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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.55 MB, 434x360, 1541339768450.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11644746 No.11644746 [Reply] [Original]

Good/Bad idea?

Feel like the bullrun is here any moment now. Any moment.. any moment..

>> No.11644762

Good plan if you try to have 25K in March

>> No.11644808

wait until 2020
the halvening is coming

>> No.11644821

Did they died?

>> No.11644841
File: 21 KB, 419x480, 43768541_541634366286494_6423153660234039296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a fuckin boss

>> No.11644847

Don't put 100k all in at once. just put in a couple hundred bucks and test the market. Have you bought bitcoin before?

>> No.11644857

Ya they crashed off a bridge and 13 passengers died. Happened in China a few days ago

>> No.11644873
File: 49 KB, 937x499, board traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we definitely look set for another bullrun soon. But you'll have at least a few days to react. Just be ready to take positions.

>> No.11644877

That guy has some serious balls, he just turns the wheel and goes off the side

>> No.11645010

I imagine he had a sudden moment of clarity while that woman was shrieking at him and hitting him, and he thought "You know what, I don't actually have to put up with any of this..."

>> No.11645029

Actually 15 dead people (including the driver) and it happened because some stupid bitch attacked the bus driver after missing the bus stop.

>> No.11645092

Put it all into Constellation/DAG and be extremely happy in 5 years.

>> No.11645115

>"You know what, I don't actually have to put up with any of this..."
Don't forget to thank the bus driver!

>> No.11645161

The bull run started a month ago.

>> No.11645164

This is why being a peasant nowadays is so dangerous. It just takes one NPC to go malfunction error error initiate_suicide_protocol and then you are the wagecuck sitting at the back of the bus thinking about how you have to work tomorrow for Mr.Shekelstein and he screaming at you what a worthless piece of shit you are.

Wow such a fun world we live in right guys?

>> No.11645220

yeah he was like fuck this chickenshit bullshit

the straw that broke the camel's back

>> No.11645254

>thank the bus driver
Ive always wondered if this actually makes the driver go insane. Imagine thousands of people everyday saying thanks to you

>> No.11645303

The bus driver clearly did that intentionally, he was being attacked, but look at the footage he just drove right off the bridge ahahaha

>> No.11645355

Just keep teaching humans to be people. Some poor wagie will die along the way, but eventually we'll stop getting selfish morons like the driver and the bitch in webm. Both are scum for involving innocent bystanders into their shit. Maybe he even had the time to remember he had people sitting in the back before crashing.

>> No.11645711

No stinkies please
At least a month away if not more unfortunately, feels like this month is good to take positions. Just added 9k this week, but the rest at least a month away.

>> No.11646921


>> No.11646947
File: 10 KB, 229x220, laughpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to make a wagecuck edit to this.

>> No.11647144
File: 2.92 MB, 688x384, 1534699032915.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fly with china air
>mid flight somebody is having a seizure
>knock on pilots cabin door to inform him
>hear pilot yelling in broken english "furk off we busy hele you go now"
>knock again
>suddenly free fall to the ground

"There are no stops on this plane"

>> No.11647169

what the fuck is that video

>> No.11647188

Snacks made with insect protein. Get used to it, anon, it what we'll be eating once the biosphere completely falls apart.

>> No.11647212

So long as you don't go all in utter shitcoins yeah good idea. Put at least 50% into BTC though.

>> No.11647444

It's common in the UK. I never thank when the bus driver was a cunt though, happened to me a few weeks ago

>> No.11647448

lmfao board traffic does not predict the market. it's just higher when there's a bull run. i'm bullish too but let's not be ridiculous

>> No.11647490

All in Bitcoin, don't be like me and do not fall for the smart contracts scam ((Ethereum)) they want your BTC

>> No.11647919

All in Butcoin @Bitmex x100 Roger That Ver

>> No.11648357

buy whatever you can now OTC

>> No.11648427

Imagine eating insects instead of a handful of fucking peanuts

>> No.11649643

also get APOT and stake it for ETH

>> No.11649693

Good idea if youd like to half your portfolio value

>> No.11650342

As soon as the team clarifies that the CEO wasnt day trading investor funds, or shows their current cash/token balance to prove they can survive the long run. Otherwise fuck this shitcoin and their shit team of lying cucks

>> No.11650474

>Maybe he even had the time to remember he had people sitting in the back before crashing.
It's China. I doubt it.

His thought process was probably:
>Bing bong ding dong ding ching ping

>> No.11650572

Fucks sake, I guess he taught her (and himself) a lesson..

>> No.11650615

Ding ding dong, ring a ding ding ding dong, Ring ding dong, ring a ding ding ding dong
Hey you standing over there, you better sit back down in your chair, and stop fucking around, or i'll flip this bus upside down..

>> No.11650650

the fuck is going on in that video

>> No.11650685

It's time to take the yellowpill

>> No.11651108
File: 700 KB, 1000x5374, nim info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy into coins that already started the bullrun and have solid products like xrp or nimiq.

>> No.11651457

most women truly are a fucking menace
final day of the roastie AKA tit nigger AKA vagina jew when?
still, he should've stayed calm like a real alpha

>> No.11651519

Take 1 BTC and roll it into ird.cash $IRD - the world will lose it's mind and you'll turn it into 5 BTC. Don't do it for higher amounts though cause you'll move the market too high.

If you do this, post this fucking nutty movie again

>> No.11651670
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>> No.11651791

We aren’t primed for a bull run. These things happen when you least expect it and usually require a fresh set of eyes. I’d say in about 2-3 years we will have another bull run. The price will either remain stable or go down even more until then.

>> No.11651799

Autonomous driving vehicles when? Fuck humas are trash sometimes. RIP innocents. Burn in hell selfish bitches. Like fucking children I swear.

>> No.11652008

I don't think he did. Look at the video at like 0.25x