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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11604931 No.11604931 [Reply] [Original]

They are debating about Chainlink "inherant racist undertone" on reddit:


>> No.11604952

>someone posts a thread on reddit
>it is immediately posted on /biz/
>follow up threads are posted on /biz/
>pleb/biz/ters pretend they're not on plebbit
This is literally the biggest delusion here.

>> No.11604962

same four niggers that post here over and over post there me included

>> No.11604973

Found the nigger lover! Racist piece of shit you are. Curse! Curses! Hissssssss

>> No.11604985

I wonder who's still downvoting these posts, there are some anons with serious OCD here.

>> No.11605012
File: 30 KB, 846x127, Trumps Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin LOL

>> No.11605026

Its sad that you frequent reddit for the sole purpose of fudding

Back in the day ppl would call you a faget for even visiting that site but now we might as well be ebaums

>> No.11605054


It looks like a bunch pajeet-tier fud, complete with bad grammar and punctuation.

>> No.11605161


>> No.11605173

dumb fudder

>> No.11605226

Absolutely pathetic fucking shit. There are a lot of fucking losers in crypto, but a salty swing trader is the worst.
Very tempted to start reporting these faggots to federal authorities for hate speech.

>> No.11605289

Redditors are the last people you want on board. First, much like yourself. they simply can't graps that a coin can succeed without normie FOMO-- they're gonna insist on things like lotteries, Marvel-themed nodes, airdrops, and token splits to placate their short attention spans. The literally cannot live without constant feedback and reinforcing the idea that they made the right choice.

Also, they are literally the first people to capitulate when times get rough. So they'll give you a temproary bump, followed by an even worse crash after the first red candle. Look how reddit favorites have fared during the bear market.

>> No.11605292

every single fud post in the comments there has either a flagrant biz meme or a subtle one
it's ridiculous and pointless
the redditards know anyways
>4chan believes" Reddit doesn't deserve to know about chainlink", so you get systematic FUD like the JavaScript comment and the "I won't invest because of 4chans interest" copied and pasted into every thread regarding it, and brigades of downvotes.
>Edit: it's pretty heavy handed. For example, I'm getting downvotes, but nonsense like "It’s an elaborate pump and dump performed by 4channers where the profits are used to fund the alt-right and Donald Trump campaigns" gets upvotes.
>Just 4chan trying to control the flow of information

>> No.11605301
File: 74 KB, 430x441, 1536729241704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditors are a group of people with the same meme characteristics

>> No.11605308

Try to be more subtle next time. Way too obvious.

>> No.11605324


Dont you get it? It is intentionally over the top and obvious because it is even more confusing to see it like that from their view. They wont trust amything that chaotic

You fags think you are countering it by saying shit like “4chan are spamming” or “ you had long enough to accumulate “ but reddit normies read that and just distrust it even more

>> No.11605334

Nah they're genuinely, pathetically trying to associate it with racism in a desperate attempt to manage their swing losses.
I saw chainlink shill twitter accounts posting nazi shit at the height of the pump yesterday.
I'm legit going to start reporting these faggots.
Lets see if "it was just a prank" holds up in court.

>> No.11605350

When link moons, someone/group should just buy it plebbit and shut it down or start censoring all the shitlib faggots that infest that God forsaken website. The autistic screeching would be so deafening, you'd be able to hear it across the globe

>> No.11605353

Comments disabled :-/

>> No.11605361


Lmao low iq faggot.
Just sit back hold and dca. Enjoy the shitshow.

If link cant moom because these nazi posts or anything else, then it is not destined to ever. You are fucking tarded and dont understand your investment enough. Link goes through social darwinism of the highest level to vet it. Its not planned, it just happens. If any of this shit gets in the way then it was never going to moon anyway you faggot

>> No.11605380

Someone refute this FUD.

This is a good project, but the link tokens will only be used for hobby projects built with their own erc20 coins. While some of the stuff is true here, chainlink is open source so many big name companies can drag and drop their own network. Think of chainlink like a futuristic playground, where you can test projects and test how decentralization will work in a low $$$ environment. Don’t believe me? Sergey even big name people have no idea what the price of decentralization will cost. Chainlink is solving this issue for big name companies. While yes chainlink price will increase as it will have some adoption in this “Ethereum simulation”. It will not reflect the ridiculous prices people speculate on. JP Morgan , Microsoft Azure.. etc are making private Ethereum clones, and it’s exactly what it is. Private. You won’t be running sensitive data through your own nodes. That’s completely wrong. There’s no incentive for you to personally use a chainlink token.

>> No.11605382

Have I hit a nerve? :)
I'm not fucking around either. Expect a knock on the door.

>> No.11605388

not for those mongoloids my friend
i study a course thats 90% women
one time i asked one "so gender is a construct? and she said yes
after i asked her "should women have more rights?" and she replied, yes

i asked her, in front of the class, if she sees the irony, and she just laughed, and some of the women/girls joined in

you cant win a debate if youre a straight white male who doesnt give a fuck and has a problem in taking things and people too seriously

>> No.11605392


Fuck off redditor

>> No.11605421

okay, it's from reddit
done lmao get fucked faggot

>> No.11605540

>what is decentralization?
fuck off back to rddit. I hear someone just posted another mean tweet about NPCs

>> No.11605616


this has been debunked so many times it's practically a meme at this point. literally all rory has to do is paginate dubnium LTS and then logrotate will be supported in rust SGX by all floating static assets.

>> No.11605638

Why the hell would anyone here give Trump money, he has plenty.

>> No.11605662


Found the guys who want to make redditors rich

>> No.11605732

>thread locked

kek imagine being a grown adult and using a forum that requires constant babysitting because you’re incable of ignoring shit post lmao

>> No.11605776

Scary and powerful, bro.

>> No.11606000


I copied and pasted it from reddit you fucking retards. You know how copy and paste works right?

>> No.11606031

can we not use n. word on this message board please.

>> No.11606077

Fuck off spic.

>> No.11606132

You're a faggot, faggot.

>> No.11606138

can we at least use word latino

>> No.11606151

More like "la nigger" lmao

>> No.11606199

"los negro" i beg you a pardon.

>> No.11606364

i love you.

>> No.11606645

based and high IQ reply.
>>11605382 is simply awful bait. truly awful.

>> No.11606668

you stupid kike!

>> No.11607169

Stopped reading there.

>> No.11607353

>let's look into towncrier for secure enclaves using intel sgx
>oh what's this, the project is no longer administered by Cornell? Who's doing it now?
>This can't be right, a small team with no ivy leaguers, academics, or much of a track record at all, that even had an "ICO," yuck that seems to have just spent their money for the right to make commits to an open source project.
>Let's circle back to this and look at another implementation fellas, I don't like the looks of this one.

>> No.11607374

You realize this is someone from /biz/ (probably you!) who has deluded himself into think that posting shit on reddit will keep people from buying, right?

>> No.11607382
File: 493 KB, 884x1169, 1535489517057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upvote ALL comments about how LINK is racist.
>"they" do not deserve /ourcoin/

>> No.11607398

Pack it up boys, we had a good run, someone tell Donald on our way out.

>> No.11607402

Link deserves to fail for the sole reason most of you stinkies are disgusting bottomfeeder leftists
Crying you want more socialism in public then investing your student loans in a shitcoin hoping this will get you more money than your neighbor so you can waste it on lazy hedonism
You're a disgrace, a pseudo-jew who can't even jew like jews do

>> No.11607421

Thanks for the link i downvoted every pro chainlink post

>> No.11607454

Another post from that user
>"This racist coin will never take off, mobius already does the same thing so i just bought 100k."
>bought 100k
It's obviously someone from /biz/ messing around.

>> No.11607983

nice job posting your own reddit post on /biz/

>> No.11607996

>most stinkies are leftists
lol wut?

>> No.11608043

He's bringing gorilla warfare to his door, he better watch out.

>> No.11608073

You're doing God's work. Fuck these absolute cunts trying to increase their 1k stacks.

>> No.11608101

Thanks OP, downvoted everyone.

>> No.11608119

Why would Socialists want Chainlink? Its going to create a Pseuo-Libertarian Gig Economy with mass contracted labor. Think ride sharing type jobs like Uber, (albiet ran through a co-op of operators rather than by a corporation) except applied to almost every type of service.

>> No.11608193


has he increased the specs of the flux capacitor though, and if not, should we flush the mainframe?

>> No.11608271

This is so fucking true. I just popped over to read this thread and visited /r/cc an clicked a Vecahin thread. It's fucking ridiculous. Literally nothing can be gained by shilling LINK to the fucking morons who still read that sub.

>> No.11608288

reddit is mad salty about last bear market, they got fucking rekt.

>> No.11608703

It's good to shill & spread memes to get the normies to amplify the meme magic. I mean hell, that's what Reddit was built for. Most of the posts their are professional "influence marketers" and political campaigners gaming the upvote system to create an appearance of consensus to trick normies into believing/buying some bullshit or the other. Personally, I stick to twitter & telegram for shilling though, Reddit just irritated me too much. Is Reddit always that gay these days as well? Or is it just swarming with /biz/ fudders making retarded posts? I can't tell, or maybe it's even worse than I remember.

>> No.11608828

great post, i really mean this

>> No.11609442

I mean I did as well, but buying link at 25 cents undid my losses.

>> No.11610266
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1539771304585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao suck my cock faggot. The more you post the more I'll fud ;)

>> No.11610394
File: 109 KB, 540x720, 6650BB63-CE97-4D81-AF9C-F0BF5271AE62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. And the only way to understand chainlink is to research chainlink, something many of those normies are too intellectually incapable of doing amidst low information environments where it’s easier and lazier to just accept the first answer thrown your way. Fuck them. Fuck plebbit. And fuck Jews.

>> No.11610406

And no one is countering it by mentioning biz. That’s part of the fun.
>who is this 4chan?

>> No.11610416
File: 33 KB, 218x210, 1406640865022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy gevalt. The redditim know.

>> No.11610472
