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11669178 No.11669178 [Reply] [Original]

At what age do you think someone should move out of their parents house?

>> No.11669187


>> No.11669231

Whenever they marry.

>> No.11669236


>> No.11669287

If you go to college ~24

If you blue collar after high school ~21

>> No.11669299



>> No.11669300

As soon as they want to start getting laid.
Or can't take their family's shit anymore.

>> No.11669321

I don't think it depends on age but the need for the person to learn responsibility. You can live your whole life with your parents for all I care but are you doing that because you want to or because you have to?

>> No.11669351

If you move out any later than 18 you're a special snowflake who will never make it in the real world

>> No.11669362


>> No.11669382

when you get fuck you money

>> No.11669401


This is the only answer. 26, 75k salary not including bonuses, still living at home stacking ridiculous amounts of money. Oh, and I still fuck weekly.

>> No.11669469

When they are earning enough to feasibly do it. It was a LOT easier for our parents to do this, as housing prices were nowhere near what they are today.
I was told to leave by my mother when I reached a certain age, as my siblings had moved out with their partners. I spent the next few years homeless until someone helped me.

>> No.11669496

When their parents want them out.

>> No.11669513

3. All or nothing like a fucking baller.

>> No.11669536

Can confirm, getting married next month, been saving up for a year and ready to have sex away from mom and dad.
feels good man

>> No.11669545

I dropped out of college and moved out at 19.
Looking back, I should have just stayed at my parents and accumulated a lot more money. But its great living on your own. Its very liberating and it feels like that next step in your life

>> No.11669565

What are you doing now?

>> No.11669586

Your mother's a bitch

>> No.11669609

when you're parents die and you can sell the house to buy your dream house. There is literally no reason to leave the nest to pay schlomo rent. you're not gonna be fucking anyway so why waste money.

>> No.11669628
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>Parents (mainly my dad) lost our home when I was 21. DIdn't get a penny for it.
>Parents had ugly divorce.
>Was forced to live with shitty relatives until I finished college.
>Moved out at 23 and never looked back.
Feels alright man.

>> No.11669641

Why do people think this girl is hot

>> No.11669683

Exactly this living in the city in an apartment with my parents is nice free food rent etc. But to have to wait for them to go away for vacations to bring of roasties, is shit and hearing them nagging me is not worth it either. They are really awkward around girls that aren't a "girlfriend" so if i wanna get laid i have to chose between wasting time or money on a girlfriend or bring over girls when they are out of town.

>> No.11669736

Wait, so i shouldn't feel like a fucking retard and leech for staying at my parents' at the age of 21 while studying and having random on and off jobs?
wtf /biz/ cured my internal struggle

>> No.11669740


I guess because she has that "girl next door" look and aura.

>> No.11669749


Of course not dude. Just save money in the meanwhile in order to get a good financial cushion. Then leave when you feel you've reached that point.

>> No.11669753

I mainly dropped out because I started working for a start up for a few years. Then I got fired and worked at another start up for like 3 years. Then when that place went out of business, I started to learn a trade in repairs which is what I'm doing now.

College was too difficult since I'm lazy

>> No.11669806
File: 906 KB, 2500x3420, 1532721876022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you moving out oniichan?
..can I move into your room??

>> No.11669814


>> No.11669841

Do you fuck your dad too or only mum?

>> No.11669895

Life begins at conception.

>> No.11669980

When I worked full-time, I could afford an apartment. Monthly expenses ~1,100

Now that I'm college, my income is <1000/month. I wouldn't live with my parents if I had to.

>> No.11669998


>> No.11670137

I finally did last year at 25. Couldn't stand it any longer.

>> No.11670171

My friend just moved out at 30, after making 120k a year for the last 5 years, just stacking money. Bought his own place cash. I moved out at 23, and cant save much because of $1400 rent. Kind of wishing I did what he did and stayed with parents until he stacked up six figures in the bank.

>> No.11670216

>$1400 rent
You need roommates or a gf

I think you should at the very least move out at 25, but only if you're more traditional or live in Europe
More likely the deadline should be 22 to move out

>> No.11670310

Oh, and reddit

>> No.11670312

Never! You stay and take over the house when they die and laugh at your friends who "worked hard" and are paying a mortgage for 30 years.

>> No.11670342
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my mum moved out and the house me and my dad are in now is huge. I'm considering sticking around for quite some time. I can take home girls and fug them, dad doesn't mind, the girls also don't seem to mind when I come pick them up in my fat BMW. Bought with cryptoes.

why would I move out?
why would I waste money if I am perfectly happy here?

>> No.11670353

Huge waste of money to move out lol . I live with my parents and I don't really care about it as much, they don't mind either. I do go to work as well so I am not really a complete degenerate. More money for the good old crypto.

>> No.11670358


I know bro I know

>> No.11670400


girl who has her own place

how is this reddit i've been on 4chan for over a decade..

>> No.11670423

I moved to another country when I was almost 19. Two years living alone are fucking great without all the bullshit you get every day from your parents.

>> No.11670484

Eastern Europe and free uni/very shit wages in my case so it's much different scenario than US I reckon.
I just am in "life don't make sense if you can't pay rent" mindset since 18yo while still being as lazy as it gets.

>> No.11670485

How'd you do it? Did you study abroad?

>> No.11670502


>> No.11670508

Not getting laid anyway so no loss haha

>> No.11671748
File: 10 KB, 296x170, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree. if you want to really make it, the later you can move out, the better. i plan to move out at 25 (currently 23)

>> No.11671789
File: 27 KB, 604x504, 1540941451197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah 18. come on guys

>> No.11671792


>> No.11671813

So many losers ITT justifying living at home. Pathetic, you are creatures of comfort. The longer you wait the worse it will be on you to make the move. Don't even talk about the money you saved, at what expense? Now you could have made 2x that much money with the skills you would have developed going out on your own. If you don't think so then you add no value which is probably why you still live at home. No later than 20 imho

>> No.11671831


Good goy. Family = bad. Giving me shekels = good

>> No.11671861

ITT: Amerisharts.

Living with your parents until you get married or around there is the norm in much of Europe.
Regardless, I feel bad for those who have a shitty relationship with their parents and are pretty much forced to move out.

There are a lot of practical reasons to live at home like other anons have said but a large family living together is a wonderful thing.

>> No.11671866

You can wait to visit mommy and daddy on the weekends? Who said family is bad? Living with them is bad. Hell go visit your mom every day anon, but don't take your laundry sac with you for her to do and take leftovers to your home in Tupper ware after. Grow up

>> No.11671887

>but don't take your laundry sac with you for her to do and take leftovers to your home in Tupper ware after.
not gonna make it

>> No.11671935

18-21. Moved out when I was 17.

>> No.11671942

give it or take

>> No.11671967



>> No.11671989
File: 71 KB, 1025x566, pops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to live with my dad until he dies or decides to remarry. I have the money and the means to live on my own but he likes having me around and I like being around too.

>> No.11672027

I'm 26 and this is basically my plan. It's even better because my parents will give me money for down payment whenever. I kind of want to see how the next few years in the market play out first though. And also considering renting since I've saved plenty and could easily do some meme $1400 a month swag pad rent.
I also realized buying cash and spending all my reserves on a house would be a huge financial mistake, so I will still go with a loan.

>> No.11672088

never, alphas assert their dominance in the house

>> No.11672101

once you cash out 401k you're ready to move out

>> No.11672111


Until it becomes burdensome to live at home.
In the past, men and women would always live at home until they were married, and even then they may still live with the Husband's parents if the house is big enough.
This "Everyone should live alone and be lonely and financially struggling because muh independance" shit is something directed almost exclusively at White people by rich Jews in a mad-cap attempt to keep them miserable.
Other races stick to family and they all get along fine.

>> No.11672247

>in a mad-cap attempt to keep them
buying diamonds, real estate,

>> No.11673049

As soon as you're capable. Independence is a core component of masculinity. You're not a true man if you haven't left the nest

>> No.11673193
File: 50 KB, 519x533, 1526007109763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw left parents at 18
>got married and now living with in laws
What level am i on?

>> No.11673287

I'm just waiting for my mom whom has a house and my uncle who lives in a house that belongs to my mom to die and leave me with whatever. My sister is rich AF and the plan is to live barebones until I make it

>> No.11673331

My father had to move back in with his parents at 41 with two kids and wife. As a kid I didn't even realize why he made us sleep in the shed instead of huge grandpa's house literally 10m away, but now I know – he was embarrassed. I'm 34 and planning to move out, already talked to 3 homeowners where I'll rent. I'd like some more cash for just in case but oh well.

>> No.11673332

Kicked out by grandmother, who adopted me, while still in high school. I guess 16 is the age.

>> No.11673381

I was out on my own at 20. I could afford to do it. Now 15 yrs later I'm married, living in a bigger house but not some 3000+ sq ft monster, a little money in the bank and a decent secure job. Frankly if your still living at home at 30 or older you got problems. Now if your parents were disabled or some shit then I could see it, but to just live with them is kinda wrong. They got shit to do to, they spent 18 yrs of there lives taking care of your ass, now they want to enjoy what remains of there time here.

>> No.11673445

>t. kike

>> No.11673455

Fuck parents, bro

>> No.11673464


>> No.11673492

depends, some anons are late bloomers.

i coundlt ejaculate until i was 18

i didnt move out till i was 26.

i was a late bloomer.

>> No.11673525

>If you aren't fistfighting Asians down by the docks at 16 you're not gonna make it.
If "the real world" means someplace I never want to end up, then I'm okay with this.

>> No.11673563

I'm 24 and don't plan on leaving any time soon. I make $62k and would probably have very little money if I lived in my own. Plus I'd just be alone all the time. At least I get along with my parents and they don't mind me staying. I pay some of the bills, but it's still far cheaper than paying rent. When I was in college, I had thought that I'd move out by 28, but now I don't really see it. I tell people that I'm saving for a house, but is be too lonely and I wouldn't want roommates.

>> No.11673578

Whenever you want to start buying hookers and move onto the "real" drugs. You need your own space for that

>> No.11673581


>> No.11673596

18 if you have a jobf

>> No.11673607

Sure thing dude let me get a full time employment to barely pay for a small apartment in a ghetto when I dont even have any studies yet or any valuable knowledge, in other words shoot myself in the foot just to please you.

>> No.11673619
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>Americlaps getting into debnts and wasting money on landlords because they all have dysfunctional families
Dog bless :DDD

>> No.11673795

how did you survive being homeless? i might be homeless soon

>> No.11673831

I turned 19 two weeks before I graduated high school.

I got an AA degree at 23.

I'm 28 but still on my parents' insurance.

>> No.11673931

I don't live at home, but I've been saving money to build my own place eventually, and I really think I'd like to build almost a Roman villa or something; one complex but with multiple discrete segments that my family can live in, and with an open courtyard in the middle where we can meet and have barbecues or picnics or whatever. The idea of moving out and giving some Jew $800 or more a month is insane, and it's absolutely the right idea to build a home that allows for both independence and resource accumulation.

>> No.11673947

parents lost the house too when i was 18. did yours fall for banker scams? take an equity loan, buy dumb shit, cant pay back the loan?

>> No.11673954



>> No.11673976

If you live in a home alone owned by your parents who don’t live there- is that just as bad as living with them?

>> No.11674063

I moved out at 17 and never looked back. Wtf is going on in this thread.

>> No.11674101

When you can afford a house, or you can afford to inherent your parents house. Which ever comes first

>muh strong independent adult that don't need no mommy

I'm sorry you have shit parents

>> No.11674104

why would you leave so young?

>> No.11674176

13 max
Bunch of sissies itt
Back in my day, we worked our asses off all day and then slept on a steel plate after
Worked at the refinery when I was 9

>> No.11674183

My gf did at 18. I did at 25.
Answer is definitely before 30.

>> No.11674398
File: 22 KB, 454x324, inca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit anon, you made me cry of laughter

>> No.11674556

It really depends on the person. Media kikes will make you believe you should be out on your own at 18 otherwise you're a loser. I fell for that trick and moved out immediately (though I also had some weird family shit going on so I bolted like an asshole instead of dealing with it). I'm 28 now and sometimes regret it because I could have saved money for a few years. I got by ok but didn't really save much of anything until I got a real career type job at 25. Own my own house for the last 3 years, currently on the market and will move in with my old man for a bit to save some more cash and help him out with some bills until I find a new house. I'm sure it will get old quick but he doesn't bother me and I'm hoping to be out by Spring

>> No.11674576

Immediate sovereignty, only cucks don't get it

>> No.11674596

If you live somewhere cheap then by 21. Would you want your full grown adult living with you?

>> No.11674615

No you just switched being dependent on your parents to being dependent on strangers (landlords/roommates).

>> No.11674617

>full grown adult

>> No.11674623

Niggas wish they had a free crib anon

Niggaz wish

You're doing fine

>> No.11674637

>t. Trust Fund Babby

>> No.11674655

Are they not? I grew up in a shithole town. It didn't take much to get a cheap place for $300 a month on your own.

>> No.11674657


only if they sell the house when parents pass away

>> No.11674663
File: 135 KB, 750x562, ram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to own your home by the age of 25.

Option A (Long and stupid)
Go to college at 18 or 19. After achieving your diploma get a job, live with mommy for 2 years and save. Buy your home

Option B (patrician)
Fuck around for a few years doing drugs and not care about your health. Save up a few thousand at the age of 22 and put yourself through trade school. Live with mommy for a year and save. Buy your home

I did option B.

It worked out. I was a mortgage cuck at 24

>> No.11674664

Biologically speaking full grown is 25.

>> No.11674793

I find humorous people like you end up fund the NEETs of your countries lmao

>> No.11674821

18, don't have kids if you can't afford them.

>> No.11674912

this happened to me but with my stepdad. On the other end my mom wanted me to live with her indefinitely. Pretty fucked but I ended up ok after I got some help. Boomers are brainwashed desu, it's /almost/ not even their fault that they don't understand the situation

>> No.11674918

not that guy but I messaged a lot of people about it on social media. Most oculdn't or wouldn't help. Also when/if you do get help, do not get complacent, leeching off of help is the worst thing you can do as most people won't even help you in the first place

>> No.11674949

When you need to. Realistically it means when you found a gf you want to live with, or when you have to move because uni/work is too far away.

>> No.11674965


>implying children aren't a hobby
>implying anyone in the western world gets forced to have children