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11602553 No.11602553 [Reply] [Original]

TownCrier’s clients are now Chainlink’s clients.
Remember Clovyr? Formed by JPMorgan’s Amber Baldlet. Clovyr are offering TownCrier integration, this now means they are offering Chainlink integration.

Amber Baldet on CNBC
> "It's just hard to build these applications. So, in working with people that are trying to get their use cases out there, there's so many choices... they don't know what to choose, and there's an entire middleware layer of services that need to exist. Like imagine market data feeds. There's just nowhere to plug in yet."


Look back at the projects we’ve found already offering TC integration... This is excellent news.

>> No.11602596

Some people will get it, the others are brainlets who thought Sergey was announcing coinbase listing

This is huge

>> No.11602608

jpmorgan's people were all over sergay at the holloween party last night. LINK is institutional now. banking sector cant get enough of it. where you think the money for this latest pump came from?
1000eoy is fud

>> No.11602609 [DELETED] 

this, brainlets sold because they were disappointed from mainnet hype and think that this is nothing. It's couldn't be bigger.

>> No.11602639

this, brainlets sold because they were disappointed from mainnet hype and think that this is nothing. It couldn't be bigger.

>> No.11602662

Exactly. If you like breadcrumb hunting - we have a whole new round now looking for projects that are using Town crier. Previously, projects Using TC could be using their functionality without the chainlink network. This changes everything.

With regards to Clovyr in particular, look at who follows Clovyr on Twitter. B3i, for one. Looks like Clovyr and Web3/Polkadot are already pretty involved together too. Read the quote from Baldet in the OP. You can see that Chainlink truly is at the centre of all these exciting and promising projects. Literally all.

>> No.11602665

>dat verbal intelligence

>> No.11602670

Apart from an out of reality announcement like "mainnet will launch tomorrow and x financial institutions have committed to using chainlink" it pretty much couldn't be bigger.

>> No.11602674

wtf bros

>> No.11602685

Market might be reacting like it has a brain. We'll see.

>> No.11602709

It’s quite frustrating seeing how many retards don’t understand the implications of this. Not just from a tech point of view but also from the business connection point of view.

I remember posting threads and comments about breadcrumbs I found about TC integration, only to be dismissed with the usual “ctrl+f chainlink 0 results” and the thread be archived with 2 replies. clovyr included. Kek

>> No.11602742
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Holy shit we are unironucally going to make it

>> No.11602754
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For those who don’t remember

>> No.11602757

Shrug. That's on them. It's all in front of them now.

>> No.11602776

this is fucking huge

I can't believe we're actually gonna make it anons

>> No.11602780

I remember you. a lot of people lurked your info

>> No.11602823

Well thanks friend.
I had anxiety about Town Crier for a while, since up to now, any mention of them could mean that they’d be using the standalone version of TC (which is currently fully functional, if you check their site). The LINKxTC oracle was not guaranteed. I guess now they are one and the same, we need to re-evaluate previously dismissed connections.

>> No.11602859


wtf, why are there only 156 views? did we break forbes?

>> No.11602893

Wew lad

>> No.11602906
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thanks for the memories fren, link is taking us to peace.

>> No.11602932
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This is BIG

>> No.11602955
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We are going to the next dimension boys. Fucking TOWN CRIER is now CHAINLINK. Holy fucking shit why are there not 800 threads about this?

>> No.11602956

This is incredibly bullish

>> No.11602977
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So chainlink basically absorbed the entire towncrier team, code, everything? WTF
I'm going to sleep well right now

>> No.11603003

Good stuff marine

>> No.11603027

For example, here’s another project using Town Crier.

Ankr Network

Yes they are a literally who startup, but scam shitcoin projects like this will fuel the LINK rocket just as much as the world changing projects using Clovyr.

>> No.11603069


Is that someone with a full head of hair

>> No.11603103

I would have considered selling if all this ended up being was a coinbase announcement like any other shitcoin. This is so much better.

>> No.11603106
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Kek, I found a thread I posted back in March with the projects I dug up that were going to use “SGX oracles”, presumably this means Town Crier but maybe not. Even so this still feels quite vindicating. Kek.


The two projects are WinFlow and LendingBlock

>> No.11603116 [DELETED] 

you know what to do

>> No.11603133

Wow another noname added to Link's partnership portfolio of literally whos.

>> No.11603157

>Amber Baldet
>literally who
Anon, I....

>> No.11603183
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>> No.11603189
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>> No.11603213

Kidmoyer in the chainlink discord is the most annoying kid

>> No.11603217

polkadot is another LINK partnership btw

>> No.11603236


>> No.11603237

I hope this means those Enigma faggots are forced to use Link

>> No.11603270
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According to Juels, Town Crier will also be instrumental for permissioned blockchains, in which fewer, trusted participants exchange data.

He said:

"Even if banks trust one another to source data correctly, they are not going to trust one another to handle data on business plans or trades, so confidentiality features of a system like this are also very important in a permissioned setting."

>> No.11603272

Why is this a big deal to everyone? Town Crier doesn’t really have much weight attached to it...

What am I missing? Have been researching town crier all morning. Honestly, seems like a nothing burger?

>> No.11603274

>Bandaid solution

>> No.11603288

You can go kissagun can

>> No.11603307


It is just a nothing burger. But retards bought up to fucking 9200+ sats expecting coinbase listing or paypal partnership and got given this instead when we already knew about towncrier back in october of last year.

They are desperately trying to keep their bags from sinking.

>> No.11603332

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11603334

Got ya. That’s what I was afraid of :(.

I guess I’ll dump half of mine for now too.

>> No.11603336
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>He thinks 9200 sats is alot to pay for ChainLink

>> No.11603341


This. Is. What. It. Looks. Like.

This is a moon mission. This is a bullrun. Extreme volatility, multiple 5% swings a day.

When you look at a monthly or yearly chart post-moon, it looks like it's going straight up -- a perfect parabola. In a practical sense, however, this is what it feels like on the elevator, and this is what it looks like on the daily.

This is the initial rocket launch, so if you can't iron up those hands you're going to panic sell on the march up.

Remember that kid who lost money during the bitcoin run from $100 to $1000? Lost his and his sister's inheritance? It was cuz he was spooked by volatility like this. Don't be that kid.


>> No.11603346

From a technical point of view, it cements Chainlink as the most secure decentralized oracle. There’s also something to do with off-chain computation which I don’t fully understand but those in the know seem to think it gives Chainlink even more value.

From the business breadcrumbs and connections perspective, it means that any previous mention of utilising Town Crier now essentially means we have another user of the Chainlink network. The most exciting of these, in descending order, known so far:
Clovyr.io (founded by JP Morgan exec)
Lendingblock (seems like a decent ICO)
Shitcoins such as WinFlow and Ankr Network, and probably more if anyone cares to look into it.
That’s basically a summary of the infodump in this thread.

>> No.11603386

the itty bitty kitty committee meets every tuesday and saturday to discuss kittens and kitten related accessories

>> No.11603392

we down?

>> No.11603398

You are doing gods work

>> No.11603472

I’ve been through multiple moon missions faggot.

>> No.11603495

I don't think anyone was expecting a Paypal or Coinbase announcement. If you think that's what they thought, you are very wrong.

>> No.11603506

Meh, thanks. Was hoping it’d be a little more significant than this. Those aren’t exactly HUGE projects (saying someone used to work at JP Morgan doesn’t mean shit). I guess it’s okay, but they’ll need much more substantial news to trigger the type of normie fomo that caused things like ETH and BTC to violently moon. Even XLM 50x’d in a few months but that was based on lots of normie-friendly shilling in the height of a bull market.

>> No.11603525

I wasn’t expecting that, but I was expecting something a little more exciting than this. This isn’t exactly a shock or groundbreaking...

>> No.11603543
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>> No.11603559

On the recent microsoft devcon presentation didnt they shill hard on town crier?


>> No.11603571

they talked about TEE/enclaves and SGX. didnt see town crier mentioned specifically but yeah

>> No.11603582


People were hyping those up all yesterday due to that fagot journalist spreading rumors. If you didn't see all the coinbase threads, it's your fault.

Even then, people were looking forward to something more significant than fucking towncrier AGAIN.


This would be sorta bullish and good news... if it was news. As it is we've known about this FOR A FUCKING YEAR ALREADY.


Fucking desperate. I'm sorry you bought high.

>> No.11603588

I bought at .36c

>> No.11603611


>36 cents

I'm sorry you bought so high anon. I couldn't imagine buying chainlink for such a price.

t. 16 cent Linkie buyer

>> No.11603620
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have a (you)

>> No.11603630

>Clovyr are offering TownCrier integration, this now means they are offering Chainlink integration.

>Offering integration when ChainChink doesn't even have a working product out yet


>> No.11603655
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You're forgetting Microsoft
>Watching Ari’s Town Crier presentation, it immediately struck me as approaching a problem we wtown crier component architectureere also trying to solve at Microsoft. Our approaches were different, but ultimately this work aligned with how we thought about some common problems in the blockchain space, trusted data feeds (often called oracles in blockchain lingo) and confidential queries via smart contracts. It also leveraged a new capability called secure enclaves to achieve some of this. Interestingly, we had similar work going on with two projects we’ve announced that handle these two concerns in different ways. The first project is Enterprise Smart Contracts, originally announced as Cryptlets in June 2016, which addresses off chain smart contract execution or the integration with legacy data or oracles. Learn more by exploring a deep dive of Project Bletchley - The Cryptlet Fabric, inclusive of a pictorial comparison to oracles.
Remember the domains Sergey owns and when he bought them. Pic related.

>> No.11603662

This is good. All the new fags that bought in will get shaken out.

>> No.11603663


You literally bought are more than double the price I did. I couldn't imagine paying so much for this JSON parser token.

>> No.11603672

>one chance at life
>born a baldlet

>> No.11603774

>Meh, thanks. Was hoping it’d be a little more significant than this.
You have no ability to see connections and the bigger picture.

>> No.11603791


> people were looking forward to something more significant than fucking towncrier AGAIN.

Spoiled brat with no understanding of tech or business connections.

>> No.11603809

>As it is we've known about this FOR A FUCKING YEAR ALREADY.
No understanding of nuance either. TownCrier, until now, could be deployed without Chainlink.

Fucking children crying over actually great news.

>> No.11603812

This would be true if Clovyr was founded by a teller that used to work at JPMorgan.
Further- Already been established this project doesn’t need normie FOMO and many large enterprise users of the ChainLink network won’t be publicly touting ChainLink as they white label solutions off of it.
Try another ((FUD)) (((fren)))

>> No.11603822

How is this so hard to understand. Literally look at their website, they are offering TownCrier, Towncrier is now chainlink.

>> No.11603850

And you still fall for pasta? You have to go back, and kys.

>> No.11603876

any word on the acquisition price?

>> No.11603898

Amber Baldet and Sergey have an almost identical vision: plug-and-play smart contracts for financial markets. Amber through Clovyr, she wants to bring all kinds of middleware together to make new projects easier, while Sergey is just focused on oracle middleware but ultimately has the same goals. I totally ship them, they'd have so much to talk about on a dinner date.

>> No.11604004

32 million neetbux

>> No.11604085

Could be worse, I'm a bald dicklet who just got diagnosed with skin cancer 3 hours ago. On the bright side I fucked that hot crazy blonde at the King Richard's Faire for months so I don't even care about any of it anymore. I've made highschool-me proud. Just wish I had kids first.

>> No.11604187

Wtf I thought you said you were a nolinker, just tagging along for the frens and the memes?

>> No.11604244

This project is a joke.

>> No.11604292

She has a kid. Sergey deserves a virgin

>> No.11604438

Yeah for sure.
But the ETH moon was fuelled by literally hundreds of shitcoin scams and LINK will be the same.

>> No.11604448

and that’s a good thing

>> No.11604469

>been researching town crier all morning
>don't understand what the big deal is
Ouch, anon.

>> No.11604485

How did you get skin cancer from a tramp at the fair?

>> No.11604494

>Amber Baldet
some roastie who held a token position as "head of memechain" for a while lmao
actual execs probably used her to get them coffee

>> No.11604584

Alex Coventry, new employee previously working with MIT,has become active on pivotal tracker since the announcement.