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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1161723 No.1161723 [Reply] [Original]

What's the amount of money you would need to be able to walk away from it all and just live happily-ever-after?

>> No.1161730

8 million

>> No.1161732

500 million

no tax, all in cash, no one knows

>> No.1161736

I'm cheap.

>> No.1161739

personally, I would like to have enough to invest in low-risk bonds and receive 100k/year after taxes from that. On top 2 million to blow in the first years on cars/hookers/fun/travel, then approx. 2 million for a house and probably 3 cars. That's it, should be around 15 million in total, so not that much actually

>> No.1161741

Maybe about 100 mill. 50 to get settled and other 50 to invest with. Might just do 25 to get settled and 75 to invest.

>> No.1161743

241 trillion

>> No.1161744

I agree, 3 mil would be enough

Plus frankly i'd eventually do work of some sort I don't think I could spend the rest of my life dicking around

>> No.1161747


>> No.1161752


3 min is fine.
Im really happy with a middle class living standard, no need to go overboard.

>> No.1161758

100k. Actual goal, working towards early retirement.

>> No.1161759


What do you mean by walk away from it all?

Ever working again?

If you mean to leave behind my wife, my house, all my personal possessions, and relocate somewhere for a fresh start, I would do it for a flat $1,000,000. With that amount of money I could easily set up a new life without too much regret.

>> No.1161760

600 gorillion

>> No.1161763

what's your age?

>> No.1161766

600K. At that level I could probably live on interest at my current rate of expenditure, given that I wouldn't have to rent a place close to work any more.

>> No.1161768

Damn man that's pretty cold, there isn't a price I'd give all that up for

>> No.1161770

this is a quote from the Wall Street 2 movie, it's associated with the finance world. For example, I have interned for 6 months at GS in Equity Sales/Trading and haven't met a single one who truly loves and sees a purpose in what he/she is doing. So in this sense, walking away would be to do what you truly desire in to spend your life on.

>> No.1161775

I admire that, if it wasn't for the social norm of geographically "sticking to your family" that would actually be a great plan for life. To extend that: you can say you plan on living 5 years in a specific country, then move on to another country. And you say to every 5-year-stay you allocate 5 million.

>> No.1161790

>whole life dicking around
Fuck I could. I have alot of time intensive hobbies though.

>> No.1161793


Cold, maybe. I wont make any justifications.

The truth is, I could have been in a much better position than I am now. I made some mistakes, squandered some resources, and was victim to weakness. I've paid the price of that, and it's 5 years of lost potential and at least one missed opportunity. How can you put a value on that?

I'm on track to being in a good position within another 5 years, but that's still 5 years later than it should have been. It's also going to come with some complications I could have avoided. A wife who I love very much, but who needs things from me that I believe I could put to better use. Would I have known enough or been strong enough to pull it off had I not made the mistakes I did? Nobody will ever be able to answer that question.

What I do know, is that with $1,000,000 in capital, while I could never recover the missed opportunities, I could make up for the lost time. The lost progress. If the cost of that was sacrificing everything I've so delicately built over the last few years in an attempt to recuperate my losses make up for my own failures, would I do it?

I could start accomplishing the things that are truly important to me, above my family or my relationships. I could abandon all the necessary compromises I've made. I could start right now instead of having to languish in this resource gestation period for another 5-10 years.

And I think I would.

>> No.1161794

$1 million is enough. I can probably do it on $500,000, but my goal before retiring is $1 million.

>> No.1161798

500k or sumt, the things I enjoy doing don't cost any money really so I'd be happy living frugally just doing w/e the fuck I want.

>> No.1161799

I don't know
I'll tell you when I get there (never)

>> No.1161811
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Before you guys say something.
$1mln now is not what you thought when you were a kid. NOW consider it $5mln.

Also, depends a lot on your lifestyle. If you want the lifestyle rappers show (but they don't have) you need around $30mln.

>> No.1161833


>everyone has a number
I don't think this is true. I know I do, and probably most do. The only truely rich earner I know is a man who owns an electronics business that he built. He is getting older but he keeps plugging away. Making deals and growing his business. A million dollar deal, or a 10 million dollar deal does not change his lifestyle even a tiny bit. He has been living his own version of peak lifestyle for about 15 years and he could quit today and never notice the difference. But he keeps plugging away, even though it's actually damaging his body ( heart condition). He has more than his family could spend and he keeps working like a mad man even though it's probably taking years off his life.

At some point it becomes an ego thing, or some kind of score keeping

>> No.1161834

10-20 million. I could retire on 3-6 hundred grand, but I want to do things in the world.

>> No.1161857

500k, hope to have that in around ten years and call it quits.
Need around 100k for an apartment, and then around 15k a year to live. 500k should be enough to earn that passively.

>> No.1161859

>time intensive hobbies
aka edging

>> No.1161868

10 mil, and ill just do cool projects in vr and not worry about money

>> No.1161871

15k/year to live is not much, consider your car breaking down, or some sort of tax, or traveling, its definitely not that much.

>> No.1161884

All passive income:

30k - livable
60k - good
100k - great
200k - fantastic

>> No.1161887


>> No.1161895

It's enough if you move to a country with a low cost of living.

>> No.1161897

a'men, brother.

>> No.1161898
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15k/ year is fine, but not enough to just "walk away" from everything.
It's ok for a simple life.

In Germany this would put you in the "twilight zone" as I like to call it. Rich enough so that you don't qualify for any government programs and the government is absolutely no use to you, but too poor to enjoy the benefits of being rich.

>> No.1161911
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it really sucks that one still needs more than 1 million to realize that dream if you go super low-risk and invest in 30Y-US-Bonds.

>> No.1161921

Yeah I dunno how I'll do it. Realistically I'd go for long term, riskier higher yielding investments like real estate. Even with 5% returns a year, 30k would be 600k. Crazy.

>> No.1161924

I mean, I'd be set for only 10k monthly passive.

Considering my expenses, I would still be making a considerable amount of fuck-around-with money. Although, I'm single, so that probably plays a big part

>> No.1161951
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>> No.1161957

2 million
1 mill on a house
.5 mill on shares or bonds to give me passive income
.5 million in bank account to do whatever I want with
Still continue working

>> No.1161958

20 million.

Dude that's complete shit. How exactly will that 1 mill last you?

>> No.1161969
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Probably once my passive income share reaches 60-70% of my total income. Working 5 or more days per week isn't worth it for 30% more income.

>> No.1161979


money isn't the deciding factor

>> No.1161980

$5 million.

>> No.1161985

Your math made no sense there buddy.

>> No.1161992


All things considered, I could manage on around 350-400 thousand.

>> No.1162001

came here to post this.

>> No.1162003

why? lucky number?

>> No.1162061

Do people really need a chart for this? Just do the math.

>> No.1162127

It's called investing you fucking faggot.

>> No.1162132

5 Million

>> No.1162134

i have a number, but i don't know what it is, so we'll just say infinity

>> No.1162136
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>Your math made no sense there buddy.
Whats so hard to understand??
If total income is 200k and 120-140k (60-70%) come from passive income you might as well stop working.
Same is true for 100k total income and 60-70k from passive income

Or 50k total income and 30-35k coming from passive.

>> No.1162150
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No numbers, just a cute decent gf....which is apparently going to take a couple million since Im in Babylonian CA.


>> No.1162164

You can't buy love, anon.

If you want sex, just take a trip to Vegas.

>> No.1162194

'can't buy love'

Dude that's cliché as fuck.

No woman wants a man with no money.

Let's be realistic here.

>> No.1162222

I don't think I will ever be truly satisfied

>> No.1162226



As soon as I have enough to basically give myself a middle class salary without actually needing to work I'm totally content. Any more than that and I think the excess and hedonism would just make me miserable.

>> No.1162231


>Let's be realistic here

If your wife/girlfriend is only with you because you're rich, you might as well just pay a prostitute.

Money is a factor, it shouldn't ever be -the- factor.

>> No.1162236


On the contrary, there is no amount of money I'd take to make me leave my gf, or any gf or wife. Not even the fact that my morals wouldn't allow it either, though for that reason too I wouldn't. But also I don't date someone unless I am sure they are everything I need from a partner, which I've luckily found. But I suppose it would make sense if its just someone you're dating because its fun you'd easily take the money.

>> No.1162257


And you dont want an ugly woman either. but you don't care if they're broke.

but if you find someone who truly believes in equality (not even that uncommon, just got to get to know girls and you'll find them) and is self aware enough, then she won't care about the money. I think its reasonable in this case to expect they be able to pay half the rent and such things though and be able to pay for their own stuff.

>> No.1162262


You faggots aren't even accounting for inflation. Imagine in 2035 when you're saying "back in my day 30,000 dollars would get you by for a year living great. Now that won't even pay for your rent".

It would be like someone talking about how cheap shit was in 1991.

>> No.1162327

250 million

>> No.1162378

3 billion

>> No.1162385

80k a year for the rest of your life with some money to fuck around with, it's nice

>> No.1162396


>> No.1162423

500 pesos

>> No.1162435

The big T (GBP).

>> No.1162509

same here, but 250k. a little house in the mountains and $800/month passive income and i'll be delighted

>> No.1162513


I'm 25 and aiming to retire by 30. Fuck working 50 years, I'm going to chill and enjoy my life.

My current net worth is 25k, so a quarter there already.

>> No.1162537

Realistically for someone to pay me to quit and never look back? $500 million
>$250 million invested in various stocks, real estate developments and small businesses
>$150 million to spend like there is no tomorrow, wether it be on charities or private islands or collectors items
>$100 million kept away for my wife and children, should I lose all my money in the previous statements

>> No.1162544

A billy

>> No.1162546

How did you get that internship?

>> No.1162574

$50, that's all I need.

>> No.1162583
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750k. 30k/yr on the 4% rule and i can do anything I want, take crazy risks, who cares.

>> No.1162605

Middle class lifestyle in the United States is extremely luxurious relatively speaking. Throw in not having to work and you're set up with a pretty nice life

>> No.1162611
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>> No.1162625

That 4% is taxed, anon. You'll want 1 mil, but really you'll want 2 mil to make up for the 15% of the time that the market is losing value rather than gaining

>> No.1162634


at least 4 million dollars.

>> No.1162664

About 4 million.

>> No.1162727

$1.116.500 invested with 8% annual return.

>> No.1162823

as someone who had a number, and reached that number, I can tell you right now, your # will change the moment you hit it.

>> No.1162833

200k-500k $

>> No.1162838

>3 million
>middle class
Dude, a millionaire is not "Middle class".

>> No.1162842

price or rice?

>> No.1162860

5m so you could live comfortably off interest.

>> No.1162885

You pay like $2500 per year on taxes with a $30k income.

>> No.1162898

This guy understands. You're not going to truly be free until you're the apex of apex predators.

>> No.1162912

Thats what wives/gf are though. They're just high class prostitutes who pretend to actually care about you in exchange for life.
Thats what marriage has always been and will always be. Women can't take care of themselves so the get a man to do it in exchange for sex and "emotional support"
Money is extremely important. No women has ever gone out with a homeless guy because he was so charming.

>> No.1163011


>I'm 25 and aiming to retire by 30.
>My current net worth is 25k, so a quarter there already.

Hell yeah, shoot for the moon man.

If you're hardcore enough, you can definitely make that work:


>> No.1163018

I see lots of 30k income goals in this thread. That's a good target, as that's a comfortable middle class family annual budget.


>> No.1163031

This won't happen.

Car insurance, car maintenance, food/gas, taxes,
mortgage (or, what, renting - no equity), incidentals, not big enough revenue stream - down economy. Tell me again how you plan to retire in 5 years and you are, what, a quarter of the way there with assets at 25k??

I already know you don't make 50k (35k net) because you aren't that intelligent (no offense) and the math just doesn't add up. 1M$ in portfolio only gets you 40k a year to where you don't need to work. Become a doctor or inherit or start biz or get skills. Please don't keep dreaming.

>> No.1163041

and I know why. Let's say it takes 10,12, 18 yrs to get there. Well, now you are older/wiser and realize it took a lot of computing, effort, risk, managment to get there. You don't just sit on your lorels at that point.

Plus, its really not all that much anymore. You can't even live like a millionair, a true millionaire unluss you have multi-christina millions in the bank. Otherwise, you'll have bigger hole in bucket than water coming in,

>> No.1163065

Thanks man. Already read that a few years ago, it and money mustache were good inspiration.

Oh, it will happen. I've planned everything out in detail, and I will make it so.

> Car insurance, car maintenance
I don't have a car, nor do I plan to get one.

> food, taxes, other expenses
All included. I can easily live on 5k a year. I'm already doing it for six years now. Once I build my house (a goal for 35), my expenses will go further down, as I'm currently renting.

> not big enough revenue stream - down economy

I only need to make 7% dividends, including tax. That's very achievable, even in current conditions. My current portfolio makes much more, but it does have risk.

> you aren't that intelligent, get skills
135 IQ, two degrees, run my own company. Tell me again how I'm dreaming impossible things.

> b-but 5k is impossible, unless you live in East-Slavistan
Finland, free healthcare, free education, thus no debts and little risk from accidents. I made it this low by skillfully reducing my expenses.

>> No.1163077

100 million for me to just get up and walk away

>> No.1163079

I know this is weird to post on the business board, but I don't really have a number. I don't care about money. I just wanna do the stuff I enjoy with the people I enjoy. I'm in it for fun.

>> No.1163169

This. When Josh Brolins character says "More" it seems all stoic, greedy and prob aspiring for some but really it signifies he can't fill his void.

Currently, a person needs to make 70k-100k a year to be 'comfortable' and not really have to worry about money. Life, I imagine, becomes much less stressful when you can do your work and live in comfort without worrying that if you lose your job you'l be insta-pennyless.

What I'm trying to say is life is more than money, it should be about meaningful relationshiop with people you admire/respect and if you can travel and enjoy moments then thats a feather in cap.

>> No.1163198

>so a quarter there already.

How do you plan to retire with a net worth of 100k?

If you had every dime invested you'd need to be making like 20% on it a year to have the most basic standard of living.

>> No.1163201

200 Billion

>> No.1163203

The point is that by having to work a day job, you're sacrificing 1/3rd of your life and probably more, since working impacts the amount of energy you have for other things.
If you were financially independent, you could afford to work less or even not work at all. Thus having more time to do meaningful things.

>> No.1163220


150k minimum, 1.5 mil max, anymore is too much for me

>> No.1163225

Right. As a data analyst I've been trying to build an app in my off time but it gets near impossible especially during our busy season of working 40+. Last think I want to do is come home and look at computer screen and wade through code/bugs.

People who don't retire becuase 'muh work social aspect' or 'what would I do with myself' are abysmal. I have a plethor of leisure activities, hobbies, revenue channels I would allocate all the extra time I could give towards it.

>> No.1163380

3 million divided by 50-60 years, genius.

>> No.1163518

I have 200 bitcoins, is that enough to retire?

>> No.1163526

I figure 2 million would probably fund the rest of my life living in some semi 3rd world country in a sea side hotel drinking and banging hookers. that's my dream in this world

>> No.1163527


My "fuck everything I'm not putting in any work on investments/etc" number is $2 million. I'd be comfy with that.

My realistic "fuck work, everyone there can kill themselves" number is more like $750,000. I could live comfy off of $30,000/year take-home once all my debt is cleared.

And my rock-bottom would be $400k. I could do it, if I want to be a poorfag.

>> No.1163535

200 million

i have zero friends so i just want to be rich

>> No.1163553

>A home in an affluent part of the city

>A self sustainable, 200 acre rural permaculture property

>A tropical island

>A car, any consistent one would do

>A stock and bond portfolio

>A gold and silver stockpile

>A couple of companies that I built myself and have significant stakes in.

>A home, some gold and cash in a relatively stable developing country if my local government decides to target me

So roughly $200mil

>> No.1163728

whipped little bitch

>> No.1163750

Some people are eye learners anon.

>> No.1163753


Buy a nice chunk of land in the woods for 100,000. Put a cabin on it for another 100k and then add a garage for 20k that has a blacksmithing area. Then spend the rest on land taxes and invest it into ventures I am actually fond of doing.

I would sell knives and shit and live in my comfy woods cabin.

>> No.1163754


> I have 1k in savings, so 30 bucks passive income
> Stop working
> Whoah, passive income is 100% of my income!

Top kek.

>> No.1164624

its called the "rat race". its hard for people to get out, and many stay anyways just because they enjoy the game so damn much.

>> No.1164634

youre retarded

>> No.1165135

you would be able to by the entire stock markets almost 4 times

>> No.1165183

Go live in Thailand comfortably

>> No.1165185
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3 million and I could disappear pretty easily. Anyone that needs more than that just sucks at managing their finances.

>> No.1165191

10 million AUD

>> No.1165443

$25k USD.

I live in a shitty third world country.
My dad has like 200k but he won't give me anything cause I'm autistic and physically disabled.

>> No.1165451

Depends on "Walk away from it all" means.

Minimum 3mil
Optimal 25mil or more

>> No.1165484

Shit, you only need that little? Which country is that? Nowehere good like australia though I guess...

>> No.1165648

UK here so I'm working in GBP £££

£700,000 invested in dividend paying stocks.

5% dividend income (thats what I'm making now so I know it can be done easy)

700K @ 5% = £35K per annum

£25K per year to live off. Easy with no mortgage or dependancies.

£10K reinvestment per annum to fight inflation and smooth out times when Div income gets muted.

>> No.1165653

Hmm. I think 3 million would be enough for me. I don't really want a big, multi million dollar mansion or anything dumb like that, just a spacious place with a lot of land around it that where I can work on music and no one gives a shit. It'd probably only cost me 100k for all the equipment I'd need, 100k for the house, and 50k for a really nice car. I'd probably invest the rest or just use it to live off of and hopefully found some small businesses so that my kids can have something nice.

>> No.1165656

Same here, it is not like she was real to begin with anyway either.

>> No.1165746

What is good in Australia besides the weather/lifestyle? Serious question, I am interested. It's not the first time I hear it.

>> No.1165748

do you work in the city? how did you build up that portfolio? and do you manage it on your own?

>> No.1165791

I am deeply impressed.

But 100k for 50 to 60 years? I mean what if shit hits the fan or you want to start a new hobby?

>> No.1165799

>> No.1165810


>> No.1165843

>50M to get settled

>> No.1165953




>> No.1166554

India. With $25k usd I can easily get $2k USD interest p.a. that amounts to slightly more than the average engineer makes in a month. The average blue collar makes half that p.a. if they are lucky.

The country isn't the best though. Its literally worse than its global image. But I can't hope to afford any better. Even $25k is just a dream.

But you could live like a king as long as you have money in India.

>> No.1166570


>> No.1166574


All of it.

>> No.1166578
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This is lowball as fuck. Holy shit. I feel like you're intentionally trolling.

>> No.1166649
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Must have all the monies.

>> No.1166684

$3,000,000 (assuming it's tax free).

I would get a nice place to live, and then I would just do whatever I do for fun.

>> No.1166819

2 million to be safe.
1 million to be somewhat safe.

>> No.1166947

Actually I think one would need more than 10M AUD. One would need a driver/bodyguard with a firearm, and that's a thousand dollars U.S. a day last time I checked which was like ten years ago. So one would need a large enough sum of money that one could pay for that and an armored car and other expenses, just from interest on the money one has in the bank. Or better yet, become too big to fail, by starting an investment bank of your own. That way you would be guaranteed bailouts by the government of whatever country you start the bank in, whether it is England or the U.S. ;^)

>> No.1166995

Five bucks, nothing that's succeeded in my life was worth more than that.

>> No.1167055

20 Mill... 10 million for my dream home and to live a comfortable life style with wife and kids for the rest of my life and 10 mill to buy enough gold and gems to fill a small 4'x3'x3' chest.

>> No.1167058


Also he said he's autistic.

>> No.1167144

10 Mill for the dream home is very reasonable. 2 mill for the section of land I want and another 2 Mill for the house running on a well and renewable energy and 6 mill in bonds or a TFSA even at a 1% interest thats 60k a year to reinvest or enjoy with a comfortable 6 mill in the bank.

>> No.1167147


>> No.1167159

Would probably make it in another 22 years. Fuck, how I hate it...

>> No.1167199

I think a couple of million would set me up. Use about 1/4 to buy a house and new car, stick the rest somewhere it'll earn a decent amount. After it's built up some buffer, start investing some of the capital on higher-risk stuff for some more booze money.

If housing and transport isn't an issue, then I just need money for food, games, and toys.
I'd probably still work part-time, though. Just so I don't feel useless. Maybe use some of the capital to start a small business.

My job sucks anyway.
I hate this town.
TFW no gf
>Ever working again?
If I can get money without working, why work?
Aside from the fact that I get depressed if I get bored, and bored if I'm not doing anything. But nothing says I can't call myself an artist, take some college courses, and start making shit for the sake of making shit.

>> No.1167469


If SHTF, I'll get back to working, random gigs or perhaps even fulltime.

> you'll be out of date, decades in retirement will make you unemployable
Tell that to COBOL programmers around y2k. I have some embedded niches that will still be around in 30 years, and by then not many others have the knowledge.

And in the spirit of /biz/, if all else fails, sucking dick will never go out of fashion.

>> No.1167495
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I have nothing I'd be walking away from, this is a trick question.

>> No.1167594

5 million american dollars.

>> No.1167690

So you're a programmer? What does your company do?

>> No.1168219


what a boring fucking thread,
even for /biz/, golly gee!
but if I had the chance,
I'd take about tree fiddy

>> No.1168599

Won't TIPS do the trick?

>> No.1168613

I feel you,
Its 50 millions for me

>> No.1169102

from which movie is the OP picture?

>> No.1169312


Embedded Linux consulting. Also various other random shit.

>> No.1169989

I could live on a $1 million for the rest of my life. I have inherited a house that's paid off. I'm also not a big consumer, just value my free time more.

>> No.1170837

My "walk away from it all" plan at one point (and still, to some degree) involves moving to India (probably a holy city like Rishikesh or Varanasi) and living off interest of my savings. I figure if I keep my money in the US (normal mutual fund or something), the declining rupee will probably give me pretty decent gains when I import that money in.

Note, I have no illusions about India as I lived there for about 8 months (which is where I got the idea). I did get fed up of having to deal with so many people but in my head I tried to justify it as a problem caused by lack of money (in that, if I had money, I wouldn't have to be dealing with as much bullshit), and came back to the US.

Question is, what are you referring to when you're talking about an almost 10% p.a. ROI? A CD from an Indian bank?

What are you imagining as the living conditions with the $2k p.a. (just over 1 lack INR)? Room/food/internet for a year would be covered by those expenses? I was thinking I would need 50k INR per month for those things (750 US), putting yearly expenses at 9000 US, which would then require me to save up like 200k if I wanted to just have a nest egg sitting there for 25 years worth of expenses (burned by meme stocks one too many times has made me not trust investing in stocks too much).

I guess what I'm asking is what are you imagining you're gonna do with that 2k p.a., and what's the standard of living you envision with that (please specify type of living setting you're picturing if you decide to respond - urban like Mumbai, semi-rural like Rishikesh/Varanasi, other).

Maybe my monthly expenses idea is inflated because of what is advertised to NRIs in the US for rooms/apartments. I know there's so much in India that is not on the internet and opportunities/resources that can only be acquired through word of mouth.

>> No.1170847
File: 1.95 MB, 196x300, 1459449669201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tree Fiddy.

>> No.1170853

How many bitcoins would you need to retire?

>> No.1171559

probaby just 2 by 2020

>> No.1171584

Imagine if the entire volume of the known universe was packed full of particles the size of an electron arranged in a cubic lattice.
Now take the number of different possible ways to arrange the particles. In mathematical terms, the factorial.
Take that new number, and raise it to the power of itself. Not only that: take this last number, and also raise it to the power of itself. Do that same operation a number of times equal to the original number of particles.
The final result is the amount of money I'd like.

>> No.1171587

Ironic, she'd be willing to take half.

>> No.1171697


>> No.1171699


>> No.1171702

25 million.

This way I can live care free but I still have to be careful with my spending so life isn't TOO easy

>> No.1171861

Well, for $2k p.a. you would have to live with roommates if you want to live on a city like Mumbai or go live in a rural area where there's no electricity, water etc. I was only quoting the absolute bare minimum when I said that you only need $2k p.a. and of course I didn't not account for inflation.

All that said. You can easily get by with 10k inr a month. If you share a house with 6 other people like me you only need 800 inr for rent (water bill included) and about 150-200 inr for electricity and gas. Add another thousand for decent internet and 5k for traveling and eating out every weekend. All in all you'll still have about 3k inr out of those 10k inr which you can put back into the savings.

If you want to live in an apartment by yourself with a lifestyle close to a first worlder's then you'll need about 80k inr per month. The building I live in which is one of the shittier ones has a monthly maintainance fee of 20k inr per month. But that does come with a full time security guard and biometric scanner in the lobby. You also need to consider that India does not have a sewage system and every apartment building sells the dryed up shit from their septic tank to local farmers who grow vegetables in it. The food quality is very bad and you see people relieving themselves at every corner. Toilet paper isn't widely available and the police is probably one of the most corrupt in the world.

I personally hate this country and would leave without thought if I could. The people are horrible, its not because of poverty but the caste system and religious brainwashing. I don't know why you want to come live here because that's a really bad idea.

The bank I mentioned is the state bank of India which gives a 7.5 % interest on CDs

>> No.1171870

1 million would be enough. Not going to want more , not greedy and i still can get in a eastern european country and live like a king until death come upon me.

>> No.1171872
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300k Euros

>> No.1171882

$2,000,000 USD

2.5% ultra-safe returns= $50K a year

Way more then enough considering I'll just be backpacking Asia until I die.

>> No.1171888

1m and I'd move to LA

>> No.1171897

The day I got a supercar, a big house, and enough to donate 20 percent to charity and still live comfortably, I'm out.

So like 5 million.

>> No.1171907

> retiring on 100k
lol i have more than that in relatively liquid investments and i'm far away from even a meager retirement

>> No.1171910

louisiana perhaps

>> No.1171920

So.. For a few weeks then?

>> No.1171921

There's a few places I'd probably hole up in for a year or so.

>> No.1171964

Thanks for the reply, bro.

>I don't know why you want to come live here because that's a really bad idea.
This is a hard pill for me to swallow, but reflecting on my 8 months or so that I lived in India, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that this is really true. It has been my dream for years to live an ascetic sort of life in pursuit of scriptural studies and knowledge (not religious stuff, more philosophy and Vedanta, if you're familiar with it), but my experience with India even in the ""holiest"" of cities is that money is the only thing that talks. You'll find people who are on the surface trying to help you understand the truth, but in the back of their mind, it's just money - the same thing that happens everywhere.

I have this romantic notion of India from reading the comic books Amar Chitra Katha from my childhood I think. Seriously, I used to do so many mental gymnastics to make myself love India.

I don't have too much of a problem with the caste system, maybe because I lucked out by being born into a "high" caste.

I have relatives who live that 1st worlder life style in BOM (probably with monthly expenditures way higher than 80k/month), and I'm not insensitive to your notes about food quality being shit (I wasn't aware that it is literally produced with human shit - jeez).

During my stay in India I was ill almost every month, and lost a lot of weight/energy. But I was also determined to see it in a positive light because of my aforementioned romanticism with the country. Now having some distance from that whole experience/ordeal, and getting more used to earning and maintaining a 1st world standard of living, I'm having a hard time recapturing that romanticism.

Very helpful post, man. I hope your situation improves. This is kind of my dream of an early retirement vanishing from right in front of me, but maybe if I play my cards right I can make my money work for me in the US and get out of salarycuck life sooner rather than later.

>> No.1173052

What exactly do you do for a living

>> No.1173063


>> No.1173068

Enough to research the fix to my food allergies and to finance a Mars colony so I can get away from the bullshit here and live life in a relatively small, tight-knit group on a frontier, the way nature intended.

>> No.1173300

Hoch much do I need to live very well off interest?

Something like 15k per month?

>> No.1173613

thank you for this insight, was really interesting to read.

>> No.1173618

If id move to USA I suppose millions.
If I would live in my country, where top tier jobs are 20k a year and avarage jobs are 5k a year.
I'd be fine with 100-200k I guess, just to survive.

>> No.1173626

~6 million

>> No.1173772

$15K/month is $180K/year. At current short-term savings rates of 1%, you'll need $18M to generate that kind of passive income, If you buy 10-year US Treasuries, you'll need about $9M if you can get 2% yield.

The current environment for investment is abysmal. Historically, you could get 5% in a savings account and about 6% for 10-year USTs. That would lower the principal requirement to either $3.6M at 5% or $3M at 6%.

>> No.1174791


>> No.1174961


>> No.1174990

Just 1m

Living like a college student, I could make that money last 50 years

>> No.1175004

>They're just high class prostitutes who pretend to actually care about you in exchange for life.

Which is why you'll probably never be in a happy relationship.

I suppose you could never view a woman as your equal. That idea is just preposterous, right?

>> No.1175008

>No women has ever gone out with a homeless guy because he was so charming.

you've never seen the stories of female redditors fucking homeless men and convicted felons?

>> No.1175044

literally only 30k
it's enough to start a business i have in mind