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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11594160 No.11594160 [Reply] [Original]

Literal 30 year old boomer here. This kooky looking guy, as you all know, is Jeff Bezos aka the richest man in the world.

While you may know that he found Amazon, what you may not know is that he started his rise to riches by flipping burgers at McDonald's. He's now 54 years old and still works every day, even though he literally has enough money to *buy* McDonald's (Bezos is worth $145B, McDonald's market cap is $130B) and still have enough money left over to do almost anything humanly imaginable.

Why do I point this out? Because it's clear to me that a large portion of /biz/ are lazy shitholes. They want three things:
1. To retire ridiculously early (i.e. 30 years old)
2. To never have to work for someone else (which they call "wagecucking")
3. To get rich literally overnight via fake internet money

They literally idolize being lazy unproductive degenerates aka NEETs.

Let me be clear: there is no shame in working for money. Earning a wage gives you skills, and builds and demonstrates character. Most importantly, it's a temporary step in life that provides you with what you need to succeed: money. Retiring to a life of CoD and anime is a wasted life. Getting overnight rich through crypto is a fantasy. It was a lottery that braindead idiots won, and you didn't play it in time.

These lazy /biz/ people are no different to welfare cheats: they have a disdain for the world but still expect the world to provide for them. Don't take advice from these people.

Because really what these people hate more than anything isn't work or commuting or having a boss. What they hate is themselves. They know deep down that they are worthless pieces of shit, but they won't admit it to themselves. Their whole life plan is to exit society as fast as possible before anyone else has a chance to notice how worthless they are, and before they have to face that fact themselves.

Every time I see someone LARPing as rich and mocking "wagecucks" I cringe, but mostly I feel nothing but pity.

>> No.11595165

What if its too late?

Everyone already knows

>> No.11595174


shitty pasta

>> No.11595191
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>> No.11595196

That wall of text for what? What a shit thread.

>> No.11595204

based pasta

>> No.11595242
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what if I have a job but just want to die?
can't an anon dream of escape? Even just for a minute. Hold that worthless crypto or hold that mega millions ticket. Just hold anon. Dream.

>> No.11595466

Mcdonalds has the better future

>> No.11596209


I agree with you wholeheartedly anon. Most people here have no purpose whosoever and will leave this world without knowing the satisfaction of working hard towards a goal that requires sacrifices.

The moral of the Bezos story isn't to get a job and stay there though, it's to keep thinking about innovation and trying to improve the world, that's what Bezos did and why he's so passionate about working, to improve the lives of the customers of Amazon.

Well written post.

>> No.11596263


>> No.11596924

>still believes on the you can get rich with hard work lie

you must be under 18 kid

>> No.11596959

Why the fuck would I want to be a filthy jew like this guy? Literally hoarding a HUGE percentage of the nation's wealth to himself? Fuck that shit. Give me $2 million and I'll give the rest away.

>> No.11596971

holy shit this is true about me. i just want to sell my bags to someone else in the form of dreams.

i wasn't always like this either. i actually enjoyed my job for awhile. until i got oneitis for a taken coworker after she was very attentive towards me for a brief period. then it all went to shit, my depression hit even harder than i knew it could and i have become so cold. shut off. i pray that i can hide my inner demons at work and from the world but i think they are oozing out slowly everyday. how can i pretend my life is perfect when it isn't? this is why relationships are a catch 22 if you are a piece of shit like me. on one hand, i know i need to have an awesome life to be liked by who i like, but on the other hand i know it's false and my life sucks.

it's funny because i'm actually kind of bright at certain things but i'm so introverted now due to my inner turmoil, constant anxiety, feelings of impending social doom to get what i want.

i don't want you to think i'm lazy though. i'm just crippled with depression. deep down inside there is still a burning fire. but instead of having true motivation as my fuel like i used to, now my fuel is desperation to prove my "enemies" wrong. i say enemies but i guarantee you these women want to see me fail after all this.

there is an unbearable pain in my ego, which i genuinely feel in my heart, when a woman either rejects me subtly by not monkeybranching to me, or by straight up not showing interest in me.

my tender fragile scrap of an ego is something i have never been able to shake. i imagine it is the condition that causes the most overdoses. this weakness of mine.

thanks for reading, if even one person out there can empathize my job here is done.

>> No.11596994

only npc's cares about their job

>> No.11596998

Mike Rowe is that you?

>> No.11597198
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Fuck off boomer

>> No.11597244

Some people want to be thin, others fat
Some people want to be free, others slave in a cube
Don't worry your head about the values of others

>> No.11597598

>not understanding strategic job acquisition, promotion and exchange

You have to work hard, but you also have to do it in a smart fashion

>> No.11597677

Bezos will start the first McDonalds franchises in space.

>> No.11597706
File: 105 KB, 654x960, 1538238919676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to become rich in order to fight globohomo anon. Ultimately you need money to defeat Shlomo. Memes are necessary but not sufficient.

>> No.11597902

He flipped burgers for like two months in the summer lmao

>> No.11597938

>Getting overnight rich through crypto is a fantasy. It was a lottery that braindead idiots won, and you didn't play it in time.

literally the night before the signularity and this goober comes in posting this dumb shit.

>> No.11597950

Jeff bezos is also a boring fuck. Work is his hobby

>> No.11597987

Shut up boomer. The value of labor will soon be worth nothing as automation replaces most if not all vocations.

>> No.11598007

Stop masturvating and consuming caffeine immediately. I just solved 100% of you’re problems. You’re welcome fuck face.

>> No.11598156

Jeff "Wagecage" Bezos worked at McDonalds when he was 16, almost every dickhead teenager had a similar job at his age, nothing special

>> No.11598169

It's only a shit thread because hes talking about you lol

>> No.11598186
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Wagie spotted, thats right, hes definitely ragie as well.

>> No.11598231

>get a job

Yes, let me work some life sucking job for eight to ten hours for 8 - 12 dollars an hour. Having to deal with power hungey management and entitled, ego driven customers who I have to bend over at whim for

Sounds like a great idea and well worth anyone’s time.

>> No.11598316

You sound like a manchild.

>> No.11598613

lmao not gonna make it

>> No.11598927

You. You got me. Who are you OP? You cut me deep. I really do want to retire early. I just wanted to play videogames with my best friend. I've never had time to myself to do it. I do realize that crypto is a waste of time now. After being burned on buying alts in March. It was stupid. The money I saved up is all gone. It could have been used for starting a business. OP do you think we are a lost cause? I honestly feel scared to be so fucking lazy. Will I ever figure out how to be like some of those successful entrepreneurs? Do you think we can change?

>> No.11599098

>It was a lottery that braindead idiots won, and you didn't play it in time.
w-what do you mean? we're still early

>> No.11599143

its loo late for that fren embrace the shitcoin revolution, you can still get in again. We will never fit in the normie world

>> No.11599591
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Yes, Bezos definitely did it all by himself, yes, absolutely, indeed. Well of course he did, goyi-- uh, I mean, sir. You can be just like him. All you need is to work hard and possess the right traits, you know, like Caesar. Oh and you know be born into the right family of course, and yes yes, well, being in the right place right time helps too, and you know it's quite strange how popular his book website was to begin with don't you think? Yes, but no of course, in 1999 he was indeed a strange man, it would seem he just worked hard and got lucky ha-ha, yes, that was it, he just worked hard, you can be just like him... yes, just like him.

>> No.11599632

Literal NEET here. I have enough money to buy McDonalds twice a day, every day. Why do I point this out? Because for me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.11599640

>there is no shame in working for money. Earning a wage gives you skills, and builds and demonstrates character
psyop detected. im not falling for your memes mr noseberg

>> No.11599703

I'm not an antisemite but I have to agree on this one with you anon

>> No.11599725

>he started his rise to riches by flipping burgers at McDonald's
He was also top of his class at a prestigious Ivy League university and worked as an investment banker.

>> No.11599744

>Because really what these people hate more than anything isn't work or commuting or having a boss. What they hate is themselves. They know deep down that they are worthless pieces of shit, but they won't admit it to themselves. Their whole life plan is to exit society as fast as possible before anyone else has a chance to notice how worthless they are, and before they have to face that fact themselves.

There is truth in this trollpasta.

>> No.11599748

lmao I can't believe your super slave mentality.


fucking retard. even if you beocome the managegr you are still a piss poor wageslave compared to the elites.

>> No.11599768

Hey, three-for-free.

>> No.11599782

Ironically, the Jews clawed themselves out of 3,000 years of being slaves through HARD WORK, scheming, usury and general Jewishness, but they did it.

>> No.11599822

>he found Amazon
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.11599844

>3,000 years of being slaves
we wuz slaves goy believe it, its in OUR book

>> No.11599882

I'm beyond all isms, tbf.
Yeah, there are things about Bezos I admire anyway. I like that he has somehow remained almost completely neutral in terms of how the public perceive him. There are people who despise Bill Gates but I really have never heard anyone even mention Bezos in a conversation off the internet, even with the 'Amazon workers are modern slaves' thing that is doing the rounds. I just think there is a lot more to the story of Amazon than one would have you believe, call it a hunch.
Anyway, what does it matter what I think? He's the billionaire. There was probably a point for Bezos where he went from ignoring the peons opinions to it being like they just don't even exist at all. Bezos escapes gravity, and things just seem to glide right by him is all
The big bad 'Bankers' get more heat than Bezos somehow

>> No.11600023


Dude, you're on the right track rationally. You accept that you're the only one responsible for your misery, at least you're not blaming society, that's farther than most of these neets ever get.

Start working on having an awesome life, take up responsibilities, educate yourself, do sports, do active things etc etc. Anything that makes you set goals and improve yourself. You'll eventually become the kind of person that women are attracted to, and the kind of person that you can love.

I'm probably gonna get shit for this, but look into JBP, that's a good place to start. Maps of meaning is a very helpful lecture about these matters.

>> No.11600039


Been saying this all year. Remember this every time some stinky linkies shill. They are literally poorfag neets or angry neets who were forced to wagecuck with 1-50k stacks. Basically nothing. They NEED these coins to moon. Dont take advice from someone like that

>> No.11600163

I dont like bosses or working at all, and dont hate myself, i learn fast af and do everything average people take years to learn in their jobs, since i was a child i saw how people lost their lives working for a miserable kind of life, not worth it at all, id rather try to make myself rich with the internet with no rush, if i win im rich, if i lose i at least enjoyed my time

>> No.11600182

Delicious pasta

>> No.11600995

Based and real life pilled.

>> No.11601711

Dude lick my ass XDDDD

>> No.11601795


Time > Money

John Lennon was right.

>> No.11601884

Oh yea and for those of us who cashed out in January we all made it. I have over 6 figures sitting around and I don't even know why. Money is literally useless, it can't buy immortality or perfect health, or bring loved ones back from the dead. I didn't even start thinking about it until I made a shit ton in crypto.

>> No.11602216

Haha, I still would invest. Just with eth and btc from now on. I just want to do what OP says, get a job, or start a business. And then I'd find a way to get a masternode too.

>> No.11602265

bitch lasagna