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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 700x350, rossulbricht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11647322 No.11647322 [Reply] [Original]

I see a lot of cult worship insisting that he be let free

Should he?

>> No.11647966
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yes you fucking boot licker. Just read literally anything on the case and as to whether he was sentenced fairly.

Not /biz/

>> No.11648319

who cares, let him rot in jail

>> No.11648362


>> No.11648364


The FBI agents assigned to his case stole literally millions of dollars of Bitcoin from him and manufactured evidence that he put a hit out on a hacker to sway the jury. How his case wasn't declared a mistrial is nothing less than out and out corruption by the feds.

>> No.11648369

he did try to get people killed, which if true he should spend some time for but not life

>> No.11648378

Yeah his trial was a show trial. The judge was told to throw him under the bus before the first piece of evidence was tendered. I don't care what you think about his crimes, if you have any belief in due process whatsoever he should at the very least have a retrial.

>> No.11648383

no he didnt you faggot shill

>> No.11648385


>> No.11648397

You have to go back

>> No.11648404

Like there is anything going on in /biz

It’s crypto related so fuck off nigger

>> No.11648428

>ginger beard
Of course it was fair

>> No.11648460

Stop posting cute grannies. I'm nofap November.

>> No.11648544

He wasn't even charged for that yet it was included in evidence against him. Stupidly, he kept a journal of everything he did but his lawyer handled the case like a shithead, treating it like a joke and did not expect his client could be facing life. Does he deserve life? Not at all. In fact, someone with his skills should be doing something useful in society rather than being forced to waste life in a jail cell. But the govt doesn't see its citizens as human beings. Moral of the story, don't keep a journal of your criminal activities and don't get a shithead lawyer. If I became president, I'd pardon him.

>> No.11648713

>guy has tons of BTC and runs a service that could be used as a honeypot
>make up false charges against guy
>take over service and steal his BTC
>this is legal

>> No.11648819
File: 48 KB, 675x450, bitcoin chosen one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he should never be let free. Like all other kingpins, he deserves to rot in prison forever.

>> No.11648832

The entire court case was a sham. Wasn't allowed to present any evidence, any experts, had thousands of pages dumped on him days before an appearance with no time to go through any of it.
judge took it personally because of hate mail.
an extreme miscarriage of justice and he will be released when the boomers are dead and fresh blood is in power

>> No.11648848
File: 66 KB, 689x284, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at 4.08.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes on it.

>> No.11648849

>2 life sentences
>no one was killed
Cold blooded murderers have been given lesser sentences.

>> No.11648859
File: 11 KB, 408x272, nigger laughing loudly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>an extreme miscarriage of justice and he will be released when the boomers are dead and fresh blood is in power

So when he's 80? Damn, son.

>> No.11648862

druggies are scum
but ulbricht was railroaded by a bigger evil
never lose sight that your own interest relies in balance of powers
government left unchecked becomes oppressive tyranny

>> No.11648864
File: 78 KB, 1701x1098, DowYLxsUUAAea1X.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching his election closely.
w/ support.
& Senpai

>> No.11648876

I mean, he did try and have someone killed.
That said, there's no doubt they were unfairly making an example of him.
If it were me I'd let him out on time served.

>> No.11648882
File: 530 KB, 524x597, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 3.58.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some corn.
Then pop it.
U must.

>> No.11648905

If you guys aren't voting for R's this election you're crazy.
Find support for Bitcoin
Only R's.

>> No.11648957
File: 102 KB, 500x536, bitcoin ninjas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It wasn't unfair at all, and if you are so horny for Ross, you should also be equally horny for all the idiots since who've been put away for exactly the same shit, like the guys behind alphabay and hansa.

Fact is, Ross "The Chosen One" Ulbricht is only actually notable for being the first case of what's now a common thing.

>> No.11649052

Very true.
I think he was treated unfairly in order to be made an example of.
But I don't think he is innocent either.
He knew what he was doing - a direct attack on the state.

The only way he walks is if the entire value structure that our society is currently built upon changes.

>> No.11649150
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He said in the SR forums he was prepared to rot in prison for what he believed in. So cant really be surprised there.

>> No.11649212

Wonder if ALL non-violent drug offenders will be wrapped up in this case.
And if that is a good or bad thing.

>> No.11649361


It wasn't a 'drug offense,' and it wasn't 'non-violent.' He was a kingpin who had monopolized a new means to sell drugs to people who, traditionally, he would not have had any access, to even ties, to.

Ross was a pioneer in the fine, now very modern, art of expanding the american heroin epidemic to a younger audience.

When he was confronted by the very real truth that he was just another criminal, he wanted to be treated differently because he was white, young, smart, well-off, educated, and shouldn't be in prison. The judge called him out on his naive, privileged, and arrogant claims, then sentenced him to eternity in jail, no parole.

>> No.11649393

Lmao so it's okay for the CIA and FYI to sell drugs and create wars to keep their drug trade going, but when a citizen gets involved without all the bloodshed it's a crime against humanity.
Shit post harder.

>> No.11649401

Drugs should be legal. So yeah he should be free. (The assasination charge was dropped .)

Ross Ulbricht @RealRossU :

I read a few comments from some people saying: “he needs to learn his lesson.”
I have. Every single day for the past 5 years, waking up and going to sleep in my tiny cell, I have learned my lesson many times over.

>> No.11649470
File: 225 KB, 900x1200, bitcoin elite katana trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, and people everywhere are paying an extremely high price for the shit that went down during the 'war on drugs,' but the 'war on drugs,' Peruvian coke, the FBI's involvement in Mexico, JMT, russian krokodil, and what have you, doesn't factor into this shit. It's a very cut and dry case.

He got put away forever because that's what happens when you're a kingpin. Here, read an excerpt of his nonsense millenial plea shit.


Ross was, and is, and incredibly idiotic, greedy, vain, and pompous faggot. He deserves to be where he is just like Tyrone Niggerton, who has the cell next to him, does. Tyrone is in jail forever for the exact same reason as Ross, but Tyrone doesn't get to use twitter, and doesn't have a free Tyrone campaign for 'non-violent harm reduction.'

>> No.11649576

I tend to agree with this viewpoint.
I wonder how many people's lives and health were ruined because of the SR.

>drugs should be legal
I never cared for this argument much...
I believe that people should be protected from Drugs
This gets into power of the state vs people
But people are retarded and need help to not fuck their lives up.
Libertarianism and Voluntarism seem a joke to me.

>> No.11649744

IF you're smart enough to log on to the dark web and knowingly purchase illegal drugs, but dumb enough to inject yourself with a substance of question origin, there's literally nothing the state can do to protect you from yourself.

The whole thing is a fucking joke. He made a platform for people to buy stuff they wanted.

>> No.11649778

I feel bad for his mom. Hope they release him.

>> No.11649945

obvious frame job is obvious.
High level drug dealing is run by DEA snitches. Silk road had to go down when it became to public the real masterminds are still out there giving out mid level dealers to maintain their status. This dweeb was the perfect fall guy along with all the other retards who get pinched and when they dont play ball they get put on the front page like a trophy bass.

>> No.11649976

No he was a fag numale and deserves to be in prison forever. They should put more of these hipster numales in prison for being annoying and looking stupid. What would he be doing if released, playing Switch?

>> No.11650116

I was 100% looking at this case in a new light until your last paragraph, but I got over it and largely agree still. Banning opiates from his site would likely have lessened his sentence and I agree, lessened the explosion of the heroin epidemic greatly. Obviously another platform would have filled that gap in the market, speaking specific to his case and the perspective of the justice system. He banned other things for good reasons, he drew the line too early. Also, he probably didn't flip on whoever actually created the site, which didnt help.
If there is proof that the subreddit that facilitated user onboarding & discussion was operated by agents, then they did just as much harm as Ulbricht in that regard. Can anyone convince me that the biggest sellers weren't the feds offloading their evidence lockers anyway and have been following the tx's ever since?

>> No.11650763

I don't see how people are laying the 'opioid epidiemic' at his feet when Oxy's were fucking flooding my highschool 15 years ago. They were perscribed for any and everything and led many down the path of opiate dependence and I can't recall a doctor or pharma executive ever doing a day in jail.

>> No.11650821

>good looking
Let's be honest, come on. We all know he should be pardoned and freed. He needs to be spreading his seed and improving society's gene pool.