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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11607020 No.11607020 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11607053

Have you not heard of Monero? Untraceable value transfer.

>> No.11607058

Because blockchains can't scale

>> No.11607069

IF XMR isnt the killer app Crypto was a mistake. Also blockchain is a dumb buzzword that wasn't even in the BTC whitepaper.

>> No.11607075

Blockchain as a whole has probably caused at least hundreds if not thousands of suicides, doesn't that count?

>> No.11607093

blackpill: there's dozens of blockchain killer apps, the first of which being bitcoin (core, pre-2015). blockchain is so revolutionary most of the world will lag behind for a long time. count at least a full generation before a decent number of educated people even grasp use cases

>> No.11607096

>blockchain is a dumb buzzword
pretty much this. the whole
>blockchain is the real value not bitcoin
is a retarded boomer meme. the real value is decentralisation and censorship resistance.

>> No.11607147

Killer apps are: bitcoin, monero, proof-of -existance like opentimestamps.
But the latter only needs to include a few dozen merkleroots into the bitcoin blockchain per day and it doesn't need a useless token, so nobody talks about it.

>> No.11607432

Augur is highly fascinating

>> No.11607450


zoom out, you can be your own bank

>> No.11607458

Because killer apps don't need to run on blockchain. It's a solution looking for a problem to solve.

>> No.11607762

Bitcoin is hard money. That is a killer app

>> No.11607963

Thanks anon, first useful thing I've seen here for weeks. Thought I'd have to somehow roll my own solution for a side project but this will help bigly.

>> No.11607991


It does, it's the privacy currencies(Monero, Nerva etc etc). Everything else is pretty much just useless hype at this point.

>> No.11608004

I heard the wallet is shit

>> No.11608035

Guess you hang around brainlets. Try monerujo or mymonero if you're similarly mentally challenged.

>> No.11608152

Check out https://blog.eternitywall.com/2018/04/13/sign-to-contract/
You can create timestamps with your normal transactions without op_return.

>> No.11608214
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>> No.11608231

The killer app has been there since the white paper. You haven"t realized it yet, but you will soon

>> No.11608402

id love to see blockchain uber

>> No.11608591
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but that's just a digital currency
sure technically the dollar bill was a 'killer app',
but its just a way to transfer value back and forth

same point as above

only if you believe in overpopulation

yes but at a cost of a massive amount of convenience

sure they don't, but still, when's a blockchain killer app going to exist?

same point as first

help me realize

I don't even know what this means

>> No.11608634

>I don't even know what this means
uber but without a single entity owning all the data
"duber" will use chainlink to feed in car and user position

>> No.11608653

Zoom out, faggot

>> No.11608670

seems like a hindrance

first, you need the data to optimize and refine the algos that handle everything about rides

second, does it really give a big enough benefit to users to the point where they want to ditch uber?

>> No.11608773

>seems like a hindrance
which part of my post gave that away? just having to install a different app on your mobile?

>big enough benefit to users
1. privacy of data, some people will care
2. no middleman to get a slice of the money, more money to drivers and better price for users