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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11617390 No.11617390 [Reply] [Original]

Just went all in on LINK. Down the pub with the better half to celebrate our future.


>> No.11617402
File: 48 KB, 391x630, sergey3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats marine. you did well

>> No.11617407

>Celebrates future
>Goes to wetherspoons

>> No.11617415

Does your gf know you just went all in on a shitcoin?

>> No.11617417

why did you buy now instead of at 25 cents

>> No.11617428

Is she white or spic? Hard to see from the pic.
You should check out this poll now that you're stinkers:

>> No.11617429


>> No.11617438

>why didn't you buy bitcoin at 25 cents?

>> No.11617443

Welcome to the millionnaires club.

Any one who tries to FUD or says otherwise is flat out lying.

>> No.11617458
File: 38 KB, 1526x194, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations friend! get comfy, tell your boss to suck your cock, get ready to buy a vast homestead and buy your groceries in a lambo

it's over, you made it!

>> No.11617459

As youre in spoons pal, i would recommend you have a bengalli, very tasty

>> No.11617494

Thanks fren

Too right anon, All my fiat went into LINK. Where the fuck else am I going to get pissed?

Yes, she’s excited for Singularity.

Flipped other shitcoins to build gains into LINK. Shit took time.

We’re both white.

Thanks boys. Been a linky since day one but never all-in.
Poorfag though, only 10k. But it’s a big deal for me.

Thanks boyo, i’ll Check that out. Was looking at the Tennessee burger but I don’t want to be too carb gassy for tonight

>> No.11617523

What spoons anon? I'll join you for a pint if it's near. My shout.

>> No.11617629
File: 143 KB, 407x1200, sixpoint-brewery-year-round-beers-BENGALI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its bengalli beer pal

>> No.11617650

I want to punch your wife in the head for marrying a dumbass linky

>> No.11617672

Is your penis as feminine as your hands?

>> No.11617704

Wales my boy. In a middle of nowhere valley town, so doubt it. But I appreciate the comraderie. Where are you?

Kek, I thought it was some kind of fucking curry. Nice okay, I’ve never tried Asian beers but i’ll get that next just for you. Bare with.

Not my wife, my gf.

Not my hands

>> No.11617721

Why didnt you all in at 0.18 like we told you to.

>> No.11617730

oh, how convenient.

>> No.11617778
File: 12 KB, 500x441, 1533588265251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wont come close with 10k, i hope you know that anon

>> No.11617779

Southerner checking in fren, maybe post singularity then I'm afraid

>> No.11617812
File: 16 KB, 500x322, 1537615652484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JUST went all in on LINK
>imagine not buying at 1800 sats

>> No.11617865

Somerset 50k Linker here
Unironically also in Wetherspoon

>> No.11617902
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, 14C63BB1-04AC-433D-BBC5-2368F16D44C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a Tsingtao as they had no other Asian beers, this was the closest thing kek.

Had no means of income last year, started a business so I now have disposable income. Shit happens.


Time will tell.

I’ve got steel gauntlets, spend your fud elsewhere.

Congrats lad. What are you planning to do with all that money?

>> No.11617928

Freinds & Family

We should all meet up in a few years after we've made it

>> No.11617931

Post your gfs tits

>> No.11617936

Enjoy anyway pal, i dont think bengali is an asian beer anyway. Welcome to the club marine.

>> No.11617941

unfortunately, she lost them in a train explosion.

>> No.11617956

If you can afford a beer you clearly didn't go all in.

>> No.11618053

show pics of wife feet

>> No.11618062

Can’t fucking wait. The real gains are the memories.

What >>11617941 said


>> No.11618079

Not my wife, Pajeet. Go buy mobius

>> No.11618125

Does your girl know you're posting pictures of her on Taiwanese basketweaving forum?

>> No.11618147

What does link need to reach for you to "make it"
Also I just ordered one of them beers and it tastes like shit lol

>> No.11618172

Then show her cleavage or fuck off

>> No.11618189
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>> No.11618231

Seems the consensus is you need at least 1 mil to make it, although a lot of posts also say like 5 mil. So either of those numbers divided by 10k.

>> No.11618240

Personally I need it to hit $40 to be set for life and then some.

>> No.11618326

I would have 2 million if it hit $40
I just can't believe it

>> No.11618345
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>> No.11618359

fucking lol. sad on second thought

>> No.11618364

Did you sell those 1$ REQ bags Dave?

>> No.11618487

Yes, but she thinks 4chan is pol.

No thank you.

What do you think is sad?

>> No.11618499

Never held REQ, not Dave.
This is Wetherspoonsanon.

>> No.11618538

You have bipolar disorder anon, and should consider sorting yourself out.

>> No.11618588

Friendly reminder, Town Crier is literally a university project by a bunch of college kids and teachers (those that can’t do, teach) and Chainlink actually spent precious ICO funds for it. KEK!

>> No.11618763

Pretty hands

>> No.11618804

$5 MAX for this project.

>> No.11618813

Reminder, Town Crier is run by Ari Juels who is Facebook's engineer.

>> No.11618830

>Ari Juels who is Facebook's engineer.
wrong guy.

>> No.11618855

No I didn't fren. This anon needs his bags around to ensure the sell high lesson stays learnt.

>> No.11619212

>buys the top
never change biz

>> No.11619233

>beer is culture

>> No.11619276


Ari Juels was the chief scientist at RSA

Look up RSA

>> No.11619644


She's not wrong entirely. Mine thinks the same, simply assumes anything non-rightwing on any imageboard is a shill or jidf. She lurks /pol/ more than I do though lel.

>> No.11620380

Does your gf also know you just threw all your money away on a meme coin and in a year from now you will both be completely, inescapably rekt?

>> No.11620538

>Unironically falling fore the link meme
>Didnt realize it was all memes
>unironically thinks hes going to get rich with internet funny money

Oh no no no...i can assure you your gf is cuckolding you at this very moment

>> No.11620542

Mongohausse confirmed.

>> No.11621087

Aussie fag what pub you at. Also how much link did you go all in?

>> No.11621119

go ahead skin it skin that smoke wagon and see what happens

>> No.11621249

Congrats on buying the top

>> No.11621262

this, what a nimrod

>> No.11621361

Fine with me I can't imagine $5 per. link wow

>> No.11621519

I wouldn't mind a 27x roi. Do you literally hate money or something?

>> No.11621566 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 720x1280, 1529438375490.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags really made LINK some reddit tier meme the way you're talking in this thread. Congrats on being a faggot.

LINK was always a shitcoin and I never laughed at a single pro-link thread.

>> No.11621592

>he thinks university professors are ‘teachers’

>> No.11621598

well damn

>> No.11621603

shoo kike

>> No.11622518

>christian cross
>trad woman confirmed

Anon, I am very proud of your apparently good track record of excellent decision making. You are definitely going to make it. Stay stinky, fren.

>> No.11622542

Please don’t say that. I only have 5k and I’m not putting anymore in. I mean what if this is all goes to shit? Plus I don’t have anymore capitol.

>> No.11623117

they are fucking with you. Even 100 Link could make you quite a sum in a few years

>> No.11623159 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 1244x859, flolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rekt coming 4 u.
Disgusting fucking shills are everywhere with their heavy ASS BAGS. I guess that's what happens when you buy up an ICO
Did you know that BAT ico had only 120 participants. Imagine how fucking big their smiles are as they dump that shit all over coinbase! LOL! BAT raised $30million in 6 seconds. It's now trading at 400million.Lmao pajeets 15x'ed those rich guys money

Oh,and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like LINK, XRP, TRON, ADA that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchains with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200
And with that...I present you pajeets with the one and only Angelina FLOlie

Did you guys see the violent + epic rise of RVN from 30 million to over $150 million market valuation in the last weeks???
I'm here to tell you that FLO is the sister of RVN. FLO is only $5 million marketcap.
The rise of RVN was due to Overstock and Tzero using RVN for their platform.Well...they're also using FLO! It's on the down low. Nobody knows. But now you do!

Binance listed RVN because it was fairly launched and had NO ICO and NO premine. Guess what?So was Flo.
tZERO bought 5 Million $FLO

Take a look:

Then take a look at the transaction data:

"Inventory Posted: SOI(239) STI(246) Broker(1313) Account() Time(08/14/2018 08:00:01.846) Side(Sell) Symbol(GPRO.DLR) Qty(8400) Price(0.00600) OrderType(Limit) TimeInForce(DAY)"

These are coming from tZERO DLR records that are stored on top of the FLO blockchain

Check out a more informative post here:

Thank me later.

>> No.11623318

if it hit 40, i would be set for a nice house i could only dream of. i need it to go to 100 to make it

>> No.11623862

Her hand was wrapped around Tyrone's dick at one point of her life.

>> No.11624312

> projecting your fantasies on to others this hard
It's kind of weird how pol is obsessed with interracial sex.

>> No.11624422

I wont boast about who i am. But I'm The shot caller of biz. My call from a year ago still stands. 3 dollars is the top if Link works out everything . This is a rare scenario btw