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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11662161 No.11662161 [Reply] [Original]

Real people are becoming valuable and getting rich in this world, and here you are wasting your time/potential gambling on digital ponzi coins, making the developers and inside traders rich as they fleece you out your money and run; because they CAN.

You will never make it, because you don't add value to society, nor are you even important enough to be an insider. Only luck is on your side, which you've all seem to run out of at this point. I guess your last resort is to neck.

This is the sad reality of /biz/

>> No.11662191
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You have no idea, grandpa.

>> No.11662201


>Real people are becoming valuable and getting rich in this world

very few of them

>> No.11662224

youtube normies, app devs, crypto devs, basically people who PUT themselves out there and create value. Not neets who use the platforms of others hoping to get rich on THOSE platforms

Fucking autists

>> No.11662325

Thanks for your contribution to 4chin. Now go back please.

>> No.11662389
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>You will never make it, because you don't add value to society
tfw own 63 btc, steadily growing because making gains by flipping binance shitcoins is easy as fuck in this market full of retards
tfw making more money than a doctor by playing around in binance 2 hours a day while being neet

>> No.11662430

t. Dev who sold his own shitcoin at 1/1000 of the current price to buy a gayming rig

>> No.11662451
File: 84 KB, 1656x738, slavery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a speculator whether you know it or not

Keynesian makes speculating the only way to escape

>> No.11662460

tfw all larp and doesn’t matter

>> No.11662497

I just need a 100x by next year