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11617467 No.11617467 [Reply] [Original]

What’s a worthwhile degree not in STEM?

Engineering makes me want to blow my brains out. Like I have a month left this semester and don’t know how I’m gonna make it.

Thinking about switching to philosophy

I go to a top 30 uni so not elite but not a shit tier regional one either

>> No.11617490

>Not stem

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11617495

why are women such pigs, absolutely disgusting. i'd be gay if I weren't so scared of penis

>> No.11617497

I switched from Engineering to Accounting. Got a job right out of college. Hasn't been bad. The industry gives you alot of exposure, plus we drink alot.

>> No.11617509

Enjoy being a pencil pushing wagie

Engineering is the most NPC degree there is

Maybe you can waste your prime with your head buried in a math textbook but I can’t

>> No.11617513

Do comp sci with an emphasis on AI (unsupervised or meta learning). Nothing else will matter in a decade.

>> No.11617516
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I’m pretty sure accounting is even more soul crushing than engineering

>> No.11617537

You have no clue

>> No.11617539

Imagine being a CPA instead of working on robots in the oncoming revolution. Wtf

>> No.11617547

anyways, philosphy is fine, but it's a much harder path to take because you have to create it for yourself, unlike becoming an engineer or lawyer. If you don't have family connections or a well-defined goal career you are going to commit everything to get into (which doesn't require a specific degree), you will literally end up working retail. It will be up to you to acquire the skills and connections you need to enter the field you want to get into because your formal studies will not teach you that.

many if not most careers just want you to have that piece of paper so it really doesn't matter what it's in. honestly, I'd say do something safe like accounting and then pursue your real dream career on the side. You don't have to be an accountant, for example, but you'll always have that to fall back on and the degree to get your foot in the door elsewhere.

>> No.11617663

If you want a measly wageslave paycheck for the rest of your life do this. I would get certified in networking and cybersecurity if you want reliable and well paying work.

>> No.11617698

Go for the philosophy degree anon, I need someone to mow my lawn.

>> No.11617720

>Engineering is the most NPC degree there is

If you where sitting in my lap right now, I would seriously strangle you. This is such a reddit tier thing to say. Yes, alot of engineers are NPC's, but it is impossible to be a good engineer and a npc at the same time

>> No.11617722

I have 2 engineering degrees and there was a ton of competition. I ended up not getting a job in engineering and I actually enjoyed the field. Engineering is saturated as fuck. I ended up being a plumber and I wish I never wasted my life on college.

>> No.11617735

Women's studies

>> No.11617804

Here’s the thing. Nobody is born enjoying engineering work. We’re conditioned to think it’s a prestigious job all throughout school because the system need engineers.

In high school ask any of the “smart” kids what they are doing and they will say “engineering” and then why and they say “cause I’m good at math”

That was me, once I broke the conditioning though I realized how sad it is to waste your life thinking about numbers and theorems and differential equations and heat transfer and shit. It’s all bullshit. Engineers don’t even make anything profound these days, they don’t invent anything groundbreaking they just design cheap disposable Chinese bullshit.

>> No.11618041

most work is shit, so some people would rather get paid good bucks to do it plus you have to think continually so your brain doesnt rot like other menial jobs. Besides if you're good you wont be any numbers besides budget, you manage teams that do all the work

>> No.11618050

accountings sounds so fucking boring

>> No.11618073

>Nothing else will matter in a decade
you should really learn the basics of economics.

>> No.11618092


or it's just a reasonably well paid career and you're not doing shitty work and your skills are transferable and you're making useful things

>> No.11618121

>gOrilla warfare
>navy seal class

on the internet you can be anyone you want to be. its fun

>> No.11618352

> AI removes all resource constraints
> muh econimocis degree
Nothing else will matter once AI begins to work. Either be a part of that or just wait for us to finish.

>> No.11618415


Sounds like your just an npc. I've always loved taking things apart and designing things. Sorry that isnt you

>> No.11618443

>Nobody is born enjoying engineering work
Are you seriously saying this unironically?

>> No.11618446

This. And even more building new things nobody ever made before.

>> No.11618464

Someone replied all with this pasta to our University's entire freshman class some years back and got absolutely buttfucked as a result. Shit was neato

>> No.11618564

the future richest man in the world was a philosophy major at NYU

>> No.11618596

Is economics a good degree?

>> No.11618620

Philosophy is great if you don't care that much about money. My dad is a philosophy major (currently working as a professor). He loves it, but he always talks about how tough/competitive the job market is for philosophy majors.

Make sure you pick a major you actually are interested in. A lot of degrees can lead to success, but it's really tough/impossible to get to the top if you don't like what you're doing. In terms of money the best majors outside of STEM are probably accounting, finance and law.
Don't assume you know what majors and, more importantly, the job opportunities they give you are "boring". You already made that mistake once when you assumed engineering would be great for you. Talk to people who work as accountants, work in finance, teach philosophy etc. BEFORE you pick a major. Also, remember that something that is boring to study might lead to really interesting jobs (and vice versa).

>> No.11618637

>Thinking about switching to philosophy
The absolute state of this LINKboard

>> No.11618703

It's not bad, but you should consider doing econ + math/finance/accounting/CS/statistics instead. Pure economics is mainly good for becoming a teacher or working in the public sector.. Have you considered just studying finance or accounting? I'm a finance major fwiw.

>> No.11618725

Philosophy is great if you're really passionate about it. It's obviously not something you study if your goal is to make 200k+/year, but I'm sure OP knows that.

>> No.11618726

I already have a cs degree but I'm interested in getting a second degree to complement it

>> No.11618749

>be man
>have to sacrifice years of your life and countless hours to study and work hard at your Uni to get a white collar engineering job making ok money where you work 60hrs a week

>be woman
>marry the guy, stay home and spend his money while you fuck Chad on the side

>> No.11618784

>Something in commerce
>Something in IT
>Business Intelligence

>> No.11618800

Why not finance? CS + finance is a really strong combo imo. What is your dream job/career? Unless you want to work for the government, finance >> economics in terms of career prospects.

>> No.11618869

You're underestimating how long true AI will actually take.

>> No.11618879

desu I don't know, it's just that I liked economics so I thought of going deeper. what's the difference between that and finance? I don't know anything about the fields in terms of work and career prospects

>> No.11618931

I would say CS is mandatory for anything.
Not being fluent in coding in 21st century ..you are dumb goy and you are out.
Unless you garner some diversity points, but that will get you a job only, not success in life.

>> No.11618945

>Economics = Economy and trade
>Finance = Investments

>> No.11618949

Give it a try anon, you'll get used to it and even come to enjoy it.
I used to be straight, but I purposely turned myself gay by masturbating to gay porn. When you orgasm to this content it rewards your brain and slowly rewires it, so that you eventually enjoy it, even if you found it disgusting at first.
Now I have an awesome bf and we fuck everyday. I don't know why more people don't talk about this. It's basically MGTOW but way better.

>> No.11619077

Philosophy is probably the most demanding (non) stem subject to take. Ancient Greek and Latin are prerequisites in my country

>> No.11619123 [DELETED] 

You should use to google to read about the differences.

Economics is to finance what physics is to engineering. Economics teaches you the basic concepts that underpin businesses, economies, markets, currencies, welfare, public spending, taxes etc. Finance teaches you how to use economic/financial theory to make management/investment decisions, how to value assets etc.

>> No.11619175

you probably just got meme by a church or highly religion-influenced society. But srsly it's pretty much the same if you go homo. I got homo friends that are always switching couples and cheating on each other. True degeneracy Love doesn't exist, hire hookers.

>> No.11619174

pleb basic bitch taste in music bro

>> No.11619215

You should use to google to read about the differences.

Economics teaches you broad theories that underpin businesses, economies, markets, currencies, welfare, public spending, taxes etc. Finance teaches you how to use economic/financial theory to make management/investment decisions, how to value assets etc. Economics is to finance what physics is to engineering.

>> No.11619227

Elite schools are easy. Top tier public schools are always the hardest ones. Mit is also hard.

>> No.11619236

I majored in accounting and do a lot better than your average engineer.

>> No.11619295

> true ai
Narrow ai will be good enough for most tasks. See alpha go. It's already here.
If all the CPAs decided to stop wasting their lives and started understanding and automating with AI, we would get there a lot faster.
Too bad the CPA lifestyle breeds complacency and boredom.

>> No.11619411

Are Coursera certificates valued by employers?
I'm planning to do alot of data science and coding related ones.

>> No.11619414
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>> No.11619668

They already are, dumbass. I work for a Big Four firm and we focus a lot on RPA, Tableau, and Alteryx.

>> No.11619832


Narrow AI?! That doesn't exist you dimwit. Just call it machine learning and be done with it.

Also, RPA is a piece of shit that's sold as "AI" to fucking clueless shithead managers.

>> No.11620629

"Weak artificial intelligence (weak AI), also known as narrow AI, is artificial intelligence that is focused on one narrow task."
Good. Do more of it and dive harder. You don't just have to be a data janitor.

>> No.11620667

Says the NEET. I know for a fact that I can automate more shit than you can.

>> No.11621893

>tfw majored in industrial engineering
>have a cushy office job where I dick around in excel and Visio all day and make 65k

Everything went better than expected

>> No.11621939

I went to my college's science and engineering library yesterday. Never saw so many Pajeets and gooks in my entire life.

>> No.11621948

I studied Chemistry. It was really fun. I didn't get a good job, but it was fun.

>> No.11622273
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Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD candidate here

mainly researching wireless power transfer for electric vehicles at the moment

great part about being in this major is the range of versatility we're taught in programming and hardware applications, we literally can create anything we want techwise

glad I learned some programming too without the nightmare of a full CS degree
a side project of mine recently is a binance ticker that tracks volume spikes on lowcap coins
gotta take advantage of these shitcoin PnDs while its hot

>> No.11622308
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>> No.11622425

Started engineering, hated it. In physicis, I was always thinking, “but how will this make me money???” I actually enjoyed calc for the challenge but that’s just a necessary sacrifice.

Switched to business, got a bachelors of business admin with a concentration in MIS. This along with several failed apps got me a very solid job as a cloud engineer.

Good thing about MIS is I can spin it different ways. Interviewing for a bank? Highlight the bachelors in business admin. Interviewing for tech? Highlight the MIS and my apps.

Of course as soon as I started wageslaving I realized it’s hell, so try to build a business while ur still in school. I was too comfy at school, now I’m scrambling to make some sales

>> No.11622433

Just call it a decision tree.

>> No.11622666

>honestly, I'd say do something safe like accounting and then pursue your real dream career on the side. You don't have to be an accountant, for example, but you'll always have that to fall back on and the degree to get your foot in the door elsewhere.

This. Most of Engineering is not just fucking boring (Not everyone works SpaceX or Boston Robotics), its not sustainable. It feeds on infinite autism with brilliant introverted kids to have over-supply situation. AI is a meme at this point.

t. Electronics Engineer. Master of Statistics switching to CFA/FRM

>> No.11622680

>65 k

literal peasant wage

>> No.11622701

What about software engineering, anon? I enjoy software engineering regardless of what it pays.

>> No.11622810

>uni rankings

nobody cares about this shit for undergraduate shit. You learn the same shit in every degree mill.

Rankings only matter if you are doing graduate level research, or in law, where you benefit from working under the top minds with the best resources.

>> No.11623475

I have a relative who worked for Boeing about 10 years. Last year I chat with him and he says he's not even an engineer anymore and changed careers to an entry-level finance job. It was an engineering redpill moment for me.

>> No.11624098

Software Engineering is a dangerous/dead-end career unless you are Chad/Connected enough to end up in management / executive / VC circle-jerks.

Get a domain experience, if you are introvert.

CFA/CPA/FRM/MBA-Fin (I hate the last one personally) can get you some good solid finance foundation.

>> No.11624131 [DELETED] 


>> No.11624142


>> No.11624158


thats one flat ass

>> No.11624191

>wireless power for something that sits idle for no less than 20 hours a day
Sure anon, keep being a goy
Daytrading isnt real. Its called a zero sum game u tard

>> No.11624280

was he a civil engineer?
banks usually hire civils to help analyse projects before investing or financing contractors

>> No.11624369

I don't know for sure, but I think he was an aerospace engineer. He completely left engineering last I talked to him and was doing financial planning.

>> No.11624635

this guy is just talking out of his ass


>> No.11624735

just learn a lot of math and do analytics, its the only CHAD field

>> No.11625093
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>Engineering makes me want to blow my brains out
Imagine UNIRONICALLY not being an autist.

>> No.11625125

>What’s a worthwhile degree not in STEM?

Such things do not exist.

>> No.11625139

>Thinking about switching to philosophy

You are literally retarded, so philosophy would probably be perfect for you.

>> No.11625238


Its not bad. I make $80k/yr and don't work a second of overtime.

If you don't want to do big four slavery you don't have to.

t. CPA