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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11611892 No.11611892 [Reply] [Original]

Do you browse this board unironically or ironically?

>> No.11611903

i just wanted to find porn

>> No.11611911


>> No.11611912

This is actually a very good question. I'm stumped as to how to answer.

>> No.11611928

2 people from this board paid me.

>> No.11611932

used to browse it unironically like 2 years ago but its so shit now i can only come here to laugh

>> No.11611933

Ironically unironically

>> No.11611979

I like to see what the people of 4chan think about the topic of business

>> No.11612355

I doubt anyone browses 4chan unironically.

>> No.11612479

I don't browse 4chan

>> No.11612493
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s̰͇͍̟̫̦͑̓͆̀̊̍͘͞c̶̢̡̦̗̱̮̯̺̙̽̿͂̂̓͐h̵̦̻̩̗̽̇̽̈͌͂̓̒͘͢͡l̸͚͔͋̔͘͟͢͝ō̷̢̘̼͙͚͉̝̔͛̃̇̊̊̚͝p̷̧͚̫̘̏̒̋̿̄̿ͅ*̵̨̢̤̥̤̥͖̘̜̆̀͂̃̾͆͂̃̎̕ *̯͖̭̼̹̪͔̻͚̃̄̍̕̕͢͡s͔͙̠̟̞̳͓̪̜̝̀̈̒̏͐̀͊c̡̡̧̛̛̛̣͇̥̦͋̍́̀͜͟͞h̢̡̢̢̟̣͔̭̊͋͒̐̓͊͊̌͠l̨̨̥̱̱̻͓͋̈́̿̌͆̾̇͑ö̵̙̪̳͕̖͇̻̤͇̯́̿͝͠p̷̢͔̤͙̘͎̭̘̫̭͋̒̎̄̉͠͡͝͡*̢͖͙̩̣̠͈͉̫̋̀̏̊̄́͊͜ *̷͉̘͎͉̤̥͐̽͆̉̏̌̍̕s͍͕̯̻̠̹̙͉͎̽͆͆̊͛̈̍́c̷̯͖͚͖̼̖͉͈͊̓̂̃͋̍͑͟͜͞h̨̥͖̘̟͒̒̐͗́͝l̛̬̰͍͕̱̀̌̒̽̎͘ó̷͓͍͔͇̟͎̝̯̠͆̉͘͘̕͟p̴̧̮̞̟̦̻͎͔͚͆̽̀̈́̈̍́͘͜*̶̡͓̳̦͉͇̱͔̖̹̓͒̓͋̃̿̋̚͘

>> No.11612498

I am totally serious modafuka

>> No.11612522

>gimme all yo efereum whyte boi

>> No.11612526

it's been weeks since a thread was unironically interesting

>> No.11612558

I ironically browse this board unironically

>> No.11613016


>> No.11613052

Unironically. This is the best place to research crypto gems.

>> No.11613055

I'm just here looking for cross-dressing shota hentai

>> No.11613134

depending on the thread

>> No.11613155

Teach me brobarian

>> No.11613160

Four years ago this board unironically led me to a very valuable reading list that helped me grow my net worth from 0 to $300k. I'm a nocoiner boglehead that now browses this joke of a forum ironically. It's very similar to /fit/ in that sense.

>> No.11613173
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I browse this board to datamine mostly

>> No.11613183

This board showed me a few moon missions before they mooned.

The memes keep me coming back though.

Notable mentions. FUN, BNTY, LINK oh and DRGN but I made those memes at ~20 cents

>> No.11613197


100% ironically

>> No.11613214

In order to make it here you have to use double think. You have to hold two completely contradictory thoughts and know when to switch your beliefs on reality, depending on meme magic. Meme too hard you'll loose everything. Don't meme at all you'll never make. Your ability to balance this force determines your success

>> No.11613272


>> No.11613297

ironically to look for hot fresh new npc memes

also like to see people larp about losing a lot of money its funny

>> No.11613313

I come here to check in on sentiment.

>> No.11613413
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hadnt been to 4chan since the ytmnd days. Came here when I started to realize the full extent of the shitcoin mania. I've held bitcoin since mtgox and didn't think people would actually fall for the altcoin meme, but here we are. Staying here to watch everyone lose their money

>> No.11613466

I Unironically browse this somalian cow dung house building tutorial forum Ironically

>> No.11613488

come here to use the one tool that tradeview dont have, the wojak index

>> No.11613489
File: 263 KB, 869x1254, HenshinGanbo-IDidntAskForThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I browse this board GENUINELY for information on how to invest. Thanks to Chainlink, I no longer have the motivation to learn until I cash out.

Pro tip: "Unironic" is not a word. It has literally no descriptive value and you and the internet do yourselves no favors using the word.

>> No.11613515

First unironically
Then dedicatedly
Then bitterly
Then ironically
Now I don't even know why. I spend a lot less time here. Its just chainlink cancer and threads about anons being unable to find the roastie of their dreams

>> No.11613535
File: 11 KB, 250x201, srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I just read, chain-fucking-lin and cancer, in the same sentence?

>> No.11613546

Pure cancer. See you on NYE.

>> No.11613562


>> No.11613647

How can one browse unironically or ironically?
Better answer me this:
Why are You retarded?

>> No.11613681

you're the pure cancer
CL is solving the lambo problem

>> No.11613685

I started ironically. Now it gets me deeper and deeper. Unironic mode on. I even consider buying chainlink. Help me

>> No.11613687

I post as an ironic bear but I'm unironically a bull

>> No.11613700

here is some help
>Reading all the old g and biz threads about btc and eth, most anons sold at the first x2... they had no idea what to expect. If link is indeed the third wave, most anons now have a better idea of what kind of return they should expect. This is a tactical advantage. Selling before 100 would be insane, before 1k would be foolish. They all underestimated how high it would go. In 2025 anons will read about the 1k meme and laugh at us for underestimating link. There's so much confusion in the crypto space yet the trajectory has been clear since Szabo outlined it. First the coin, second the smart contracts, third the oracle protocol. Crypto is useless without link. This is genuinely going to revolutionize industries, it's much bigger than bitcoin. If you have a single doubt about this, you haven't been paying attention to biz the past year. Those who became bitcoin millionaires are those who forgot about it for a few years. Just be patient.

>> No.11613710
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Reducing the surface of attack and increasing the difficulty of exploitation is still contribution. Btw, if you want to attack the threat model of a security analysis, you need a sociological explanation to the inappropriateness of the model, not a disregard of the model out of hand.

If by "new useful behavior" you mean novel new use within all transaction and contract realm, I don't believe distributed ledger offers anything novel in principle, in the same sense as computers did not offer anything novel compared to human computers and clerks. But the massive efficiency improvements proved fruitful. If central banks and civil courts can be automated to massively accelerate the asset exchange rate, I'd imagine a similar impact. If that's the goal, then tapping into external sources of information is a must.

>> No.11613934

Just lurk moar, desu. Holo, Constellation and FOAM are all projects I found out about on here back in April/May. Constellation is a coin toss at the moment because of all the FUD that the team refuses to address so I highly recommend you do your own research on it. RChain is in a similar position but they are confirmed to be insolvent. Both will either 1000x or dump to zero. There is no middle ground. I will be posting some other gems here once I secure my own stack so stay tuned. Also look into Zilliqa and Tauchain.

>> No.11613967

Ironically since I'm noncoiner, but I do not shitpost, maybe few posts during crashes.

>> No.11613982

got introduced to crypto here

>> No.11614087

dude, srsly...? are you crazy?

>> No.11614100

i was like that too, up until september where i started to accumulate on btc and actively trade to increase my btc holdings.

>> No.11614130

>please buy these coins sir

>> No.11614137

i cant believe there are still no coiners browsing biz....

>> No.11614399

You maybe right about Constellation either going 0 or 1000, but I'm looking at it very optimistically right now. The CEO has been replaced with a new one and they fully shifted their vision to enterprise. The team's engineering team is really their selling point and they're world class. A new token model will be released within the day, so I highly recommend you check that out. Anyway, here's a comment from one of the academics that made me really excited with Constellation:

Ratul from getonChain here (background: getonchain.com and academic background: ratulsaha.com). I have been with constellation since the inception, I was probably the first outsider to give feedback on the first whitepaper. I have had long chats with Wyatt, longer chats with Ryle on the tech. I was invited to SF a few months back where I closely discussed with the team for a month.

This team is working on a very unique approach to decentralization, period. I have been in this space since 2014, and quite longer in theory of distributed systems. The "true scalable decentralization" is one of the hardest problem that ever existed, so it will take some time before any team truly gets it. PoS and dPoS etc doesn't count, those are interim tech before the real tech comes. The constellation approach is truly unique, and it needs some extensive ground-up work before it can be showcased.

I know there are mostly traders here - something I do not understand or wish to indulge in. The only thing I would say is, they are working on one of the hardest problems in distributed systems equipped with some of the best engineers. Betting and judging their every move is a waste of time and energy, and very few people has the capability of even doing that right.

>> No.11614401

some people have to finally fomo in above $100k anon

>> No.11614438

This, but ironically
This, unironically

>> No.11615155

dude, wtf, did u just call me a nigger? im super white man. fuck you