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File: 1.89 MB, 400x400, MOSHED-2018-10-31-19-57-8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11597372 No.11597372 [Reply] [Original]

Now as a veteran of Bitcoin trading, 6 years in I can tell you newbs that you've been sitting on a shitcoin for years now. However, I can tell you now that your time has come and now the real fun begins. Your coin's presence has had time to grow and prove itself and if the news is good tomorrow and not bullshit, your coin will go beyond it's ATH, literally demolish it and go to .001 BTC and above. My prediction for this comes from about 6 months of bear markets and people yearning to invest in something good and this FOMO will not stop and might surprise everyone to perhaps .009 btc NEO prices. Yes, I said it. It's possible and good luck you fucking faggots. Bitcoin vet out. P.S. I predicted Ethereum was going to be the second top coin before anyone knew who Vitalik was at the Miami conference. Good luck(Watching rocket thrusters initialize).

>> No.11597381

God I hope so

>> No.11597406
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godbless you saltty ol cunt

>> No.11597416
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Needs more.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................eos

>> No.11597418

See you on the other side you mother fucker

>> No.11597430

Let me suck that old salty dick, Veteran OP.


>> No.11597432

got any more pumps, so fucking bad I missed the linky train for this quarter

>> No.11597437
File: 102 KB, 719x755, 1523683721717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a newfag.

>> No.11597439

>larping as an old fag to trick anons into fomoing the top of a pump
don't you feel bad about doing this?

>> No.11597451

Oldfag here, hurts me to say but I agree.

>> No.11597546

Isn't this project suppose to take off when smart contracts get adopted etc?

>> No.11597566

...but its not possible even possible to have had Chainlink for years. Faggot.

>> No.11597571

Go back to /pol you NPC larp faggot. The Men are talking here.

>> No.11597599
File: 63 KB, 690x960, 39083357_1951844111545877_3520281283156508672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh btw, if you faggots want proof I knew of ETH before most of you baby shits started larpin like Bitcoin vets then watch this and learn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9dpjN3Mwps

That my friends is vintage "before money skeleton" Vitalik debuting a little known shit project called Ethereum. Many called me crazy of my claims, not so much anymore. Fuck you all and Good luck.

>> No.11597609

The real singularity type movements will happen once blacks and Mexicans sell their link. Coinbase has our cell numbers and the NSA knows who is black and Mexican so they will alert coinbase who will in turn notify binance that all minorities have sold link and that's when the real pump will happen

>> No.11597627

You type like a faggot.

>> No.11597628

How does this prove you knew anything? That video has nothing to do with you.

>> No.11597645

look i love rape and street shitting as much as the next pajeet but come on

>> No.11597650

Either you believe or you don't, it's your choice. I also remember Ethereum's shitty website back in the day that looked like a cheesy fantasy book cover with a diamond on it.

>> No.11597663

good thing i'm asian

>> No.11597664

There is something wrong with this boy

>> No.11597671

Huh? I've watched that exact video before and I only got into crypto this year.
How does posting a link to a well known video validate anything he's claiming?

>> No.11597676

if the submarine has a hook hand then all the windows have bars on them.

>> No.11597682

Shit, this is kinda true and I never thought about this before. People are fucking desperate for some gaing after the travesty that is year 2018. If LINK suddenly comes into the spotlight it's going to get a TON of new money.

>> No.11597698

Exactly. A pair of fucking larpers lol.
Thanks for the advice "oldfags". Will be flipping my link again soon.

>> No.11597713

you sound like a mutt pajeet hybrid with no money and no brains

fuck off to reddit

>> No.11597719

All the oldfags here will remember the Hodgekinson fallout and I also remember his "I'm the new Steve Jobs" talks at the old ETH meetups. Was classic and lame.

>> No.11597730

thats literally what happened with RVN and PHX, and their runs didnt begin after big fat green candles..

>> No.11597732

How are you still rambling? Faggot.

>> No.11597741

Funny thing is is I'm sitting on BTC while most of you are fucking broke ass pleb bitches that larp on biz all day. Nobody knows how epic the ride of ETH was when it went from .002 btc to fucking .03 BTC in only 3 days. You faggots will never be able to feel that awesomeness now because of the BTC/USD relationship economically. Too much money is in now and those fat gains don't exist anymore.

>> No.11597760

>You faggots will never be able to feel that awesomeness
thats where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.11597762

Was there too you newfag. Faggot.

>> No.11597763
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>> No.11597768

I believe hook me up bro. Next good project?

>> No.11597769

.001 would only make it $6. that's all?

>> No.11597774

Truthfully, I wanna see this shit project go to .01 btc and I think with all these dumbasses using meme force to push it it just might do that once it breaks the ATH. I really don't give a shit about link but with it's press and the dumbasses in here I think it has the potential to do so.

>> No.11597896
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>> No.11597911


yeah you're definitely new, get the fuck out

>> No.11598322

have you tried no fap?

>> No.11598336

Go back to /pol. We don’t need your kind here

>> No.11598401

this is a really beautiful gif, anon. Thanks, seriously.

>> No.11598504

>team holds 65% of tokens


>> No.11599323

>hurr u a newfag
>posts dumblr fanart

>> No.11599355
File: 56 KB, 1126x634, 1360270953052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinlink is da best

>> No.11599368

This project will make smart contract adoption possible. They'll start to have effect on the real world, in addition to it's traditional role as a shitcoin creation carousel.

>> No.11599375

this FUD is still legitimate, coinbase will not list them for this reason. Hope they'll burn those tokens.