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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 467x467, TurtleCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11587698 No.11587698 [Reply] [Original]

Praise TRTL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdLRMduj4Mc


>> No.11587700

red pill me on turtle.. i thought it was a scam.. i thought tradeogre was a scan... i thought turtlecoin miner was a keylogger

>> No.11587703
File: 30 KB, 545x505, TurtleCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11587727

watched the video.. wow.. its not a scam.. you fuckers were fudding it while mining. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11587751
File: 143 KB, 241x273, TurtleCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i thought turtlecoin miner was a keylogger
The Windows 10 Defender identifies the mining software as trojan. The thing is that in the past people had mining software installed on their systems when they visited certain webpages without their knowing or something like than. So Microsoft decided to add applications like XMRstak to their list of malicious software. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You're welcome, m8. :^)
Here's another interview: http://www.blockzero.show/7ffca55a

>> No.11587898

im a turtle now. this is my shit

>> No.11587913
File: 732 KB, 397x619, TurtleCoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. Also, consider to take part in the big TRTL raid on /biz/ on December 9th to celebrate the founding of TurtleCoin.

>> No.11587939

>year passed
>they are still shilling this shit
holy fuck is it at 1 sat at least?

>> No.11587949

Pushing for 2 sats

>> No.11588042
File: 1.13 MB, 268x312, E8Ng9Zz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're getting listed on another exchange soon.

>> No.11588145
File: 89 KB, 868x585, squeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's legitimately happening.

>> No.11588378

It would somewhat matter if it's Binance. I would be stoked for Kraken listing.

>> No.11588888

how big is the twitch market

>> No.11588934
File: 127 KB, 432x432, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11588946

sure thing

>> No.11589001

Bought few mills just in case

>> No.11589721

The streamlabs app itself has over 500k downloads on google play and the app is #162 on the apple app store. They also have desktop streaming as well so I'm going to estimate that in total 1,000,000 use streamlabs somewhat daily. Let's say that 5% of people see turtlecoin as an option to pay streamers, that's 50,000 new eyes on turtlecoin. Not to say that 5% of people will donate with turtlecoin but I believe 5% of all their user's will seriously check out turtlecoin.

>> No.11590774


>> No.11590844

doesnt this shit have like one trillion fucking coins? How would this even be worth anything in the future?

>> No.11590998

this has a 1 million dollar marketcap, this will 100x when it gets listed on a big exchange

>> No.11591026

No it does not. Trilion coins would be mined in about 2050. Also please keep in mind that ETH for egzample have infinite coin suply. And as far as I know ETH is worth more than a few cents.

>> No.11591224

twitch will implement it and all the zoomers will be all over this one unironically going to hit 50 sats by Summer.

>> No.11591271

This. Also keep in mind that TRTL has only two decimals.

>> No.11591782

Wait, Windows has always tried to annoyingly quarantine mining software. If people are still being fooled into thinking xmrstak is a keylogger, then that means crypto interest is steady since noobs are joining the scene. Isn't this good news?

>> No.11592124

I think someone made a graph and it showed that the last block would be
Mined closer to 2100.