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11672639 No.11672639 [Reply] [Original]

>take semester off school
>working sparingly
>way too much free time
I literally don't know what to do. I worked out, I cleaned up my room and the kitchen, I played some vidya. Yet I feel so empty and lonely. Is this what I have to look forward to if I make it?

>> No.11672646

no idiot lol. if you make it you will have money to do whatever the fuck you want. being a poor neet sucks dick

>> No.11672657

Just work 12 hour days for now on to feel fulfilled

>> No.11672659

I hope so. If I don't make it in the next 5-10 years or have a gf then it's hopeless for me.

>> No.11672667

Your free time is merely an illusion, time is money and you're broke, if you had a lot of money you could do anything, anywhere with anyone so you wouldn't feel that way

>> No.11672692

You'll experience it once you're older, but living in the wage cage 40+ hours a week will immediately make you appreciate your free time. You will yearn to be free from the scorched earth that is office life

>> No.11672731

Phrases straight outta an eurobeat song, like this one kek
I also feel like you an as the song says i feel empty and lonely all night and day and dont know Wtf Im doing with my life

>> No.11672756


>way too much free time

If this is even a possibility of being a problem for you the NEET life clearly isn't for you. It's literally all about the free time bro.

>> No.11672761
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you have to find something you like to do, and then do that thing, what do you like to do?

keep in mind this should bring value somewhere to someone

if you truly have loads of free time, check out my creation: merv.tech, and then tell me what you'd add or change

>> No.11672790

i experienced both wagecaging and the neet life, and both can leave you unfulfilled, unless you find a goal bigger than yourself, one you feel passionate about.

>> No.11672854

As dull as life is... it's ten times worse when you feel trapped. Being a wageslave is a walking death. At least now you have the opportunity to either find out what you like doing, or ultimately perceive life as it truly is and either become a monk or kill yourself. This is your chance to cut to the quick of who you are and what reality means.

And yeah, I'm there too. It sucks... but it's sure as hell better than working a meaningless job. All you can do is put one foot in front of the other, again and again, and hope you find somewhere worth going.

>> No.11672872

Jesus man, learn to push your dopamine addled brain and figure out how to entertain yourself. Learn to meditate, consume classic and modern literature and educational works, articulate your ideas into essays, find a creative outlet, pursue a metal flow state in different sports, volunteer with a charity, become a thought leader in an area of expertise through a blog/podcast/YouTube channel. I swear you zoomers' brains shut down when you walk away from fortnite for 5 minutes

>> No.11672914

Based and redpilled. Honestly tho good advice. I doubt anyone here will follow. But im redpilled. Thnx anon

>> No.11672944

You just lack creativity

>> No.11673010

Satisfying occupation is important. The true point of lasting happiness with regard to work is somewhere between the NEET and the wagecuck. Probably doing something that is difficult that you are good at and interested in is required for a good life, but only like 20 or 30 hours a week worth, not anywhere close to 40.

>> No.11673036


No one becomes a NEET voluntarily anon. Most of the NEETs here on 4cuck don't have a choice, they're disgusting fat spergs wihout any social skills.

They just constantly say to themselves that "being a wagesalve is worse because you're trapped" meme so that they won't an hero.

>> No.11673087

Find a long-term goal and work towards it.

>> No.11673265
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It's bad and gets worse, escape while you can before it fucks you more mentally.

>> No.11673654

I feel you. I'm never bored unless I'm forced to be somewhere I don't wanna be. If I have high speed internet or a car I will find a way to entertain myself.

>> No.11673686

How would you entertain yourself with a car?

>> No.11673697

Laughing at your delusions
If you dont live of your wage and dont want to work rn theres nothing wrong with it
I respect working people but if I ever found out where you work id make a fucking mess so your boss can make you clean it

>> No.11673708


If what you're looking for is a gf, get fit, shower daily, and it sounds gay but take care of your skin - exfoliate and moisturize. Also work on your attitude. Women will forgive you for being broke if you're hot and kind of distant but recognize the right times to be sensitive.

A job does help to afford the exfoliants and moisturizers, though.

>> No.11673807

I used to unconsciously stay awake until 6am every night consuming hours of shitty media so that I had an excuse for sleeping until 4pm, at which I point I could then tell myself 'the days over by 4pm, suppose I should go sit on the computer and relax'
Waking up at a normal time would just lead to all sorts of stress over me not doing anything on the day and overall in life. I'd end up sitting around in silence staring at the wall with all the time and money in the world to do something but get lost in my own day dreams instead, fantasising about conversations I could be having or entire scenarios I could be getting up to if I had friends or a family of my own, theyd only be interrupted by regular depression naps.

I used to do all that unconsciously, now I do it consciously, as I have nothing to do or anything I need to learn. I've tried picking up instruments but I never really enjoyed them or saw a long term use for the hobby, I tried learning a language, I tried more exotic workout routines, I even tried various spiritual practices and drugs but nothing stuck. Fuck I even had this mad idea I was going to bring back a neo-classical form of sculpture, learning from scratch, I ended up buying all sorts of stupid equipment and materials I ended up selling.

I worked like a fucking maniac for a few years and put EVERYTHING else aside for it, to the point I had no friends or other opportunities, sold my company in the summer and now I'm stuck in this cycle of sleeping and sitting on the computer achieving nothing.
I'm 35 years old, almost a millionaire with a few v.profitable investments (start buying car parks) and havent had a girlfriend since I was in my 20s. I just sleep, consume youtube, press refresh on 4chan 1000 times a day.

>> No.11673829

Just get a hobby. Start learning to play the guitar or something.

>> No.11673873

No offense but this is my nightmare. If I'm still doing this shit at 35 (I'm 23) I will kill myself

>> No.11673915

>No offense but this is my nightmare.
None taken, youre 23 ffs, thats just as bad if not worse.
When I was 23 I was doing all the meme things 23 years olds are supposed to do like working, going on holidays, switching girls every other month and all that. I've had 2 periods in my life where I disappeared into the online hermit life and they were the comfy late 90s-pre 9/11 period and then a huge gap to the last 2 years, in between I wasnt hanging around shitcoin boards and neither should you.

Theres no good time to be an aimless neet besides retirement but least of all in your youth, of which you have another 3-4 years of, if you get to my age and can only look back on your early 20s and see THIS board then you should deffo top yourself.

>> No.11674069

God it's crazy seeing people complain about where they're at in life.
I spent much of my 20 either nearly broke, actually homeless, or trudging through school.
Literally for the first time in my life I have my own place to live alone and a decent paying job. Negative net worth and no friends, never had a girlfriend nor an orgasm with another person, wrecked family life, but still don't feel too bad.
It's all in your head because you're a pussy. Stop complaining.

Besides, my life is shittier than yours.

>> No.11674283

You can fuck your life as hard as fuck in the ass and it does not matter unless you let the most important point of your life loose of the red thread and this is your education/work.

I am a miserable piece of shit but still go to work and make some good money thanks to my education and thats all you need in life.

>> No.11674351
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>> No.11674390

i slept in the fucking park faggot and I have no one in my life

>> No.11674411

What's a good moisturizer? Is jojoba oil a decent meme?

>> No.11674428

If you feel empty now, you'll feel empty then aswell.

>> No.11674434

lol, this. I am the distant good looking guy, can confirm it works.

>> No.11674457

Oh fuck. I'm basically you except I took a shortcut to your exact position (same hours, activities, and net worth) with crypto 10 years early. Fuck.

>> No.11674482

>my life is shitier than yours
Yeah but it's on the up. I think that's all that matters. Grow or die. In fact I seem to self destruct every few years just to reset my life to a shittier position where it's easier to improve week on week.

>> No.11674492

NEET life sucks if you live in an urban area. too much social anxiety to go out so I spend all day at home. If I lived in a rural area I would gladly spend my free time running, walking, biking in nature.

>> No.11674806

and to any depressed millionaire in this thread:
Don't say nobody told you about it

>> No.11674928

Did that for a few months this year. It's ok I guess.

>> No.11674937

sounds comfy desu

>> No.11674960

>Break my knee
>Forced to NEET for almost 3 years
>Think I'm depressed
>Get better
>Hey being able to walk is great
>Get a job
>This is true depression

I was sad before but now I want to kill my self every day.

>> No.11674975
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Was a neet for 11 years, bounced around my mom, aunt and dad for over a decade. The first year(s) were shit, I can't even remember most of it back then. I was fat, lazy and depressed because I thought I blew my shot at life. Then slowly started developing decent habits, and a good lifestyle. All that you can imagine from someone who has 24 hours of freedom, 12 months a year. But, to get to the end product from being depressed to living like a NEET king took me at least 3-5 years. And now I am 31, last year I relapsed into depression and a existential crisis hard. Got my first job in September, this year and well, I feel like I am back at year 1 of being a NEET again; instead I have job that I am starting to enjoy/like/hate. And my depression is slowly settling.

The road of learning to enjoy a NEET lifestyle and developing yourself is a lot more important than "being a NEET".
Everyone can be a NEET, a homeless person is a NEET. Doesn't mean he is good at it.
And for everyone its going to be different too. In time I'll return to being a NEET again.

>> No.11675235

if you have money then NEET life good
IF you dont Have money then NEET life bad
its even the same if you wagecuck
IF you get good salary you can justify wagecucking
IF you get paid peanuts you feel like youre trash and gon have breakdown soon

>> No.11675538
File: 187 KB, 2127x1165, 100percentserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I love being a NEET even a poor one entertainment is free in 2018. I had a lot of roasties when I was younger so I know they aren't worth the time wasted.

>> No.11675593

yep, there are probably a dozen hobbies I could invest time into if I didn't have to work 40 hours a week, vidya playing/collecting, anime/manga, musicianship (learning more than just the 1 instrument I know), firearms, learning languages, literature, card games, socializing all the time on top of all that etc

>> No.11675832

This guy is fucking god damn based and red pilled.

Society is jail - you where born and everything in nature already belongs to someone. To have it you need to work for them or you will suffer alone in your cell (home) , the chains are made out of money.

>> No.11675847

Doing some mad drifts on the streets

>> No.11675864

lol this. Most of it comes from lack of social skills + social anxiety. No one with a fulfilled social life wish to sit on on the computer all day long

>> No.11675866

Why don't you go fucking hookers in bangkok? There are some 16yo cuties

>> No.11675922

If you want to understand true emptiness, get a wagecuck job in an office. You have no idea how blessed you are.

>> No.11675948

Being a NEET is only good if you're rich

>> No.11676166

>this thread again
low IQ: needs physical stimulii => NEET life satisfies this guy
medium IQ: needs external intellectual stimulation (i.e. structure found in office job, and normie social status) => NEET life will drive this guy crazy
high IQ: needs time and space to explore their endless internal world to the fullest => NEET life fulfills this guy

>> No.11676190

Are you all npcs? Wtf. There is literally too much to do, even if you are a full Neet. Learn tons of shit, launch a start up, make all kind of gains, travel, sports, meet other successful neets. But yeah, just clean your kitchen

>> No.11676209


> Travel

You kinda need money for that

>> No.11676257

You think you lack something, but you don't.

>> No.11676318

>least of all in your youth
I've pretty much been a neet for 15~ years, i'm 33 now
oh boy i'm fucked.

>> No.11676394

thanks, that means im high IQ

>> No.11676413

Man it's what I've been doing for 1 year... it really doesn't feel good, I feel like death. Basically studying but failed almost everything and pretty behind on the stuff this semester too. My only hope is my 10k stack link and my gf who still loves me but cannot help me to bootstrap myself out of this misery...

>> No.11676464


>> No.11676492


>Probably doing something that is difficult that you are good at and interested in is required for a good life, but only like 20 or 30 hours a week worth, not anywhere close to 40.

I agree with this. I think this is a good and more realistic alternative compared to early retirement as exposed in FIRE in general, especially for yuropoors like me who have low wages compared to ameriburgers and don't come from rich families.

>> No.11676550


Is that seriously a question?

>> No.11676603

>travel means get in a plane and go to overpriced hotels in globalized cities delivering the exact same experience as other globalized cities
cringe t b h
you have two legs don't you?
some people walk from their western european country to jerusalem. without being that extreme there's a lot to see in just walking within a couple hundred miles of where you are
ultimately you're just looking for excuses to give up before you even start

>> No.11676618

Its because you are an NPC drone, you were made to wagecuck, freedom is something that was never planned for you.

>> No.11676829

Wage cucking is tolerable if you work in a nice office building. Mine has two coffee shops, dozens of restaurants, and is a cultural landmark. Can't say the same about my home. I ain't making a vanilla bean coconut milk latte there.

>> No.11676836

Also a lot of attractive men (or women if you're so inclined.

>> No.11677017

redbase and replied

>> No.11678208

the only thing thats bad about being a neet is the potential lack of money.

>> No.11678276

work out more if you don't have other hobbies and aren't attempting to trade shitcoins. make use of this extra recovery time

>> No.11678383

The ultimate problem with neet life is that it isn't so much life as it is a 10-20 year extension on being a teenager. At some point your parents will die or be forced into assisted care. When you are young you think life just ends at 30-40 but it doesn't, if anything you may not even be to the halfway point. If you haven't killed yourself during your moody teenage years, you are even less likely to do so down the road. As others have said, if you have wealth previously that is fine as long as you make no plans to ever reproduce. Without independent wealth you are relying on pure luck or private enterprise, which is just wage cucking for yourself at the end of the day. You do eventually need to plan for something down the road or else you risk being at middle age without any of the basics you should have accrued over the past decade. The sad individuals you see in their 50's + without a pot to piss in working minimum wage did not just fall into that position usually, it was from decades of poor decision making. I recommend a happy medium of wage work with your funds going toward private enterprise and investment to build true wealth. You build a much stronger case for actually being able to retire, and with enough luck and skill you may be able to spend over half of your life in comfortable retirement, just monitoring investments.

>> No.11678508

Who cares about dopamine, do we live simply to do drugs of different kinds? I would rather be miserable trying to achive my goals.

>> No.11678670
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remember bois. next time choose easy mode when entering life.

>> No.11678687
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I remember the Minecraft creator describing how empty his days felt.

>> No.11678710
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I think the trick is to just have a goal. My neet goal is to make a video game. Progress is slow but it's fun and I'm looking forward to when it's decent enough to show to people.

>> No.11678748

This and. also making a game.
The only reason you would hate free time is having no direction of your own. I never found myself having too much free time. Only constantly too little to do everything i want. Of course wasting time on shit like shitposting here doesn't help

>> No.11678883

eventually you find a way to fill the time, and it starts moving faster. Days mesh. Weeks just kinda merge into a pattern. It's not bad though, ultimately comfy.