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1164670 No.1164670 [Reply] [Original]

I am 21 saving 35% of my income. I hope to retire in my late 30s to 40s. Is it wrong that when I retire, all I really want to do is play MMOs or other video games?

>> No.1164675

You aren't saving a high enough percentage. Also, you need to be finished paying for a house by retirement age, or you will need extra money to make up the difference.

>> No.1164676


>> No.1164683

This assumes your costs in retirement are the same as your costs during your working years.

>> No.1164703

you wont give a shit about video games in a few years

>> No.1164723

> If you save a reasonable percentage of your take-home pay, like 50%
unless you live on an inherited ranch somewhere, conserving 50% of your salary isn't very "reasonable"

> You can earn 5% investment returns
I don't know anyone earning this much after inflation and taxes. The real, actual average is more like 3%

>> No.1164735

>conserving 50% of your salary isn't very "reasonable"
Hell yeah! This is America! Fuck saving! Spend spend spend! Living the rich life!

>> No.1164777

clearly you don't live in a major US city

>> No.1164780

clearly you don't have a job that pays more than minimum wage

>> No.1164782

I'm an early retiree. The reason why you want to retire is not as important as taking the actions to get it done.

Truth be told, it's a shitty process and you may hate life sometime during it. So whatever you need to think about to get you through the day, do it.

Even if you end up doing something completely different, that doesn't matter, only that you actually DID it.

>> No.1164845

Buy Trumpcoin and you'll be able to retire by the end of the year.

>> No.1164983

a lot of people just play golf and shit when they retire. vidya is fine.

>> No.1164987
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Your interests will change over time. You will start to find out what truly motivates you and it won't be vidya. It never is vidya.

>> No.1165081


This. Evem if your love for vidya remains, which I don't doubt, it can never be the driving force behind your life long term.

>> No.1165093

This. Im 32 now and somewhere in the last 10 yrs i lost interest in NEW games anyways. I still play old stuff from my childhood but its maybe 3-4 hrs/month.

>> No.1165107

people obsessed with early retirement always talk about travel or some bullshit
travel sucks, play all the video games you want

>> No.1165116

>Is it wrong that when I retire, all I really want to do is play MMOs or other video games?
Nope, nothing wrong with that. When you're retired and financially independent, you can do whatever you want and whatever you enjoy.

(I would speculate that you'll probably acquire some additional interests between 21 and 40, though.)

>> No.1165119

Do what you want when you retire, however at 21, you don't really know what you'll like at 40!

You may have kids, grandchildren and that will change your whole.

>> No.1165167

I want enough money to travel 6 times a year

Travelling once every two months is a lot for me, considering the planning involved, plus digesting the experience and ramping up for the next one

I don't care about cars, pretty much all 5 year old Asian vehicles are reliable and look reasonable