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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11670748 No.11670748 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone in here tried to write politically influenced, SEO based, advertising comments/opinions for money?
I think I would like to run a botfarm with thousands of fake accounts to write opinions/comments/whatever on request. Full-time professional shilling agency.

What do you think? Did anyone try? I've got coding skills, understand how social media work and know how to get viral.

>> No.11670765

Try fiverr
But after 2016 the market is shit. Have fun competing with real Pajeets who work for nothing.

>> No.11670782
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I don't think anyone here (if they were real shills) would actually admit to this

related, I track all mentions of cryptos on a few communities, take a look: merv.tech

what programming skills do you have? any projects you're working on right now?

>> No.11670904

Front-End, JS, PHP. Skilled in SEO
Running my blog-website. Made many shit-tier 10-50h apps just for lulz and CV.

I want to hire Pajeets, not compete.

I seriously think this might be a great source od income if done properly. I'd imagine it as a platform where you have your own account. You get links and instructions on what to shill and where, what keywords use etc. If you complete your assignment you'll get a fraction of a cent on your PayPal account.

Users would complete hundrets of assignments daily, as its takes couple of minutes to do so. This way you can outsorce all the work and will basically skip all problemem with VPNs, IPs, server filters etc. It has to be like a side-kick for Pajeets, Venezuelans, Africans, etc. You would make like $1-2 per hour. In some countries it's more than you make daily.
It's 2018, globalization is hitting hard. Even some ethiopian nomads have smartphones with Internet now. It's a shame not to take an olportunity of such cheap labor

>> No.11670954
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I commend every PHP programmer I see, simply because they must enjoy a level of pain unbeknownst to mere mortals such as myself

so you're a front end guy? not too many people I know nowadays like front-end, which frameworks do you use? I myself even think its sometimes a bore, but for whatever reason I find backend 100x more fun, I can look at a terminal 24/7

any apps you're hosting live rn? would be cool to see

what are some basic SEO tips?

>> No.11671039

I'm still junior level. Learning React right now. I started learning front as it's easy and I don't have IT-based education. There is a fuckton of free bootcamps and step-by-step tutorials on front.
PHP was nothing serious for me, just needed in my last job where I was doing WebDev where I fixed simple bugs ony companys client websites. Mostly CMS and shopping platforms.

When it comes to SEO it's pointless typing it here. Just google it if you're interested. Same story, a lot of tutorials and SEO/SEM blogs out there

>> No.11671276

react is sweet, but takes some getting used to, merv is built on the MERN stack

if you're learning react you might as well just program your backend in Node/Express

>> No.11671304

check out Act-IL
It is a free to use shill app for Israel
Maybe it inspires you

>> No.11671680

thank (((you)))