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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11646420 No.11646420 [Reply] [Original]

Any professionals here have McJobs for extra shekels?

I'm an accountant but thinking of picking up a low tier wageslave job on the weekends like mail room sorter, delivery driver or McDonalds cuck, and all money out of that will be funnelled into investments.

This a bad idea? Uber looks like a pajeet mafia ring around here. Would be fun for a clean cut white dude to deliver pizza to people for once rather than rajesh.

>> No.11646435

yea i'm bike couriering mornings to pay off my mortgage in 2 years. I work remotely full time so I can do that during the day and afternoon. kind of sucks but the exercise is nice and once mortgage is gone I'll have all that extra money every month.

>> No.11646512

pizza delivery can be decent in rich areas

>> No.11646538

Don't. just create your own business.

>> No.11646558


I have business ideas - I could do freelance accounting / tax advice but it is fucking shit doing that 7 days a week.

Some low effort driving around sort of wageslave job sounds fun really. I'd just listen to podcasts.

I see PizzaHut is hiring near me for drivers. Now they gonna have a CPA delivery cuck.

>> No.11647527

No issue trying it out. Biz loves to shit on hourly jobs but it can add up nicely. Most of my high school teachers had side jobs when I think about it. An electrician, farmer, gas station clerk and and sales representative. And several of my uni professors worked as consultants, speakers, authors too

>> No.11647583

get into farming, it's relaxing as fuck, you get to grow your own healthy food and if you're good at it you can make a decent buck selling organic products

>> No.11647617


>> No.11647628

imagine having such a shit job that you have to get a second job

>> No.11647658

Become wise in regards to crypto taxation and make a fuckton. Plenty of rich idiots that can't wait to pay their taxes

>> No.11647659

I know many oil rig workers making huge money and still doing gigs and jobs in their weeks off. Believe it or not many like to stay busy instead of jerking in front of the computer

>> No.11647665

Are ya winning?

>> No.11647673

I don't need a shit tier McJob because I work 3 hours as a high class DJ and make more in one night than you could make in two weeks. Keep slaving away wagecuck

>> No.11647700

You are going to get tinnitus stop being a dj you're damaging you're ears.Or eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee will be your future heed my warning.

>> No.11647765

I already have eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my friend, the money is better than anything else homie, get in the industry.

>> No.11647775

>'m an accountant but thinking of picking up a low tier wageslave job on the weekends
why in Gods name would you do this

>> No.11647786

Making $30.25 an hour as a branch manager and currently on my way to becoming a package sorter at this USPS distribution center near me. $20 an hour, 8 hr days but since it's holiday season I could get 4 hours overtime which is paid at time and a half. Not to mention late shift bonus of $2 more an hour

>> No.11647812

I have tinnitus already.Just be careful your tinnitus can get worse no amount of money is worth it, atleast to to me.Even earplugs aren't enough.

>> No.11647823


i want to kill myself every second because of tinnitus. fuck my life.

>> No.11647825

im winning in live tourneys, winning in EV but down cash from suck outs in online tourneys, and losing online cash

live/casino players are droolers and tourneys are easier than cash because they attract the gamblers

>> No.11647847
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>Would be fun for a clean cut white dude to deliver pizza
Pizza delivery is fun and one upside of it is that you eventually will know the entire city by hand, it's kinda the only reason I accepted the job instead of anything else (I'm white bTw).

The downside is that the pay is shit in most pizza places. You would earn far more money with stupid hustles like buying stuff cheap in Aliexpress and reselling it at 3-4x in ad pages like Craigslist or whatever you have in your country which is what I'm planning to do when I dump my boss.

Freelance work is not a business, it is a job. But it's ok if your goal is just a little more money. I have done closed captions in the past and I know for a fact it's a good job if you are native in English. You may think that it's a bad job because the pajeets and third worlders will try to undercut you but that isn't really the case, very few people want thirdworlders to do this job because they know the result is engrish tier bullshit. The pay is meh-tier, but probably better than a McJob if you know how to get many clients. I don't do it myself anymore because in my country you have to pay about 300€ per month just to be legally ALLOWED to be self employed, but in a freer country you will have no problems getting started.

>> No.11647862

ssounds like a great way to make u want to kys

>> No.11647877

>Believe it or not many like to stay busy instead of jerking in front of the computer
Yeah they're called NPCs
I used to wonder about those people, who would say, "If I didn't have a job, I would go fucking insane. I literally can't think of anything I would do with my time." I used to wonder, what, do you literally not have any hobbies or things you like to do for fun?
Ever since the NPC meme though, it makes sense

>> No.11647921 [DELETED] 

>>11646420 Personally I don't think mcjobs are really worth it of course unless you need the cash asap.Then again I'm not too materialistic.
>11647823 How long have you had it?How loud?If it's new you might get used to it.Mines very quiet a fan dampens it.
Biggest payout from a tourney?I only played without money got bored after 2 weeks.

>> No.11647941

>Yeah they're called NPC
now its called being a a driven, masculine male with testosterone in your body
of course a low-t soiboi would be fine with lounging and doing nothing all day

>> No.11647960

>11647823 how louds yours mines quiet enough a fan masks it.
Biggest payout in a tourney?

>> No.11647969

Fucked it up twice shiet.

>> No.11647983

Currently listening to eeeeeeeeeeee in my room for free
t. tinnitus since childhood

>> No.11648026

about a thou. have you played much?

>> No.11648034

Be prepared to lose for elongated periods of time in online mtts. A bit of advice: if you're going to play cash online don't play on stars.

>> No.11648057

Not really,mostly without cash so I got bored after a few weeks.

>> No.11648082

>a teacher being an electrician on the side
Thats completely backwards lol. If anything they should have been a full time electrician that did substitute teacher work as a side hustle.

>> No.11648091

true that, I realized about the variance fast and that's why I'm working more on my postflop/cash game. I'm playing on acr, which is probably about as stars

how deep are you into the game?

>> No.11648163

>after a few weeks.
you can get started microstakes online for little and it's still way better than play money. people playing 1c/2c online are actually better at the game than $1/$2 live

>> No.11648188

Being a DJ at a young age is fine but it's like the male equivalent of being a stripper.

>> No.11648194

I make an extra 2k a month doing delivery on the weekends, pretty decent, funnel it all into link.
Its a bit unique though, place I work at overpays a lot... $13/hr plus $5 per delivery, its a high end restaurant so all the orders are like $60+, average tip is like 8/9$.

>> No.11648206

Ok, so what are your hobbies you spend your precious time on?

>> No.11648248

It is my profession

>> No.11648281

what training site do you recommend?
whats your focus out of online/live cash/mtt?
do you enjoy it?

>> No.11648296

err an extra 1500 to 2000 a month nigger
i do weekend shifts at a factory i earn an extra 1000 bux a month
and the job is just me walking around making sure items are properly stocked and loaded

>> No.11648328

Online mtts, I suspect I'll have to move to live mtts in a couple of years.. Upswingpoker is a good training site and close to the best on the market, I think.
When it's fun, it's extremely fun but at the lowest point can be suicide-inducing. Was really good training for crypto tho, the monetary swings make no difference to my emotional state.

>> No.11648414

the games are getting that much tougher online? I thought they might have plateaued a bit bc they seem about the game as when I was playing a lot a few years ago. but maybe that's because I've never played the higher stakes

what do you think about RIO? that's the main site ive been using, with the essential membership

>> No.11648445
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I'm thinking of getting a job at my gym on evenings and weekends. Would be perfect.

>free gym membership
>can sneak some weight training in when it's quiet
>get to flirt with milfs and roasties
>can tell DYELs they're not using the equipment properly and embarrass them in front of said roasties

Also do gardening work cash in hand in the summer OP, and I've worked in a nightclub as a DJ before too. These are all good options to consider

>> No.11648464

Games are getting tough my dude. The average reg is not bad. The dream is still alive but takes far more effort and discipline than before. 1k live mtts play like $20-$50 online kek. Never used RIO so can't comment but I expect it to be pretty good at least. If you've any other questions I'll be about for a bit.

>> No.11648475

What music do you play anon.

>> No.11648564

how did you casually work as a nighclub DJ?

>> No.11648586

the pay from such fucking shit jobs is so fucking low its not worth it dude

>> No.11648612


>> No.11648619

what are you planning to buy and resell? personally i have been thinking about umbrellas

>> No.11648633

holy shit what. 2000 USD per month working in McDonalds? What country is this in?

>> No.11648640

I'll admit that I had a connection in the guy that used to run the night, but it's also possible if you fill in for the main DJ if they're sick or on holiday etc, if the crowd like you they will probably ask you back to play again. Most clubs have all the equipment you just need to turn up with your USB sticks and or cds, possibly headphones.

>> No.11648653

CPA here, I work at a CPA firm and can work up to 60 hours a week. You don't have opportunities for overtime switch firms... or you're LARPing about being an CPA

>> No.11648656
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after taxes you'll be making little to nothing. dont do it anon

>> No.11648716

how do you deal with the isolation? it's pretty solitary, especially online

>> No.11648719

Yes agreed. Ideally find something low key where you can be paid cash and not have to worry about getting cucked by taxes

>> No.11648746


I am salaried any extra hours are pretty much unpaid m8

>> No.11648748

I don't mind it too much. Put on some good tunes and fire away. Tbh I spend too many weekends not grinding so that's when I get some socialising time in. Could also play in the morning/afternoon and see your friends at night. Helps that I'm pretty introverted too.

>> No.11649277

The great thing is my start date is the day after I go on vacation (paid) for the holidays. I hope to work throughout the 2 months

>> No.11649730

you're the worst type of wageslave

>> No.11650203
File: 8 KB, 200x200, npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right you playa character
Locked in the room 24/7, reselling shit on amazon and gambling on shitcoins
Bad news, bro
Literally a fucking NPC.