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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11688177 No.11688177 [Reply] [Original]

I have 9.8k sitting in the bank and i wanna start making some small investments that could have some decent turnover in perhaps a year or two time. any suggestions? pls no bully

>> No.11688195


buy chainlink, ambrosus and btc then you'll be set for life

>> No.11688207
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do you guys have any sources or evidence regarding how well cryptocurrencies trending now will survive? what about skycoin? I was hearing good stuff about it pros but I have a hard time seeing it catch based on how expensive it is, but like I said my foresight is pretty bad

>> No.11688212
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buy chainlink you moron

>> No.11688217

unironically eth

>> No.11688218

>tfw no braphog gf
>tfw only have 6k linkies
I'm never going to make it, bros

>> No.11688225

chainlink OP, chainlink...

>> No.11688226
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is there porn of this? also how much should i invest into it and how long you reckon it would be to see a profit made

shill eth and why you think it will be the best thing to go for

we're all gonna make it bro

>> No.11688227

Everyone is gonna tell you to buy chainlink lol, honestly, buy 10k Chainlink. It will be $100 within 3-5 years (currently at 50c).

>> No.11688250
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what makes you think chainlink is going to be the one that takes off? how many industries/environments are planning to use it? or is this just gambling on pros found on their videos about it

>> No.11688264

every body is going to use it friendo, it's becoming the industry standard for decntralized oracles and decentralized computing

>> No.11688274
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can you name some of the biggest ones you can think of using it? and like i said, the industry keeps on building on variants of each iteration, will chainlink not be the same, despite being standalone?

>> No.11688318
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ok how about this :

check who the clients of kaleido are ;)

also read this :

and this

also check image

>> No.11688338
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wow didnt expect anyone to site any sources to their claims, thanks man, I will keep researching a good bit before splashing money into it if I do. Any other suggestions regarding investments or is chainlink just the be all end all investment worth doing from your hindsight this year?

>> No.11688365

basically, believe me or not, chainlink is actually the last step to the god protocol, to the blockchain.

first came the BTC wich brought the blockchain tech and the currency.

then came ETH tha brought the smart contracts.

and finally the last step : chainlink, who will allow the blockchain to communicate with the outside world through its smart contracts.

chainlink also provides decentralized computation for smart contracts so the ethereum blockchain will be faster.

also they have alot of partners under the radar.

they never hype their token. its serious team and they want the work to speak not fake announcements and hype.

sergey nazarov the CEO is a genious and a very serious guy.

>> No.11688438
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what you reckon then? maybe 6k buy in then invest slowly if it starts showing an upturn in the next few years?

>> No.11688448


>> No.11688451

dont listen to him, chainlink is a popular scamcoin on here. its literally a meme.

>> No.11688454

Lmao OP don't buy Chainlink, it's shit. Just bunch of schizos connecting lines and hoping link will do a 1000x so they could escape their pathetic lives. Ask yourself this OP: If Chainlink is so great then why is it still only $0.5? Why aren't there smart wall street guys buying into it? Why aren't insiders buying it? I think you already know what's the reason...

>> No.11688467

OP, i highly suggest reading what I gave you here >>>>>11688318

, there are people on /biz/ who are accumulating, and they want to see a 1$ chainlink BY EOY...

basically chainlink is just like ETH in early 2017
so this is the best investment of your life.

>> No.11688470
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>you will never die of suffocation from this brapper

>> No.11688483

But a v8 and live in the now

>> No.11688489

Do you have any source on that ass

>> No.11688501
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i mean you may be both right but what if it does take off? everything has to start somewhere, how long has chainlink been going? chainlink isnt marketed heavily either, so idk

I will give you a source if you give me an actual investment suggestion you fucks

>> No.11688510

buy safe dividend producing stocks that grow their dividend every year (see Dividend Kings) and set it to auto-reinvest (DRIP = Dividend ReInvestment Program). Continue to add to your positions and enter new positions. Then, over the course of time, you'll have a solid passive income generating machine.

>> No.11688537
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but a v8? fill me in bro i dont know what youre talking about

>> No.11688554

OP are you really that stupid? What if $100k falls down the sky? I mean it "could" happen right? What if I suddenly start shitting gold?

The shillers will say how good LINK is, but if it's so good then why shill it? Why not just shut the fuck up and buy more? I suggest doing some actual research before you buy anything. A little bit of research on Sergey's history shows you that he doesn't finish his projects. Just look up Next, SAE, decentralised email. I mean he is a Russian after all. It's in his blood to scam.

OP I suggest buying solid cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum. There are no quick ways to get rich so at least you'll 3x your money in 5 years with BTC or ETH.

>> No.11688579

this. look how desperate that shill is. he wants you to buy his HEAVY bags. Its been a year and link has gone no where even with their shitty meagre "partnerships" dont fall for this scam. buy some neo

>> No.11688591
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because it's thanks to /biz/ i found out about link, and since its /biz/ coin, and this guy lurks it, he deserves to know.
i've been invested in CL since last feb got 45k links, and i'm not selling until its worth millions of $

i'm just feeling good about my stack and what this OP to know. sure I FUD on plebbit, but we are on biz, so

>> No.11688604

Idk, why did people shill eth when it was single digits? Why are you bitching about unfinished projects when mainnet is clearly around the corner and they've been showing their work on the pivotal this whole time? No one who was extremely successful got it right the very first time. What a dumbfuck standard to hold. The shilling is centered on biz too, everywhere else it's fudded to oblivion. Kys

>> No.11688608

i'm not forcing him to buy, pretty sure OP will figure that out himself, just read about chainlink and what is the oracle problem, i think the article I gave you are enough.

if a lightbulb didn't appear over your head after reading those, then too bad OP you might be too brainlet to worth chainlink

>> No.11688623

Buy some eos and set low buy walls on newdex tokens. Learn how markets work. Support low liquidity promising projects over large periods of time.
Learn how the markets work and how your money should be moving.

>> No.11688647

thats literally the most retarded advice I ever heard especially on crypto. that's basically how to get burnt.

don't listen to this faggot, if you swing trade and try to time the market u'll lose everything.

invest on a good project, and wait for it to moon. it's as simple as that.

>> No.11688648

staking will moon eth's price

just imagine most eth gets locked up. price can only go up with no sellers.

>> No.11688652

OK join this discord, and ask people to explain what is chainlink and all :

>> No.11688671

Psst, I bought chainlink at $0.18 last year with this advice. I also got a 10x off eosblack during this bear market.
Please continue to buy straight off the sell wall with no understanding of markets, though.

>> No.11688700

good for you dude. but why ask a fucking noob investor to time the fkin market?

>> No.11688724

Because gaining an understanding of how markets work is going to serve him well in the future. Meanwhile buying 4chan's ADHD ridden current /our/ coin is going to get him burned and teach him nothing and make him leave crypto.

>> No.11688752

replace what you said by antshares and we are in early 2017...and you sound like a complete retard.
it's exactly the same with chainlink

>> No.11688794

I have 10k links in case that happens, it is a very nice project. Very happy to have set a low buy wall on that project.

>> No.11688834

Just put your money in a blender now, you're never going to make it

>> No.11688865
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thanks for the insightful answer, really stopped someone dead in their tracks. explain why you think it is a bad investment

>> No.11688867
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we will all make it

>> No.11688888

yup, KO, JNJ, HD, PG, INTC etc

>> No.11688890


>> No.11688926

>pls no bully

>> No.11689788

check out /entg/ thread if you want real honest replies anon

>> No.11689800
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>> No.11689819

no love for heinz? fucking 5% divs

>> No.11689912

12/10 would drill that braphole

>> No.11689916

go all in on LINK and lose all your money

>> No.11690148

>open thread
>ctrl+f "link"
>35 results
If you're not all in on link yet then what the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.11690767

Whats link?

>> No.11690785

I'd give my life to smell that brapper.

>> No.11690797

That's barely a fluffy pancake