont have the time & skills to setup a node

>> No.11687696

IIt will dump hard after mainnet

>> No.11687718

How will that happen? Mainnet will be dropped out of nowhere

>> No.11687738

That’s when price increases and 1k EOY happens. Thanks for playing

>> No.11687917

We have a fucking Mystic Meg here

>> No.11687945

This is going to be one of the hardest dumps on main-net and the project will basically fail because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD, which will completely fuck the tokenomics and make the whole thing useless. Sergey will realize this and just disappear along with the rest of the team. SWIFT and co will realize this, and begin to quietly remove any references they have to this embarrassing experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded if it wasn't for the retards who infest this place and run painfully obvious shill and fud campaigns. Many of you will experience the kind of hopium crash which actually kills people, and I suppose suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board, but I hope it isn't all of you.

There will be no more memes, no more dreams of lambos or whatever NPC tier 'rich person's car' you've picked out in your imagination as you're left in the dirt holding a bunch of link bags. Even a fraction of the money some of you invested in link could have helped you make it during the next bull-run in a legitimate project. Imagine that. THAT is what you should be visualizing. Not your stupid fucking holiday home, not your imaginary future "faithful" gf / wife, nor an early retirement where you don't need to toil away at menial tasks for your betters from inside your 9-5 existential prison cell - you should instead be visualizing yourself scraping together what little money you have left in the wake of your devastation to try and ride something like BAT or Holo up, and your dream of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS suddenly becomes a much more realistic 100k-200k at most. I mean it's not bad - more than you intellectual runts probably deserve. You'll all see I was right. I always am.

>> No.11688048

>Kaleido Chainlink Node 0.5.0
Probably soon.

>> No.11688100

Joke's on you, no one on his right mind would use ChainLink to do anything at all

>> No.11688131

What the fuck do you think makes the price of link increase? It's the lack of supply that drives up price. Simple 101 level economics of markets you fucking spastic

>> No.11688136

Chainlink doesn't have the coming soon label on it. That must mean mainnet right? Has anyone asked the team about this? Those digital legal agreements look sexy.

>> No.11688171

who posts these

>> No.11688211

Better buy soon, it is at the new low and more good news expected soon in comfy November. Load the bags.

>> No.11688255
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>> No.11688277

I’m sure there will be other pools, but LP is the first one.

>> No.11688290


Uma delicia

>> No.11688291

what do you get out of pretending to be someone else?

>> No.11688307

Linkies having a laff

>> No.11688321

too many buttons to click, just sold 100k

>> No.11688322

No, more likely the coming soon services just have not been migrated to the one click aws install.

>> No.11688364

linkpool btfo

>> No.11688487

Are the nodes deployed by the Kaleido platform using ethereum mainnet LINK tokens?

>> No.11688597
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What the fuck. It's going to be easier to list off who ISN'T partnered with chainlink. So far most of these confirmed partnerships have been found as breadcrumbs by anons, imagine if all of the breadcrumbs we've found come together in the end (Microsoft, U.S Department of Defense, ASX, IBM etc).

>> No.11688633
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People who are actually reverse-fudding. The only conclusion for this >>11687318 argument is that the mcap of link will rise to meet the total amount of money required to be staked on the network. Supply and demand. It is genius counterfud, really.

>> No.11688653
File: 363 KB, 901x840, 1540530297645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo nigga i aint tryna to fud but I got beef n shiet wit Chainlink. bruh Chainlink been on dat Ropsten for months n erryone finna expectin deez potential partners 2 test on dat test net. Sergey and his niggas even told yall to keep an eye on dat Ropsten to see dem customerz usin the network. Nigga it finna been 3 welfare payments n the only transactions on Ropsten been deadass average peeps takin the hunnit Ropsten link from tha faucet shiet. They aint no requests fo data. shiet, as a matter of fact homie some nigga aksed Thomas why and then Thomas got scurred n made a fake ass run to show it works. Homeslice, I see Tommy's request nigga but it be da only muthafuckin one.

Why aint no niggas testing on Ropsten? Where all these niggas at dat post to be creaming they underwear at the potenshul of Chainlink huh? Deadass tha lack of sergey n his niggas talkin, no updates and no fukkin worldstar presence, increasing competition from mobius niggas all red flags up in this bitch.

>> No.11688703

jason parser cannot keep getting away with it

>> No.11688731


There's another crypto project that will be added to Kaleido's product suite in a few months.

It's received a lot of FUD on biz, and will marketed towards bookkeeping, of which Sage is already a user in beta.

that's my nugget, take it or leave it

>> No.11688755

just drop it. Nobody believes you guys most of the time anyway until you get proven to be correct