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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 137 KB, 990x550, ethereum-overtakes-litecoin-in-market-cap-after-continued-upward-trend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1164804 No.1164804 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum is on the front page of the business and tech sections of the NY Times

"Ethereum, a Virtual Currency, Enables Transactions That Rival Bitcoin’s"

>> No.1164809

tfw you got rid of 200 eth before the news broke

>> No.1164818


it's so obvious this thing is going to triple in the next twelve months once ethereum gets reported in the mainstream Chinese press

>> No.1164825

What is ethereum?

>> No.1164838

Whew just in time. People were already getting bored of this shit. Nothing like a fluff article to get the sheep moving again.

>> No.1164839

Just wait till Trumpcoin is on the front page.

>> No.1164985

trumpcoin will never be on front page of shit but ill ride it for the gains an get back into ether

>> No.1164993

You literally dumped at the lowest point of a dip,

>> No.1164998

how to mine ethereum?

>> No.1164999

Bet that guy looses his job for that article.

Sketchy, scammy shit.

>> No.1165003


You won't need to get back into ETH

Ride TRUMP all the way up and you'll be sipping mai tais on your own private Island.

>> No.1165035

>private Island.
But america will be great again by then! You must hate freedom and winning.

>> No.1165068

Alright I read about Ehtereum in the /biz/ catalog for months now. Why is it better than other scamcoins?

>> No.1165083

It's not a coin to start with, so you didn't read in any depth did you.

>> No.1165089
File: 57 KB, 600x750, 1459004043793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go read the fucking Ethereum Reddit and see the support it has gained in the last few months. Also check the high activity of the community and knowledge. There is great potential.

>> No.1165098

Goddamit I'm having trouble jsut getting the block downloaded!

>> No.1165181

requesting how to image on purchasing ether

>> No.1165189

Kill yourself

>> No.1165192

>samefag so you can post your shitty affiliate link image again
I'll report it again like I always do

>> No.1165195

nah just trying to buy cuz of the Times article but I've never dealt with Cryptos before

>> No.1165204


>> No.1165210

>tfw didn't bought yet

>> No.1165218


However if you refer back to the early days of BTC, there was a similar bubble to begin before falling, prior to skyrocketing. ETH is in a bubble that will burst - hold out.

>> No.1165250

Thanks, anon. I hope so.

>> No.1165254

the bubble already burst. .036 to .02

>> No.1165260

So they are going to skyrocket?
Can this board just level on whether this shit is a meme or not?

>> No.1165274

Its a meme. The bubble is still bursting, just slowly. Look at the longterm chart.

>> No.1165286

Is there a good website to turn that into a pie chart? I'm only good at reading those.

>> No.1165300

>no coiners coping


>> No.1165330
File: 192 KB, 1140x643, thanksvitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at $14
>not even sweating

>> No.1165336

How many betabux did you invest?

>> No.1165339

This. Nocoiners are coping very well, thank you. We appreciate the kind words of encouragement from the crypto community. It just goes to show you can have opposing viewpoints and still be nice to one another.

>> No.1165342

A few Gs.... but then Im gainfully employed and not a NEET so meh.

>> No.1165347

No worries; I think ETH may be a good long term investment providing it's proven to be stable and open to evolving.

Are there any purchase / selling trading fees? I should really pull the trigger myself.

>> No.1165357

I used Quadriga to buy BTC, then Bittrex to buy ETH (I'm in Canada). There's a small %-based fee on each transaction, lower than 1% I believe. If you work in software you should probably read about it first (white+yellow papers), if you're just speculating then meh.

>> No.1165476
File: 183 KB, 600x750, ft4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took the liberty of correcting that image for you, stormfag.

>> No.1165724
File: 68 KB, 612x445, vitalik_buterin_1391981290_85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

devs, ceos, and v.b. post there regularly.best place to get ether news.

>> No.1166377

In all honesty everything besides BTC is a "meme" in the sense that the general public does not give two shits about it.

Thats not to say that cryptos are bad, but it doesnt matter how innovative they can get because the community is turning the market into a pump and dump fest. There is money to be made, no mistake about that, but Cryptos arent going to reach the general population until the community changes. ETH is IMO a really serious coin with obvious goals and planning behind it. The NYT articles and the articles that will follow will help it grow. Skyrocket to 800 like BTC? probably not, but there is a very high chance it will it go to 20$.

>> No.1166434

>very high chance
Fuck no.

>> No.1166444

Haha bitcoin went to $1200. 2400 times its original floor value of .50.

Nothing like that shit is happening again, you're guaranteed that.

>> No.1166920
File: 202 KB, 1104x876, ETHredpill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rivals Bitcoin

>> No.1166927

Nice trips. See you at $3000 per coin.

>> No.1167180

>keeps reposting the same irrelevant information

>> No.1167187

I'm going to enjoy watching bitcoin die because its community is full of idiots like you :^)

>> No.1167289

It's in Forbes and on CNBC now as well

>> No.1167342

Any idea from where I could get historical ETH/BTC data?

>> No.1167375
File: 183 KB, 1480x482, Capzzzture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here on 4chan you can get anything you'll like babe

>> No.1167379

In csv format preferably.

>> No.1167380
File: 65 KB, 1199x556, zzzpture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1167382


>> No.1167388


>> No.1167453


LMAO seriously.

>bitcoin will never fail!
>it doesn't matter that block times are 5 weeks!
>no one needs smart contracts!
>b-but if you need it check out this sidechain we duct taped on the side! it will work!! we swear!
>just because bitcoin has been in the market for 7 years and hasn't made a blip on the radar of the real world totally isn't cause for concern!
>w-we're mooning soon! just wait!!1

Bitcoin maximalists are fucking pathetic and will all be holding bags soon enough.

>> No.1167573

I have ~48 ETH and have earned a small profit of somewhere between $90-$100. Any speculation on when the next series of bubbles will be? I want to take my gains and spend them on more ETH but I've been holding ever since the Homestead roller-coaster waiting for another dip, I'm thinking I should just buy now and sell at the inevitable post-homestead bubble and then buy the dip of course.

tldr give speculation on next rise&dip.

>> No.1167600

Just buy now you spineless faggot

It's going to keep going up anyway.

>> No.1167629

I think next Eth rally is starting about now with DAO sales coming up.
Nice and fun dapps aswell.
Btw anyone tried http://thegreedpit.com/ ?
it looks like a fun ponzi with strategix element.

>> No.1167673

Buy now and wait...

>> No.1167808

How can I get in on this shit in a shady way?

>> No.1167837

Do you guys buy your coins anonymously?

>> No.1167860

Update your computers clock

>> No.1167894

requesting how to image for eth purchasing

>> No.1168382
File: 322 KB, 1041x734, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooo, ethereum!

>> No.1168391
File: 1.82 MB, 200x172, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold 2/3 of my ETH at 0.031

>tfw thank fuck I still have 1/3. Looks like the moon rocket continues.

>> No.1168407
File: 212 KB, 947x294, Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 2.16.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will that help?

Seriously I had it running for two full days, quit it the other day and just opened it again then.

>> No.1168418
File: 56 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addresses still growing fast.

>> No.1168476

Article in forbes as well. Banks are revving up the shilling engine and so should you.

>> No.1168539

>already hit 15$ per coin
>thinks 20$ isnt possible

>> No.1168688

>possible = very high chance

>> No.1168709

Look at all you chart chasing children playing with your shitcoins. This is a long term investment, buy it and forget about it for a while. Nothing else matters, only dying Bitcoin and Ethereum matter, everything else is just trying.

Ethereum will change entire industries and infrastructures, your feeble minds are unable to actually comprehend what this platform can do and this is why you'll all fail.

>> No.1169764

So I just found 100 GBP.

Just I buy into ETH or just dump my 100GBP in a stock of my choice?

>> No.1169776


solidity being added to visual studio. this is much bigger news than Azure. it signifies a genuine interest from Microsoft.

>> No.1169879
File: 40 KB, 854x480, Let's Shoot This Baby To The Moon (2000) HD.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2016.03.11_19.41.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a video that explains the future of ether in great detail:


>> No.1169907
File: 301 KB, 667x850, onesmallstepforman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my eth memes I made get posted

>> No.1169922

Search his articles using advanced search.
He is the literal /biz/-shill//pol/tard

>> No.1171331
File: 647 KB, 900x1185, Nitalik Tutrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]