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File: 65 KB, 500x566, the-23-year-old-doomer-generally-too-lazy-to-play-36321937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11630421 No.11630421 [Reply] [Original]

I fell for every self improvement meme you can possibly find on the internet, practised them several years some even repeatedly again:

x Body-Weight Training(Calisthenics)
x martial-arts classes
x Cold-Showers
x NoFAP/No PMO(longest streak 192 days)
x routining your daily-life(set times to go to bed/stay up again)
x Wimhoff Breathing Technique
x various kinds of diets/eating techniques
x getting into reading
x learing an instrument
x trying to learn programming
x RSDM(pick-up artists "lifestyle")
x investing(frugal lifestyle, non-materalistic) - going all-in into Crypto with basically all my savings Dec 2017
x taking care of your appearence(wearing fitting, basic non-printed clothing)
x developed "redpilled"/contrarion way of thinking

, nothing contributed to my life positivly in the end and was not worth the effort imo and I am still a procrastinating KHV with a non existent attention span.
Are all this things just precisely targeted to loosers to make profit of them via Adsense on YouTube or selling you all kinds of bullshit programmes that make them rich?

Am I destined to be a doomer for eternity?

>> No.11630439
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>going all-in into Crypto with basically all my savings Dec 2017

>> No.11630484

>>cold showers

>> No.11630486

buy gold

>> No.11630516

no fap and reading are good, i feel better with no fap, still i have many problems in my life...
no fap makes me think better, also since im not so good looking (but not ugly either) i feel that its the right thing to do because i cant have attractive women, so fapping to them doesnt make sense...
its like going to a ferrari dealer 3 times a day and staring at cars as a homeless person...
if i hadnt had a fun life with girlfriends and drugs when i was a teenager i would be able to move into the wilderness and live in some cabin in the woods...maybe do gold prospecting... unfortunatley i tried but i felt like a loser because i would look at the instagrams of my young adult crush and friends...
personally next time the usa goes to war im joining the marines....

>> No.11630547

Dude just be yourself and don't be a spaz

>> No.11630561

Crypto will fix all my problems

>> No.11630566

There's nothing wrong with most of that, but you're kinda missing the point that you're trying to improve your life situation. What concrete steps did you take to do that?

>> No.11630594

>wimhoff technique
sorry you fell for that one bro lmao

>> No.11630685
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Well it doesn't look look like you ever fixed your diet and that's pretty important. Don't fall for the keto and paleo memes. NutrtionFacts.org has the actual science and it's easily put into practice by following the daily dozen checklist which there is also an app for.

Also the fasting meme is alright. Eat all your food for the day within a consistent 8-9 hour window and by eating the exact same food you'll get more muscle and less fat. 3 day fasts a few times per year as well for health.

One more tip. Buy Monero at the bottom (now and in the next year or so).

>> No.11630714

>Are these things just precisely targeted to losers to make a profit
Yes that's exactly what they are. I fell for tons of memes when I was starting out. It's really frustrating. I hate people like that bulletproof coffee guy.

>> No.11630771

OP i am on the same page as this guy

>> No.11631193

You don't need MCT oil, just high quality grounds and some Kerrygold grassfed butter and you will have a rich satisfying drink that will give you energy for hours. You can follow some of the memes without breaking your wallet and tweaking the bullshit. Lifting is the real red pill. It often changes the one thing you can't control, how people perceive you. It sucks but people usually automatically respect those in shape, for things outside of being physically fit.

>> No.11631263
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>genuinely chuckling about what might be the worst possible nutritional advice when i read "dr.greger"
>a diet so blatantly wrong about everything it is indistinguishable from satire and deliberate self-destruction
>then you advise buying monero
well done, i'm actually confused/worried about monero now.

>> No.11631431

I definitely know more about crypto than diet so I'm not gong to argue too hard for Dr Greger. He does look a bit of a wily Jew but he presents the plant based diet well which is what works best in my limited experience.

One thing that's for sure is the all meat diet is promoted by the biggest retards in crypto like Saifedean and Zooko.

>> No.11631481

i'm not going to start a dietary discussion here.
eat whatever you want, i don't care - just don't give advice when you're not experienced about the topic.
what is your motivation? internet praise from anonymous people? the feeling of being smarter than others? all of those things you should be able to overcome/ignore.

>> No.11631522

OP went through the memes and wanted to know why they didn't work. I did the same thing as OP and have some extra experience.

Maybe you first came here when /biz/ was 99% pajeets trying to con retards but I've got good advice from here over the years and that has to come from somewhere. I'm quite sure I have something to offer OP here.

>> No.11631879

Redpill unironically dug me out of several holes. That's all I can say there.

>> No.11631891

> x investing(frugal lifestyle, non-materalistic) - going all-in into Crypto with basically all my savings Dec 2017
you're just dumb, ok?

>> No.11631893

congrats you just explained the result of trying to be someone else and in the end realizing you havent been yourself your whole time and you really never got time to know the real you. you can now be written as a main characteri n a movie

>> No.11631623
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>I'm quite sure I have something to offer OP here
veganism is for those people that for whatever reason choose to put the well-being of soulless biological automatons (cows etc.) over their own - an idea that in and of itself carries a huge implication which you might not be aware of.
most do it for the feeling of false moral superiority, some because they have self-esteem issues and want to deny themselves something. whatever your reason may be: within a few years you will be back to eating food, and i hope you will take a good look at yourself when that correction happens.
if you unironically believe that the things in your pic are a viable basis for a complete and sufficient diet, then you are beyond any help or reason.
i am not memeing here and i am not being purposely dismissive or sarcastic - veganism is a decadent (it is a luxury to be this insanely dismissive of healthy, nutritious food, and your great-grandparents would have killed for the foods you deny yourself) pseudo-religion for delusional NPCs.
suffer and harm yourself all you want, just don't pointlessly drag others down with you, thank you very much.

>> No.11631909

I made a post about this on /fit/ a while back but it applies to the whole site, including and especially me.

If your idea of self improvement involves doing a bunch of solitary activities, you're absolutely 100% spinning your heels. You NEED friends. You NEED relationships. You hate your life because you're young, socially isolated, probably developed some sort of internet induced phobia of other people, and have no purpose. You cannot fix this by not touching your dick or by eating more carrots or by going to the gym a couple times a week.

Don't fall for the loner self improvement lone wolf badass shit that a lot of people envision themselves as. It's never, ever going to happen, it's a childish fantasy and a delusional one because all human beings need human contact and relationships. Getting them through message boards is not a substitute, it's actually probably worse than not having it at all because if you were to replace all your time spent alone on 4chan or discord or whatever with just sitting alone in silence, you'd go so insane you'd have to go out and take action and change your life.

Go out, make friends, learn how to talk to people, get in touch with your relatives, DO SOMETHING WITH OTHER HUMANS. Stop falling for the "self improvement" meme which isn't even self improvement at all, it's just you distracting yourself from your shit life spinning your wheels in pointless activities. Get as far away from the weird personalities and fringe ideologies that exist online and go get in touch with normal human beings. Normal people have some sort of hard wired defense that simply filters out all this garbage and it never seems to infect their brains, you need to be around them.

>> No.11631912

This is on the same level as climate denial except that the climate is probably a more complex system.

>> No.11631920

I've tried a lot of those things. No fap has seen the biggest emotional level change to me (I do think this varies person to person), big confidence/motivation booster.
Oddly enough minimalism has been the best thing so far. Searching online reveals loads of people with major OCD and want to be told how to do every little step in their life and lots of advice on how you should be living your life. For me I got rid of everything that wasn't a necessity (this sort of ties in with the clothing/non-materialism thing you tried). I love tech and trying new stuff, I just get rid of/sell whatever item I'm replacing and upgrade computer and tech stuff all the time.
Anyway minimalism mainly removed stress from my life. It takes me two seconds to clean, moving house is a super easy task, less clutter which translates to a clearer mind. No social media and bullshit unnecessary services means more mental clarity and no emails.
BUT all the things you tried plus the benefits I listed from minimalism mean nothing if you don't take advantage of it. I use my gained free time to trade shitcoins and workout. If you sit there bored and don't change anything drastically in your life it means nothing.

>> No.11631696

Eating some meat is fine. Eating 100% meat is just not healthy. I don't care why most people are vegans. Their faggotry is off putting but idgaf as long as I've got more energy and health.

>> No.11631702

Diet is the #1 most important thing to get your life on the path you want. Avoid sugar and vegetable oil like the plague (read into them) and eat high protein, high fat, low carb. That's it. Done.

>> No.11631704

You gotta find a thing you love and get fully engaged in it. Yes, it can even be something dumb like World of Warcraft. Stay far away from all drugs, caffine, sugar, processed food, ect. Eat healthy (fruits/vegs/nuts/beans/oats/chicken/fish). Exercise at least moderately. Preferably the thing you're engaged with should lead to some kind of creative/constructive outlet (i.e. coding bots for WoW), but we're taking baby steps here. If you're too tired to do anything sleep more, maybe you're most active at 4am although maximum exposure to sunlight helps with depression. Once you have something to look forward to maybe try to make friends.

>> No.11631948

fuck off with your argument of authority.
even if he was a nutritionist: like all soft sciences it is populated by two-digit-IQ morons and women and therefore unusually easy to misdirect, control and abuse for whatever ulterior motive you have.
arguments stand on their own and authority is NEVER an argument in and of itself.
are you by any chance a bootlicker aswell?

>> No.11631722

the buff you feel on dr.gregers self-mutilation course comes from abstaining from industrially produced garbage, not from any positives.
you are also using a strawman, as no one here ever talked about all meat.

>> No.11631727

>Not eating meat.
>Not eating fish.
>Using motherfucking b12 because potatoes.

Fuck you and everyone who follows that shit I'm tired of shooting optovite for people who wouldn't even need it.

>> No.11631987

It's not a soft science though. You can do physical experiments with groups of people eating different things.

I get that people use the climate change bogeymen to justify all kinds of fucking bullshit but you can't deny that the greenhouse effect is real.

>> No.11631759

Avoid vegetable oil and spiking your insulin, yes, but I have to disagree. You don't need much protein and too much can be harmful. Carbs are our best source of energy but the high/low GI thing is not a meme.

B12 naturally came from microorganisms in dirt and water. We don't get it naturally anymore because we chlorinate that shit. You can still get it from animals because they're higher on the food chain and have accumulated some B12, along with mercury and other toxic shit.

Good. Just in the context of crypto and diets being linked, there are some major cults centred around 100% meat.

>> No.11631765
File: 46 KB, 430x327, beagoodgoyboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here, if you don't appreciate these things as ends in and of themselves and would rather indulge in instant gratification, escapism, anxiety relieving, comfort seeking, etc. then you failed because you are a fucken loser man/boy goodgoyboi. And if this is the case its because you have no character and no value system. Also you have to do these things and more for years. It's like the gym, you don't put on 30 lb of muscle and lose 40 lb of fat in a year or even two or even three. You need to start your Hero's Journey and become a man, or give in and give up, be a goodgoyboi and enjoy endless, meaningless comfort and safety for the next 60 years.

>> No.11631784

>the buff you feel is from abstaining from garbage
Somewhat but it is 100% a fact that you need carbs for maximum energy output. No pro athlete can compete without carbs.

>> No.11631788

>there are some major cults centred around 100% meat.
i know, this is perfectly normal and just the opposite side of the spectrum, veganism being on the other side. both are simply forms of recognizing (correctly) that industrially produced food is purposely addictive and highly toxic.
when counter-movements happen, people tend to overshoot and go to absolute extremes.
extremes with clear black&white rules ("nothing but plants", "nothing but meat") give safety and order, which is why both cults will probably attract hopeless people and gullible idiots for a long time to come.

>> No.11631808

Nutritionist here, veganism is the way to go
>BTC maximalist, gamble alts to gain more BTC

>> No.11632082

1) OK but you'll never hit records without carbs. I think it might be possible that people who are inactive might be well served by keto because they never use up their glycogen stores.
2) How do you know?
3) How many obese plant based vegans you see? High GI carbs + fat is more addictive than what I recommend and actually makes people obese.
4) Humans have colour eyesight so we can see when fruit is ripe. The first mammals were nocturnal and lacked color vision. Safe to say fruit was an important part of our ancestry. There many other plant foods besides fruit though, like tubers and roots.

>> No.11631834

1.) i can anecdotally say that my energy levels have never been as high as on absolute zero-carb. running around all day with a constantly high blood glucose level is absolutely amazing, as you are always alert, ready and performant (very much like the ~2 hour window you get after eating a lot of carbs, just neverending)
2.) you are not a pro athlete
3.) carbs are highly addictive and start a habit-forming behavior eerily similar to hard drugs - the more you consume, the more you'll want shortly after, hence the obesity epidemic. these people are not on keto.
contrast this with keto which will naturally, automatically, without even thinking about it, result in a one-meal-a-day situation, because you won't even be thinking about food at all for your waking 16 hours a day. any hunger that might momentarily creep up slightly disappears within minutes, you can go all day with no food whatsoever.


4.) carbs traditionally never existed in large quantities as available food sources. your ancestors are not from the fucking jungle, they did not have oranges, child-fist-sized sugar-filled strawberries and the like. if they even existed in comparably small amounts (GMO corn for instance is roughly 1000x more sugary than in nature), they were by definition SEASONAL. meaning people by definition didnt have access to carbs all year around. your diet is extremely unnatural is what i am saying.

i am ending this now, because i said i wasn't going to discuss the diet itself. veganism is retarded and the fewer plants you consume, the greater your body will feel like.

>> No.11631838

>Nutritionist here
laughable pseudo-science. opinion discarded.

>> No.11632163
File: 47 KB, 700x512, CarrotBeforeCrossbreeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) what sets humans apart from other animals is their absolutely extreme endurance. we were successful in hunting down larger and much quicker animals, because we were simple able to follow them on end until they couldn't use their agility to escape anymore. carbs last you for hours, ketones last you for days without food.
2) you advised dr gregers nutritional guide. you clearly don't do anything demanding, dont kid yourself
3) every single obese person gained their mass on a plant-based diet, end of story. apart from maybe milk it is virtually impossible to get fat on animal sources. fat is not addictive, you just made that up
vegans aren't obese because they are literally starving
4) the only (!) calorie-dense food available to humans for almost all of our history was animal fat. even pure refined sugar has less than half the calories, and caloric density is directly proportional to how adapted to a food source you are. we are opportunistic and as such *can* use alternatives in times of starvation (failed hunt), which doesn't mean this would be our primary source.
the very reason virtually all natural (= non-cross-bred) plants are extremely low in calories is that we cannot properly digest them - because they were never more than desperation food.
none of the plants you can buy in the supermarket exist in nature.
pic related is what a wild "carrot" looks like: a bitter root with almost zero fucking sugar. you would eat rocks before chewing down on that. don't delude yourself, modern plants have as much in common with nature as mars bars and purple drank.

>> No.11632192

self improvement is a meme, but you need to stop preaching your shit. what drives some people is a passion and not people, although you might end up a little weird. you know its a little to much to put an effort into, i wont deny humans are not social. anyways loners are real people too. NPC's unironically doesnt have to be a meme if you think about it in a way. yes best friends are cool to have, dont need to fucking talk to normies if you dont want to, especially in this current population

>> No.11632194

Fucking kek

>> No.11632201

Honestly anon, who gives a fuck? Why should you give a fuck? Who cares what you do? Why should any of us care what you do? You can go through life doing stupid shit over and over looking for "self improvement" and to be more like how you think you're supposed to be or how others say you should be, but what's the point? You know who has to live with yourself? You do. The only person who is going to put up with you your whole life is yourself. Learn to like yourself, then to love yourself despite your bullshit and dumbfuck ways. Stop doing faggy garbage thinking it'll make you better. Take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are who you want to be, if you're facing the direction you want to be going. And then make a choice, whatever you think is best. Because again, the person who has to live with that choice, is you, anon. You aren't going to get anywhere looking for answers from us if you don't sit down and really reflect on yourself.

>> No.11632206

Most people end up here because they were already weird. I know I did. Over time I started to realize I found that real people got more and more boring.

>> No.11632334

There is no way you sticked to any of these things and really incorporated it in your life if you still have low attention span.
It's like saying you tried every single high intensity sport out there combined with a sane diet on a long period of time and still are a fat fuck, this simply doesn't happen.
Typically you can't be into reading or learning an instrument if you have no attention span for example.

Pretty sure you are just procrastinating between these things and not really sticking with them, that's why it doesn't work: you need to do something for years without dropping it out after just two months before it really affects your life.

It's just like those guys changing their workout routines every month because they are bored and then give up since they see little results while in fact exercises combinaisons are not really that important, what is important is doing them every single week for years until it becomes as automatic as brushing your teeth after breakfast.

The problem of the "self improvement" community on internet by the way is that they give a list of things to do which is completely counterproductive and just tire your willpower having to take all these daily decisions, the reality is that you should focus or one or two things at a time. If your home is a always a mess you should dedicate your time to clean it, think about how you can clean it in more efficient way then keep it clean during an entire year, after that it will be so automatic to do it that you can focus on something else.
However if you try to learn programming, begin working out, adopt a new diet, begin meditation, stop smoking and stop watching youtube while trying to keep your home tidy it just won't work for ANY of these things because it's too much.

>> No.11632335

>buying in December
>wondering why he cant make it

>> No.11632485

You didn't try establishing your personal relationship with Jesus, and realizing that all things of this earth are merely a distraction from the real prize - eternal life in God's kingdom.

>> No.11632512
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Alright I jumped the gun on recommending Dr Greger. His daily dozen looked reasonable but his evidence seems poor and his nonprofit schtick is blatantly Jewish.

I'm definitely not completely against meat since it has also obviously been part of our evolution. It is very obvious to me though that humans have historically lived on carbs as well. It annoys me that there isn't a simple answer to diets. On the one hand the extreme diets like keto and vegan seem to have some of the healthiest people these days but we are clearly omnivores.

>> No.11632513

Lifting is not a meme. I was a skinny fat KHV and lifting gave me mad pussy.
Lifting is specially effective in STEM, because it's filled with skinny or fat beta cucks. One year of gym will make you look like a chad compared to those dudes.

>> No.11632516

>laughable pseudo-science. opinion discarded.

That would be 90% of so-called "modern medicine"...or wait, you still believe viruses exist? baka

>> No.11632574
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If you think that's bad, imagine training jiu-jitsu for over a decade, getting a black belt, then seeing this shit after your hands and neck are permanently fucked.

Don't fall for the "Gracie Jiu Jitsu" meme.

>> No.11632785
File: 115 KB, 2048x2040, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you still believe viruses exist? baka

>> No.11632879

This is so true I have been guilty of this.

>> No.11632895

fuuuck, its pic is me, fuken everything is me, dam

>> No.11633363

NoFAP is complete utter bullshit.

>> No.11633383


Keto isn't a meme. It's a diet for diabetics. Unless you are diabetic there's no reason to follow it though.

>> No.11633401

You feel like shit because you follow the trend. Your personality is a collection of fads. You're basically a roastie. Most obvious sign of being a follower NPC is going all in in December.

Start thinking for yourself, sheep.

>> No.11633485

Im at my happiest point in life and I dont enjoy being around humans. Your advice isnt right for everyone.

>> No.11633714

kek, OP - bless you. The internet is a curse, I lost my 20s to similar shit as well. The true realpill for all that shit is just get a normie job, shop mindlessly at normie shops (which mean you will by definition end up buying fashionable clothes) and drink alcohol quite a bit.

Exercise only when necessary, and ideally within the context of a team sport, or something vaguely sociable and hipstery like rock climbing.

>> No.11633723

you've been trying so hard to adapt other peoples' lifestyles that you forgot who YOU really are

>> No.11633733

You gotta improve things that you have problem with, not just pick up random unrelated things and hope that your life will become better in every way because of this.

>> No.11633808
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still feels like something is missing on that list

>> No.11633814

>learing an instrument
complete waste of time

>> No.11633939
File: 73 KB, 618x741, 1540193497764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you need jesus OP
self improvement is a psyop to keep us separated from christ

>> No.11633967
File: 26 KB, 300x233, 5AD3214C-325E-4EC7-B68C-25BB59CBA39A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped reading there, go out there and lift some real fucking weights, SS+GOMAD

>> No.11634018

If you are so good, learn to code and build a fucking startup in AI, there is so much shit to do it's painfull to only have two hands to code with. Shitty complain-fag

>> No.11634066

take gastrus

>> No.11634078

paleo is fucking godly

>> No.11634094

not op but this is based

>> No.11634129


Dude... You are missing something. You can do all kinds of things to raise your stats (strenght, intelligence, charm), but if you do not have a plan on what you want to accomplish, they will be meaningless. You need a plan OP. What do you want? Who/what do you want to be?

>> No.11634171

You might have raised your expectations a little bit high and have an unreasonable image of your self. If you look at it objectively, you are probably not worse off than the average person.

>> No.11634195

Imagine if you didn't.

>> No.11634255

You should seriously check out shawn baker. He has set world records in short distance rowing. One of the most explosive and exhausting sports. He eat meat and salt only. Don't be a npc. Nothing is ever as you're told

>> No.11634470

lol thanks for this