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11646950 No.11646950 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working at an internship at 20 dollars an hour for the past 5 months and have very little other income(some online but not enough to sustain car insurance). I'm like a year away(maybe a bit more) from getting my fucking bachelors but at really doing shit at school, we're talkin about link levels in terms of grades just barely getting by.

I'm 22 about to turn 23 soon and I feel like a failure. What do I do biz?

>> No.11646968
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Do I get bonus points if my closest family members think I'm going to graduate in two semesters even though I've got like 11 classes left kek.

>> No.11647410

Are you sure you're not 17 about to turn 18?

>> No.11647463

What are you complaining about exactly? If you are worried about your grades then study harder/find a better routine. Not sure what the problem is here

>> No.11648236

dude you're making 20 bucks an hour. You should be happy.

I graduated with a 3.5 gpa and I've never found a job willing to pay me more than 15 per hour, I'm approaching 30.

I'm not saying don't try harder, but you seem like you're in a good position for someone your age

>> No.11648304

I see what you mean, I'm not horrible but still it's pretty shit to have a family be all like "school is so important, hope you're finishing soon". It feels just so crappy to be doing this now knowing that it's pointless when compared with what I actually want to do. I haven't applied anything I've learned in school to the work I've been doing. It's demoralizing as fuck.

I mean I am(I was ready to do this internship for free) but it's probably not a permanent thing? I'm scared af of losing it now since it's basically my dream job and wouldn't even care if it was minimum wage.

Also what do you do man that pays so low for a college graduate?

>> No.11648317

It feels like I'm one bad day away from being turned into one of those R9K robots

>> No.11648367

I work in tech support at a call center making 13.50 an hour. I did have a cushy sales job a year ago that paid 15 an hour but they laid us all off. Can't seem to find anything that's not entry level. Can't find anything related to my major. Yes I majored in liberal arts and that was stupid but holy fuck I didn't think it would be this bad. Count your blessings, and keep striving for more, don't end up like me

>> No.11648400

Thank you, I hope you find a way to make it yourself.

>> No.11648409


Shit is stupid. Can't find shit for jobs that pay a decent livable wage.

>> No.11648444

Agreed completely, I'm not a communist but I'd also not be too mad if one of these days it got so bad that people actually fucked shit up due to being treated unfairly.

>> No.11648686
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Thank you anon, you as well


I agree but I also largely blame myself. A lot of my friends ended up with good jobs (though not the ones I went to college with). People I know who majored in Finance or Computer Science all have good jobs and are able to purchase houses. Anyone I know who went into liberal arts is fucked working in the service industry.

Worse, I have a DUI so I can't do Uber, Postmates, DoorDash, or any gig economy jobs that would get me out of pure wagecuckery.

The only people I know doing well with a liberal arts degree are those who went to grad school or worked unpaid internships full time for multiple years. It's fucked. I talked to my older cousins who are closer to 40 now. They all got bullshit degrees in liberal arts, none of them are working in something related to their degree, but they all make close to 6 figures. I naively assumed I'd have the same luck. "All you need is a college degree anon, it opens up so many doors".

Shit is fucked. I've never worked a job that required more than a 4th grade education, but I've almost only worked with other college grads. Ironically, people I know who did hard drugs and nearly dropped out of high school are doing better than I am these days