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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 327x235, Vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11618398 No.11618398 [Reply] [Original]

Just a heads up for anyone that may be falling for the Vechain hype after the 100 threads mentioning the natural gas deal or rumor of a H & M contract should hold off.
Holders are desperate to see a price spike as they are stuck in a downtrend. Use common sense and see that over the past few months no news has moved the price positively. As someone with a lot of TA experience I suggest you wait for ~145 sat if you were thinking of buying a position.

>> No.11618512

>Holders are desperate to see a price spike
can confirm

>> No.11618600

literally nothing can pump this scam up anymore, sunny the retard overdid it with the partnership meme

>> No.11618671

the funniest thing about this shit is that they keep peddling the 'NDA' meme from out of nowhere

literally the most deluded bagholder meme community there is

>> No.11618692

more deluded than the icon bagholders?

>> No.11618735

Yeah sure this thread really shows how Vet holders are the desperate ones

>> No.11618773

I suggested an entry point. I suggested using logic over emotion. I didn't talk shit about Vechain.

I'm sure the multiple other traders on Trading View also agree with my perspective.

>> No.11618917

Thanks OP for the buy signal. Unironically just bought 100k.

>> No.11618956

Careful there, he gave an entry point. And he's sure the multiple other traders on Trading View also agree with his perspective.

>> No.11618993

the rumor is true
this thread is proof biz is filled with retarded brainlets

>> No.11619037

Keep buying the dip. I'm sure you're running all of your spare cash each week to DCA. It sure is a great opportunity. Retard.

>> No.11619046

lmfao sounds like the desperate bears sold a little too low for comfort.

btfo faggots

>> No.11619094

Buying more faggot.

China import expo is coming up. Something huge is going to be announced that is going to blow your fcking mind.

>> No.11619116
File: 48 KB, 500x301, Oh+he+mad+_945e1a3a014011be061299d2eef3e4b9 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you also writing this
> as someone with a lot of TA experience

>> No.11619129

*below your mind

>> No.11619247

Why would I care? I made this thread with the intention of helping those few that constantly fall for hype and scams here. Once the Vechain defense army is here there is no point talking with reason anymore.
It is too hard to distinguish between meaningful information and bullshit here. You can call out any argument negative or positive. As a general rule it helps to investigate 10 threads in a row asking you to buy and every no name telegraph article posting the same information to r/cc.

As it appears most of /biz/ already thinks this is a scam anyway and at the very least no one is buying into a giant PHX style candle.

>> No.11620081

i appreciate it bizbro.

but to be honest, anyone not in vechain already knows this is all bullshit hype

they cant prove any of it via there block explorer.

its leaked yet in a public store, its all shady - i did however, email pilot@arket.com as that guys tag in the video showed, lets see how legit this is

>> No.11621175

Amb is gonna pass this shit in market cap q1. Cap this.

Amb working with fucking the eu. Eu honey only needs 1 more state (4 states already on amb, 5 impliments it for th whole Eu) before Amb is tracking all of the honey in the eu

Nobody is going to trust a blockchain with 101 anymous nodes to track anything worthwhile. It’s lutrrally a database. Can’t wait to see vechain boomers get fucked next year.

Amb 10 dollars end of quarter 1 2019.

>> No.11621330

Imagine being this guy, LMAO

>> No.11621340

I know, to imagine being rich is hard for you vet fags. How’s that onboarding coming. How many tx u idiots seeing. Making those sick 5usd gains per month in veeeeeee thor?

>> No.11621366
File: 121 KB, 258x245, 1529219948235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Someone actually wrote that and submit it

>> No.11621933

It's like the bad guys in bee movie lol

"They make the honey, we make the money"

>> No.11622289
File: 521 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20181102-065855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving your FIAT to a chink telegram scammer and BCASH man

>> No.11622366

2.8 mill vet and i could not be more comfy. I don't even want biz to buy lmao, stay poor.

>> No.11622381
File: 627 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20180906-170042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11622502

vecuck still in denial. sad

>> No.11622535
File: 429 KB, 1244x859, flolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting fucking shills are everywhere with their heavy ASS BAGS. I guess that's what happens when you buy up an ICO
Did you know that BAT ico had only 120 participants. Imagine how fucking big their smiles are as they dump that shit all over coinbase! LOL! BAT raised $30million in 6 seconds. It's now trading at 400million.Lmao pajeets 15x'ed those rich guys money

Oh,and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like XRP, TRON, BAT,ZRX, ADA that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchains with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200
And with that...I present you pajeets with the one and only Angelina FLOlie

Did you guys see the violent + epic rise of RVN from 30 million to over $150 million market valuation in the last weeks???
I'm here to tell you that FLO is the sister of RVN. FLO is only $5 million marketcap.
The rise of RVN was due to Overstock and Tzero using RVN for their platform.Well...they're also using FLO! It's on the down low. Nobody knows. But now you do!

Binance listed RVN because it was fairly launched and had NO ICO and NO premine. Guess what?So was Flo.
tZERO bought 5 Million $FLO

Take a look:

Then take a look at the transaction data:

"Inventory Posted: SOI(239) STI(246) Broker(1313) Account() Time(08/14/2018 08:00:01.846) Side(Sell) Symbol(GPRO.DLR) Qty(8400) Price(0.00600) OrderType(Limit) TimeInForce(DAY)"

These are coming from tZERO DLR records that are stored on top of the FLO blockchain

Check out a more informative post here:

Thank me later.