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11630740 No.11630740 [Reply] [Original]

As if thats all it takes?
Do they think that they can spend a couple years learning things that are all common sense and then all these hospitals will come knock on her door begging her to take over control of their hospital? Do they think they can just go to business school and when they get out they can just walk into a vacant CEO position?
I feel like some people deserve to be poor, if only to flatten out their pompous egos and sense of entitlement.

>> No.11630770

Most aware people dont think that. Completing the program shows they can see something through, work hard and have the competency to learn. Which is what then, in those case, the hospitals will look for in prospects.

The ones you're referring to are in the minority, but they're the loudest. So you notice them

Is everyone here retarded?

>> No.11630788

>Is everyone here retarded?

>> No.11630863

With affirmative action a lot of women can be genuinely bad at their job and still get hired so the useless degree makes sense if you're a diversity hire.

>> No.11631489

Her uncle is chuck Schumer. Youd have movie deals and free bullshit degrees too if your uncle was Chucky "the Nose" Schumerstein

>> No.11631639

Youd be surprised how many idiots are entitled beyond all recognition...

>> No.11631661

my gf's mom has a degree in that. she actually manages a hospital in chicago. she's also a massive cunt and one of the main reasons why i'm about to dump my gf, because i don't want to have her as a mother in law.

>> No.11631667

I know I am.

>> No.11631713

Know someone who was practically on the streets many years ago with a hospital management degree and eventually became president of a hospital pulling down millions. Now working in aerospace and I know multiple women in high level positions that have no fucking idea what they are doing yet they make more money than competent people because they are female/diverse. Honestly I don't think it is sustainable much longer because of the damage it inevitably does to a company's brand.

>> No.11632146

America is the king of reducing efficiency to make things appear more fair.
Just like a cancerous tumor fights for its survival as it grows and votes to increase its blood
Supply. Once all of americas resources are diverted to feed the cancer, the body of the united states will start decomposing and getting invaded by maggots.

>> No.11632178

Based and blackpilled. We are all fucked, and it started with the screeching do-gooders who freed the slaves. Am I not a man and brother? No, you're a store of value. Get in the cotton field, jigaboo. Then universal suffrage reduced governments to running glorified popularity contests, instead of governing the county based on national security and the economics benefits for landowners, fuck the paupers. Now the paupers are the voice that controls the destiny of your country, and they are too busy gawking at reality television and glued to their phones to realise that they are choosing between toothless sock puppets. Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.11632182
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>Once all of americas resources are diverted to feed the cancer, the body of the united states will start decomposing and getting invaded by maggots.
Sadly, we are far past that point anon.

>> No.11632200
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This, democracy was a mstake, especially giving the right to vote to female and niggers. Oh wait, we didn't, it was the kikes who pushed for it, as usual. All our problems could be solved with one simple trick...

>> No.11632223
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Eventually American civilization will just collapse under the weight of all the many dumb and crazy things we do. After that we'll have to do things that are actually productive or we just won't eat.

>> No.11632235
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>all the many dumb and crazy things we do

>> No.11632261
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It'll probably get worse but at some point we hit rock bottom. Then we either flat line or rise like a Phoenix.

>> No.11632283

Holy shit this is deep.

>> No.11632288


>> No.11632300

OP why so narrowminded that you are generalizing a group of people?

>> No.11632326
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>> No.11632365


>run nigga

Haha I lived this. Those old cunts are usually a preview of what's to come both in their behavior and appearance.

>> No.11632380
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What an eloquent explanation. This is going on my bedroom wall.

>> No.11632719

Back to your karma-based circle jerk, faggot

>> No.11632816

>t. the cia

>> No.11632883

my issue these days is that there are so many degrees that have absolutely no place in science like all the gender stuff or those abortions of other already existing degrees like social management from psychology

>> No.11633076
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Since I am banned I just installed a VPN to reply in this thread.

I have studied BSc Medicinal Chemistry and I did a minor Health Management. This minor was when I found out how bad things really are.

First of all, the minor was literally 95% women, which already gives you an idea how things are like. I have had 6 courses of the span of 6 months and all courses required group work. Every single group I was in required multiple presentations and comprised say 4 members. Constanly these women were too afraid to do the presentations so they literally said:

"anon if you present we'll do all the work"

This was how autistic they were.

Then we had a course about medical ethics. This was the eye opener for me. We were discussing abortion, specifically focussed on terrible genetic diseases such as cystic fibroses. Also easy to spot foetal diseases/disfunctions such as down syndrome. We were in a class of 30 people, all women, some muslims, fuck you Amsterdam. Literally every single person except myself and one girl were pro abortion in order to prevent childeren being born with cf/down syndrome/etc.

All my classmates were anti abortion, even to prevent terrible fucking diseases, and were saying things like:

"I will never even do a prenatal scan because I will never do an abortion" - "you cannot play for god" etc.

Kind reminder that these people are living in one of the most wealthy western nation on the planet i.e. NL.

This was 4 years ago. To this day this whole scene still haunts me. These are the health managers of tomorrow. Women who are too afraid to do presentations and who promote the birth of childeren with the most terrible diseases on earth.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.11633102

>He wants to have a doctor rip his child apart piece by piece and then vacuum up the remnants so he doesn't have to take care of his potentially disabled offspring.

>> No.11633207

>Foetus is diagnosed with a terrible genetic disease
>Kid will never have a normal life, completely and utterly debilitated
>Will die at age ~20
>"We gotta have this kid because we can take care of it"
>Imagine being this selfish

>Foetus is diagnosed with easy to spot downsyndrome
>Kid will never have a normal life
>Completely stuffed with medication because downies need a fuckton of it in order to stay alife
>Costs of downies are enormous, parents usually say: "we regret our decisions of not letting it removed"
>But according to anon these costs do not exist because "He'll take care of his potentially disabled offspring"
>Imagine being this diluted

You're a retard and not worth living. You clearly do not understand the gravity of the situation.

>> No.11633242

>You're a retard and not worth living
This kind of mentality is what anti-abortion people want to avoid. They rightly see being pro-abortion as a slippery slope and a gold-mine for psychopaths to abuse the medical system.
Same with euthanasia.

>> No.11633338

>This kind of mentality

You mean the sensible kind of mentality? The responsible kind of mentality? Because yes then you are correct.

Regarding your statement:

These people you are talking about are so diluted that they actually believe that pro-abortion and euthanesia is somehow a bad thing while it's actually a sign of society progressing. Having the choice to end your own life is the pinacle of freedom.

It is not at all a slippery slope if you do not have a US medical system which is solely focussed on profit but still largely paid by taxes. How does that even work?

I am a conservative capatalist but I will and have always said: health care should be (mostly) publically run and funded. UK is shit tho, but that's simply because it's the UK.

If it's completely public or at least mostly, then there is no system in place for your imaginary slipperly slope, gold-mine and or psychopaths.

>> No.11633356

>You mean the sensible kind of mentality?
You literally joked about some other person you were discussing with was unworthy of living due to not agreeing with you. A clear surfacing of a psychopathic line of thinking, regardless of it being an attempt at a joke. the neural pathway that facilitates thoughts of this kind is already there.

The same kind of person would shield himself from criticism by virtue signaling, like you do in your post. Then proceed to selectively use the tenets of that ideology to push his personal agenda, or even despite it if nobody was looking.

In short, cluster b as fuck.

>> No.11633365

Why the fuck do you care, lol? How are you even aware that this is a thing? And why do you spend your limited time on this Earth giving a fuck about it?

>> No.11633402
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i'm really skeptical, here in France girls are 100% pro abortion, and not even becuz of congenital diseases, but simply because they are lazy and prefer to get a free abortion at the hospital than taking pills on a daily basis (who are also free). For example my exgf aborted 3 times during our relation while she was supposed to take her contraception pills. That's how hearthless and lazy are girls here...
You don't know how good you have it anon, NL girls seems to still have a soul.

>> No.11633534

Ah ok, good arguments yo

I refuse to believe this. But if it is somehow true then the system is being misused probably by poor implementation and it should be revised untill it works.

>> No.11633551

Nah. The French are just callous in general. Especially to themselves.

>> No.11633633

>the system is being misused probably by poor implementation
How is this poor implementation? That's the exact opposite, it's so well implented ppl go get an abortion like they buy a baguette. It's free, it's without rendez-vous, it's anonymous, doctors and the state actively shill for it. We even have a kinda holiday to celebrate the day abortion was implemented in France (by simone veil, a jewess obviously). It's literally luciferian tier.

>and it should be revised untill it works.
Like communism? Please tell me how it could be better implemented.

This, sad but true.