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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11590718 No.11590718 [Reply] [Original]

We are growing stronger edition
Please check previous threads for inspiration. Ask any questions and hopefully an anon can help. Be polite but tough love is welcome. Tripfags if you are frequent or want to, or don't it's up to you.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best passive income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options
Little to no Investment($100-$1k)
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing of any kind
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Affiliate Marketing
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook(comprehensive guide:https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>product arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buybot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

I'm sure there are dozens of others that are out there but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.

if you have any comprehensive guide. Post them and ill add them here

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.
previous thread: https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/11564230#top

>> No.11590734

Happen to know the name of the book, by chance?

>> No.11590740
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>inb4 Lets get this bread

>> No.11590769
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Is the sneaker resell market worth it? I live in a highly urban area and there are a lot of good releases happening in november

>> No.11590818

yes but that is the definition of "hustling" - a lot of research, waiting in line, getting deals made. this is what people think is going help them out when its a highly volatile and annoying area to do business in. not sustainable for the long term. but if you're in debt or need to build capital or something, go ahead and kill yourself doing it well.

>> No.11590835

1. I'm glad that crypto meme is dead and threads like these can flourish for those who missed out on the rush.

2. Do not let the discord replace the thread, I've seen what happens to threads. Better to make this stable first.

>> No.11590851

Look into the dbz adidas releases if you're in a black area. Yeezys and big shoes don't really resell for much.

>> No.11590857

Hi there again, just so you know I made a discord to go with these threads:


To Tripfager AC, what do you mean you can't post ?

>> No.11591122

Quick search show the goku ones are selling upwards of 200 to 300 bucks

>> No.11591169

I'll add it to the next OP but if I have to download an app I ain't using it personally.

>> No.11591267

Hell, maybe. Try some affordable ones on ebay and try to hock em.

See how it goes

>> No.11591278

It wont if we can't post on it. Kek. Maybe i am broken or need permission?

>> No.11591283

Wow. Nvm. I fucking hate discord my phone's a bitch with it.

>> No.11591293

I mean im an idiot. Disregard. Thank you

>> No.11591470

I definitely don't want the discord to replace these threads and am ready to kill it if it starts to happen.
It's just easier sometimes to have more fluid conversations. It's just an addition really.

You can run discord in a browser.

>> No.11591498

No discord for now , until we have a lot more traction . That’s my opinion at least

>> No.11591784

Any tradefags here? My friend who is a girl just told me she was offered a construction position. Like just doing cleanup or something because she's a housekeeper. Never heard of it before. Is this common? A young woman being surrounded mostly by dudes with chips on their shoulder doesn't sound like a good idea.

>> No.11591798

I'm a phoneposter tho lol evidenced by my terrible mispellings

>> No.11592011
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Dear /entg/, let me tell you how this strange trick helps this pasty, nerdy zoomer make five figures a week by doing nothing more than sending a bunch of emails...

And it's completely legal, and endorsed by President Trump himself!

Here's what Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. had to say on the matter:

"We are very proud to gain recognition in the eyes of the God-Emperor of Mankind, and are grateful that he's creating a positive environment for zoomers to grow professionally and become valuable members of the workforce"

Here's how YOU TOO, can make middle to high five figures weekly, by exploiting this "financial back door" to the Federal Reserve...

All you need to know is...

>> No.11592624


>> No.11592641


>> No.11592883

Any affiliate marketers here?

About to buy a wordpress.org site - any tips/forums to lurk on?

>> No.11592904

Affiliate is hard work, and you'll likely find that you spend more on advertising than you make, particularly before you learn proper media buying, copy, and social media tech.

>> No.11592954

I think we should add blogging, scamming and selling all your shit to the $0 starter pack.

>> No.11593042

How do I make money off these antifa retards that have set up camp in my town? They don't have a lot of money to begin with, but maybe selling some commie pins made with led would be a good start.

>> No.11593123

I've been in construction awhile and have never heard of this, super weird and creepy imo.. unless it's on a contract basis, and she just does "end of job cleaning" after interior jobs. I've heard of that (and gf and I have even done that).

>> No.11593170

Can you create a entg telegram group? Think it would be worth to be able to have fellow biz ents cooperate (whenever the autism allows it)

>> No.11593249

How the fuck do I stop being lazy?

Currently unemployed but have the money to support myself. I wake up thinking I'm going to gain traction on something but I end up just watching YouTube and driving around all day.

Am I just a piece of shit?

>> No.11593359


>> No.11593365
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23, no job, at home but parents are cool with it, no car. Little over 4 grand saved, what would you guys recommend I do? I really don't want another job

>> No.11593369

Made a special crack recipe that is really potent and long lasting how do I market it

>> No.11593393

Find a problem, develop a solution, sell the solution.
The problems you'll most readily find are going to be ones you care about and stumble into, so the motivation to solve them should come naturally.

Start a direct response marketing agency.

>> No.11593468

that sounds really hard and expensive

>> No.11593531

It's actually fairly cheap and easy if you're smart.

>> No.11593540

probably should of specified I was talking about the marketing agency

>> No.11593558


You sound like you've given it a go.

What resources did you use?

>> No.11593586

>develop a solution

I literally have no skills outside logistics and video games

>> No.11593627

That's even easier than developing a solution. All you need is strong cold-mail skills, and some moderate sales ability.

Which you can get by just reading Dan Kennedy's "Ultimate Sales Letter" and Grant Cardone's "Sell or be Sold".

It's not rocket science.

Then learn; success in business is about mindset, not skills.

A skilled 35 year old who gives up when their business fails won't see the same success as a 60 year old who just keeps on pushing, and learning, and adapting.

Persevere. Keep costs down, keep your margins high.

>> No.11593809
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Complete newfag here, no bully.
>Drop shipping
So, my idea is to use Shopify and AliExpress to drop ship training apparel and gear into the UK, but from what I heard there is a tax to be paid by the customer for parcels with a value higher than £15. And the tax to be paid varies from £18-25 per parcel. How true is this, and if so what are the alternatives?

Also, if any UK dropshippers are present... What is the taxation method for dropshippers in the UK?

Pls respond

>> No.11594046

Get a routine. It will make you sane my friend. I did this when i was neet. Wrote a schedule and stopped sleeping in so late now I never stop and am always busy. Always finding something to do. Like will power you have to slowly build it up.
Probably selling merch, antitrump stuff, knives, pepper spray, food maybe, drugs/pills
Thanks for the reply. She said he was saying she could learn to use a hammer, a drill, lift stuff, basically cleanup. ive personally never heard of it, and most construction guys I've come across are pretty garbage people who want to punch you.
Trolling or serious lol
Never have personally used telegram only like Skype chat. Is it any good? I'm guessing just to bypass captcha right? I kind of like these threads because at least you can keep up with whats going on. A talk app might leave some people behind.

>> No.11594067

Do what that crystal guy did and build up a couple instagrams. All you have is free time.

>> No.11594077

anything else you'd recommend that is somewhere between that and lemonade stand difficulty wise?

>> No.11594165

>From difficult to easiest, from my subjective view:
Production management (large-scale application of IT/ mechanics/ etc)
Maths/ IT/ Science
Skilled labor (real tech support)/ IT
Finance/ Accounting
Manual labor (electrician/ plumber/ mechanic/ construction/ etc.)
Sales/ Marketing (as an agency leader)
Market research, journalism, business writing (NOT advertising/ sales copy)
Web design/ Graphic Design/ Video editing (tons of shitty clients, not worth the effort unless you're working as part of an agency, in which case you get to do a shit-ton of menial work)
Sales rep (have to have a strong sense of discipline and adaptability - soft skills)
Direct Response Copywriter (need to understand people and come up with good ideas, somewhat challenging to break into, but otherwise easy)
Content/ blog writer (just fluff shit up, companies love meaningless filler content)
SEO writer (take a few key phrases, turn them into mush, post them)

There's more, but from all these, IMO, Direct Response copy is the best; if your client has a large list, and you're writing competently with good ideas, you're looking at $50k+ paycheck (base + royalties) if you do a reasonably good job.

Best part: no qualifications necessary aside from knowing how to influence people and a bit of research.

>> No.11594225

I don't know who that is

Is shopify really the way to go? I'd think ebay would be the go to. Shopify sounds like a nightmare where you are just paying for ads and the hostgator $ every month for no reason

I worked with a guy who bought jordans from thrift stores, cleaned them up and then sold them to nigs off craigslist

>> No.11594235

I am a primarily NodeJS developer (Also Python + Golang), with AWS experience and knowledge of startups. Useful to anyone? British, London based.

>> No.11594251

Possibly. I've ideas, but would rather talk in private. Discord?

>> No.11594310

The good thing about Shopify is that you more or less have your own website, and it's easier to advertise your business.
As in eBay, you have to compete against a whole ton of other dropshippers to even have your products noticed by a potential customer.

Advertise your website and you will have potential customers looking at your product only...

That's the way I see it.

>> No.11594588

Yeah thats true, I'm just looking at it as "Am I going to be chill spending the 10 bucks a month, + ads, + whatever maintenance/hassle it is making/running the site". Though I guess that isn't a great mindset. If I was was decent at graphic design I'd probably make a streetwear brand for fun. I could use vectors of anime girls but I'd be too paranoid of copyright despite seeing a lot of stores that don't seem to give a fuck

>> No.11594608

OK so this anon posted oberlo on the previous thread. So if I understand correctly, you just add shit on ur shopify website and the advertise your shop? Why wouldn't ppl just order directly from aliexpress? What am I missing? Any anons with experience?

>> No.11594644

Most people don't know about aliexpress/ don't want the hassle.

>> No.11594677

Dividends are a good passive income that can be built over time. Needs significant amount of time (10-20 years) but dividend growth + reinvestment + compounding interest = powerful cash machine for the future.

>> No.11594690

Plus people are more likely to buy from advertised sellers, as in they'd be more trustworthy.

>> No.11594738

An odd question here, but are any of you lawyers, or know a /entg/ approved lawyer that can give me quick run down on business contracts?
I'm still skeptical but it looks like my boys are serious and I'm leaning into a partnership for my microgreens/mushroom farm and I don't know the first thing about contracts, or actually founding a business for that matter
I was fairly confident for the overall process of managing a sole proprietorship until it became fully taxable as a business but the laws and regulations surrounding general partnerships and LLCs have me completely stuck

Also what do I need to look at for a business bank account? So far all the local banks offer basically a personal checking account but instead of a monthly fee you pay $0.15-$0.25 every transaction

>> No.11594806

Any suggestions on what to invest into dividend stock wise? Just buy shares or inveat with vanguard? I was advised to use robinhood by another anon but I was also looking into vanguard.
He's an anon that has built up multiple instagram using crystals and hippie stuff. If I can find his screencap I'll post it.

>> No.11594822

Are you two using oberlo? If so, what's your experience, is it any good?

>> No.11594852

Rate pls
Buy 10 electric scooters for about 3 4k
Rent them out to tourist for $20 a day gets me 24k in 4 months i think i could even charge more but im not sure maybe i can give the for 2hours - 10$
Anyway even if i get only 24k i thinks ita ok it should cover rent and electricity
Im looking for at least 5k profit and even that sound too good to be true.
Wheres the catch?
Ive found a place by the sea where noone is renting out scooters i think there should be enough demand for my 10 cuz other places have lots of scooters for rent
The place im looking at has a problem tho it has kinda steep parts,see thats good cuz lazy people wanta scooters o know i did and i couldn't find any however im not sure id thw scooters can handle it. The ones ive lookt and got up 18 degrees which is not a lot. Could people burn my shit they should have protections but still im a little worried
Any foresight on problems and expenses to expect? Also do you think people would want scooters abs how much would yyou pay for an hour or a day
They go aroun 30 60km on 1charge and work at low temps as well so i cN rent them out in the winter too.

Sorry if im write like an ape im at work and have to be fast and unseen

>> No.11594871

i use Ally for my dividend portfolio. Fees aren't a big issue because i'm not buying and selling constantly, just buying and holding basically for life.

I get individual stocks because I want control of when my dividend is paid and I want a track record for each company's dividend growth.

Also don't just look at yield but also dividend growth over the years. buffett is currently getting a 62% yield on KO shares due to his purchase back in the late 80s and KO's consistent dividend growth (55 straight years of growing the dividend, with no end in sight).

>> No.11594882 [DELETED] 
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I think this is him explaining how he builds them up.

>> No.11594891

Ahh shit that's the ebook one sorry

>> No.11594894

Personally I havent started dropshippers yet, currently looking into taxation and other legal crap so I don't dig myself a grave.

>> No.11594925
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This is crystal guy talking about building up his instagram

>> No.11594943

Hey thanks for the info! What is KO? Is there a place I can learn about this properly? How to pick out a good company?

>> No.11594959

Oberlo Is the go to app for handling the orders. After your sales grow and you can negotiate with your supplier, you can handle the orders via automated excel files that you send them everyday. Then you just paypal or wire them the money like 2 times a month. It saves both money as you can get a cheaper price because the supplier does not have to pay for aliexpress fees.

>> No.11595026

sorry, i'm used to typing in ticker symbols, KO is Coca Cola's stock ticker. if you google search "dividend growth stocks" you'll see a lot of good names like Coca Cola, Cisco, Home Depot, Lowes, Texas Instruments, Illinois Tool Works, 3M Company, Apple, Starbucks, etc.

I also have a few REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) which have to give back 90% of their profits as dividends in order to have a certain tax status. The yield is usually higher and the companies are more volatile, but there's a few solid ones like Realty Income (O) and Iron Mountain (IRM).

>> No.11595042

Thanks, anon, you're great!
Yeah I'll do the same

>> No.11595076

Oh I see I didn't know that. I always wanted to invest in stocks but never really could get any straight answers here on biz or any other site really. I've found some good advice in the last thread and yours sounds pretty good too. I'll cap it and save it. Appreciate the info. Heard bad stuff about REITs here but I'll keep it in mind. Honestly biz can't agree on anything being a good investment lol. I have robinhood, is it possible to be able to invest with that or would something else work better?

>> No.11595407


>> No.11595512

I would love to read what you think about this >>11594852

>> No.11596147
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Jesus there's like 15 chainlink threads in the catalouge. Hope you guys are all having a great halloween. Hopefully the thread will be up tomorrow. Bump If you have time. Great to see new people popping up!

>> No.11596507

we're gonna keep it alive broham. I'll make sure to bump it before i go into work. this is the first and last line of defense against these stupid scam coins. and im not gonna let our dreams die to memes

>> No.11596555

Thnx bb see ya in 8 hours brospeh

>> No.11596631

sounds good in theory. but when put into practice, you need to factor in........

>maintenance and up keep
>probably more business shit

look up "blue bikes"

>> No.11596677

Could i put cellphone cards in them and track them in case of theft i could buy cheap phones for like 30$ if needed

>> No.11597013

Prework Bump! Esskitteeet

>> No.11597247

Bumpity bumper

>> No.11597456
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You could always rob them at gun point of anything they have on them. Its all good because they probably have rich parents and you are just redistributing wealth.

>> No.11597568
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A partnership contract is about for if shit hits the fan in my opinion. Think about bad scenarios that can happen and what you all want to do in such scenarios. One of your business partners will probably end up being a massive lazy faggot, you just dont know it yet, you want your contract to spell out what is expected of everyone and what happens if they dont fulfill those obligations. Youre essentially getting business married, and most people have massive blinders on when it comes to doing business with friends, family or aquaintences they like. Large portions of society are worthless when it comes to getting real work done, you dont want to be stuck with one of these people.

I do my business bank account at the same bank i do my personal checking and they put it in their system as "Anon Bizfag doing business as Corperation Incorperated". There are no special fees I pay, its free just like my personal account. This is in america with a mid-large national bank chain. Shop around, there are hundreds of banks.

>> No.11597746

Use passports as collateral
You probably underestimate your running costs with 50% minimum.
A 340 buck chinese scooter is gonna be C R A P

>> No.11598037

What about the profits how do you think i did estimating them
For costs i was thinking 5 6k on scooters 2 3k rent
Im not sure about the permits and taxes tho

>> No.11598879

I will forever associate the term "entrepreneur" with losers on instagram that are doing nothing with their life

>> No.11598937

It is cringy I admit. I DESPISE some of the Gary V parrots that appear in every YouTube comment or Instagrams. I don't ever want to base my identity around being a entrepreneur or 'influencer'. Anyway I truly have no business even talking about this. To me an entrepreneur should be like the brown or black belt of the business world that you need to graduate and EARN to get that title.

>> No.11599960

bump bump bump

>> No.11600015
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morning bump

>> No.11600092
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well basically is this >>11596631
not to brag or anything but I travel frequently and I have not found any commuter or tourist in a metro city go on a scooter, maybe that different in your city. But nonetheless, you would need to research it. I just did a google search and pic related came up? is that the market your trying to go after? a good ass electric scooter on Amazon is 600. but its just a consumer edition nothing commercial or for your use. it as air-filled tires which are probably shit in city terrain, and it takes 4 hours to charge. unless you've already mirin a scooter that already been designed you would have to design your own to include safety and security features too so that alone would elevate your startup cost by a lot.and for the shits & giggles I searched up "are scooter gay? " and you would be surprised at the number of people that feel that way. So you probably not get any straight male as customers lmao

>> No.11600121


It's pretty sad senpai.
That word was borrowed from my language (french) and it has a pretty nice meaning. An entrepreneur is someone who "entreprend" ~= undertakes (pretty cool etymology there too, as if you're gonna lift it) something. So in a way an entrepreneur is someone who has a something they want to achieve and aren't afraid to do the heavy lifting if needed. They take charge of something because they have ambitions. An entrepreneur ought to have some balls.

>> No.11600129
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pic related is chink made and lmao a tricycle, not a scooter. but that's just my opinion on all of it, I've never used a rental bike or scooter, for that manner. but normie seems to like bikes in NYC that as far as I know. there was a bike rental post some anon posted a few threads back, maybe bionic has that screenshot but he was explaining the hardships of the bicycle rentals and maintenance, I think.

>> No.11600270
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I think he was talking about a motorized scooter like the ones you stand on. Think like a razor scooter but it had a motor. 2 wheels and handlebars. They are pretty popular here on the beach in LA. I've seen some on Glendale too the Armenians ride them around the city. They even pay people to find the scooters and recharge them. This one is 150 on Amazon.

>> No.11600282

Yeah same here. Still laugh at the word entrepreneur because mostly douche scammers use it

>> No.11600665
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Discord link is down

>> No.11600707

>What about the profits how do you think i did estimating them
At $24K, you're counting on renting out 100% of your scooters 100% of the time. That is completely unrealistic.

>> No.11600730

Yup links are up for 24h.

New link: discord.gg<SLASH>uvBsBw

>> No.11601026

Look up bikesharetoronto I think it's similar to what your doing but for bikes.

>> No.11601189

We should make a pastebin.

>> No.11601387

Anyone know where to get bulk/wholesale books?
I've been looking around but I haven't found a place to get a high amount, say >400 of one book.

What about talking to the publisher directly? Anyone have any experience with that?

>> No.11601732

Somebody does this in Minneapolis. I think they only started recently but I see people on those things fucking everywhere. Go for it.

>> No.11601814

Yeah I was hoping to do that this weekend maybe after work tomorrow. Thanks for mentioning it.
Anyone in this thread, let me know what would be most helpful to put in the pastebin.
Will also look into photobucket and put up any screenshots I've saved. Will make them look better before I post em.

>> No.11602672
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All these damn chainlink threads and people just memeing. It's goddamn Sodom and Gomorrah on /biz/. Greed and uncertainty, pure hedonism. Not taking any action and contributing to anything worth a damn. At least the traders are doing some semblance of work. And here we have our own little peaceful village. Hell I don't even want them in here. This place is sacred, it's too good for them. Even writing this makes me feel guilty, I need to work on something today, I'm going to make an affiliate marketing website and I have some ideas for it. It requires a lot of goddamn work. I'm currently looking for my niche.

Also, about these crypto projects. They are praying to hit the lotto, perhaps one or two of those coins will successfully make another idiot rich. But in my opinion they are REALLY sitting on another chance to get rich. But it's going to require work. There are even projects out there, that are getting ignored because they aren't being hyped like a chainlink or a cardano. I think even Vitalik subtly brought it up once. And I don't even remember what he said. But it's along the lines of "Hey I made ethereum, that guy made btc, that guy made Neo. I don't know what you guys are thinking, but now you actually need to make stuff for the blockchain. Literally, you guys now need to contribute."

These guys created tools so that we can become rich now. There's a shit load of projects people can make, problems to solve. It's a new industry out there and you can get rich by developing for the blockchain. This is the moment in the past where you have a chance to bring your friends in the garage and make amazon, or apple, or google, or youtube, etc. Is anyone here thinking about making something for a blockchain project? Or working around it (writing, advertising, gadgets, art, law, etc)?

>> No.11602836

No it's not they just launched in my city and are extremely popular to the point that i can rarely find one available.

>> No.11603175

It seems like smg and this general are the only pieces of biz left in this endless chainlink shilling I feel ya bro. I know nothing about blockchain because nocoiner, but I bet all the tech people are pissed it's basically become a huge lottery ticket with retards rushing in and infecting their space. Do you have any ideas for blockchain projects you want to work on? Hope you succeed with your affiliate site. I'm also happy these threads took off it's a nice escape from all the other shit happening on biz.

>> No.11603553

So then you have competition already. Do you expect THEM not to work on their supply and demand situation and increasing THEIR capacity? You have also not factored in downtime for repairs, charging and force majeure. You also expect to have a waiting list where every single available scooter gets picked up by a tourist that is literally chomping at the bit to come in to your store and pick up the next available unit? Also, you have not factored in seasonal changes

I reiterate. Expecting to rent out 100% of your units 100% of the time is completely unrealistic. Your gross income calculation is therefore null and void,.