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File: 163 KB, 853x1280, 343708_02big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11669940 No.11669940 [Reply] [Original]

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I STILL DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AFTER MAKINGIT FROM ETHEREUM!!!!!! I'm so fucking lonely guys! I made it from eth by buying at $4 but still don't have a loving companion. I'm 29 years old and I'm suicidal everyday.

>> No.11669945

I can be your girlfriend.

>> No.11669951

Imagine the amount of venereal diseases lugged around inside that body...

>> No.11669954

I'm not a faggot. Only men browse here. All the fucking roasties were shaken out before.

>> No.11669965

i wouldnt come near this hoe if u paid a million dollars
ok a million maybe, but id have three condoms on and a human shield condom
this pussy is filled with diseases.... fucking disgusting

>> No.11669970
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you have us, it's almost like real human contact, and if you drink a lot it can even be considered a friendship.

>> No.11669992
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>she's not good enough for biz

>> No.11669993

This same fucking larp thread every fucking day.

>> No.11669999
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I feel you but fuck gfs. U gotta be happy with urself and ur life. And then they come flocking because they attracted to that. Stay nofap, pick up hobbies preferably gym atleast 3 times a week with compound excereizes, squats, benchpreess/militarypress, deadlifts. Pullups/dips. Pick up another hobby like reading/studying prayer/meditation. After these are successful, find a friend that needs company and tAke them out, do anythinggo play bowling, billards, hit a bar, go dinners. Just so you get extra social and friend aspects in life. Once ur doing all this, youll notice ur life is great and ur in great health physically mentally emotionally spirtually. Then u can make a tinder or bumble just to fuck with the roasties, or ull just feel comfortable enough to approacch them in life. Main thing is dont get sidetracked they feel that insantly. Keep ur life and priorities, and make them 2ndary at best. They will love ur alpha attitude and crave ur attention if u keep them 2ndary. Dont slip up on this, play them like a game enjoy urlife without bitches and they will want to be part of ur life. Atleast this is what helps me and how i understand it. Im still single myself but this helps me cope and i definetly see that they are more attracted. But at this point it looks like they just want sex. Which is fine by me untill i find one that i want more with

>> No.11670025
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I already fucking lost my virginity this past year by going on seekingarangements and travelled the world for 3 months. I paid her $80,000 for thr entire time but she had no soul or affection for me. She was just an empty person with no feeling. Please guys I'm fucking dying inside from being alone I really need some help. I've turned into a massive alcoholic and I need to fix it please guys help me.

>> No.11670034

just go

>> No.11670043

Stop masturbating and start fasting while working with sigils

>> No.11670074

Okay fren, Chad-wannabe here. (Less than 180cm so I'll never be true Chad)

Since you've got money you have like 95% of your problems solved areadly.

I'll spoonfeed you.
go out, make frens
get a haircut, hit the gym EVERY FUCKING DAY. Be higenic! Fix your fucking teeth, bleach them, shower at least daily. Get expensive cologne. Roasties love it. You MUST do sports, no matter how uncoordinated NEET you are sports will ultimately make you feel better. Find male friends to do sport with, squash, tennis, crossfit or smth
improve your looks: buy cool smart-casual clothes, get a watch, get a hairucut
go out more, go to dancing classes, get used to touching women there, get confident, learn social skills, read about women seduction, start with basics like maintaining eye contact, immerse further to learn about body language, master NLP, train seduction on Tinder roasties (find some openers in internet and go straight to meeting, don't play chatting-games), meet them, make them laugh, fuck them, fuck them good,
work out, read: article daily, book monthly, get smart!
forget about porn, try to fap less and less, get some ons with roasties, improve your skills, improve your social position, climb the fucking ladder.
Move and talk slowly but with confidence, be like a fucking ocean at night - calm, but mighty.
Hit better woman, improve your standards. Try different things, find a hobby, make it your passion. Never stop, always climb, make your way to the top hard way, take no hostages. Always do what you want.

I just fucking summarized you like 10+ books and couple of semminars of self development. You want to make it? Reach out

>> No.11670079

Do what the guy before you said

>> No.11670083

>respondin seriously to this spam

>> No.11670095

I've turned around 20 of my beta basedboy friends into chads. hit me up if you want me to do that for you. I'll charge a reasonable fee as you're not yet my friend.

>> No.11670100
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get a pet. there is a reason dogs are mans best friend

>> No.11670200

And one more thing, ultimate redpill.

Live IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. Most of the people spend 90% of their daily life on thinking about the past or the future. They are spending hours and hours playing scenarios in their head... Scenarios that will never happen. They bent their worlds, dumb their minds. Try to ALWAYS live in the present moment. Don't think about shit, just live. Breath in, breath out, feel your fingertips, observe, smell, listen. Extend your senses. You will be surprised how much you were missing. When you truly understand it you'll easily unite with the world and nature, organize your surroindings and your life.
Read those words out-loud. Rethink them. Meditate and tell them before your sleep.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”

If you truly devote yourself to it you'll become a master of your life very soon.

>> No.11670213

I forgot to cut out "of God". There is no god. We are our own gods

>> No.11670263

Sounds exhausting.. That is the messed up thing with these kind of advices, it's essentially "do hard Labour, always! Never rest, always work".

There is the standard life option.. find a mediocre girl, get her pregnant, enjoy spending time with your family and watch alot of TV/ play video games.
You can have a good life, without putting in too much effort, just autopilot it and let it run its course.

>> No.11670285

Try No Fap and lifting.

>> No.11670302

get /fit/
/trv/ the world
you can use language barrier to hide your autism

>> No.11670308

Women don't care about money anymore. They have their own jobs now, so they want looks the same way men in the 1950s were able to demand good looking wives.

>> No.11670339

My advices are for Chads. God mode.

If you want to live your omega-failure life and never accomplish anything meaningful then go on, do so. Find a 6/10, put a baby in her belly, be a lazy turd and play your vidya till you're old. But don't be surprised when you wake up one day thinking "I've wasted my life". You have only one chance, only one try anon. Make it worth

>> No.11670344
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What's wrong with her? She seems open minded

>> No.11670365

biggest bluepill NPC advice I ever heard

if OP went on steroids, dropped $10k on a hair transplant/rhinoplasty/whatever to fix his biggest flaw, and changed absolutely nothing about his personality, he would see 100x more results than following your cuck advice

>> No.11670367

well said, anon. that life sucks.

>> No.11670382

Man if this isn’t pasta you dun goofed. OP posts this faggotry daily

>> No.11670394
File: 2.76 MB, 241x300, jonah hill reaction gif cut it out slice neck oscars shaking head disapprove disapproving nope no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks having a 6/10 waifu who loves you and has your kids is a waste of life
delusional. how many years over 30 are you?

I can smell your baldness from here.

>> No.11670406
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Oh shit!

>> No.11670408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11670411

It's more about the feeling and behaving like an alpha than looking like one. Ask women, if you know any.

>> No.11670428

Fyi. I only spent 600 dollars for this happa bitch. She LOVED me. And she was 17. Although that was last year. She now left for college also i love in a 3rd world shithole. Seeking arrangement is now shit though

>> No.11670483

my boomer book clearly states that fucking prostitutes does not take away your virginity. And also says that traps are gay

>> No.11670519

I'm 26. Only baldness I have are my temples from eating pussy
>waifu who loves you
Love is not eternal or steadfast. It's just affection, hormones, emotions, chemical processes in your brain. If you want your waifus love then you have to work on it, keep the affection fresh. And there is nothing better than being a Chad to do this.
If you're thinking otherwise you're delusional cuck or a whiteknight who knows nothing about real world.

Indeed a girl showing devotion to family and kids is something great and desireable. I've just ended my 5yo relationship with a 9/10HB casue she wasn't caring... She was chasing her dreams only, thinking like a man, never cared about family or having kids. Hard times but you've got to move on