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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 228x221, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11606625 No.11606625 [Reply] [Original]

> Guaranteed Coinbase adoption
> Actual quality product (Brave browser) and people (creator of Firefox) behind it
> Quality roadmap for the future, coincides with the global push for privacy on the internet

This is one of the comfiest holds currently.
Literally the worst FUD retards can come up with is that the value is capped at 1$, so worst case you will quadruple your money.

If you don't have this in your portfolio you should consider it as a long term, cheers.

>> No.11606649

kys deluded batards

>> No.11606653


>> No.11606672
File: 63 KB, 1080x724, 6CD32071-96C7-4AAD-AD84-A99CC37910D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATTIES are amongst the most deluded bag holders in all of crypto. Fucking up there with ripple and trontards.

>> No.11606690

what about Brendan Eich

>> No.11606696
File: 59 KB, 1165x543, Pv54XvB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See what I mean folks? This is the IQ of the crowd spreading FUD, this is their counter-argument.

Btw here is a google trends chart showing that the interest in Brave browser doubled in the last two years.

>> No.11606733

>investing in a token that can never go higher than $1
The absolute state of BAT boomers. This is how to stay poor.

>> No.11606754

i have 50 bat, how many months of netflix will this buy me in 5 years, like one?

>> No.11606788

the browser is nice tho

>> No.11606806
File: 48 KB, 534x401, 3258F474-82C2-494D-ABDF-DE937C1130A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. It really is unfuckingbelievable.

>> No.11606832

I’m sure coinbase is chomping at the bit to list this shitass browser plugin token

>> No.11606860


>> No.11606873


>> No.11607390


>> No.11607564

Are those prl bags feeling heavy? they should be. Its about to go to zero

>> No.11607579

how is it not at zero yet? how is that even possible?

>> No.11607637

They locked trading and they locked prl wallets on certain exchanges. They are waiting to do a screenshot so they can launch the prl2 contract.

People are still buying in because they think they devs still have enough funds. Top kek. They will get dumped on a second time when the team has to announce "hey guys we are insolvent, that bruno guy we made up really did a number on us, and we cannot fund development any longer. This is all brunos fault, but hey we tried at least"

>> No.11607660

Lol at all this shitty FUD.. BAT is currently one of the most promising investments in the market right now. If it was capped at 1$ it would already be one dollar you biztards

>> No.11607679

It will pass 1$, anyone with half a brain knows this.

>> No.11607715

It is capped at $1, and that would be in an extreme bull market

>> No.11607814
File: 6 KB, 226x223, Airport Latte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I thought it will be tied to the price of an airport latte.

They are going to use LAX, first coffee shop in the main hall?

>> No.11607829

It's not capped at 1$

>> No.11607835

Muuh 1$ cap oh no.. Screenshot that and send me a reply BAKA it's not true at all that's just fud. Prove me wrong

>> No.11607854

How the fuck is it obtaining value? They just say attention is worth shit and makes you earn their tokens that you either buy but can’t withdraw if you earn in browser - have to donate it and the creators you support have to drink a box of verification cans just to be eligible - while also somehow being able to rise in value.

> the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.11607990

I'm already comfy with 65k BAT. Do I dump my SUB and BNTY at huge losses to get a little more?

>> No.11608026

Probably 100 years worth of Netflix.
$BAT 20k sats by EOY

>> No.11608033

It's literally not capped at $1, it's been over that and in multiple interviews with Eich he said he wishes he made more tokens so each one could hover around a dollar but doesn't mind using decimal points like BTC

>> No.11608040

Why do websites run ads?
Attention is the currency of the web.

Why run any advertisements?

>> No.11608182

Lolz bro you know they are making it so you can withdraw the tokens right hahahaha go spread your shitty fud elsewhere

>> No.11608299

This is why you never trust biz retards. Always trust official sources before you trust the words of a fucking retard. The token grants are the only tokens you cant cash out

>> No.11608422
File: 242 KB, 1252x1102, brave_team_members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna know how I know you're retarded? Because you can't apply basic logic to this situation, or probably any. They have stated multiple times that when you download the browser you can claim 25 BAT which comes from Braves user growth pool. The reason why its unidirectional right now is to encourage grassroots growth as it kickstarts the economy. Users can only use those specific tokens to donate to their favorite youtuber or webpage, as they state explicitly when you accept the tokens. In the future when they integrate with coinbase you'll be able to buy or withdraw BAT as fiat directly from the browser with a debit card or bank account. They obviously know that the wallet being unidirectional forever would create a deadlocked economy, not to mention that everyone else in this thread does to0, except you, because you're retarded.

>beach shitter

>> No.11608465

BAT makes zero sense as a token.

Topline tried to use a different ad-monetization mechanism over 6 years ago and it didn't work because CPI and CPC is not a legitimate opportunity.

>> No.11608479

Holy shit- finally a non brainlet on biz

>> No.11608573

I'll cut to the chase for everyone reading this.

In some point in the future Brave will drop support for the BAT integration and just switch to normal ad-replacement or drop it and just be a privacy focused chromium fork with a non-profit foundation.

The token is garbage and literally makes no sense considering everything about how the internet works.

I'm also posting from Brave right now so you know I'm not full of shit.

>> No.11608584
File: 97 KB, 946x1200, 1540992983345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Sergey is that you?? Or just another autist

>> No.11608608
File: 169 KB, 918x1613, A0D476E3-A47F-447E-8439-6A8E263DDCBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it’s pretty sad anons are getting so hyped on a worthless token that only served as a funding mechanism to develop the browser.

>> No.11608631
File: 461 KB, 360x202, batman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do opposite of what biz says ironically...so far the lazy FUD in this thread is absolutely making me buy more BAT.

>> No.11608643
File: 35 KB, 640x426, E160310A-F536-47F2-86F4-FC4410DA929D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for helping fund my new browser, champ.

>> No.11608717

>hey guys listen to this guy he doesn't get it

>thanks for your service. The fud is doing great

>> No.11608737

Brendan literally goes around to conferences and gives advice on using tokens to fundraise for your business. Face it, bat was just a crowdfund for the brave browser.

>> No.11608805

Brendan is just using peter thiel as a cover for his exit scam. Damn anon i never thought of that

>> No.11608856
File: 62 KB, 620x387, 2A32FEF1-F6B7-4AFC-B1C6-37494C44765F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw BAT never gets added to coinbase

>> No.11608890

You know BAT is coinbases favorite token right??? >But muh BAT is capped at 1$. Big Brain Brendan gonna exit scam
Fucking kek

>> No.11608961

Coinbase’s favorite coin is ETH. Thanks for funding the brave browser with your crowdfund token.

>> No.11608989

E(A)TH MY ASS as Mike Tyson would say anon. Eth had its time. BAT is the next best

>> No.11609026

I'm fine with the $1 limit If it's essential for BAT ecosystem. Early adopters still have a chance to make a lot of money at the current price.

>> No.11609055

everyone on biz is already holding bat. we like to fud our own coin here so chill out people

>> No.11609163
File: 58 KB, 640x604, AEF3FFCB-92D2-48B4-AE87-540E16205A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding onto a fundraising token

>> No.11609218

you're right, i should dump it and pick up a nice whitepaper coin

>> No.11609238
File: 1.74 MB, 910x898, f90968ca1cdd7eda1e05c29b61478446c89e3b5d78c4c182b14254c0ed955abe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual quality product (Brave browser)

>> No.11609244

lets not forget the reqqies

>> No.11609252

I like how BAT was a scam to fund raise for the Brave browser... and every other coin was a scam to fund raise for literally nothing.

>> No.11609331

brave needs a crypto to work, i prefer that bat is in the browser instead of a shitcoin like eth or btc

>> No.11609595

>The token is garbage and literally makes no sense considering everything about how the internet works.
>severe smoothbrain detected

>> No.11609656


>> No.11609670

If $1 was guaranteed it'd be half my portfolio rn

>> No.11609681

Eath my asth

>> No.11609687

The absolute state of prl holders. They just cant let it go. I was going to let up on the prl fud and let it go to zero naturally, but now im more inclined to make sure it drops to zero as soon as prl2 is released.

>> No.11609811
File: 79 KB, 600x450, batgeorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eich scoffs at their punny FUD!

>> No.11609928

The BBC (BigBrendanCranium) will deliver great gains into us.

>> No.11609952
File: 239 KB, 1200x800, EichbrainBAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better believe it.

>> No.11610043

I think you responded to the wrong guy broski

>t.50K all in BAT holder

>> No.11610348

i was agreeing with you. prl holders are retarded.

>> No.11611553

It's going to moon very soon anon

>> No.11611627
File: 292 KB, 1500x959, BAT signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people that don't understand how BAT works
>all this BAT FUD
>all these wonderfully retarded /biz/ anons chatting absolute shit about BAT

we're back in a big way, BAT bros

>> No.11612279

Wait until fidelity and actual brave marketing. We should hopefully see strong user growth. I think coinbase users and people looking to invest in the token might become more interested. They will see its only at $3.27 too

>> No.11612304

Got brave on phone even before bat was a thing
Where to go to claim my 40 acres and a mule coins

>> No.11612444

Bnty...oh god

>> No.11612749

desktop. Desktop is actually good now