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11629105 No.11629105 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, £30,000 over 5 years, that's the power of #PowerfulWomen


>> No.11629122

WTF I earn 15 an hour and I saved 30K in a year.

>> No.11629139

This world... Is rotten

>> No.11629176

>drastic measures

>> No.11629199

>save 30k over a year
>waste it all in a minute on a better flat instead of buying link with it

>> No.11629220

*5 years

>> No.11629231

Do women seriously think not buying Starbucks every day is a sacrifice?

>> No.11629317

Literally never worked with a female who doesn't buy a coffee every day, and buy lunch every day, wasting like $15-$20 a day

>> No.11629332

Yes. Women don't understand money in the slightest and forgoing any whim is a sacrifice.

>> No.11629382

>'I love it. I have friends who rent and don't see a way out of that.'
30.000£ seemed quite a lot for a deposit to a one-room apartment. But the article explicitly stated "for a deposit"

Do you think she bought the apartment, and the money was for the initial down-payment, and why would they call this a deposit?

>> No.11629555
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haha, ok so 30k for 5 fucking years just to get the deposit, now what about all the other years on the mortgage price, with the interest added on top too
>north london
lowest I could find is 100k total for a shit-tier rundown shoebox sized flat, with the average of 6k a year that she managed to save for the deposit, it would still take over 11 years to pay off

Absolute state of the UK housing market

>> No.11629700

how the fuck is this shit news
fuck you op for making me reeeeee

>> No.11629717

>Do you think she bought the apartment, and the money was for the initial down-payment, and why would they call this a deposit?

yes in the UK the initial is most commonly called a deposit

>> No.11629733
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Forgot to post the picture of Ms Bagalexis

>> No.11629861

i save on average 15k out of my 45k (median house hold income for my state) for the last few years. i eat dollar pizzas and ramen most days. drink only water. drive a rundown crappy car that my friends laugh at, and buy clothes from the thriftmart.

guess i should have a news article written about me

>> No.11629935


Congrats you're going to die of cancer in 10 years with that shit diet. You could redeem it by going keto or intermittent fasting and spending the days where you aren't fasting eating actual good home cooked meals.

>> No.11629955

> Not wanting cancer so u can finally leave this shitty time in history.

>> No.11629963

I saved almost 50k in NYC just this year and still could never afford to actually own an apartment. I'll wait until I have 200-300k and move away and buy a house in cash

>> No.11630050

it was more of an example, i eat alot more than just ramen and pizza. on average i spend less than $5 a day on food. i eat alot of rice, frozen vegetables, potatoes apples and bananas. i do probably eat frozen pizza/ramen around 5 times a week though. takeout about twice a month.

im trying to pay off student loans and other small debts. hoping to have it all paid off and then 20% equity into the house at the end of next year to start renting it out.

>> No.11630955

This is exactly what I'm doing as well, right now working in brooklyn and have 80k saved.

>> No.11631011

Did her husband take her credit card away?

>> No.11631134

something ain't right
anyway, not a bad lifestyle
nothing special though
been living with only the most nessecary fo decades
I find no enjoyment in a typical consumerist lifestyle

>> No.11631319

i save over 30k a year and only work 6 months a year and dont have an education past highschool lmao

>> No.11631350

Instead of having to penny pitch for 5 years for a one bed room. Why not just move away from one of the most expensive cities?

>> No.11631490

How would she find a rich husband otherwise?
Thats what women go to the city for

>> No.11632137

What if they made this article to keep people spending and not saving???

It makes it sound like you have to have a shitty lifestyle for 5 fucking years and not do anything just to get a 30,000 deposit for a flat. Makes me want to say fuck that and just enjoy myself.

>> No.11632141

Kek dumb britcucks

>> No.11632144


>> No.11632586

It's going to take her more than 2 lifetimes to pay it off. And once she's done that she can start saving into her pension. Then after another 90 years of getting minus 2% return per annum on her pension assets she can retire. These youn folk don't know how easy they have it. When I was younger, I had to work a whole 6 months to buy my four-bedroom house outright, working 25 hours a week, can you imagine that? It was awful.

>> No.11632636
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Real oomers should be turned into onions green for what they did
>Muh pension
>Muh the yachts (my boss legit has a fucking yacht in front of his house)
>oh sorry we gave away your country to foreign speculators, anyway I'm dying soon and leaving everything to that nice animal charity down the street so have fun haha

>> No.11632668

>5 years
simply unthinkable!

>> No.11632671

>For a deposit


>> No.11632724
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>30k over 5 years
that's like 20% every month, literally nothing

>> No.11632748
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Fantastic. She saved 30k in 5 years, or 6k per year.
London flats are going for at least 600k (in the shittiest areas) so she only has 570k more to save. 95 years to go!

Fucking normies I swear

>> No.11632963
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Fucking hell it really would be 95 years. Don't forget the mortgage interest added on top would make her pay even more than 570k by the end.
Why even try anymore

>> No.11633053

Is 6k/year a lot? I could save that much in a month if I wanted to, and that's keeping my monthly spending the same. I guess that's the difference between America and Bongistan.

>> No.11633057

Buying a flat in London is a decent investment, she could probably sell it in 10 years for twice what she paid for it.

>> No.11633072

£ and $ are not the same..

>> No.11633091

this. only retards rather pay rent.

>> No.11633315
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> And once she's done that she can start saving into her pension

In Europe you don't have to save money for pension, you work and every paycheck they take some cas for your pension, once you turn age you get cash back every month.

>> No.11633330

I eat out girls on their period. Not for money, but for protein.

>> No.11633332

current payers finance current pensioners. there is no fund, and there will be no pension for those now paying.

>> No.11633341
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>Implying we will ever see that money again
I highly doubt UK gov will last the next 45 years without crashing into the ground in some way. Would be better to legit just give us the money now so we can invest it properly beforehand instead of waiting a literal lifetime for pocket change

>> No.11633379

Not like it makes any difference, so 7kusd. Sounds even more pathetic after doing the conversion. Is this what passes as news in yuroland? Woman earns minimum wage, saves like 5% of her income and blows it on something dumb.
I can't help but wonder if other countries are even trying to compete with America.

>> No.11633397
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10% downpayment of 30k means mortgage of £270k, 10X the average UK salary, about 7X the average london salary.
It's more likely it was a 15% deposit, which'd bring it down to closer to 200k, about 5X the average london salary. Which is pretty average. Absolute non-story, just the Boomer Sun trying to tell Boomer readers that the youth have nothing to complain about.

>> No.11633413


Man, she is so fucked and won't be able to ever pay off that apartment.

>> No.11633415


>> No.11633416

>She said: 'So, I moved in with my mum to enable me to do some intense saving – I had an agreement with her that I paid just a nominal amount towards my keep and I put the rest away towards my deposit.'
Wait just read the article.
Absolute state, how did it take 5 years while living at her mum's house. Fuck me.

>> No.11633433

With 30k you could have bought a nice apartment in Riga city center and live with the rest of the money until the day you die.
+ You got more people speak english there.

>> No.11633468

come to california and youll be blown away

>> No.11633486

I'm not sure that's accurate. I lived in Tallinn for a while and prices seemed comparable to Germany where 30k € last me like a year. Generally, 30k pounds are nothing.

>> No.11633559

>With 30k you could have bought a nice apartment in Riga city center
1)You can't, even a tiny studio in the centre is 50-60k
2)good luck finding a job in Riga that lets you save anything like 30k

>> No.11633596

Even more funny is when the housing market collapses and she will be paying more on the mortgage than what the flat is worth

>> No.11633617

I did a similar thing and saved 50k. The only things I cut back on were rent and utilities, paid my parents 350 a month for food. The only sacrifice I made was to my dignity and personal freedom. 30k is nothing, especially if you're buying in London.

>> No.11633628

This is what makes me comfy, it's easy to stay ahead of the cueve when you're dealing with retards who might earn double but spend triple of you spend. And that's on shit that you don't get anything out of the next day.

>> No.11633695
File: 135 KB, 960x960, EC38CF98-15AF-413A-8864-6E0E3C69D8A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s every single dollar you would earn working 40 hours a week, full time, before taxes. Impressive.

>> No.11633711

How much spending did you limit yourself to for personal expenses?

I'm using £300/mo at the moment and it's tough but I appreciate payday more. I used to waste money but now I weigh everything up properly and my willpower is getting better.

>> No.11633987

fucking lmao. my sides.

>> No.11633997
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mfw i make a day what she in 5 years

>> No.11634025

I worked all the overtime I could and I earned like 50k before taxes that year.

>> No.11634095

She moved in with her parents, that’s how she saved all that money. Everything else in the article might have picked her up $5k in 5 years

>> No.11634343

If you buy ingredients in bulk, you could eat far better for far cheaper.

>> No.11634536

I live in NYC and only make 50k a year... fuck my life

>> No.11634547
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>> No.11634569

>The only sacrifice I made was to my dignity and personal freedom

>> No.11634593

I didn't set a limit, just invested a minimum 600 a month at the start of the month and whatever's left at the end. I still managed to maintain a social life, even went on holiday a couple of times. I'm naturally resistant to splurging on new shiny objects, so that helps.
£300 a month is rough but do-able. The long term payoff will be worth it. Get a lifetime ISA if you don't have one, its a free £1k a year from the government for paying 4k pa into a stocks and shares ISA.

>> No.11634626

Lol i could make that in six months if I wanted to throw my life away.

>> No.11634686
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I saved £40k in 5 years!!!! Where is my news article?????

>> No.11634697


Is this the "wage gap" thing the feminists constantly complain about?

>> No.11634717

>if she saved the same amount over entire 40 year working career she would only have £240,000

That is depressing as fuck.

t. Britcuck who made £30,000 in the 3 months from Oct 17 to Dec bullrun on fake internet money

>> No.11634982

Lmfao I make 60K/yr and save 40K after paying for living expenses. Apartment $600/mo, Food $150/mo, Electricity & Internet $80/mo.

>> No.11635390

>i retain 2/3rds of my gross income AND i rent
guess you showed us.

>> No.11635693

this is the future we chose, a society of cattle living off scraps

>> No.11635814

I like how everyone misses the real problem here

>this is unironically considered news in 2018

>> No.11635826

Harder for people with kids

>> No.11635867

How is this newsworthy?