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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11651296 No.11651296 [Reply] [Original]

> He doesn’t own any LinkPool

>> No.11651306

Why should I get linkpool? Shouldn't I just stake my link?

>> No.11651368

Did you set up a node on the test-net? Do you really think it’s THAT easy?

>> No.11651383

You don't have to run a note to stake your link though. And I was actually just reading the guide on how to set up a node at work today. I'm going to try it when I get home

>> No.11651407

I wont stake any stinky links. Ill just hold them in my wallet and let you autists run nodes and drive the price up for me. Dont fuck it up.

>> No.11651464

stay poor

>> No.11651520

LP is already collecting Link from DEX fees.
Once they reach 1000 Link they will be distributed to LP share owners.

>> No.11652012

Why would I buy a share?
>You get 0.00625% of the Linkpool's revenue per share you hold. That includes DEX fees, NaaS subscription payments, 25% stakers fee and any other form of revenue for future Linkpool's products that are paid in LINK.

>> No.11652180
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>> No.11652274

But I do have linkpool shares op, I have half a share......
Also I see bullshit fud saying for every $1million Linkpool make it revenue, 1LP would bank you $62, but when I do the math it's $250 for every $1million Linkpool make per share.

>> No.11652282

how do you buy linkpool

>> No.11652298

What kind of retarded faces are those. Their laughs sound like AAHUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRR DUUUUUURRRRRRR

>> No.11652383

what is linkpool

>> No.11652392

they’re basing it on the pre-cut value
so that the 1M is one where the stakers haven’t taken their 75% share of the revenue yet

>> No.11652424

the $62.5 figure per share is correct. But remember that that's $62.5 in LINK, so it's actually $62,500 EOY. Plus this doesn't include the 75% you make for the LINK that you put up yourself. Just load up your stack, and let your principal build and earn more LINK. By the time the ecosystem matures, you'll be fucking stupid rich.

>> No.11652509

It's a scam riding another scam.

>> No.11652848

Also them only making $1 million seems way too low. Lets say they stake 15 million Link, the annual staking rewards are 10% and Link price is at $10.
In that scenario they would make 15MM*$10*10% = $15 million. So every LP share would earn $937.5

>> No.11652891
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>> No.11652902

Only 200 people have LP shares so obviously there will only be a couple of trades on any given day.

>> No.11652913

>0 trades in 72 hours

>> No.11652920

The thing is link does not have to increase price for linkpool to succeed, the contract price remains the same whether link is $1 or $100. As long as linkpool gets a large market share we gonna make it fagotz

>> No.11652929
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There have been trades every day, see pic.

>> No.11653039

Really low prices. The share will be 500 ETH in two months.

>> No.11653042

>inspect element
>anyone can verify at https://staking.linkpool.io/dex

>> No.11653080

Damn is it really 9 eth per share? That's pretty fucking steep

>> No.11653724

And also I do plan I just stacking my link and leaving it to just keep building up. I plan to just keep a small stack of link not stacked incase I ever want to cash some funds. From what I know you can't just withdraw your rewarded link from linkpool nodes, you have to withdraw everything staked in that node and you could lose your position in that node.

>> No.11653766

Of course the sell price is going to be ridiculous; the sellers are exclusively /biz/raeli 1K EOY moonbois and the buyers are the same, but specifically burgers in addition. I got away with selling a fraction of a share at the rate of almost 13 ETH/share

>> No.11653778

ico buyers have been waiting a fucking year to sell and refuse to accept any loss on their bags

>> No.11653799
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This is going to be one of the hardest dumps on main-net and the project will basically fail because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD, which will completely fuck the tokenomics and make the whole thing useless. Sergey will realize this and just disappear along with the rest of the team. SWIFT and co will realize this, and begin to quietly remove any references they have to this embarrassing experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded if it wasn't for the retards who infest this place and run painfully obvious shill and fud campaigns. Many of you will experience the kind of hopium crash which actually kills people, and I suppose suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board, but I hope it isn't all of you.

There will be no more memes, no more dreams of lambos or whatever NPC tier 'rich person's car' you've picked out in your imagination as you're left in the dirt holding a bunch of link bags. Even a fraction of the money some of you invested in link could have helped you make it during the next bull-run in a legitimate project. Imagine that. THAT is what you should be visualizing. Not your stupid fucking holiday home, not your imaginary future "faithful" gf / wife, nor an early retirement where you don't need to toil away at menial tasks for your betters from inside your 9-5 existential prison cell - you should instead be visualizing yourself scraping together what little money you have left in the wake of your devastation to try and ride something like BAT or Holo up, and your dream of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS suddenly becomes a much more realistic 100k-200k at most. I mean it's not bad - more than you intellectual runts probably deserve. You'll all see I was right. I always am.

>> No.11654391

this desu
link doesn’t need to have an increase in token value for linkpool to function well

>> No.11654407

this is as bad as 1k eoy tard
that’d give the project a valuation almost larger than link

500 eth is approx 400M mcap for the project

>> No.11654772

pretty based, i have 30k link and wanna keep accumulating, should i buy LP (if so should i just go the bare minimum for priority staking) or keep buying link. Is priority staking even worth it just to have a minuscule share?

>> No.11654818

It is, just because you don't have a brain

>> No.11654914

buying link is a bet on future appreciation in price
buying linkpool is betting on the adoption of link

I don't think it's ever been shilled/framed this way but let's say

$1B goes through the link network/year
there's no fixed way to value link based off of that figure.
but assuming 10% goes through link pool, it's implied that linkpool earns $100M/year.(discounting link price fluctuations)
you can then calculate earnings/share based off that figure. ($6,250/share)

>> No.11655004
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The risk/reward is better just holding LINK faggot. You don't even need many to make it. Maybe I'd buy a tiny amount of linkpool at ICO prices but there are deluded faggots paying like 15x that right now

>> No.11655055


30k is a solid stack. My aim is to have around 20k per one share. I have 3.4 shares atm and 60k.

>> No.11655085

This. Linkpool is adding another layer of risk on top of a fucking wobbly maybe making it crypto project. I'm already nervous af about Chainlink being usable, wouldn't want to add the quality of a platform of 2 neets in the most retarded market ever.

>> No.11655802

You are looking at Ropsten you dense semen slurper

>> No.11655818

>turns out its actually really simple to run a node
>Linkpool fags BTFO

>> No.11655840

Even if it's easy as fuck to operate your node, not everyone will be able to get jobs from the highest value contracts, -especially those millionaire contracts coming from the financial industry- which will recquire you to have a big enough penalty stack and will pay a lot more.

>> No.11655859

no its fucking not there's always retarded little bugs that people without relevant background will never figure out wtf's wrong

>> No.11655871

and some apis are behind paywalls you might not be able to afford

>> No.11655879

Yearly Bloomberg subscription is $15,000 if I recall correctly

>> No.11655888


>he bought linkpool

I'm sorry you're a technical retard anon, enjoy having your stashed LINKs stolen on an insecure centralized node infrastructure.

I'll wait until confidence is high.

>> No.11655902

>I'll wait until confidence is high
When LP shares are 100 ETH each?

>> No.11656013

sounds like you are scared

Everyone with enough LINK in their node will make bank and it will be very easy to run your own node.

Linkpool tards will of course always claim the opposite so mouth breathing linklets invest in their scam.

>> No.11656022

never gonna happen, Linkpool retards are the cancer of chainlink as they try to discourage LINK holders running their own nodes and want to sell you their retarded unnecessary "service"

>> No.11656079


No, when there's enough LINK staked on their to make it worth my while to hack them.

If you're not responsible for your LINK, you don't own it.

>> No.11656091

Nodes should be fairly straightforward to run, don't believe it's going to be hard

>> No.11656113

Running your own node is strongly encouraged if you are skilled enough, but there are a lot of people without tech background holding LINK that still want to seize the opportunity of owning link.

The Chainlink team ultimate's goal is to make nodes "plug&play" easy in the mid-long term. That's great. But still reputation and stack penalties will be an important part of the Chainlink's ecosystem.

>> No.11656274


>seize the opportunity of owning link

Listen to yourself and be honest, the whole USP of Chainlink is that it's a decentralized oracle protocol, by clubbing your LINK into a centralized pool you're asking for trouble and going against the vision of the project.

Don't be surprised when the shit hits the fan.

Why can't you educate yourself before mainnet? You can practice on the testnets in the meantime. Actually I don't care, do what you like

>> No.11656689

>but there are a lot of people without tech background holding LINK
don't delude yourself, they will sell their tiny stacks for BTC/ETH once it really bubbles up.
the other Linklets might use your shit service and stake their Link in your pool and you collect $3 every month.
its almost guaranteed that serious Link holder with bigger bags will run their own nodes, Link mooning will give them capital and time to figure out how to do it, they won't throw you 25% of their earnings.

>> No.11657080

>investing in a highly speculative technology that relies on a highly speculative technology built on a highly speculative technology

>> No.11658040

That depends if linkpool is able to acquire access to lucrative API resources. Not many people can afford a 11k a month subscription to Bloomberg API.

People always forget there are two main parts for staking link. Running the node and having access to an API that smart contracts also need to access. You can have a 1m link staked and it won't matter a bit if you don't have data to provide that contracts want.

>> No.11658191

>is it really 9 eth per share


>> No.11658565

I think what's really underestimated in the value proposition of a linkpool share is the top tier reputation it'll provide

linkpool insures your link
they'll pay you back for whatever will be lost

>> No.11658583


>> No.11658592


>> No.11658946

>Not many people can afford a 11k a month subscription
Everyone who is serious about it and has the money however WILL afford this, nobody with serious Link bags would put 100k and more into this pool shit.

Linkpool at the end is just a tiny pool full of unskilled NEETs who will stake their couple 100 Link so you can collect your $3 every 6 months and feel smug about it.

tl;dr Linkpool is an absolute shit tier brainlet investment.