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11595339 No.11595339 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really scared of unemployment.
Is a data science minor a good choice for a person with a biochemistry major?
Is data science the way out of unemployment?
These days there's so much unemployment for educated people it's insane.

>> No.11595367

It doesn't matter, MCD will always have a plce for you.

>> No.11595372

the key then, is to be uneducated

>> No.11595382

the difference between educated and uneducated as regards the job market is that one has a assfucking huge student loan

>> No.11595392

you're better off with a degree in bioinformatics if you're considering data science. this is coming from a biochem/chem grad.

then get a job at a biotech working with big data (all of them) and make good $$$.

>> No.11595429

Yeah but if you're already enrolled in a bachelor of biochemistry that would be for later. Minoring in data science would improve programming skills for a bioinformatics graduate degree right?

Anyway a guy who posted in one my earlier threads told me to stay away from bioinformatics curriculum because it's gonna get saturated eventually

>> No.11595470

i work as a data scientist... i'd recommend just doing a lot of trainings/certificates for data science . Its much worth and better for finding a data science job (even outside of biochemistry)

>> No.11595584
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y-yeah. a lot of ppl are majoring in that now huh

>> No.11595608

IT is the only booming industry. Gotta be smart and apply yourself though.

5% wage gains the past year and like 2% unemployment

>> No.11595708

Do you show your data science certificates and get jobs or what?

Yeah but I'd rather get a job more related to my main major.

>> No.11595714
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data data data

this age in history is a good one for analyzing data

in fact heres some data on biz about cryptos


but yes if you teach yourself data science, you most likely be able to find a job

>> No.11595767

depends on if you're in deep through a biochem bs, yea it would make sense to finish that. if its early, switching majors would be smart imo. as for the data science minor, check the curriculum and judge how cs heavy it is.

look through some job postings for the roles you'd do and see what skills they're looking for, then study those. the job market for these roles is nowhere near saturation.

>> No.11595814
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>I'm really scared
>Spooky ghost girl
>It's halloween
Spooky thread OP

>> No.11596199

The job market is always fluctuating right?

>> No.11596216

That's mate

>> No.11596361

/entg/ you bitch >>11590718

it's not too late to work on that business idea. seriously, at the end of the day, you can't rely on anyone but yourself. you aren't in control of your wage cuck job, and you will never earn as much as your full potential

>> No.11596439

Just because you couldn’t pass high school biology doesn’t mean that everyone else is retarded

>> No.11596461


>muh major

College kids make me laugh

>> No.11596495

imagine graduating from college with no relevant work skills, connections, or internships and complaining that nobody would hire you


>> No.11597315

with infine pajeets via immigration and your money being spent on camps for not even you or your citizens and feminim womez studies and muh equality. your fucked. so fucked its not funny mgtow is unironically rational

>> No.11598202

Guys how many bitcoins for Booette

>> No.11598733

DataScience & BigData without domain expertise (Biology, Finance etc.) and qualitative (small data) understanding is often useless. It's useful to create a “buzz” by recruiters, hype-builders and some ivory-tower academicians who often “choose” to not work for the Industry. Without domain expertise and qualitative understanding, your role as Data Scientist can be automated and commoditised. (Economics 101)

Specialise in credit-risk (or other niche domains like that) with a FRM and SAS cert, you will remain in high demand in future. Just don’t end up becoming a ML engineer or web analyst. Customer Insight analysis via Web Data is boring (too noisy) and prone to automation as domain knowledge is minimal

>> No.11599745

But I have domain knowledge

>> No.11599760
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>buzzword bullshit bonanza

>> No.11600151

I'm so sorry anon. No one told you but anything short of a phd in anything biochem related means you do nothing but test tube filling for menial pay. And robots are doing that soon.

>> No.11600219

This guy gets it.

This guy gets it.

This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Trump shut down the H1B visa program and it has never been easier for a white man to get a cushy job in America.

Data Scientist here, I majored in Economics, then worked at a couple of banks as a Business Analyst before getting hired as a Data Scientist at a large tech company. The only certifications I ever got were in SAS, and those were not relevant to getting the Data Scientist job.

Honestly all you need to do is focus on getting good work experience at a prestigious company or two, and that will be enough to get your foot in the door for an interview. Then if you prepare for and if you pass the interview, you’ll get the job. Easy!

>> No.11600230

I have a bachelors in Biochem too anon. Currently working on a Masters in Medical Lab Science. You should look into it. Hospitals employ shitloads of these people to do diagnostic tests on blood/urine. Basically guaranteed a job making 55k starting with 40 hour weeks and room to move up.

>> No.11600252

That's great ty.

Okay bug the first job is pretty hard

>> No.11600265

to work in STEM field these days either in academia or industry you have to have good knowledge of data science. there's no getting round that anymore. so yeah, do some data science classes.

>> No.11600293
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>> No.11600301

Nursing and accounting are both way easier to get into and you don't have to compete with pajeets.

>> No.11600344
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True, but nursing and accounting are never going to earn you more than $90k per year. Also those are basically trades — you learn one marketable skill and then you do that one thing, for 40 years, until you retire, whether you enjoy it or not.

Learning statistics and computer science in college opens the door to many different careers, and much higher pay. When I graduated I was making $70k per year, five years later and after bagging a data science job I’m making 3.5 times that. If I had studied nursing or accounting I wouldn’t even be earning half as much.

>> No.11600769

>never going to earn you more than $90k per year
most of the high earning execs in a business come from accounting backgrounds.