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File: 297 KB, 720x828, linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11615419 No.11615419 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow linkies, a small tip..

Mat confirmed you will get a cut of everything when you have Linkpool shares.

You get revenue from DEX fees (Linkpools own exchange for shares), NaaS payments (node as service, this could be HUGE), your cut from stakes and anything they come up with in the future.

AND you can also stake your links before non share holders.

At the moment, part of share is under 0,5 ETH. Even the priority staking is worth 0,5 ETH, it is literally just 100$.

Linkpool DEX is open:


>> No.11615556

Forgot to say this is an eternal deal.. as long as Linkpool is running, you get something.

>> No.11615610

So where do I actually see what the price of the shares/tokens are trading at?

>> No.11615645

lmao people actually paying 12x for LinkPool shares. Why not just buy LINK? There will be other link staking pools. The people selling you 12x are making good money and will most likely be buying LINK with it.

>> No.11615663

You must log in with Metamask, then those are visible.

>> No.11615677

How do I sue the Jew S government for lost profits for preventing me from dropping 10 eth into this?

>> No.11615678

You can't get much LINK with 0.5 ETH, but you get priority staking for good nodes with that. It is more like x 6 to crowdsale, back then, ETH was 400$.

>> No.11615683

What happens when they pivot and start a new company and eol linkpool

>> No.11615690

Friendly reminder, Town Crier is literally a university project by a bunch of college kids and teachers (those that can’t do, teach) and Chainlink actually spent precious ICO funds for it. KEK!

>> No.11615716

Will .5 eth get priority even to stake like 50k?

>> No.11615717

They have teo options to staling right? One where you stake and do absolutely nothing bu they take a 20% cut but theres also an option where you do a little more work for 10% cut? Can someone confirm?

>> No.11615718

sick fud m8

>> No.11615750

What do you think the chances are that Linkpool goes the same way as towncrier and gets absorbed into Chainlink?

>> No.11615811

Linkpool goes against chainlink's vision. Sergey would have us all set up a node.
none. nada. zero.

>> No.11615814

Zero. The founders of CL should want to make it as easy as possible to run your own node, because that is increasing decentralization.
If more people join a staking pool your network becomes less decentralized.
You often hear that BTC mining is centralized because most of the hashrate comes from chinese miners and kind of the same critique could address Linkpool, when they manage a large part of the Chainlink supply.

>> No.11615831
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>> No.11615838

They're likely in talks with RocketPool. Their advisor Jake Brukhman, CEO of Coinfund just had a devcon presentation all about general mining / staking. Worth the watch

>> No.11615862

I also predict link / town crier will be used to link the ethereum main chain to the Beacon chain and shards similar to how it will be used in polkadot and also to provide reliable randomness. The eth guys are discussing producing specialized randomness hardware that is totally unnecessary if you listen to Sergeys most recent talk from devcon. It's just a matter of eth devs getting off their high horse and making use of Link

>> No.11615870


If Jonny had any fucking sense he would have open sourced his tensorflow files and established them as a framework for CL nodes.

Therefore making substantial amounts of money from private businesses requiring integration support on a contractual basis and having the benefit of the open source community improve his product offering


>> No.11615932

Yeah, i don’t understand: why does that critique not apply to chainlink? My understand is that it partly solves that centralization issue for other entities....but then at the same time suffers from that same problem on its own. Had that ever been addressed? Re scaling ? To my mind it’s not really a trivial issue , it would come up as soon as link became a thing in the market in an even slightly serious — possibly even more so when you consider that corporate espionage is a real thing.

>> No.11615943

So what happens if Rocketpool aquires linkpool? Obviously they aren't going to be down with having to give a portion of their profits back to LP share owners.

>> No.11615969

Because it's literally Bitconnect 2.0.
I'll just set up my own link node thank you.

>> No.11615998

Idk why anyone would aquire linkpool. Setting up aws and devops is simple

>> No.11616016

Are you planning to purchase API access? Will you write your own custom adapter for it?

>> No.11616023

Won't that shit be open source?

>> No.11616055

Lol...no. You need access to an API that provides data useful to smart contracts.

>> No.11616073

In order to be successful you have to offer high quality APIs. E.g. buy access to the Bloomberg Api which costs $14900 per month

>> No.11616080

Europe's pushing for open bank APIs

>> No.11616093
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imagine giving your money to jonny huxtable
>jonny huxtable

>> No.11616098
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how does one get linkpool shares my dudes

>> No.11616109

actually it's already law since january. Banking apis are open.

>> No.11616123

Can you set up Town Crier as well? Secure Enclave nodes will be ablbe to charge a premium.

>> No.11616134

Yes, Euro banks are opening up their APIs but there are a nearly infinite number of other needed data sources that smart contracts will want to use that are closed. Some of those bill per call. How much link profit will be eaten up by paying for access? I'm not saying it won't be profitable but it won't be as profitable for those needing access to closed API sources.

>> No.11616136

Yes I can and already have. Only available on Azure atm. Linkpool is all aws currently so no SGX.

>> No.11616173

Can someone give it to me straight:
Price of linkpool share at ico
Price of linkpool share today

If I buy 1 linkpoolshare what will it give me?

>> No.11616238

Buy them on LP’s DEX.

>> No.11616253

because when you use aws it suddenly means you can't use anything else right

>> No.11616276

In the crowdsale, 1 ETH =1.4 Linkpool shares (it should have been 1:1 but they didn't reach their cap and they redistributed the remaining shares to contributors).
The last trade on their DEX was 6 ETH = 1 linkpool share (the amount sold was under 1 share, though). There are buy orders up for 4 ETH/share that are not filled yet.
Nobody knows how much link you will be able to stake if you own 1 share. Anons speculate that 1 share will allow you to stake around 10-20k linkies, but nobody actually knows for sure. The team said they will decide at mainnet launch or close to it.

>> No.11616286
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>> No.11616303

I'm the fag who just bought the .08 at 6 ETH. Just wanted to secure some amount so I can get in on priority staking, however much LINK per share it ends up being. I've got 30k stinkers though so if 1 share = 10k then .08 shares is really not gonna do much for me. Not worth buying more at these prices in any case.

>> No.11616357

It might be worth it if Linkpool secures a large number of jobs immediately after mainnet launch.
The price of link will probably be relatively low so the rewards should be attractive.
That's what I'm betting on, at least.

>> No.11616358

also considering ETH was $400-$500 during the crowdsale, that's equivalent to 2.5 ETH/share now. So people buying at 5ETH right now aren't actually paying 5x crowdsale price, it's 2x at most. Unless you're one of those 1gwei = 1gwei weirdos.

>> No.11616393

I'm not looking to buy, I'm actually looking to sell. I have 2.84 shares and I put up for sale 0.32 shares.
If every share gives you priority staking for 15k or more link, I'll be able to stake my entire 31k stack. That's the assumption I'm working with.

>> No.11616396

>If more people join a staking pool your network becomes less decentralized.

Not really, Linkpool will have a total LINK staking limit per node, and for what I have heard it will be reasonable low, so they will definitely have a great amount of nodes. They are working closely with Sergey so don't worry about decentralization.

>> No.11616410

Yeah, they said they will carefully monitor the network in order to avoid having too many nodes or jobs.

>> No.11616433

Good call now when ethereum is kinda cheap compared to link price.

>> No.11616443

Thanks, I'll screencap this

>> No.11616460

so it begins

>> No.11616462

I'll screencap this too. Thanks mate

>> No.11616480

No problem, fren. We're in this together.

>> No.11616541

>people don't know there are other staking services coming

>> No.11616617

Because I'm a burger who couldn't participate in the sale. FUCK.

>> No.11616626

I was looking into Rocketpool to figure out how to create a contract for multiple people to chip in on a single node.

An open source pooling mechanism for link nodes would be amazing.

>> No.11616655

>What's your excuse not owning a Linkpool share?
I live in the US. Haven't bothered doing the research as to why I am not allowed. Any faggots want to enlighten me on what kike laws are cucking me from being invested in LinkPool?

>> No.11616676

I guess you can buy shares..

"We are using geolocation in the DEX to identify any US-based traffic. If you are identified, a disclaimer will be shown asking you to accept that you’re not a US citizen. "

Just accept it and enjoy the benefits rest of your life, they don't have KYC.

>> No.11616684


also interested in possible reprocusions

>> No.11616700

Linkpool is such a good deal for the buyers it makes you wonder why exactly Matt and Jonny would give up so much of all of their future revenue (as well as any new products they've said, which is something they do NOT have to do) if they really think its going to be that big of a success.

remember, like all ICOs (which this turned out to be, even though they said in the beginning it emphatically was not) the founders got theirs (i.e., a lot of cash) while you're left with shitcoins that don't do anything.

>> No.11616710

I don't see any progress on anything else do you

>> No.11616727

Just fork linkpools code it's open source

>> No.11616762

I would guess because;

1. They know this will be the next tech revolution

2. 75% of profits will still make them millionaires

3. They wanted to quit wage cucking and needed capital to commit developing Linkpool but didn't want to beg financing from corporations or already rich people

IMO this was the most fair option to us. We are still flying mostly under the radar.

>> No.11616772

Please point me to their staking contract because I cant find it.

>> No.11616774

> brainlet

>> No.11616786

>the founders got theirs (i.e., a lot of cash) while you're left with shitcoins that don't do anything.

They got like 700 eth when eth was 500-400$, just enough to run things until main net, nothing lambo or Bahama tier figures like most of hyped scam ICOs.

>> No.11616824

Idk I assumed it would be open source otherwise why the hell would anyone trust it

>> No.11616836

Hey Jonny. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.11616844

their contracts dont have the source on ropsten, presuming theyre waiting for audit and go-live on main to which theyll open source them

>> No.11617171

Don't know yet what will be the ratio for shares and staked link. Reasonable amount would still be thousands of links per smallest share.

>> No.11617217

I'm one of the 200 people in the world that hold
If link does what I've been brainwashed to believe, I just need to wait a year or two more and I will make it

>> No.11617252

Because you faggots are asking way too much for them. I'll buy when they're reasonably priced.

>> No.11617278

someone sell me one LP share for 2 eth pls

>> No.11617287
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This. Get fucked, heebs.

>> No.11617309

WTF are these insanely divergent prices. One minute a LP is worth 4 ETH and then 8 hours later it's worth 11.8 ETH? Someone got fucked there.

>> No.11617356

There's no volume for this shit. Only 200 people in the world hold it, and most believe in the long term vision. I'm a linkpoollet that bought in for the minimum, because I'm buying in with FIAT. If I'd have bought ETH early and had 1000+ ETH on hand, I'd have bought more and flip them now to cover my initial. I bought LINKPOOL for weak hands insurance because I fear I might sell my LINK too early. I'm disappointed they even made a dex. That being said I'd get in now no matter the cost. Alll these faggots are saying how easy it'll be to run a node or making a pool of their own, but you don't see any of them doing it. If any of you fags are making a pool I'll buy into that one as well.

>> No.11617383

The UI is really slick too desu. I'd buy, but 25% is a huge portion to give away I feel; I'll wait for another competitor. Oh, plus I'm a burger.

>> No.11617419

Even there is no volume one can get some cheap, just checked and cheapest part of share is just 0.34 ETH

>> No.11618028
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Wait, somebody explain to me how fees work on the DEX?

>> No.11618056

whats the ruling on burgers for real? If they buy shares and makes millions from link pool one day and cash out wtf happens

>> No.11618103

Ah ok I got it

>> No.11618161

burgers cant buy, right?

>> No.11618184


*some rules and conditions may apply

>> No.11618274

There are 2 main options:
-Average Linkpool staking (you do nothing, only deposit your Link in the Linkpool contract and you get rewards minus a 25% fee).
-NaaS (Node As A Service) in which you use their infrastructure but you do the work behind curtains. It will cost a fixed amount of USD in Link per subscription time.

>> No.11618317

They have plans to support SGX in the future

>> No.11618409

nothing dude. you justt couldn't particippate in teh crowdsale because they didn't want the SEC looking at them.

t. person who may or may not be a burger who used his wife's passport to buy or not buy into the LP crowdsale

>> No.11618513

That sounds incorrect but since Americans can't buy shares in LP, I'm too salty to look into it further

>> No.11618543

Fees are paid in LINK.
The fee is ~0.21% of the value of the trade.
The fee is paid 50/50 by the sell and buy side.

So if you buy 1 ETH worth of LP shares, the fee would be 0.0021 ETH (in LINK)

You would pay 0.00105 and the sell side would pay another 0.00105 ETH

>> No.11618661

Fuck this gay (((country))) right now. 1776 soon.

>> No.11618683

Lol probably the only woman who bought

>> No.11618731

How would anyone know you’re a burger and a LP owner? Whatever you make gets paid out in Link so you could restake the Links you make or transfer to Binance and cash that shit out whenever you want and no one would know

>> No.11618899 [DELETED] 

not true

>> No.11618912

not true, dodging the feds is not a good idea anon

>> No.11618943

I unironically beleive that Matt and Johnny fapped to her passport pic.

>> No.11618951

this. Absolutely this.
pls tell

>> No.11618989
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i don't even know what an API is

>> No.11619190

Kek worth it

>> No.11620066

I like to think I could build my own linkpool for myself and then let others use it, gradually allowing more link to be staked as I become more confident I won't fuck up and lose everyone's link permanently in some buggy smart contract.

I'm a software engineer with a bit of experience building boring CRUD apps, so it's not like I know anything about smart contracts, but it's probably not impossible and I can always look at the Google sre book to learn how to run a reliable service.

>> No.11620138

The sooner you start to develop and learn how to do it, the bigger your advantage will be towards other competitors. Jonny & Mat have been working on this since October 2017. They are a year ahead of any other competitor.

>> No.11620158


>> No.11620229

There's absolutely no liquidity.. hard to buy or sell a full share

>> No.11620230

1. Look at smart contracts to find out what data is being fetched
2. Contact the companies providing that data and offer to pay them for the data

If link moons like we think it will, even linklets might find it worthwhile to pay $15k for a Bloomberg terminal.

Imagine link reaches eth's peak market cap of like 140 billion usd, and let's say Sergey gave away almost all the extra LINK, so we've got like 900m LINK distributed and 100m still locked away.

With a circulating supply of 900m and market cap of 140B, each link would be $155. Even someone with 10k link would have $1.5M worth of link. And the link marine with the skills to set up a now and do their own devops is probably working as an engineer right now, making enough money to have more than 10k link. Say, 20k link. So $3M of link.

If things work out such that we make 3% annual return on our staked link, the 20k linkmarine is looking at $90k/yr in staking rewards. That's enough to pay for like $20k/yr in data subscriptions. And if you run this as a business, that should be a business expense that you write off anyway, so the true cost in your after tax profit is actually less than $20k.

As for me, I have over 200k link so... We'll see what happens but it could easily be worth doing this myself. I don't think I would want to, though. I see production systems get fucked every day and they're run by people smarter than me. Putting ALL my link in a pool run by myself (or any single entity) seems like a good way to get fucked by bad luck.

Every system has bugs. If any of you here are planning to use linkpool, think very carefully about how much you're willing to stake, especially when it starts. If the consequences of a hard-to-predict bug can mean you lose all your staked link, then maybe don't go all in.

It would be ideal if there were multiple link pooling services. Not just for competition, but to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Even with my own nodes, I'd want to use linkpool.

>> No.11620311

Its fine if you're not too greedy. I think any buy order if its 7-8 ETH / Share will get filled rather quickly.
Of course a 3 ETH / Share order will not get filled.

>> No.11620400

I have 20 shares. I contributed when ETH was $850-$300. Selling a share for less than 4 ETH is selling at a loss.

I wouldn't sell a share for less than 20 ETH though.

>> No.11620440
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>That 30 year old boomer tether maximalist

>> No.11621114

I bought 1 LP share for 4 eth. Very lucky.

>> No.11621123

i'm surprised the fat finger traders haven't taken advantage of it yet and put a bunch of absurd buy and sell orders like you see on idex and formerly etherdelta. I wouldn't count out something like 3 eth. some people are absurdly careless and have lost ridiculous amounts making mistakes on dexes.

>> No.11621224

Indeed, some pussy seems to need money and filled a few cheap buy orders. Congratulations to you for getting in though

>> No.11621263

literally just sold 100k

>> No.11621323

Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. I'm super comfy with 1LP share + 100k LINK. Might put up some new buy orders for 1 more LP share though.

>> No.11621351

I have 14.24 lp and 12k link
I am not comfie
I'm thinking of selling 9.24 to get to 50k link and 5LP
what're your thoughts on this?
my valuations place 1LP to be worth around 6,250 to 8,333.33 link

>> No.11621362

If you want and it helps you to decide I can provide some numbers, apart from the OP picture.

For every $1,000,000 that Linkpool earns, you will receive $62.5 worth of Link per every Linkpool share you own.

Also something that hasn't been mentioned in OP's pic: Having LP shares will allow you to vote in a DAO system for future changes in the Linkpool platform.

>> No.11621429

I really don't know about the valuation anon. I just know I bought mine for cheap (only 2x ICO price). It's too early to ascribe a real value to them since we have no idea about the network adoption rate and timeframe. We just believe this will be huge. In short, I would never sell for less than 10 ETH.

>> No.11621502

>For every $1,000,000 that Linkpool earns, you will receive $62.5 worth of Link per every Linkpool share you own
That kinda sucks man. Plus you’re betting on a startup that’s betting 100% on a startup. It’s insane if you think about it lol but I could see owning 1LP share but these people with 50 why not just own 300k link...I don’t get it because I’d be willing to bet link moons first and harder than LP shares.

>> No.11621602

I was contributing to the ICO but didn’t realise my transaction failed due to not having enough to pay gas. Biggest own-goal of my crypto life.

>> No.11621709

Right now if LP holders sold their free 40% at 7-8eth they could make back what they initially spent it fiat

>> No.11621718

The value of a LP share mostly depends on the amount of Link that will get staked in their pool.
Whats a realistic number? I think a conservative estimate would be 15 million Link, since that was the accumulated staking interest during their beta signup.
However on top of that there will be the earnings from NaaS and from the DEX.

The moonshot scenario would be Linkpool managing 10% of the Chainlink network, which would equal 100 million staked Link.

>> No.11621737

This is all speculation at this point but certainly possible in 2 years or so.

>> No.11621768

You don't understand, because they will all be LP nodes that's centralization

>> No.11621930

>For every $1,000,000 that Linkpool earns
Half right. For every $1,000,000 in revenue including the stake rewards you get $62.5 per share

So you are getting $62.5 out of Linkpools $250,000 share of the $1,000,000

So every million Linkpool earns themselves in fees, you get $250. Or 1/1000th

And you can multiply that by 1.4x as they distributed unsold shares to contributors

>> No.11621936

Update for typo...

*every million Linkpool earns themselves in fees, you get $1000. Or 1/1000th

>> No.11621941

Update for being stoned...
Maybe $250 was right

Channeling babbling stoner sergey nazarov

>> No.11621963

I sold 7% of my holdings for 20% more than my entire buy in (in eth) at just under 13 eth/share.

fomo on both sides is/was real.

>> No.11621972

am i being raped

>> No.11621977

a penis insertion

>> No.11621987

will make a thread on LP valuation in an hour or two
keep posted

>> No.11621996

how much was it originally per share if you dont mind me asking

>> No.11622043

There is no chance. The cl team despises Jonny. He’s basically the guy in class that can’t keep a secret and ruins everything for everyone by taking a great idea and corrupting it with his ignorance. He’s a fraud and anyone involved with his amateurish scheme is going to be BTFO so hard it will be difficult not to ridicule.
>muh centralize a decentralized platform
>muh token based on another token
Jonny is cancer with an ego. He’s someone that wants to ride on the coattails of success... the biggest economic breakthrough of a generation, perhaps even history, but is too stupid to pull it off and will do nothing but harm. Uh oh, pissed off Jonny incoming.

>> No.11622050

It was 1 Share for 1 ETH, but since they haven't sold out they gave everyone a bonus of 42%, so that 1 ETH got you 1.42 Shares.

>> No.11622062

When will there be a competitor?

>> No.11622067

cant really value it like that, you're pricing in LP's future and using it to compare link's current price

>> No.11622076

this post is clarity, the 300MM tokens to be distributed will not only be given to random fucking firms but also neets

>> No.11622085

You are correct fren.

>> No.11622086

the trouble is it's fucking annoying to set up nodes for the everyday neet

sometimes things just dont work and you dont know why.

>> No.11622093

linkpool sounds like a scam senpai

>> No.11622103

There are smarter people than Jonny interested in the success of this project. Just wait a bit longer.

>> No.11622132 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 1244x859, flolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur looking at the wrong alts
disgusting fucking shills are everywhere with their heavy ASS BAGS. I guess that's what happens when you buy up an ICO
Did you know that BAT ico had only 120 participants. Imagine how fucking big their smiles are as they dump that shit all over coinbase! LOL! BAT raised $30million in 6 seconds. It's now trading at 400million.Lmao pajeets 15x'ed those rich guys money

Oh,and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like XRP, TRON, BAT,ZRX, ADA that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchains with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200
And with that...I present you pajeets with the one and only Angelina FLOlie

Did you guys see the violent + epic rise of RVN from 30 million to over $150 million market valuation in the last weeks???
I'm here to tell you that FLO is the sister of RVN. FLO is only $5 million marketcap.
The rise of RVN was due to Overstock and Tzero using RVN for their platform.Well...they're also using FLO! It's on the down low. Nobody knows. But now you do!

Binance listed RVN because it was fairly launched and had NO ICO and NO premine. Guess what?So was Flo.
tZERO bought 5 Million $FLO

Take a look:

Then take a look at the transaction data:

"Inventory Posted: SOI(239) STI(246) Broker(1313) Account() Time(08/14/2018 08:00:01.846) Side(Sell) Symbol(GPRO.DLR) Qty(8400) Price(0.00600) OrderType(Limit) TimeInForce(DAY)"

These are coming from tZERO DLR records that are stored on top of the FLO blockchain

Check out a more informative post here:

Thank me later.

>> No.11622607

i mean just look at this fucking guy

he's definitely going through hell just to get a node set up

>> No.11622623

Because linkpool is a scam.

>> No.11622635

it is. shitty ico shilled only to /biz/ that didnt allow US participants. and the team has been shilling hard for the last two weeks in lead up for dumping the rest of their bags. (ive seen the shills use "we" when talking about linkpool several times"

>> No.11622904

This. Any retarded burgers buying this right now should off themselves.

>> No.11622925

So what high quality APIs are LinkPool instituting? Or is everyone just assuming they will use high quality, expensive APIs?

>> No.11622955

>he thinks there will be a large amount of jobs when mainnet launches

>> No.11622971

1 million recieved by nodes of which the shareholders take 25%. There are 4000 shares. (Linkpool owns 3000).
250 000/4000 = 62.5

>> No.11623820

You are going to make it

>> No.11623938

how much link do you have?

>> No.11623947

too expensive
will wait for cheaper solutions

>> No.11623964

I used an estimate of 100M initially (instead of 75M) thus the discrepancy

>> No.11623993

I think Linkpool's revenue is going to be by far more lucrative in the mid-long term than owning Chainlink. I own 50k Link though.

>> No.11624046

ngl, I'm jelly as fuck
I could get there if I go all in with my fiat
but I'd get rekt hopelessly if I did that
banking on a tesla short right now on simple fx
hopefully I can still grind my way up before singularity

>> No.11624875


>> No.11624893

You own LP and Link, no matter the quantity, you are already light years ahead than normies

>> No.11625255

but I'm not trying to compare myself with normies

I'm trying to compare myself with other link marines

>> No.11625438

I 100% disagree. LP success is directly tied it cant be successful until people are using the chainlink network.

>> No.11625475

although it's directly correlated, the beta is perceived to be larger than 1
e.g. link goes up 10%, lp goes up 15%
link goes down 10%, lp goes down 15%

LP being more lucrative isn't mutually exclusive with link itself being lucrative
it's just a matter of which would earn you more

>> No.11625521

I'm not talking about Linkpool shares price. I'm talking about the passive income for holding the shares. Haven't you seen OP's picture?

>> No.11625616

with 50k link and 20 LP
you don't need to fuck around this board desu

>> No.11626519


>> No.11626567

How much ETH can I get for 0,68 LP shares?
What was the last completed order?
I could really use the cash right now

>> No.11626959

7 to 7.3 eth per share have been last trades.. you could maybe get 5-6 eth with 0.68 shares if need money quick but I wouldn't sell for those prices at the moment.

>> No.11626971

Or at least leave 0.04 shares, so you can priority stake in the future. Highest buy order is now 5.4 eth if you really need money.

>> No.11627400

>LinkPool btfo
LinkPool shares about about to get a lot cheaper. Oraclefinder/fiews just announced EaaS

>> No.11627416

Sauce? I don't see how this affects LinkPool.

>> No.11627457


this directly impacts their NaaS service

>> No.11627489

I borrowed from a friend.
I hate borrowing but i don't want to kill myself if LP proves to be a goldmine.

>> No.11627496

Cool. Competition is better for everyone.

>> No.11627758

completely agree, this is huge for the network

>> No.11627900

I can't see any nodes on my linkpool dashboard

>> No.11628923

There is no main net yet, you can only stake in Ropsten network

>> No.11629112

so i can only use Chainlink from Ropsten Faucet?

>> No.11629143

Lol, dude you the following was reported and backed by photographic evidence: Sergey, Steve and Jonny spoke at length with one another during web3 this month. The conversation was described as being "very positive". Jonny is one of many future productive developers that will work to build onto and improve the protocol as a whole. The whole idea behind how chainlink is being built is so people can create their own adapters and chainlinked smart contrcacts - innovating throughout. As an investor, the fact that a complementary service is being built at all is immeasurably bullish. Dapps being developed by communities of non-dominant chains such as NEO or EOS barely compare to the current state of linkpool already - functional interface and built in dex? This is not even considering all of the ropsten-ready package being deployed and networking with Linkpool smartcontracts and their nodes to demonstrate exactly how it will all work... The quality doesn't even compare! Linkpool as a concept is good and the execution has been very impressive.

>> No.11629154
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Forgot to change my name from /v/ but yeah.

>> No.11629190

Someone posted a 15 LP sell order on Ropsten. How do I get test LP tokens? Or can that person do that because they actually have at least 15 LP?

>> No.11629219

What's the minimum linkpool to stake 10k?

>> No.11629236

Bs. Azure sgx signup has been closed for ages.

>> No.11629420

We don't have official numbers, but the estimates that people throw around here are about 1 LP = 10-20k Link staking priority.

>> No.11629504

Other calculations point out that you could stake 2-4K LINK for every share you own.

>> No.11629618

I got 0.2 for 4.6 ETH per share, I think that’s one of the cheapest that were sold. Was a bit lucky there.

>> No.11629637
File: 1.42 MB, 320x173, laffin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cant code