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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 553x569, EF1DB5CB-3CF2-4582-8D6B-AB04EC8C4579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11661556 No.11661556 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw i realize everyone on biz is married with beautiful children and a side woman, all have jobs as white collar professionals, doctors, surgeons, investment bankers with huge 100+ btc portfolios and 2.5 mil networth while im here slaving away at a factory for 60 hours a week making minimum wage

>> No.11661566

Should've kept ranting, faggot. This pasta is too short for me to save.

>> No.11661579

the composition of /biz/
shitcoin pajeets: 50%
basement neckbeards: 25%
faggots: 25%

>> No.11661589

> married
> beautiful children
first one on the way
> white collar professional
software engineering manager
> 100+ btc
0 btc
> 2.5m net worth
.5m net worth
> slaving 60hrs/week at minimum wage
slaving 60hrs/week at 172k salary

humblebrag but pretty sure i'm doing better off than 99.9% of people on here. you're doing fine other than the minimum wage part. get some education and get a real salary.

>> No.11661623
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I'm a fucking loser. I just go to work, go to the gym, then go home. I'm still poor and live with my parents even though I have a college degree. I dont talk to anyone even at work. I can go a whole day without even saying one word. I dont think this is healthy, but I dont know anything else

>> No.11661627

>but pretty sure i'm doing better off than 99.9% of people on here
you have no idea

>> No.11661670

there are literally billionaires posting in this thread right now you are in the bottom 1% and that is being generous

>> No.11661740

lol. ok dude.
how you doing anon?

>> No.11661776

Would you like a Financial Advisor?

>> No.11661777


Not yet, but probably gonna propose soon, lived together for 4 years
>beautiful children
Not yet again, will emigrate out of my country (UK) before then.
>white collar professional
Yep, although I still consider myself a wageslave
>100+ BTC
4.5 BTC
>2.5 net worth
>side women
I sometimes fuck a Chinese girl that works in my office. I feel bad about it considering I want to wife up my gf but have to scratch the yellow pussy urge sometimes.

>> No.11661801

I’m 33, good looking, built like a Greek god, and still haven’t felt a boob or been on a date. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Depression is a bitch.

>> No.11661809


>> No.11661811

i live paycheck to paycheck
would you like to advise me on how to spend $5 i sometimes have extra at the end of the month

>> No.11661814

You're a huge dick.
I hope your GF finds out and cheats on your behind your back and gives you some type of venereal disease.

>> No.11661827

the white knight has arrived

>> No.11661832

Being poor is a quality worth investing in Financial Advice. Contrary to popular belief Financial Advisory consultation is not reserved for the rich people around you.
If you want to chat I could discuss a discount for your situation.
Post your email.

>> No.11661842

Yeah I'm White closest thing I ever fucked was a half Chinese girl with a White father. I don't fuck insect people.

>> No.11661845

girls like being cheated on though. or if not, they tolerate it

>> No.11661851

/thread. Disgusting NEET here. Technically an "entrepreneur" since I have a small Web dev shop, but my crippling social anxiety and general apathy means I really just do freelance code jobs to scrape by & buy the odd shitcoin.

>> No.11661853

Girls also like cheating on retards who think they can't smell some chinese pussy on his retard cock.

>> No.11661878

Are you me? Every time I go out I get eyefucked from hot girls all the time yet I'm too autistic to ever make a move, the only girls I've ever been with have made the first move, but after the first date I just become anxious and never call them back. I wish I was normal..

>> No.11661902

did a qt noodle grl cheat on you? so much animosity

>> No.11661965

No dude I just think youre a retard for living with a girl for 4 years not even marrying her and also fucking some dog eater at work like a fucking nonce would.

>> No.11661974
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Everything about you is why the world is complete shit. You are gluttonous. You lust. You have pride. Everything about you contains Biblical sin.
Adultery. Listen to yourself. Nobody likes you. You just have the money to make people pretend to care about you.
I bet your funeral will be pathetic.

>> No.11661977


Mate the Chink girl has a bf too. It is strictly physical. She gets her white dick fix and I get my sideways pussy fix, then we arrange it.

Doesn't even happen that regularly, and no animosity if it never happened again.

>> No.11662007

look at the ids you retarded inbred boomer lmao

>> No.11662019

I actually don't care man I call it as I see it. If you actually were completely secure with your decision not only would you be quiet about it but you wouldnt feel pressured to explain it away.
Karma is going to carve itself into you and you will regret having even spoke of this today.
You made a mistake. Time to own up to your mistakes. You can't negotiate adultery. You're lucky you didn't marry her.
I bet she knows you did it.
What if the ricefarmer finds out you've been poking his noodle socket? You're going to have to fight.

>> No.11662028
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I don't care about who is who you fucking retard I'm not some spastic that actually cares about any of your identities. All of you are equally pathetic lowlifes who should be buying my Financial Advisory consultations.

>> No.11662035
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ricefarmer finds out you've been poking his noodle socket

>> No.11662071

Meh, a blonde, CrossFit chick with a little hardbody straight asked me on a date a few months ago and I just sort of walked off. The mind hand gets in the way when you’re too ADHD/socially awkward to act right, add to that my internet porn addiction and you understand why I’m still sexless and dateless at 33. Fact is, women make me nervous and I end up sperging out before anything can happen, then I go home alone and fap to hairy vagina, creampie porn and I don’t care anymore. Better to avoid women and prevent the possibility of making a fool of yourself and embarrassing her with your autism.

Good on you for getting some dates. I got burned by a girl my senior year of high school, 15 years ago, and literally quit trying as I never learnt to stop hating myself.

>> No.11662111

>investment bankers on biz

Why would people who actually know how to handle finances waste their time with a bunch of shitposting retards?

>> No.11662124

It’s been turning into R9k lately. We’re supposed to be exchanging ideas (not link related) and getting rich. But all the anons here are obsessed with girls’ axe wounds or tranny butthole.

>> No.11662166
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>ricefarmer finds out you've been poking his noodle socket

>> No.11662227

Maybe you should inquire with someone offering to have private discourse on strictly finances like a Financial Advisor instead of obliviously missing the only opportunity.

>> No.11662243

To make money. I only come here to take peoples money. So far I found 2 clients today and had 2 more pay me like a week and a half ago.
I have a list of people corresponding to me who want to sign up.

>> No.11662252
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Bonjour gentlemen

>> No.11662261
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>domp eet

>> No.11662285


>> No.11662346

You just wrote a blog about a girl
Then in the next post complain about biz turning r9k
That's a good thing btw

>> No.11662348
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Literally me. Except i don't live at home anymore

>> No.11662468

It's just so easy to avoid women and dating altogether, women very rarely make a move so if you don't do it you'll just stay alone no matter how attractive you are. It's just so easy to jerk off and forget about it all that years can go by and don't even feel bothered about it..

>> No.11662563

How do I gift 4chan gold for this?

>> No.11662581

Well, yeah. At least there’s no dysfunctional relationships, child support or unwanted children to worry over.

>> No.11662585

>Wagecucking 60hrs a week
I hope you plan on changing that.

>> No.11662700

his wife will be cucking him soon

>> No.11662761
File: 7 KB, 861x608, 91a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be third world spic biology student from poor family who can barely afford 256kps internet
>thanks to /biz/ i already have 5 years of armchair economist experience which are essentially useless outside of a malawi noodle appreciation forum
>at this moment i know that i could get fucking rich if i invest in ripple, i could finally shut the mouths of all the skeptics who bullied me for lurking here instead of getting a life
>$200 is the most i can muster at this critical time
>will have to literally live on instant noodles only for month and a half
>open account with the $200
>try to buy as much ripple as i can
>minimal amount to open a position is 1000, meaning I'd need at least $500 to start doing anything

>> No.11662769

Dude are you fucking retarded you can buy 1 ripple on Binance.

>> No.11662814

Yeah, your life sucks bub. You embody what it is to be a wagecuck. This has to be bait.

>> No.11662931

I tried to go for the least risk/commission way and opened an account in plus500 to trade with CFD

>> No.11663012

You are an idiot bro I'm sorry.
I would have traded for you for free as a broker.
I'm a financial advisor.
I only charge one time fee for consultation and hedging.
Why would you give your money to some jew?

>> No.11663034

no one in their right mind would marry me
>beautiful children
>side woman
fuck i wish
>white collar professionals
>doctors, surgeons, investment bankers
>huge 100+ btc portfolios
more like 5 btc
>2.5 mil networth
more like 100k

not all of us are chads anon

>> No.11663206

Lmao you are far worse than average r9k buddy
Matter of fact I think youve found your board