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File: 888 KB, 2198x2370, Skycoin-Partnerships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11640075 No.11640075 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anon, why are you wasting your time and money on useless shitcoins and ERC20 scamtokens?
Did you not realize Skycoin has confirmed strategic partnerships with Binance and John McAfee?
SKY is also working with three international governments, and has been discussed by the United Nations.
If you're not accumulating $SKY now before the moon mission then you must really hate money.


>inb4 hurr durr obelisk not live yet muh kidnap muh scam duuuurrrrr

>> No.11640107

Kys with this mcafee shilling

>> No.11640179
File: 132 KB, 500x800, SkyFleet-Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friend. What are some of your favorite coins, and why do you prefer them to Skycoin?

>> No.11640305
File: 1.43 MB, 3192x2392, Skycoin-WhatLiesBeneath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this salty about Skycoin's rapidly increasing publicity and recognition.

>> No.11640427

When do the Skycoin hardware wallets get release? This year or next??

>> No.11640440
File: 71 KB, 720x720, npcreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subpar 56k bandwidth

>> No.11640478

MPLS is much faster than TCP/IP

>> No.11640500

Nice try Rakesh but I'm not falling for this one. Also John McAfee is a sociopathic boomer. It's a pretty good rule of thumb to immediately disregard whatever shitcoin of the week this fag decides to shill next.

>> No.11640507

I thought the bandwidth was supposed to depend on the number and type of antennas, no? Like you could hook up any number of antennas to a skyminer and run them concurrently, meaning theoretically unlimited bandwidth?

>> No.11640513

Thanks, now I really know that Skycoin is a scam.

>> No.11640564
File: 942 KB, 2776x1694, Skycoin-NPCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh scam
Yes, NPCs really do hate Skycoin!

>> No.11640567

thinking partnership with Mcafee is a good thing lul

>> No.11640630

Nigga there are far better projects out there for this kind of shit. And no I won't tell you about any of them because you're a deluded skycuck.

>> No.11640632

Skycoin is more than about tech. Yes we know the meshnet is going to be shit when it first launches, have a medal faggot
What the fuck are you expecting? 1Gbs up and downstream with 100% uptime this time next year? Grow a brain faggot.

Bitcoin is shit and hasn't changed for 7 years because every single cent from bitcoins price increase is extracted by miners, speculators, and scammers. Every single dollar goes to consumption - extracted from the host like a bunch of parasites - instead of investment back into the network.

If Bitcoin took 1% of its 100 billion market cap and put it into crypto projects and infrastructure, the results would easily offset the money spent by an order of magnitude. But instead the money is siphoned off by leeches and none of the money from Bitcoin's rise goes to anything for crypto adoption.

Bitcoin is an example of the free rider problem. The people with millions of dollars in Bitcoin are having yacht coke parties and scammers like Roger Ver and CSW create BCASH and other scam projects to extract even more money and leech from the host like a parasite. Meanwhile, projects that could improve the Bitcoin network and increase usability (and thus increase the market cap by hundreds of billions of dollars) cannot even raise $20,000. Even in Oct 2018, the bible basher Luke can't get funding for his work and has to take a day job: https://twitter.com/LukeDashjr/status/1054545007418507264

Skycoin is set up to have the coin intrinsically tied to a useful resource: bandwidth in an uncensorable P2P internet. The demand for this is going to grow. Since the coin is tied to providing a useful service/resource, Skyminers are incentivized to continually improve their quality and service to earn more SKY, meaning that at least some of the money from any price rise on SKY will go back into the network to continually improve it

All Skycoin has to do is provide an POC to get the project off the ground, the rest will take care of itself.

>> No.11640728

I remember this pasta

>> No.11641182

The interesting thing is SKY was $50 not long ago but the price was brought down by a massive fud campaign, fake news about exit scamming etc.
But recent developments and partnerships have BTFO all that fake fud, and the Skycoin team just keeps delivering.
This will easily rocket back to ATH and beyond as public awareness and recognition grows with these partnerships and media conferences.
SKY is THE coin to watch in 2019 but most brainless will wait until mainnet and Obelisk to fomo in at 20x.

>> No.11641258

There are NO other projects doing anything like what Skycoin is doing brainlet.

>> No.11641360

In the next few weeks.

>> No.11641774

Yes there are you stupid fuck and unlike Skycoin they aren't scams. Kill yourself.

>> No.11642034

LOL triggered. Let me guess, some vapourware Ethereum ERC20 token, like Subhuman or Holocuck? Kek.

>> No.11642646


he's right in all regards tho. It's only a matter of time before this thing takes of to ETH levels. You just watch.

>> No.11642654


Also remember they got to experience that in the middle of a market turned red entirely.

>> No.11642725

>a..any day now y...you’ll see

>> No.11642799

>Skycoin team just keeps delivering
more promises.
Implement foundational shit first, the consensus algo, then you'll be considered a big boy project.
Now it's just smoke and mirrors, without substance - all appearances.

>> No.11642810

Stupid scammy cunts fuck off

>> No.11642823

>chinkcoin level shill
Whoever considers this a legitimate project is braindead. The project is NOT DECENTRALIZED. it runs ON A CENTRALIZED DATABASE like IOTA. the devs WONT EVEN ACCEPT PAYMENTS WITH THEIR SHITTOKENS

>> No.11642934

It would be dumb to implement consensus while Skywire is still in testnet. All in good time.

>> No.11642956
File: 185 KB, 1302x1842, lingerie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does anybody listen to mcafee? age should just claim him already.

there's a movie about his life: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6071534/
>Mysteries abound in the life of John McAfee. He made millions creating antivirus software, then reinvented himself as a yogi, a proponent of herbal medicine, and a serial entrepreneur. He was known for his charm and generosity. Then his life took another turn. He moved from the US to Belize and built a heavily armed compound in the jungle, like a modern day Heart of Darkness. McAfee never shied away from media attention and boasted of his libertine lifestyle, maintaining a harem of young women. In 2012 his neighbour in Belize, an American named Gregory Faull, was found murdered by a gunshot. Sought for questioning by local authorities, McAfee fled to Guatemala, then returned to the US where he pursued the Libertarian Party nomination for President in 2016. Over the years, journalists have told pieces of McAfee's story (including the infamous Vice report accidentally revealing his secret location). Here the Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Nanette Burstein delivers a deep investigation that sheds new light on the shadows around the 70-year-old mogul. McAfee refuses her requests for an interview, but continues a strange cat-and-mouse email correspondence for months. In Belize, Burstein conducts revelatory new interviews with McAfee's former associates, uncovering his bizarre behaviour with women, local gangsters, and guns. She probes into the investigation of the unsolved murder of Faull, and learns of other allegations against McAfee for crimes that were never prosecuted. Paranoia runs high on all sides of this story, but Burstein never backs down in pursuing answers.

not exactly flattering

>> No.11643015

So many poor triggered SKY fudders in this thread, but they don’t realise their fud is now impotent. Skycoin just keeps marching forward.

>> No.11643030

Absolute normie grade sensational exposition. Momentarily fixates the stunted attention spans of its audiences; who, while rapt with titillation simultaneously marvel at his lack of proper decorum.

>> No.11643041

McAfee is based. You sound like an SJW cuck “waaah he maybe did something illegal once so he’s a bad man waaaah”.

>> No.11643047

Why is the price struggling to stay over $3 then?

Also, it keeps declining in satoshi value. Losing strength against bitcoin daily.

back to 300k sats in no time.

>> No.11643067

You can't be a backer of skycoin without having schizo tendencies like vivid delusions and feelings of being persecuted by some cosmic power.

>> No.11643115

Lmao very organic meme, is this the tier 2 package?

>> No.11643136

>Theory of mind (ToM) is that cognitive function that allows an individual to attribute information, beliefs, intentions, or feelings to others, in order to explain and eventually predict their behavior.
>This characterization is supported by data showing that schizophrenic patients tend to describe the physical appearance of peoples’ photographs rather than their state of mind (Pilowsky and Bassett, 1980; Allen, 1984). They make overly simplistic interpretations of state of mind of others, or ignore completely the other’s state of mind (Montag et al., 2011)

>> No.11643168

Its evidence that universal suffrage is a joke. The majority of people are incapable of reading beyond headlines. Expect Skycoin to move when a positive news cycle allows it to.

>> No.11643219

FUD works. Simple as that. But FUD is not sustainable, and it shows your desperation when you expend such an effort during a bear market when sentiment is already biased toward the negative, and few are even paying attention.

>> No.11643238

>intense projection
Skycoin is all headlines and no content.

>> No.11643240

If you're pathologically delusional, no FUD will work. That is correct.

>> No.11643275

>no content
Exactly my point, thank you.

>> No.11643661

It’s called a bear market, most alts are the same.

>> No.11643665

Kek, it’s the exact opposite of that.
The absolute state of SKY fudders.

>> No.11643695

Look at the price chart. Nice progress, retard.

>> No.11643744

chainlink isn't...it's almost ath for sats. And a number of other projects are way above their ATL for sats

>> No.11644082

> hurrrr look price down , project bad duurrrrr
The absolute state

>> No.11644270

LINK is a meme. It’s just an ERC20 token.

>> No.11644297


Like every other skyfag, you seem to have zero understanding of how, or why, things work.

>> No.11644819

Hint: yes they are tokens, because they use Ethereum payment channels. Not some ponzi-tier shitcoin like SKY.

>> No.11644895

Name one

>> No.11644901

Who can refute this?
Sounds based and prophetic

>> No.11644938

>All Skycoin has to do is provide an POC
Given their track record at displaying schizophrenic behavioral traits they will not deliver shit. Just make grandiose claims. Just like IOTA.

>> No.11645043

but u cant mine IOTA

>> No.11645105

Your final argument is that the Skycoin community becomes schizophrenic because of their involvement in Skycoin because you are failing to attack the project in terms that remain within the boundaries of sanity. This will allow you to justify virtually anything you want to say about Skycoin and it's community. A similar propaganda tactic is employed as part of proxy war doctrine by the United States government when seeking to destabilize foreign governments.

>> No.11645286

I see a higher roi in apollo but welcom to the mcafee train

>> No.11645471

You niggers don't deserve it. I'll give you one hint. KR1 has invested in it.

>> No.11645481

If your project hasn’t recovered by now it never will. This is true of all alts. The only ones that will survive are the ones that did well in the bear market

>> No.11645503

In other words, if the price of your coin is still tied to btc’s success then it’s a shitcoin. When you hear bagholders say ‘when btc moons our coin will pump so high’ it’s a shitcoin. Understand now?

>> No.11645642

Will be funny seeing all these NEETs frantically download skywire to earn coins once it’s released

>> No.11646117


>> No.11646292
File: 9 KB, 175x286, IMG_20181015_235112_272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence yourself or suffer retribution.

>> No.11646295


>> No.11646344
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, photo4990400343665911833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NPC fears that which he is not designed to grasp.

Divine retribution will grace you before the end, my procedurally challenged friend.

>> No.11646414

Built a skyminer. An awe inspired feeling of wonder and of a better future for humanity surfaced when the pis turned on and connected to the network. Call me a dreamer but I’m not the only one.

>> No.11646510

I'd rather call you a schizo. Fits better,

>> No.11646542
File: 978 KB, 1600x1259, af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were warned.

>> No.11646775

pajeets everywhere

>> No.11647434

Get dumped on idiots...back to a dollar she goes

>> No.11648561

Hmm, you don't know how to make money off of dips?

>> No.11648581

This is scam you stupid faggot.

They already dumped on everyone once. No one is going to buy in at this point.

>> No.11648624

why is skycoin dumping so hard into the shitter anyway?

thinking about buying some, but this seriously shows literally no signs of recovery or interest for weeks..

>> No.11649007

At best its a very poorly managed coin and and at worst its a scam. Not really a good spectrum to be on

>> No.11649180

Whatever McAfee touches turns to shit. He's cryptos Cramer. Name a coin he's shilled that did not dump afterwards? Name an ICO he's shilled that made a return?

>> No.11649195

>muh grandiose vision!

>> No.11649223

It went up and down. But always higher then pre news prices. If you dont count in the bitcoin correction.

>> No.11649907

Name a coin he didn't shill?